Study Hints for Quiz 1, on Chapters 1 & 2 (Martin, Sp07)

Study Hints for Quiz 1, on Chapters 1 & 2 (Martin, Sp07)

• Why are human services needed? Focus on the barriers.

• What does the term “generalist” human services worker mean?

• What does “marginalized populations” mean?

• What is the chief goal of the human services?

• Review the basic duties and functions of the H.S. professional.

• What did Urie Bronfenbrenner believe about individuals and systems?

• Be familiar with Ecological Systems Theory.

• Why do we study the history of England’s way of caring for the poor?

• Review the feudal system’s way of caring for the poor prior to the Middle Ages.

• Why did people of medieval times believe that poverty was necessary?

• What factors necessitated the need for a complete overhaul of the social welfare policy in England after the feudal system declined?

• How did the Calvinists and other Puritans view poverty and wealth?

• What is “Social Darwinism” and how did it affect how people viewed the poor and charity work?

• What were the 3 driving principles underlying the English Poor Laws of 1601?

• What was the purpose of the Charity Organization Services of the 1800s?

• What negative consequences of providing money to the poor did the leaders of the COS movement fear? What did they think would happen?

• Compare the attitudes toward the poor between the COS leaders and the Settlement House founders.

• What services were provided by the Settlement Houses, who were their clients, and what was a bit unusual about the workers?

• According to the Settlement House founders, what was the primary cause of poverty?

• What is the relationship between modern casework and the work done by the Settlement Houses?

• What is a modern criticism of the Settlement Houses?

• Be familiar with the work of these folks: Dorothea Dix, Jane Addams, Modjeska Simkins, Ida Wells, and Jane Hunter.

• Which U.S. President created the following programs and why? CWA, FERA, CCC

Your quiz will include 20 multiple-choice items, each worth 2 points. It is accessible at our WebCT site.


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