America the Story of Us: The Civil War – Guided Notes ...

America the Story of Us: The Civil War – Guided Notes (quiz to follow)

1. What is responsible for the large increase in deaths of Civil War soldiers? What improvements were made to the muskets?

2. How did the modern weapons conflict with traditional warfare tactics?

3. How many lives were taken during the Civil War? How does that relate to today?

4. Who takes command of the Virginia army?

5. How are trains utilized during the war? How does the North compare to the South?

6. What role does the telegraph play in the Civil War? How does this new communication compare to old methods?

7. What did battlefield medicine originally look like? What was the leading killer of wounded soldiers? Who helps revolutionize battlefield medicine? What changes does she make?

8. How were cameras used during the war?

9. What ultimatum does Lincoln make in September 1862 to the Confederacy? What comes about after this?

10. How many African Americans fight for the Union?

11. What were Sherman’s orders?

America the Story of Us: The Civil War – Guided Notes (quiz to follow)

1. What is responsible for the large increase in deaths of Civil War soldiers? What improvements were made to the muskets?

a. Mini-ball invented in France

b. Fire faster/easier to load

c. Grooves inside rifle (rifling) leads to improved accuracy/range

2. How did the modern weapons conflict with traditional warfare tactics?

d. Still using “line up” tactics & the accuracy/speed of reloading weapons led to devastating death tolls

3. How many lives were taken during the Civil War? How does that relate to today?

e. Over 600,000 total

i. 2% of U.S. pop

f. In today’s terms would be like 6 million

4. Who takes command of the Virginia army?

g. Robert E. Lee

5. How are trains utilized during the war? How does the North compare to the South?

h. Can cut travel time from months to just days

i. Send troops/supplies to battlefront

j. North has substantially more miles of railways

6. What role does the telegraph play in the Civil War? How does this new communication compare to old methods?

k. Able to send communication rapidly and from the battlefield in just seconds/minutes

i. Messengers used to ride on horseback take days/weeks/months for communication to reach intended destination

7. What did battlefield medicine originally look like? What was the leading killer of wounded soldiers? Who helps revolutionize battlefield medicine? What changes does she make?

l. ¾ of surgeries are amputations

m. Ether & chloroform used as anesthesia

n. Gangrene is a leading killer – infection of wounds

o. Clara Barton

i. Clean bandages

ii. Founds American Red Cross

iii. Most serious cases first

iv. Hygiene during surgeries

8. How were cameras used during the war?

p. Took pictures of aftermath of battles & released to public in an attempt to increase public support for ending the war

9. What ultimatum does Lincoln make in September 1862 to the Confederacy? What comes about after this?

q. Rejoin the Union or slaves will be freed

r. Emancipation Proclamation in 1863

10. How many African Americans fight for the Union?

s. Over 200,000

11. What were Sherman’s orders?

t. Total war – destroy everything in his way

u. Make it to the Atlantic

v. Rip up railroad & bend it beyond use

w. Destroy buildings/farms/etc.

i. Throughout Georgia into Atlanta to Atlantic Ocean & up to South Carolina


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