Schools and Communities: Ecological and Institutional ...



Fall 2006


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Kingston, Paul W., Ryan Hubbard, Brent Lapp, Paul Schroeder, and Julia Wilson. 2003. “Why Education Matters.” Sociology of Education 76: 53-70.

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a. Race

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b. Class

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c. Gender

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Fall 2006

Peer Relationships and School Culture

Crosnoe, Robert. 2000. “Friendships in Childhood and Adolescence: The Life Course and New Directions.” Social Psychology Quarterly 63: 377-391.

Giordano, Peggy C. 2003. “Relationships in Adolescence.” Annual Review of Sociology 29:257-281.

Hartup, Willard and Nan Stevens. 1997. “Friendships and Adaptation in the Life Course.” Psychological Bulletin 121: 355-370.

Smetana, Judith G., Nicole Campione-Barr and Aaron Metzger. 2006. “Adolescent Development in Interpersonal and Societal Contexts.” Annual Review of Psychology 57: 255-284.

Haynie, D. L. (2001). Delinquent peers revisited: Does network structure matter? American Journal of Sociology, 106, 1013-1057.

Bearman, P., & Bruckner, H. (1999). Peer influence on adolescent girls’ sexual debut and pregnancy: An analysis of a national survey of adolescent girls. Washington, DC: National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.

Crosnoe, Robert, Chandra Muller, and Kenneth Frank. 2004. “Peer Context and the Consequences of Adolescent Drinking.” Social Problems 51: 288-304.

Eder, Donna. 1997. “Sexual Aggression within the School Culture.” Pp. 93-112 in Gender, Equity, and Schooling: Policy and Practice, edited by Barbara Bank and Peter Hall. New York: Garland.

Feld, S.L. 1981. “The Focused Organization of School Ties.” American Journal of Sociology 86:1015-1035.

Barber, Bonnie L., Jacquelynne S. Eccles, and Margaret R. Stone. 2001. "Whatever Happened to the Jock, the Brain, and the Princess?: Young Adult Pathways Linked to Adolescent Activity Involvement and Social Identity." Journal of Adolescent Research 16(5):429-55.

Moody, James and Douglas R. White. 2003. “Social Cohesion and Embeddedness: A Hierarchical Conception of Social Groups.” American Sociological Review 68: 103-127.

Shouse, Roger C. 1996. “Academic Press and Sense of Community: Conflict and Congruence in American High Schools.” Research in Sociology of Education and Socialization 11: 173-202

Lightfoot, Sara Lawrence. 1983. The Good High School: Portraits of Character and Culture. New York: Basic Books.

McFarland, D.A. (2001). Student resistance: How the formal and informal organization of classrooms facilitate everyday forms of student defiance. American Journal of Sociology, 107, 612-678.

Simmons, Roberta G. and Dale A. Blythe. 1987. Moving into Adolescence: The Impact of Pubertal Change and School Context. Hawthorne, NY: Aldine de Gruyter.

Kinney, David. 1999. “From ‘Headbangers’ to ‘Hippies’: Delineating Adolescents’ Active Attempts to Form an Alternative Peer Culture.” New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 84:21-35.

Intergenerational Relations

Alexander, Karl L., Doris R. Entwisle, and Maxine S. Thompson. 1987. “School Performance, Status Relations, and the Structure of Sentiment: Brining the Teacher Back In.” American Sociological Review 52: 665-682.

Sanders, Mavis G. and Will J. Jordan. 2000. “Student-Teacher Relations and Academic Achievement in High School.” Pp. 65-82 in Schooling Students Placed at Risk: Research, Policy, and Practice in the Education of Poor and Minority Adolescents, edited by Mavis G. Sanders. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.

Furstenberg, F.F. and M.E. Hughes. 1995. “Social Capital and Successful Development among At-Risk Youth.” Journal of Marriage and the Family 57:580-592.

Cox, Martha and Blair Paley. 1997. “Families as Systems.” Annual Review of Psychology 48: 243-267.

Fletcher, Anne, Nancy Darling, Laurence Steinberg, and Sanford M. Dornbusch. 1995. “The Company They Keep: Relation of Adolescents’ Adjustment and Behavior and their Friends’ Perceptions of Authoritative Parenting in the Social Network.” Developmental Psychology 31: 300-310.

Stattin, Hakan and Margaret Kerr. 2002. “Parental Monitoring: A Reinterpretation.” Child Development 71: 1072-1085.

Bronfenbrenner, Urie. 1986. "Ecology of the Family as a Context for Human Development: Research Perspectives." Developmental Psychology 22: 723-742.

Health and General Development

Clausen, John.1991. “Adolescent Competence and the Life Course, or Why One Social Psychologist Needed a Concept of Personality.” Social Psychology Quarterly 54: 4-14.

Eccles, Jacquelynne S., Carol Midgely, Allan Wigfield, Christy M. Buchanan, David Reuman, Douglas MacIver. 1993. “Development During Adolescence: The Impact of Stage-Environment Fit on Young Adolescents' Experiences in Schools and in Families.” American Psychologist 48: 90-101.

Elkind David. 1967. “Egocentrism in Adolescence.” Child Development 38:1025-34.

Hunter, Jeremy and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. 2003. “The Positive Psychology of Interested Adolescents,” Journal of Youth and Adolescents 32: 27-40.

Rosenberg, M., C. Schooler, C. Schoenbach, and F. Rosenberg. 1995. “Global Self-esteem and Specific Self-Esteem: Different Concepts, Different Outcomes.” American Sociological Review 60:141-156.

Roeser, Robert and Jacquelyne S. Eccles. 2000. “Schooling and Mental Health.” Pp. 135-156 in Handbook of Developmental Psychopathology, edited by Arnold J. Sameroff and Michael Lewis, and Suzanne Miller. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer.

Steinberg, Laurence, and Amanda Sheffield Morris. 2001. “Adolescent Development.” Annual Review of Psychology 52: 83-110.

Dornbusch, Sanford. 1989. “Sociology of Adolescence.” Annual Review of Sociology 15(1989): 233-259.

Furstenberg, Frank F. 2000. “The Sociology of Adolescence and Youth in the 1990s: A Critical Commentary.” Journal of Marriage and Family 62:896-910.

Eccles, J. S., & Wigfield, A. (2002). Motivational beliefs, values, and goals. Annual Review of Psychology, 53, 109-132.

Crockett, Lisa J. and Anne C. Petersen. 1993. “Adolescent Development: Health Risks and Opportunities for Health Promotion.” Pp. 13-37 in Promoting the Health of Adolescents: New Directions for the 21st Century, edited by Susan G. Millstein, Anne C. Petersen, and Elena O. Nightingale. New York: Oxford.

Dielman, T.E., S.L. Leech, A.T. Lorenger, and W.J. Horvath. 1984. “Health Locus of Control and Self-Esteem as Related to Adolescent Health Behavior and Intentions.” Adolescence 29:935-950.

Behavior, Adjustment, and Relationships as Schooling Outcomes

Caspi, Avshalom Donald Lynam, and Terrie E. Moffitt. 1993. “Unraveling Girls’ Delinquency: Biological, Dispositional, and Contextual Contributions to Adolescent Misbehavior.” Developmental Psychology 29: 19-30.

Chen, Zeng-yin and Howard B. Kaplan. 2003. “School Failure in Early Adolescence and Status Attainment in Middle Adulthood: A Longitudinal Study.” Sociology of Education 76: 110-127.

Kingston, Paul W., Ryan Hubbard, Brent Lapp, Paul Schroeder, and Julia Wilson. 2003. “Why Education Matters.” Sociology of Education 76: 53-70.

Schulenberg, John, Jerald G. Bachman, Patrick M. O’Malley, and Lloyd D. Johnston. 1994. “High School Educational Success and Subsequent Substance Use: A Panel Analysis Following Adolescents to Young Adulthood.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior 35: 45-62.

Arland Thornton, William G. Axinn, and Jay D. Teachman. 1995. “The Influence of School Enrollment and Accumulation on Cohabitation and Marriage in Early Adulthood.” American Sociological Review 60: 762-774.

Joyner, Kara and Grace Kao. 2000. “School Racial Composition and Adolescent Racial Homophily.” Social Science Quarterly 81: 810-825.

Kubitschek, Warren and Maureen Hallinan. 1998. “Tracking and Students' Friendships.” Social Psychology Quarterly 61: 1-15.

Quillian, Lincoln and Mary Campbell. 2003. "Class, Race, and School Racial Composition in the Formation of Interracial Friendships." American Sociological Review 68(4):540-566.

Extracurricular Activities

Broh, Beckett A. 2002. "Linking Extracurricular Programming to Academic Achievement: Who Benefits and Why?" Sociology of Education 75(1):69-91.

Clotfelter, Charles T. 2002. "Interracial Contact in High School Extracurricular Activities." The Urban Review 34(1):25-46.

Eder, Donna and Stephen Parker. 1987. "The Cultural Production and Reproduction of Gender: The Effect of Extracurricular Activities on Peer-Group Culture." Sociology of Education 60(3):200-213.

Fejgin, Naomi. 1994. "Participation in High School Competitive Sports: A Subversion of School Mission or Contribution to Academic Goals?" Sociology of Sport Journal 11 (3):211-30.

Guest, Andrew and Barbara Schneider. 2003. "Adolescents' Extracurricular Participation in Context: The Mediating Effects of Schools, Communities, and Identity." Sociology of Education 76(2):89-109.

Hanson, Sandra L. and Rebecca S. Kraus. 1998. "Women, Sports, and Science: Do Female Athletes Have an Advantage?" Sociology of Education 71(2):93-110.

Mahoney, Joseph and Robert Cairns. 1997. "Do Extracurricular Activities Protect Against Early School Dropout?" Developmental Psychology 33(2):241-53.

McNeal, Ralph B. Jr. 1995. "Extracurricular Activities and High School Dropouts." Sociology of Education 68(1):62-80.

Quiroz, Pamela A., N. F. Gonzales, and Kenneth A. Frank. 1996. "Carving a Niche in the High School Social Structure: Formal and Informal Constraints on Participation in the Extra Curriculum." Sociology of Education and Socialization, vol. 11, edited by Aaron Pallas. London: JAI Press.


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