U.S. Bank Data Transmission Questionnaire

The purpose of the DTQ form is to have your Technical, IT group/person complete this form in order to provide the U.S. Bank Technician team with your technical contacts, production support contacts and setup configuration details. If you need assistance with the completion of the DTQ form, please notify your U.S. Bank Business line representative to coordinate a meeting with our U.S Bank technical teamWho is the U.S. Bank Business Line Representative who provided the DTQ form to your team/groupContact Name/Email/Phone # FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Who is the technical person on the customer side completing the DTQ formContact Name/Email/Phone # FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Customer InformationYour Company Name FORMTEXT ?????Company Address/City/State/Zip FORMTEXT ?????Transmitter Information, this section is ONLY required to be completed if a Third-Party is assistingA third-party is any entity that your company teams with and involvement is based on the agreement between the third-party and your company.NOTE: The third-party Processor/Transmitter will be provided separate credentials for each customer the Process/Transmitter is supporting.? Yes ? No If no, skip to the next section? Acting as a Processor/Transmitter who handles setup configuration, connectivity testing and production supportThird-Party Company Name FORMTEXT ?????Address/City/State/Zip FORMTEXT ?????? Acting as a Software Vendor who handles setup configuration, testing connectivity, but NOT production supportThird-Party Company Name FORMTEXT ?????Who is approving logon credentials can be shared with the third-party Software Vendor on behalf of the customer?Customer Contact Approver: Name/Email FORMTEXT ?????Who are the individuals who will be responsible for testing Connectivity Contact Name/Email Address/Phone NumberPrimary FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Secondary FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Who are the individuals who will be responsible for Production SupportIf there is no Production Support Helpdesk, it is required to provide both a primary/secondary contacts emails and phone numbers? Or check the above box if contacts are the same as the testing contacts indicated in the above fields or skip to the next sectionContact Name/Emaila/Phone NumberPrimary FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Secondary FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Which Secure File Transmission Protocol method is to be Implemented, choose 1 option as indicated belowRefer to Appendix B, page 4 for addition protocol information/details if needed? SFTP-SSH (complete Appendix A, page 3 if file(s) are to be delivered/pushed to your FTP server)? Application Statement 2 (AS2) provide your URL’sUAT: FORMTEXT ?????PRD: FORMTEXT ?????? Connect: Direct, provide your Node Name’sUAT: FORMTEXT ?????PRD: FORMTEXT ?????? HTTPS (Web-browser) Note: if using HTTPS U.S. Bank now requires multi-factor authentication (MFA) which provides enhanced security. Please provide all team members name, email address, and/or cell phone number below. Access will be provided during the U.S. Bank Onboarding process.Team Member NameEmail AddressCell Number FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Transmission IDIf you have an existing Transmission ID, can it be used or will a new ID (credentials) be required ? Use Existing or ? Create New If known, provide your existing 8-character Transmission ID for login to the U.S. Bank FTP server: FORMTEXT ?????File Transmission Requirements for sending or downloading file(s) from U.S. Bank, select all that apply? If sending or downloading file(s) to/from the U.S. Bank server using SFTP-SSH protocol, Public Key authentication is required and check the box that you confirm Public Key authentication is required. Note: The SSH key must be created at a minimum of RSA-2048 however, RSA-4096 is preferred if it can be supported by you. If possible, please provide your SSH Public key(s) when returning the DTQ form to the U.S. Bank Business line for faster processing time.If you will be downloading file(s) from the U.S. Bank FTP server, do you require a date/time stamp to be appended to the file(s)Only applies if you are initiating the file transmission ? Yes ? No If no, skip to the next section If yes, validate your required format: ? Standard Format: YYYYMMDD.HHmmss or ? Your preferred format: FORMTEXT ?????Pretty Good Privacy Data File Encryption (PGP)NOTE U.S. Bank ONLY requires PGP PUBLIC KEY(S) to be provided, refer to Appendix B for more detailIs PGP Data File Encryption required? Yes ? No If no, skip to the next section? If file(s) are pushed/downloaded to/from U.S. Bank, provide your PGP Public key(s) when returning the DTQ form to the U.S. Bank Business line for faster processing time? If file(s) are sent to U.S. Bank, the PGP Public keys will be provided during the U.S. Bank Onboarding process U.S. Bank Server InformationSFTP Customer certifies their network rules will include all IPs listed belowSFTP Customer certifies they will use DNS (not IP) when connecting, which will avoid transmission failuresThe URL will connect you to an active IPSFTP DNS NamesIP AddressesTest/UAT URL’sfilegateway-test. URL’sfilegateway. filegateway. Port Number20022Operation System (O/S)LinuxThe following IP Addresses are not allowed10.0.0.0 - - - - Phase OverviewU.S. Bank will require the following TEST steps be performed successfully to ensure validation of transmission code in User Acceptance Test (UAT) and Production environments.File(s) to CustomerThe U.S. Business Line owner prepares ‘test data file’ for each data file that was requested.The U.S. Business Line owner notifies you when ‘test files’ are available for transmission file delivery for each for each data file that was requested.The U.S. Bank Business Line owner will execute steps to SEND the test files(s) to the destination. The Managed File Service (MFS) Technician will be engaged for any technical issue if needed.File(s) to U.S. BankThe customer to notify the U.S. Business Line when ‘test files’ are available for transmission file delivery for each for each data file that was requested.The U.S. Bank Business Line owner will execute steps to verify the test file(s) have been RECEIVED on the U.S. Bank Business Line side.The Managed File Service (MFS) Technician will be engaged for any technical issue if needed.Production Sign-Off StepsThe U.S. Bank Business Line and the MFS test Technician requires you to validate file format/layout, the data file is readable, authenticate the drop zone and validates file name(s) in both UAT and Production is also accurate. It is also up to the U.S. Bank Business Line to confirm with you the agreed upon TARGET live date to begin exchanging data file(s).Additional Customer CommentsIndicate any additional information/details U.S.?Bank should be aware of regarding this transmission request not covered on this form FORMTEXT ?????Appendix A: U.S. Bank SFTP (SSH Protocol) Transmission QuestionnaireThe section below is ONLY required to be completed if file(s) are to be pushed/delivered to your server and all fields/parameters are required for processing the work requestTest/UAT EnvironmentProduction EnvironmentServer Domain Name System (DNS) (If used in your network) FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Server Public IP Address(Only required if DNS is not used) FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Inbound port number (ex TCP Port 22) FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????U.S. Bank User ID on your FTP Server FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????What Security method is U.S. Bank to apply (choose only 1 security method)? SSH Public KeySSH public key is the preferred methodThe U.S. Bank SSH public key will be provided during the U.S. Bank onboarding process.? Non-expiring PasswordWhat is your Operating System (O/S)? Windows ? Unix/Linux ? Other FORMTEXT ?????Do you require a Data/Time Stamp to be appended to the file(s) to be pushed/delivered to your secure FTP server ? Yes ? No If no, skip to the next section If yes, validate your required format ? Standard Format: YYYYMMDD.HHmmss or ? Your preferred format: FORMTEXT ?????Provide Your Required Parameters in order for U. S. Bank to push/deliver file(s) to your serverTest/UAT Environment Directory/Folder(s)Production Environment Directory/Folder(s)Will U.S. Bank route the file(s) to a default folder (no change directory) or is there a specificdirectory/folder structure that U.S. Bank needs to change to FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Test/UAT Environment File Name(s)Production Environment File Name(s)If you don’t have a UAT environment, provide a unique file name or destination folder. This will avoid overwrites or test files being processed as production data by accident. Provide/Specify your file Name(s) to be sent to your FTP serverNote as a defaultif the file name field(s) is leftblank/empty theU.S. Bank file naming standardwill be applied for each file that is to be sent to your FTP server FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ????? FORMTEXT ?????Appendix B: U.S. Bank Current Supported Transmission Protocol OptionsHTTPS (Web-browser)A secure means of transferring data using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) within a connection encrypted by Transport Layer or its predecessor, Secure Sockets Layer.For this easy-to-use solution, you will be given a User ID and password to logon to our U.S. Bank Secure File Transfer website to send and receive files over the Internet. This is a manual method.Security and Benefits:Transmissions are encrypted. This site supports TLS 1.2. U.S. Bank continues to take the strongest measures necessary to ensure the security of the data transfer. User ID and password are encrypted and authenticated to allow confidential access to your data.No network or firewall changes required for this option.RequirementsWeb browsers (i.e., Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x and later; Apple Safari 3.2.x and later; Mozilla Firefox 3.5 and later)OptionalPretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption (additional fees may apply)URL’sTest: : Recovery: method of exchanging files via website and multi-factor authentication (MFA) is also issued/acquired on request.SFTP (SSH)Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) with Secure Shell.Security and Benefits:SSH encrypts credentials and data before sending it over the open network.This site supports CTR ciphers and up to group 14 key exchangesRequirements:SFTP software clients with SSH public key(preferred) it is required for files to be sent to the U.S. Bank FTP server.Connection Port 20022SFTP command (e.g., sftp –o Port=20022 yourusbankid@filegateway.)Optional:PGP encryption (additional fees may apply) and can be applied at the request of the customer or the U.S. Bank Business Line.U.S.?Bank can initiate the session to send (push) filesCustomer’s staff or their software/service vendor may automate transmissionsApplicability Statement 2 (AS2) A specification for securely exchanging files over the Internet using Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) and HTTP.Security and Benefits:Transmissions are encrypted to ensure only the sender and receiver can view the dataDesigned to push files securely and reliably over the InternetDigital signatures ensure authenticationNon-repudiation of receipt confirms that intended party received the fileRequirementsCertified AS2 software packages – see MacroButton "FollowLink" Optional:PGP encryption (additional fees may apply) File compressionOther:This protocol is not available with U.S.?Bank’s Image Cash Letter product.Additional forms will be provided later to exchange AS2 information.Connect: Direct IBM proprietary software used for assured delivery of files over the Internet.Security and Benefits:Advanced security options for perimeter authentication, data privacy and integrityRequirements:IBM Connect: Direct softwareAll outbound files are “pushed” to receiver’s Connect: Direct nodeOptional:Connect: Direct Secure+ is required when VPN is not used ................

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