Final Exam Virginia/US History (2360)

VA/US History – Final Exam Review Guide 2011

How did the terms of the Versailles Peace Treaty increase the likelihood of future war? They punished Germany too severely.

This was NOT a cause of the Great Depression? The collapse of banks

What was the name of the plan implemented by FDR to end the Great Depression? New Deal

Over speculation of stocks is- using borrowed money that cannot be repaid.

The result of the Hawley-Smoot tariff was-higher tariffs with foreign countries.

Effects of the Great Depression included: Homelessness, Farms foreclosed, Banks closed

In FDR’s inaugural speech in 1933, he stated, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” He was referring to- The Depression

Which of the following programs was created to protect people’s money (in banks)? Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

FDR’s plan to end the Depression could be summarized as an attempt by government to-Become an active participant in solving the nation’s problem

Which nation was fighting Nazi Germany in 1940? Britain

U.S. neutrality in WWII effectively ended with the Lend-Lease Act

FDR’s quote, “A date that will live in infamy” refers to-The bombing of Pearl Harbor

From which country were the civilians and soldiers notorious for committing suicide rather than surrender during WWII? Japan

The Allies, in waging war against Japan and Germany, followed a strategy to-Defeat Hitler first

All of the following is true about Japan in the 1930s:They brutalized China and Manchuria, They were fascist regime, They sought economic dominance over Asia

Which battle resulted in the failure of the Germans to seize the Soviet oil fields, and turned the tide against Germany in the East? Battle at Stalingrad

The United States remained neutral after the war began in Europe because-America as a whole had an isolationist philosophy

The main reason President Truman ordered the use of the A-bomb against Japan was to end the war quickly with the least loss of American life possible

Hitler’s decision to exterminate all Jews was known as- Final Solution

During WWII, Allied strategy in the Pacific was- Island hopping

The invasion led by Eisenhower on June 6, 1944; where troops landed in Germany occupied France led to-the liberation of Western Europe

The systematic and purposeful destruction of a racial, political, religious, or cultural group is called- genocide

The United States became involved in World War II after they were attacked by Japan in Pearl Harbor on-December 7, 1941

All of the following are true about Germany early in the war They overran France, They pounded Britain from the air, They hoped to defeat the Soviet Union quickly

President Taft is urging American banks and businesses to invest in Latin America. This was know as Dollar Diplomacy.

In 1899 the United States suggested an Open Door policy with which of the following countries in order to obtain trading opportunities? China

Example of U. S. involvement in Latin America include: Spanish American War, Panama Canal, Annexation of Puerto Rico

Effects of the Spanish American War included: the Philippines were annexed by the United States, the United States asserted the right to intervene in Cuban affairs, Cuba became independent.

World War I in 1914 Germany and Austria-Hungary declared war on Britain, France, and Russia.

Results of the Treaty of Versailles included: The French and English insisted on the punishment of Germany, National boundaries were redrawn and new nations were created, The League of Nations was created.

What is meant by “self-determination in President Wilson’s Fourteen Point Plan? Freedom of a group of people to decide their own political status

Towards the end of World War I, which allied force tipped the balance on the war and led to Germany’s defeat? United States

In 1917 President Wilson delivered a speech to Congress declaring “The world must be made safe for democracy.” He was encouraging Congress to-vote for the U. S. to officially enter the war.

Which country refused to sign the Versailles Treaty? United States

All of the following are factors of the Nuremberg Trials: they convicted Nazis of war crimes, They led to increased demand for a Jewish homeland, They emphasized individual responsibility for actions during war, regardless of orders

The Battle in North Africa that prevented Germany from gaining access to the oil fields in the Middle East was-El Alamein

African Americans in World War II: They generally served in segregated units, They generally served in non-combat roles, They demanded to serve in combat rather than support roles

The purpose of the Geneva Convention was-Ensure the humane treatment of prisoners of war by establishing rules to be followed by all nations

The American victories in what two islands in the Pacific brought troops closer to Japan? Iwo Jima and Okinawa

Treatment of Japanese-Americans There was a strong anti-Japanese prejudice on the west coast, Japanese-Americans were relocated to internment camps, There was a belief that Japanese-Americans were aiding the enemy

All of the following are examples of how the United States allocated resources effectively Women and Minorities in the work force, Rationing, War Bonds

Who was flooding the American workforce during World War II? Women, Minorities

Virginia’s response to the Brown v. Board of Education decision was shown in the policy of Massive Resistance

Participants in the 1963 March on Washington hoped to convince Congress to pass civil rights legislation

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 did all of the following: outlaw literacy tests, send federal registrars to register voters in the South, increase the number of African American voters

An increase in the number of African American voters occurred in 1965 due to Voting Rights Acts

Which method is contrary to the principles of Martin Luther King, Jr.? the use of violence in an organized protest march

Several U.S. Presidents continued to send troops into Vietnam in an attempt to support the policies of containment

Today, the term “McCarthyism” is used to accuse a person of illegal or treasonous activities without sufficient evidence

Resistance to the Vietnam War took all of the following forms teach-ins and student sympathy strikes

What did the United States fear would happen if it did not get involved in Vietnam? Communists would take over the country

Which event was the peak of tensions between the US and the USSR during the Cold War? the Cuban Missile Crisis

The Watergate Affair revealed that Nixon’s staff had arranged a break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters

When President Reagan made the statement “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall”, he was referring to the destruction of the Berlin Wall and an end to communism

Gorbachev’s “glasnost” and “perestroika” refer to openness and economic restructuring

Ways the media assisted allied efforts during WWII? The entertainment industry portrayed the enemy in stereotypical ways, Government maintained strict censorship of reporting the war, Public morale and ad campaigns kept Americans focused on the war effort

Because Europe lay in ruins, the United States provided massive financial aid to rebuild European economies and prevent the spread of communism. This describes the Marshall Plan

After World War II, the guiding principle for U.S. foreign policy was-Containment of communism (Truman Doctrine)

The dates for the Cold War were- 1945-1991

The military defensive alliance among the United States and Western European countries that was created to prevent an invasion from the Soviet Union is- NATO

American involvement in the Korean War in the early 1950s reflected the American policy of Containment of communism

During the Korean War: South Korea’s closest ally was the United States while North Korea’s closest ally was- China

Due to the hysteria of communism in America, many people were falsely accused of belonging to the Communist Party. The term coined for this was- McCarthyism

The Korean War ended with a stalemate, with North Korea communist and South Korea free

President Eisenhower adopted a policy of “massive retaliation” against the Soviets in order to deter- The spread of communism

Virginia’s economy benefited from the Cold War by providing employment in all of the following places: Pentagon, Naval Bases, Air Bases

Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were executed for-spying for the Soviet Union

In response to the formation of NATO, the Soviet Union formed its own military alliance called the

Warsaw Pact

During World War II, why did the US government ration sugar, coffee, gasoline, butter, and eggs?

to make sure that the military, in particular, had the items it needed from items in short supply

The U.S. invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs was an attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro

In President Kennedy’s inaugural address, he promised to ensure the success of freedom by winning the Cold War

In 1961, President Kennedy committed NASA and the nation to the goal of landing a man on the moon within the decade

John Glenn was the first American to orbit the Earth

The moon landing astronaut who stated “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind” was Neal Armstrong

The NAACP achieved its greatest success in removing obstacles to voting

Martin Luther King gave a speech at the 1963 March on Washington in support of the Civil Rights Movement

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 ended the practice of literacy tests

Which was true of the Civil Rights Act of 1964? it prohibited discriminatory hiring on the basis of race, sex, religion, or nationality

In Brown v. Board of Education, the U.S. Supreme Court reversed the Plessy v. Ferguson ruling that stated: the doctrine of “separate but equal” is constitutional

Sandra Day O’Connor was the first woman to serve on the United States Supreme Court

Sally Ride as the first woman to be an astronaut in the United States

The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan and NATO were all post WWII containment efforts

One of the causes of the Great Depression was high protective tariffs such as the Hawley-Smoot Act

The Domino Theory was an effort to contain communism and encourage US support in Southeast Asia

Violations of civil liberties in WWII included: the Holocaust, Bataan Death March, and Japanese Internment Camps

The Bay of Pigs was yet another example of the US trying to defeat communism

Ronald Reagan implemented the trickle-down economic theory

Cultural pluralism = condition where minority groups participate fully in the dominant society yet maintain their cultural differences

President Roosevelt used the radio to address the American people in what were called “fireside chats”

Post-Cold War era goals for the United States included: Foreign aid, Humanitarian aid, support human rights

President Clinton oversaw all of the following events: North American Free Trade Agreement, NATO action in former Yugoslavia, Lifted economic sanctions against South Africa

The Federal Reserve has an impact on the economy by controlling the supply of money to expand or contract economic growth

1920’s events: Rise of the new KKK, Prohibition, Scopes Trial

In response to international terrorism the United States passed the Patriot Act

During his tenure in office President Reagan: reduced the number and scope of government programs

The US Supreme Court has played an important role in protecting civil rights by: identifying a constitutional basis for protecting individuals civil rights

Issues related to immigration policy include: border issues, increasing cultural diversity, strain on government resources

President Kennedy supported a policy of containment when he indicated that the US would “pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and success of liberty.”



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