Our Material World - Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools

Our Material World

source: Material World: A Global Portrait by Peter Menzel

My country is: _______________________

View the picture –

Locate on the map –

1. Describe the landscape, dwelling, size of family, clothing, and family’s material goods

2. How much household space per family member?

3. Does the family have access to electricity? television? other electronics? Explain.

4. Does the family have animals as material possessions? List.

5. Is there evidence of religious practices? Explain.

6. What are the occupations of family members? What is the annual income/average for the country?

7. Is there evidence of western world influence? What effect(s) might this have on the family?

8. What do you know about this family after viewing their possessions?

9. Classify items and obvious beliefs as folk or popular culture. Explain why.

10. Determine how this family has been influenced by its landscape and, in turn, how the people have affected their landscape. Remember environmental determinism and possibilism.

11. Compare the information collected from The Material World with information in a current almanac. Does the data from the almanac support your observations? Explain why or why not.

12. Find the per capita income of the United States. Compare that figure to the per capita income for three other countries. List clues in the photographs that reflect each country’s per capita income

|Country |Per Capita Income |Pictorial Evidence reflecting per capita |

| | |income |

|United States | | |

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13. Find the country with the highest life expectancy. Also find the country with the lowest life expectancy. Write those countries’ names in the top row of this chart. Next, find the statistics listed in the left column for each of these countries and enter them in the chart.

| |Highest life expectancy |Lowest life expectancy |

| |___________________ |___________________ |

|Per Capita Income | | |

|HDI Rank | | |

|Adult Literacy | | |

|Years of Schooling | | |

|Children per woman | | |

14. How do these countries compare in terms of the above criteria?

15. What is the relationship between life expectancy and these other factors?

16. Why might this relationship exist? Give at least three reasons?

17. What clues do you see in the photographs to support the statistics?


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