U.S. Army Order of Battle, 1919–1941

Volume 1. The Arms: Major Commands and Infantry Organizations

U.S. Army Order of Battle


Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) Steven E. Cla

Foreword by General (Ret.) Gordon R. Sullivan

Combat Studies Institute Press Fort Leavenworth, KS

US Army

Order of Battle


Volume 1

The Arms: Major Commands and

Infantry Organizations, 1919?41


Lieutenant Colonel (Retired) Steven E. Clay

Combat Studies Institute Press US Army Combined Arms Center Fort Leavenworth, KS

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Clay, Steven E., 1957 US Army order of battle, 1919-1941 / Steven E. Clay.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references.

1. United States. Army--Organization--History--20th century--Encyclopedias. I. Title. II. Title: United States Army order of battle, 1919-1941. UA25.C59 2010



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Specialist Fourth Class Ival Lawhon

11C (Mortarman)

2d Battalion, 22d Infantry, 25th Infantry Division

Lai Khe, Vietnam


A good friend, a good soldier, and a good man.



Foreword .................................................................................................................................................... vii

Acknowledgments ........................................................................................................................................ix

The Author ...................................................................................................................................................xi

Author's Note ............................................................................................................................................ xiii

Explanatory Notes .......................................................................................................................................xv

Key to Abbreviations .............................................................................................................................. xxiii

Military Map and Illustration Symbols .................................................................................................. xxvii

Part I. Organization of the US Army, 1919?41

Chapter 1. Genesis of the Modern American Army ........................................................................1

Chapter 2. Geographical Organization and Tactical Commands of the US Army,

1898?1920 .........................................................................................................................7

Chapter 3. Corps Areas and Departments ..................................................................................... 11

Chapter 4. General Headquarters and Field Armies ....................................................................95

Chapter 5. Corps ............................................................................................................................137

Chapter 6. Corps Area Training Centers .....................................................................................187

Part II. Infantry Organizations

Chapter 7. Infantry Divisions ........................................................................................................193

Chapter 8. Infantry Brigades ........................................................................................................291

Chapter 9. Infantry Regiments .....................................................................................................351

Chapter 10. Infantry Battalions ......................................................................................................519

Chapter 11. Tank Organizations .....................................................................................................539

Follow-on volumes include--

Volume 2. The Arms: Cavalry, Field Artillery, and Coast Artillery, 1919?41

Part III. Cavalry Organizations Chapter 12. Cavalry Divisions Chapter 13. Cavalry Brigades Chapter 14. Cavalry Regiments Chapter 15. Cavalry Squadrons Chapter 16. Machine Gun Squadrons Chapter 17. Armored Car Squadrons

Part IV. Field Artillery Organizations Chapter 18. Field Artillery Major Commands Chapter 19. Field Artillery Brigades Chapter 20. Field Artillery Regiments Chapter 21. Field Artillery Battalions Chapter 22. Field Artillery Observation Battalions Chapter 23. Ammunition Trains

Part V. Coast Artillery Organizations Chapter 24. Coast Artillery Major Commands Chapter 25. Coast Artillery Brigades Chapter 26. Coast Artillery Regiments and Battalions Chapter 27. Army Mine Planters


Volume 3. The Services: Air Service, Engineers, and Special Troops, 1919?41

Part VI. Air Service and Air Corps Organizations Chapter 28. Air Service and Air Corps Major Commands Chapter 29. Headquarters, Air Service Chapter 30. Groups Chapter 31. Squadrons, Heavier Than Air Chapter 32. Squadrons, Lighter Than Air Chapter 33. Squadrons, Non-Flying

Part VII. Engineer Organizations Chapter 34. Engineer Major Commands Chapter 35. Engineer Regiments Chapter 36. Engineer Battalions/Squadrons

Part VIII. Special Troops Organizations Chapter 37. Special Troops

Volume 4. The Services: Quartermaster, Medical, Military Police, Signal Corps, Chemical Warfare, and Miscellaneous Organizations, 1919?41

Part IX. Quartermaster Corps Organizations Chapter 38. Quartermaster Trains Chapter 39. Field Remount Depots Chapter 40. Motor Repair Battalions, Quartermaster Corps Chapter 41. Service Battalions, Quartermaster Corps Chapter 42. Wagon Trains Chapter 43. Quartermaster Regiments and Squadrons Chapter 44. Port and Embarkation Units Chapter 45. US Army Transport Service

Part X. Medical Corps Organizations Chapter 46. Medical Headquarters Chapter 47. Medical Regiments, Battalions, and Squadrons Chapter 48. Hospitals, Hospital Centers, and Surgical Groups

Part XI. Military Police Organizations Chapter 49. Military Police Battalions

Part XII. Signal Corps Organizations Chapter 50. Signal Corps Battalions

Part XIII. Chemical Warfare Service Organizations Chapter 51. Chemical Regiments/Battalions

Part XIV. Miscellaneous Organizations Chapter 52. Border Commands Chapter 53. ROTC Units

Appendixes Appendix A. Glossary of Terms

Appendix B. Major Events of the US Army, 1919?41

Appendix C. US Army Statistics, 1919?41

Appendix D. Civilian Conservation Corps Organization, 1933?41

Appendix E. Branch and Department Chiefs, 1917?41

Appendix F. Annual Summer Training Camp Locations



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