| |


| |

|for internationally recruited staff member in the field |

| |

|(Please type or print) |

|Before completing, please read the attached instructions carefully. Complete the form in duplicate and return it to your finance/ |

|administrative officer for forwarding to the United Nations Treasury, Room S-2031, New York, NY 10017. |

|Staff members’ Name |      |      |      |

| |(Last name) |(First name) |(Initial) |

|Index No. |      |Email: |      |Duty |      |      |      |

| | | | |station: | | | |

| |6 digits | | | |(Mission Name) |(City) |(Country) |

|I hereby request the following currency distribution for payment of my salary and allowances: |

| |This is a new payment instruction. | | | | |

| |This is an amendment to my previous instruction. |Effective date: |   |   |     |

| |The bank account in my previous instruction has been closed. Please expire my| |(Day) |(Month) |(Year) |

| |old bank account record to avoid future use. | | | | |

|Local portion: (in local currency or in US dollars) | |Non-local portion: (transferred to your bank account in US dollars or in the |

|Please check one only: | |currency of your choice from the list of available currencies.) |

|paid by local office in the duty station through MPO | | |

|paid by UNHQ to my local bank account below: | | |

|Currency of payment: (see instruction #1) | |Currency of payment: |(See instruction|

|      | |      |#2) |

|Currency of my local bank account: | |Currency of my bank account: | |

|      | |      | |

|Percentage or Amount: | |Percentage or Amount: | |

|     % |or |      |or |

|Address of my local bank: | |Address of my bank: | |

|      | |      | |

|Bank ID (SWIFT/BIC): | |Bank ID (SWIFT/BIC for non-US bank; ABA # for US bank): |(See instruction|

|      | |      |#3) |

|Account Number or IBAN(for European banks): | |Account Number or IBAN(for European banks): |(See instruction|

|      | |      |#4) |

|Name of my bank account: (see instruction #5) | |Name of my bank account: (should be in the name of the staff) |(See instruction|

|      | |      |#5) |

| | |Type of bank account (select for account in the US only) |(See instruction|

| | | |#6) |

|For staff in peace-keeping/political missions only | | Checking |or | Savings | |

|I support the local portion option selected above. | |Routing Instructions: |(See instruction|

| | |      |#7) |

| |       | | | | |

| |Name and Signature of the Finance Officer in the | | | | |

| |Mission | | | | |

|Signature of staff member: | |Date: |      |

| |(Signature) | |Day/Month/Year |

|Name and signature of Administrative |       |Date: |      |

|Officer in UNHQ: | | | |

| |(Name and Signature) | |Day/Month/Year |

Instructions for completing the Salary Distribution Form

for internationally recruited staff members in the field

#1. Local Portion of your payment

If you work away from the UN headquarters in a mission area, the local portion of your payroll is paid either

• by direct transfer by UNHQ to your local bank account in your duty station or

• by local UN office through a mechanism called MPO (authorization of payment by HQ to your local office)

Please check if MPO is available in your duty station and indicate your preference clearly.

Currency The local portion of your payroll is made either in the currency of your duty station or in US dollars.

Your local bank account Your local bank account should be located in the country of your duty station.

Fixed Amount or Fixed percentage The local portion of your payroll is made either in fixed amount or fixed percentage. The percentage should be an increment of 5.

#2. Non-local Portion of your payment

Non-local portion of your payroll The UN Treasury transfers non-local portion of your payroll to your bank account. No cheque payment is made for the non-local portion payment. The bank account should be in your name. Please note that we do not transfer your payroll to a bank account of your spouse unless it is a joint account with yourself. Please see instruction #5 for further details.

List of available currencies In addition to the US dollars, the UN Treasury presently makes payroll payments in the following currencies to the respective countries.

|Currency |Countries where the non-local portion of your payroll is transferred |

|USD |Any country except for the country subject to the US sanctions |

|EUR |Eurozone - Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, |

| |Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, (Kosovo) |

|AUD |Australia |

|CAD |Canada |

|CHF |Switzerland, Liechtenstein |

|DKK |Denmark |

|GBP |United Kingdom |

|JPY |Japan |

|NZD |New Zealand |

|NOK |Norway |

|SEK |Sweden |

Payment in US dollars Payroll payments in the US dollars may be made to any country. Sometimes, however, our banks may have difficulty in making international transfers due to prevailing sanctions.

Currency and location of your bank account for non-USD payroll In order to receive your payroll in non-US dollar currency listed above, your bank account should be denominated in the same currency and should be located in the country listed above.

SEPA payment for Euro Payroll payments in Euro are generally made as SEPA (Single Euro Payment Area) credit transfers. Please obtain your bank appropriate SWIFT/BIC address and IBAN for SEPA credit transfers.

Currency conversion for US dollar payment received outside of the US If your bank account is denominated in a currency different from the payment currency, your bank or an intermediary bank may automatically convert your payroll payment to the currency of your bank account. In such case, unfavourable exchange rate may result. Please consult your bank regarding its procedures and charges. The United Nations cannot be responsible for the foreign exchange rates applied by the receiving banks or intermediary banks.

Exchange rate for non-US dollar payment For the payroll payment in non-US dollar currency listed above, the United Nations official rates of exchange will apply to calculate the amount in the selected currency. Please note that the UN Treasury maintains bank accounts in those currencies and your payroll payments will be most likely be made from these accounts as in-country domestic transfers.

Bank charges Please note that the remitting banks where the United Nations Treasury maintains its accounts do not deduct any bank charges from outgoing payments. The full amounts are transmitted by the remitting banks. Your bank or any intermediary banks, however, may deduct service fees from the remittances. Please note that the United Nations does not reimburse any bank fees deducted by intermediary banks or by receiving banks.

ACH (Automated Clearing House) Payment Payroll payments in US dollars to bank accounts in the United States are generally made through ACH (Automated Clearing House) payment system. If your bank is a member of the ACH network, the full amount of your payroll without any deduction of bank charges will be credited to your bank account. If you see any bank charge deduction from ACH payments, please contact the UN Treasury.

Difference between ACH and Fedwire for US dollar domestic payments ACH and Fedwire are two different domestic US dollar payment systems in the United States. In rare occasions, different ABA routing numbers are used for ACH and Fedwire. Since your payroll is generally paid through ACH, please obtain from your financial institution the ABA routing number of your financial institution for ACH.

Accounts at non-commercial banks or at offshore banks Making a payment to an offshore bank account or to an account at non-commercial bank (such as brokerage house) is often difficult. Delay or extra bank charges may result. If you still want to receive your payroll to such an account, please note that it is the responsibility of the staff member to provide complete and unambiguous payment instructions.

#3. Bank ID

ABA Routing Number (if your bank is in the United States)

9 digit numeric number at the lower left corner of your personal cheque

SWIFT Address/BIC Code (if your bank is outside of US)

8 or 11 digit alpha numeric number

#4. IBAN (International bank Account Number)

Bank accounts in the following countries are in IBAN format. For Euro, account number must be in IBAN format.

|Country |# of |IBAN FORMAT |

| |digits | |

Andorra |24 digits |AD |KK |BBBB |SSSS |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | |Austria |20 digits |AT |KK |BBBB |BCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | | |Belgium |16 digits |BE |KK |BBBC |CCCC |CCKK | | | | | |Bosnia & H |20 digits |BA |KK |BBBS |SSCC |CCCC |CCKK | | | | |Bulgaria |22 digits |BG |KK |BBBB |SSSS |DDCC |CCCC |CC | | | |Croatia |21 digits |HR |KK |BBBB |BBBC |CCCC |CCCC |C | | | |Cyprus |28 digits |CY |KK |BBBS |SSSS |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | |Czech |24 digits |CZ |KK |BBBB |SSSS |SSCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | |Denmark |18 digits |DK |KK |BBBB |CCCC |CCCC |CC | | | | |Estonia |20 digits |EE |KK |BBSS |CCCC |CCCC |CCCK | | | | |Faroe I. |18 digits |FO |KK |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CC | | | | |Finland |18 digits |FI |KK |BBBB |BBCC |CCCC |CK | | | | |France |27 digits |FR |KK |BBBB |BGGG |GGCC |CCCC |CCCC |CKK | | |Germany |22 digits |DE |KK |BBBB |BBBB |CCCC |CCCC |CC | | | |Gibraltar |23 digits |GI |KK |BBBB |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCC | | | |Greece |27 digits |GR |KK |BBBB |BBBC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCC | | |Greenland |18 digits |GR |KK |BBBB |CCCC |CCCC |CC | | | | |Hungary |28 digits |HU |KK |BBBB |BBBC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | |Iceland |26 digits |IS |KK |BBBB |SSCC |CCCC |XXXX |XXXX |XX | | |Ireland |22 digits |IE |KK |BBBB |SSSS |SSCC |CCCC |CC | | | |Israel |23 digits |IS |KK |BBBN |NNCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCC | | | |Italy |27 digits |IT |KK |ABBB |BBCC |CCCX |XXXX |XXXX |XXX | | |Latvia |21 digits |LV |KK |BBBB |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |C | | | |Liechtenstein |21 digits |LI |KK |BBBB |BCCC |CCCC |CCCC |C | | | |Lithuania |20 digits |LT |KK |BBBB |BCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | | |Luxembourg |22 digits |LU |KK |BBBC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | | |Macedonia |19 digits |MK |KK |BBBC |CCCC |CCCC |CKK | | | | |Malta |31digits |MT |KK |BBBB |SSSS |SCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCC | |Monaco |27 digits |MC |KK |BBBB |BGGG |GGCC |CCCC |CCCC |CKK | | |Montenegro |22 digits |ME |KK |BBBC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |KK | | | |Netherlands |18 digits |NL |KK |BBBB |CCCC |CCCC |CC | | | | |Norway |15 digits |NO |KK |BBBB |CCCC |CCK | | | | | |Poland |28 digits |PL |KK |BBBB |BBBK |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | |Portugal |25 digits |PT |KK |BBBB |BBBB |CCCC |CCCC |CCCK |K | | |Romania |24 digits |RO |KK |BBBB |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | |San Marino |27 digits |SM |KK |ABBB |BBCC |CCCX |XXXX |XXXX |XXX | | |Saudi Arabia |24 digits |SA |KK |BBCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | |Serbia |22 digits |RS |KK |BBBC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |KK | | | |Slovakia |24 digits |SK |KK |BBBB |SSSS |SSCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | |Slovenia |19 digits |SI |KK |BBBB |BCCC |CCCC |CKK | | | | |Spain |24 digits |ES |KK |BBBB |GGGG |KKCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | |Sweden |24 digits |SE |KK |BBBB |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | |Switzerland |21 digits |CH |KK |BBBB |BCCC |CCCC |CCCC |C | | | |Turkey |26 digits |TR |KK |BBBB |BRCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CC | | |Tunisia |24 digits |TN |KK |BBBB |BCCC |CCCC |CCCC |CCCC | | | |U. K. |22 digits |GB |KK |BBBB |SSSS |SSCC |CCCC |CC | | | |where A=check digits, B=Bank code, C=account No., D=numeric account type, G=code guichet, K=check digits, S=sort code, X=unique ID number

#5. The name/title of your bank account

Account holder The payroll payment is transferred to a bank account of the staff member himself/herself. The United Nations does not transfer your payroll to a bank account of your spouse unless the account is a joint account with yourself. The account should be in your name or a joint account of you and only one more person.

Shared bank account Payroll payments will not be made to a bank account shared by more than two people.

Discrepancy in your name For payroll, the name you have registered at the United Nations will be used. Please ensure that there is no discrepancy between the name registered at the UN and the name registered at your bank.

#6. Type of Account (Necessary if your account is in the United States)

For purposes of processing US dollar direct deposits (ACH payments), bank accounts in the United States are classified as either checking or savings. If you request for US dollar payments into your account in the United States, please ascertain the type of your account for purposes of receiving direct deposits (ACH payments).

#7. Routing Instructions (For US dollar transfers to outside the United States)

If your bank account is outside the United States, the United Nations will make cross-border payments. Cross-border payments may be routed through an intermediary bank or intermediary banks. To avoid errors, delays or expensive bank fees, it is recommended that you contact your bank to check whether there is a preferred payment route of receiving US dollar payments to your bank account. Please note that the United Nations presently makes US dollar payments from JP Morgan Chase Bank, New York. Please ascertain the name of the correspondent bank in the United States of your own bank. Identification of your bank’s correspondent bank in the United States may be helpful in routing your payment accurately and timely with minimum intermediary bank charges. While the routing instruction is not a requirement to complete the form, we recommend that you provide us a routing instruction as clearly as possible after obtaining guidance from your bank.


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