Annex 6: Procurement and Disbursement Arrangements

Procurement Plan for eRwanda Project/ 2009


1. Project information:

- Country: Rwanda

- Borrower: Government of Rwanda

- Project Name: eRwanda Project

- Loan/Credit No: H 253 RW

- Project Implementing Agency (PIA): Rwanda Development Board/Information Technology

2. Bank’s approval Date of the previous procurement Plan

[Original: 26-March-2008; Revision 1: 30-October-2008]

3. Date of General Procurement Notice: 26-March-2007

4. Period covered by this procurement plan: January 1st 2009 To December 31st 2009

Goods and Works and non-consulting services.

1. Prior Review Threshold: Procurement Decisions subject to Prior Review by the Bank as stated in Appendix 1 to the Guidelines for Procurement:


|No |Procurement Method |Threshold |Prior Review Threshold in US Dollars |Comments |

| |(Goods and Works) |in US Dollars | | |

|1 |ICB  (Goods) |≥300,000 per contract |≥300,000 per contract | |

|2 |LIB (Goods) |No specific ceiling |≥300,000 |. |

|3 |NCB (Goods) |≥25,000 < 300,000 |Contracts subject to Prior review in | |

| | | |this category may be identified by | |

| | | |the World Bank on a case by case | |

| | | |basis | |

|4 |Shopping (Goods) |< 25,000 per contract |N/A | |

|5 |ICB (Works) | ≥3 000,000 per contract |≥3 000,000 per contract | |

|6 |NCB (Works) |< 3 000,000 per contract | Contracts subject to Prior review in| |

| | | |this category may be identified by | |

| | | |the World Bank on a case by case | |

| | | |basis | |

|7 |Shopping (Works) |< 25,000 per contract |N/A | |

|8 |ICB (Non-Consultant Services) |≥ 300,000 per contract |≥300,000 per contract | |

2. Prequalification. Bidders for _____________ shall be prequalified in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2.9 and 2.10 of the Guidelines. – NOT APPLICABLE

3. Proposed Procedures for CDD Components (as per paragraph. 3.17 of the Guidelines: [Refer to the relevant CDD project implementation document approved by the Bank] – NOT APPLICABLE

4. Reference to (if any) Project Operational/Procurement Manual:

-World Bank Procurement manuals

-National Procurement manuals

5. Any Other Special Procurement Arrangements: [including advance procurement and retroactive financing, if applicable] – NOT APPLICABLE

Procurement Packages (Goods and Works and non-consulting services) with Methods and Time Schedule

|1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|1. |QCBS |No threshold |≥USD 200,000 | |

|2. |QBS |No threshold |≥USD 200,000 | |

|3. |LCS |No threshold |≥USD 200,000 | |

|4. |CQS |≤ USD 100,000 |≥USD 200,000 | |

|5. |SSS |No threshold |All | |

|6. |IC |No threshold |≥USD100,000 | |

1. Short list comprising entirely of national consultants: Short list of consultants for services, estimated to cost $100,000 equivalent per contract, may comprise entirely of national consultants in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2.7 of the Consultant Guidelines.

2. Any Other Special Selection Arrangements: [including advance procurement and retroactive financing, if applicable] –NOT APPLICABLE

4. Consultancy Assignments with Selection Methods and Time Schedule

1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |6 |7 |  |9 | |Ref. No. |Contract (Description) |Estimated Cost |Procurement Method |Prequalification (yes/no) |Domestic Preference (yes/no) |Review by Bank (Prior / Post) |Expected Proposal submission date |Comments | |C1/S3 |Integration of Back Office Systems with National eGovernment Portal | | | | | | | | |C1/S3.1 |Implementation of eForms Systems | $ 250,000 |SSS | |No |Prior |27-June-09 |Single Sourcing of Netwise/Marmanet from Israel is used here because it built the eGovernment portal and integration of eForms should be done by the same System architect to avoid future undesirable technical scenarios such as ‘’enterprise architecture lock in’’ as highlighted by the back office systems specifications consultancy report. The need for continuity was realised after the initial RFP was issued. | |C1/S3.2 |Data and Applications Integration Services | $ 200,000 |QCBS | |No |Prior |12-Aug-09 | | |C1/S3.3 |Enterprise Search System | $ 160,000 |QCBS |  | No |Post |19-Aug-09 | | |C1/S3.4 |Government Directory | $ 150,000 |QCBS |  | No |post |25-Aug-09 | | |C1/S3.5 |Content Management and Update for eGov Portal | $ 80,000 |SSS |  |  |Prior |17-May-09 | The Rwanda development gateway was set up by the GoR to run the Rwanda national Government portal and other Government portals. | |C1/S12 |Development of a Document Tracking and Archiving System for Government | $ 400,000 |QCBS |  |No but partnership with domestic firm required |Prior |15-Jun-09 |  | |C1/S13 |Development of a Web based Project Reporting Application for CEPEX | $ 200,000 |QCBS |  |No but partnership with a domestic firm is required |Prior |4-Jul-09 |  | |C1/S14 |Develop an eWaste Management Strategy and Implementation Plan | $ 100,000 |QCBS |  |No |Post |9-Sep-09 |  | |C2/S1.1 |Enhance and Maintain the Market Price Information System (eSoko) | $ 90,000 |SSS |  |No but partnership with a domestic firm is required |Prior |14-Oct-09 |Single source to VOXIVA inc as the eSoko system is built by VOXIVA inc and the technology used to develop the system is proprietary | |C2/S2.4 |Enhance the PRIMATURE & PARLIAMENT websites | $ 50,000 |QCBS |  |Yes |Post |14-Jul-09 | | |C2/S2.5 |Set up the Investment & Business Portal | $ 140,000 |QCBS |  |Yes |Post |21-Jun-09 | | |C2/S2.6 |Set up the eCabinet system | $ 320,000 |QCBS |  |No but partnership with domestic firm required |Prior |21-May-09 |ToR will have prior review & approval by the World Bank | |C2/S2.7b |Creation of digital content for telecenters | $ 100,000 |QCBS |  |Yes |Post |05-Oct-09 |ToR will have prior review & approval by the World Bank | |C1/S5 |Provide ICT Training for District Staff | | | | | | | | |C1/S5.1 |Training for ICT technical staff | $ 130,000 |QCBS |  |  |Post |14-Aug-09 |  | |C1/S5.2 |Training for end user staff | $ 220,000 |QCBS |  |  |Post |14-May-08 | Trainings of government staff will be done in phases | |C1/S5.3 |Training Coordinator and Supervisor | $ 50,000 |IC |  |Yes |Post |31-April-09 |ToR will have prior review & approval by the World Bank | |C1/S11 |Supervision of LAN installation in Public offices | $ 50,000 |IC |  |Yes |Post |15-Jun-09 |ToR will have prior review & approval by the World Bank | |C2/S4 |Design and production of promotional and marketing materials | $ 20,000 |QCBS |  |Yes |Post |24-July-09 |  | |C2/S4.2 |News paper, Radio & TV broadcasts (media campaigns) | $ 30,000 |QCBS |  |Yes |Post |28-May-09 |  | |C2/S6 |Training for rural based communities on basic computing in the telecentres | $ 180,000 |QCBS |  |Yes |Post |3-Sep-08 | 2 training sessions are envisioned in 2009 i.e. one in each semester. The ToR will have prior review & approval by the World Bank | |C2/S2.8 |Websites for RPPA, eRwanda, RCIP, RDB, Ministry of Internal Security and western province | $ 80,000 |QCBS |  |Yes |Post |30-Jul-09 |ToR will have prior review & approval by the World Bank | |C2/S2.9 |Immigration Web Application | $ 150,000 |QCBS |  |Yes |Post |26-Jun-09 |ToR will have prior review & approval by the World Bank | |C2/S2.10 |eGovernment Technical Advisory Services | $ 100,000 |IC | |No |Prior |20-jun-09 | | |C2/S7 |Technical Assistance to NCC/National Data Center | $ 80,000 |IC |  |No |Post |30-May-09 |ToR will have prior review & approval by the World Bank | |C4/S15 |Baseline Studies | $ 20,000 |SSS |  |Yes |Post |NA |MoU includes several activities with KIST, Includes field work and students perdiem costs | |SUB TOTAL |  | $3,500,000 |  |  |  |  |  |  | |

IV. Implementing Agency Capacity Building Activities with Time Schedule

1. In this section the agreed Capacity Building Activities (some items could be from CPAR recommendation) are listed with time schedule

No |Staff Name |Activity Description (Course) |Venue (Institution, City, Country) |Expected outcome |Training Cost (USD) |Duration (days) |Start Date - End Date |Comments | |1 |Wilson Muyenzi |Project Scheduling and Control and PMP Power Prep |ESI International, Washington D.C, USA |Project Management skills necessary for PMP certification, a world wide industry certification in project management, by the Project Management Institute | $11,228 |14 days |23/08/2009 - 03/09/2009 |  | |2 |Byabagambi Arthur |International Program For development training (IPDET) |Carleton University, Otawa, Canada |Upgrade current depth of evaluation knowledge and enhance skills in designing and conducting evaluations of development programs | $15,313 |25 days |08/06/2009 - 03/07/2009 |The major area of interest will be the use of the citizens report card methodology of monitoring government service delivery | |3 |Bugunya Jacky |Financial Management of Development Projects |Crown Agents, LONDON, UK |The course will facilitate me to implement new methods of managing projects and finances, and producing financial and cash flow reports | $15,700 |  |24/08/2009 - 04/09/2009 |  | |4 |Mwenzikazi Leocadie | Electronic procurement: Strategies for Success |Crown Agents-Worthing, UK |I will be able to advise RITA on how to implement a Procurement Management Information System and e-procurement. I will also understand the many issues that can influence success as a result of using e-Procurement. | $ 13,175.00 |15 days |15/06/2009 - 26/06/2009 |  | |5 |Yahya Hassani |Designing Legislative, Institutional and Regulatory Frameworks for Successful PPP's |Institute of Public-Private Partnership (IP3) Washington D.C |The course will facilitate me to: - Earn 6 Continuing Education for PPP Certification programme - Understand the strategic Framework for PPP projects and in other countries - Learn how to develop policies and laws that promote competition -Determine the Institutional options for promoting investment efficient service delivery. | $ 10,227.20 |14days |9th/March/2009 - 20th/March/2009 |The training is very important for my job position as a Private Sector Development Specialist. The Course is a roadmap of allowing me to become a Certified PPP Specialist. It will also help me to design a framework on How eRwanda Projects can be sustainable after their completed. | |6 |Ngirababo Jules |Information Technology Infrastructure Library ( ITIL ) |Vyom Labs Pvt Ltd

New Delhi , India |ITIL gives a detailed description of a number of important IT practices with comprehensive checklists, tasks and procedures that can be tailored to any IT organization. | $ 9,500 |32days |10/06/2009 - 11/07/2009 |As Content Specialist the training will enhanced my current knowledge in concepts and policies for managing information technology (IT) infrastructure, development and operations. | |7 |Tushabe Diana |Diploma in PR and customer care management for PR professionals - SMIFA Durban |SMIA - Durban |be exposed to emerging methods and approaches in performance improvement in PR | $ 12,415 |4 weeks |25/11/2009 - 25/12/09 |To be equipped with updated skills to enable me professionally execute my duties of PR to the expectations of the public’s and the institution. | |  |  |  | |  | $ 56,545 |  |  |TOTAL | |




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