




1898 – beginning of Spanish American War


Guilded Age –

Imperialism –

Roosevelt Corollary –

Hegemony –

Isolationism –

Expansionism –

Internationalism –

Protectorate –

Yellow journalism –

Jingoism –

Dollar diplomacy –

Sphere of influence –

Anglo-Saxonism -

Annexation -

Josiah Strong -

Matthew Perry –

Queen Liliuokalani -

James G. Blaine -

Commercial Bureau of the American Republics -

Alfred Mahan -

Pan American Customs Union -

U.S.S. Maine -

George Dewey -

Colonel Leonard Wood –

William Howard Taft -

Foraker Act -

Platt Amendment -

John Hay –

Roosevelt Corollary -

Dollar Diplomacy -

sphere of influence –

Emilio Aguinaldo -

“the white man’s burden” -


1. Why did the Europeans in the late 1880’s start trying to sell their products overseas?

2. Why did Social Darwinists support imperialism?

3. Had the Japanese seen steamships before Perry’s arrival?

4. What effect did Perry’s visit to Japan have on the Japanese?

5. Why did the McKinley Tariff help cause both the annexation of Hawaii and the war with Spain in Cuba?

6. Why did support for a modern navy grow in the late 1800’s?

7. Why was the Maine in Havana harbor?

8. What was an important reason for the United States sympathizing with the Cuban revolutionaries?

9. What kind of men enlisted in the Rough Riders?

10. What condition was the US Army in at the beginning of the war? How did the Army change as a result of the war?

11. What was the leading cause of death in the SP/AM War?

12. What did the US get out of the Treaty of Paris that ended the Spanish American War?

13. What reasons did Anti Imperialists use to oppose American imperialism?

14. Who was elected president in 1900? Who was Vice President?

15. What did Teddy Roosevelt’s believe was the role of America in the world?

16. What was the effect of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 on American Foreign Policy?

17. What did John Hay want to accomplish with the Open Door Notes?

18. How did other nations respond to the Open Door Policy?

19. What was the Economic and Military purpose of the Panama Canal?

20. What problems did the Americans encounter trying to build the Canal?


1. How did American imperialism differ from earlier Manifest Destiny? Was it really different?

2. What happened economically and politically from 1877 to 1898 that might have been a factor in the start of the Spanish American War?

3. Do you think the US government should have supported the planters in the annexation of Hawaii?

4. Do you think Mckinley could have taken a different course of action in the Cuba crisis?

5. What was the economic effect of the Spanish American War?

6. What was the purpose of the Roosevelt Corollary?

7. What effect did the Roosevelt Corollary have on the relationship between the US and Latin America


1. To justify their policies, the new American expansionists of the late 1800’s offered all of the following reasons except:

a) Strong nations were destined by natural law to dominate weak ones

b) The US had a duty to spread its superior institutions to less civilized people

c) The US should try to create a community of nations to guarantee world peace

d) A strong navy was the key to becoming a great nation and colonies would serve as bases for the navy

2. During the fighting of the Spanish American War,

a) American troops had experienced commanders

b) More American fighting men died of disease than were killed in action

c) The US army conducted a competent and efficient mobilization

d) Spain won many battles to prolong the war

3. The Platt Amendment, incorporated into the Cuban constitution, gave Cuba:

a) Full independence

b) Economic independence

c) Partial independence

d) An American run government

4. The United States suggested the Open Door Policy for China to:

a) Keep the great powers from completely destroying China by dividing it up

b) Allow US merchants to trade in China without the interference of foreign government

c) Achieve a foreign policy victory without using military force

d) Promote the economic ideal of free markets

5. Roosevelt secured the Canal Zone in Panama by:

a) engineering a revolt against Colombia

b) Threatening Panama with force

c) Negotiating a treaty with Colombia

d) Invading the capital of Colombia

6. The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine stated that:

a) European nations could use force to collect debts

b) The US would not allow any new European investments in Latin America

c) European ships would have to pay for the privilege of using the Panama Canal

d) The US could intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations.

7. The Spanish American War sparked the building of the Panama Canal by:

a) Demonstrating the need to shift naval forces quickly from the Atlantic to the Pacific

b) Demonstrating how easy it was to conquer Latin American countries

c) Discrediting congressional opponents of the project

d) Demonstratin g that such diseases as malaria could be controlled.


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