[pic][pic]Immigration Political Cartoon

Who are the people grouped on the left? __________________________________________________

Who is the person on the right? What is his importance? _____________________________________


What is the meaning of the comment made by the person on the right in the cartoon? _____________


In the cartoon, the artist uses emotions to convey his message. Fill in the chart below:

|Person/Group |Emotion |How Shown |

|Group of three | | |

|on the left | | |

|Person in | | |

|the middle | | |

|Person on | | |

|the right | | |

One way cartoonists get their message across is through the use or irony. Irony is a statement that is obviously the opposite of reality. How is irony used in this cartoon? ____________________________



The US Constitution outlines two ways to become a citizen:

1. Birth-

2. Naturalization-

Americans may hold dual citizenship (____________________________________________________)

Citizenship allows you to _______________________________________________________________


Legal Alien-

Illegal Alien-



Naturalization Process

If he/she has children under 18 _________________________________________________________

The US restricts the ___________________________________________________________________

Whatever the method, the reasoning is usually the same:


Border Patrol-

Duties and Responsibilities






Exs. of how you have volunteered or can volunteer: _________________________________________

Exs. of charities: _____________________________________________________________________

HOMEWORK Answer the questions below on a separate sheet of notebook paper. Your responses should be large paragraphs

1. Many European countries give 0.7% of their gross domestic product (total amount of money) to aid poorer foreign countries, while the United States only gives 0.1%. What do you think about this statistic? Many people believe that as the wealthiest country, the United States should provide the most aid to poorer nations. On the contrary, many people believe that the United States already helps foreign countries too much, and should concentrate on using money to provide aid to American citizens instead. What do you think? Pick one side and support your stance.

2. If time or money was no problem, how would you volunteer? Describe at least one thing you would do and at least one organization you would donate money to. Explain in detail how you would volunteer and why that cause is important to you. Also explain in detail why that particular organization is important to you. Pick things that you would honestly enjoy doing or causes you are passionate about. You can think of talents you have or things that interest you for inspiration. (Ex: religion, education, healthcare, arts, animals, nature, kids, the poor, local, worldwide, etc.)


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