Project name: - Blue Cross MN


Dear Care Coordination Partners,

The STARs Center of Excellence team is partnering with a vendor named Home Access to provide in-home test kits to SecureBlue MSHO members in need of screening. This is an FYI only for Care Coordinators and applies only to SecureBlue MSHO members residing in the community.

About the Program

Home Access is a vendor working with the Stars Center of Excellence to provide in-home test kits to members who are in need of screening. Member could be screened for Colorectal Cancer (stool sample), Diabetes Kidney Disease monitoring (urine sample), or both. Members will complete the kit/s sample and send back directly to Home Access. Home Access will process the results. Home Access will notify member and primary care provider of results.


Our goal is to improve outcomes of members by encouraging identified members who have an open gap for Colorectal Cancer Screening or Kidney Disease Monitoring to complete a specimen and have that specimen tested by Home Access.

What services will be provided?

Home Access will mail screening kit/s directly to identified members’ homes. Instructions are included with kit/s. Kits include:

1. Stool Sample kit – Colorectal Cancer Screening.

2. Urine Microalbumin kit (urine sample) – Diabetes Kidney Disease monitoring.

3. Member could also have both kits sent if both screenings are needed.

Results Process

Normal result

1. Home Access will send “Results Notification Letter” within 2 business days of results being available via us mail.

2. Home Access will send primary care provider results via US Mail.

Abnormal result

1. Home Access will call member within 1 business day of results being available. Home Access will make up to 3 attempts to speak with member.

a. If member is reached, primary care provider is verified:

i. Home Access will send copy of result via fax to primary care provider.

b. If member is reached, but does not have primary care provider:

i. Home Access will offer assistance in finding a primary care provider.

1. If member agrees to assistance:

a. Home Access will give member BCBSMN toll-free Customer Service number.

i. Secure Blue – (651)662-6013 or (888)740-6013 (TTY 771)

ii. Platinum Blue – (866)340-8654 (TTY 771)

2. If member declines assistance:

a. “Alert Letter” will be sent via Certified US Mail to member home.

c. If member is NOT reached after 3 attempts:

i. Home Access will send “Alert Letter” to member home.


Home Access will send kit/s along with a welcome letter starting Wednesday, 11/8/2017. Shipping of kits will be completed by Monday, 11/13/2017. Members are able to mail results back to Home Access until 8/31/2018.

What population will be part of initiative

Secure Blue MSHO members residing in the community. We will be sending a total of 412 kits to SB members.

Questions about the Program

Please contact Adam VandenHeuvel (adam.vandenheuvel@) with any questions related to Home Access.


1. Are there claims filed for kit provided?

a. No, member will not be billed for this test.

2. What are the expiration date for the kits?

a. Based on manufacturing date (different lots expire at different times)

b. HAHC does not ship kits with less than 6 months until their expiration date

c. Usually 24 months

3. What will be sent to members?

a. Members will be sent a “Welcome Letter” and FIT/MAU/Both kit/s depending on gap. Included will be instructions on how to return kit to HA.

b. Members will be sent “Reminder Letter” if no kit is returned within 3 weeks.

c. We will also utilize a “Reminder Call” if kit has not been returned.

i. Time of call to be determined.

d. Results will be sent to member and PCP if appropriate.

4. Are we offering an incentive for completion?

a. No, not at this time.

Thank you,

Stars Center of Excellence and Partner Relations


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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