1. The United Nations

a. As WWII was ending, the Allies agreed to replace the ______________ with the United Nations (UN); in June 1945 ___ nations signed the Charter of the United Nations.

b. The Security Council decides __________________ and is made up of ______________________________. The other members serve _______ terms.

c. The General Assembly, the _______________________ body, is made up of representatives of all UN members; each nation has ______.

d. The Economic & Social Council oversees __________

e. The International Court of Justice handles ______

f. The Trusteeship Council promotes ________________

g. The Secretariat handles _________________________

2. The Iron Curtain

a. Western Allies (USA, Britain, France) goals:

b. Josef Stalin’s goals:

c. In ____, local Communists took over; in Poland, Romania & Bulgaria, Stalin refused to allow ___________ & Communists took over. By 1947 Eastern European nations became Soviet _______. The Iron Curtain ________________

3. Containing Communism

a. Truman Doctrine:

b. Marshall Plan:

4. Germany Divided

a. Western Sector:

b. Eastern Sector:

c. Berlin was divided into East & West Berlin. In June 1948, the Soviets set up the Berlin Blockade to __________________________.

d. In 1949, the Federal Republic of Germany (____ Germany) was proclaimed; its capital was _____; the German Democratic Republic (____ Germany) was set up by the Soviets, its capital at __________.

5. Alliances

a. In April 1949, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) was created for mutual defense by: _______________________________________________; in 1952, _____________ became members & in 1955 ___________ joined.

b. The Warsaw Pact included _______________________ & was used to strengthen the Soviet hold as well as mutual defense.

c. In September, 1954 the USA arranged the creation of the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization (SEATO), mandating the “collective defense” of ___________________________________________ & was made up of _____________________________________.

d. In 1948, the Organization of American States (OAS) was set up to develop political & economic ties among the nations of the __________________.

e. Superpowers

f. In the late 1940s, Communist governments came to power in _____, led by Mao Zedong, & ___________, led by Kim Il Sung.

g. Arms race

h. Cold War

6. In August 1961, the East German government, with Soviet backing, built the Berlin Wall in order to _______________________________________.

7. Blocs

8. The Communist Bloc

a. In the Soviet Union, when Josef Stalin died in 1953, ________________came to power; he _________ Josef Stalin & introduced a program of __________ from 1956-1964 to reverse some of Stalin’s policies by ______________________. Khrushchev also encouraged _______________, in which Soviets would compete with the West, but avoid war.

b. ICBMs

c. In 1962, Khrushchev secretly began to install nuclear missiles on Cuba, hoping to offset American missiles in ______. The USSR & USA almost went to war when US President John F. Kennedy blockaded Cuba & forced ________________. In 1963, a telephone “hot line” linked Washington & Moscow, so the leaders could instantly communicate; they also signed a treaty banning testing of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere.

d. In 1964, Khrushchev was removed from power when his economic policies began to fail. ___________ became premier & ________________ became general secretary of the party; he gained power & was in charge by the mid-1970s, remaining in control until his death in 1982.

e. Dissidents

f. Détente

9. Soviet satellites

a. Yugoslavia

b. East Germany

c. Poland

d. Hungary

e. Czechoslovakia

10. The People’s Republic of China

a. In 1949, the Communists, led by _________, won control of mainland China, which became __________________. The defeated Nationalist leader, _________, & 2 million of his followers retreated to the island of _________.

b. In the early 1950s, China’s Communist leaders carried out land reforms & strengthened their control; as many as several million may have died in the struggles. In 1953, China launched its firs t Soviet-style ________, which brought _____________________________________ & increased _____________________________________ by 15%

c. During 1950s, China opposed ___, backing North Korea against __________; in1954 Prime Minister Zhou Enlai took part in the Geneva Conference, which ____________. Relationships soured with ____, which withdrew troop support in 1960.

d. In the 1960s, Communists were deeply divided between the Pragmatists, led by _________, who _______________ & the Radicals, led by Mao; to end Pragmatist influence, Mao launched _______________________.

e. In 1972 _________________ visited China to normalize relations. In 1976, ________ died & _______ came to power.

f. The Four Modernizations

g. Tiananmen Square demonstrations, 1989

h. Li Peng

11. The Korean War

a. After WWII, The USA occupied Korea south of the _______, while the ____ occupied the North. North Korea or ______ kept close ties with ____, which withdrew its troops in 1948, and with ______________________, while South Korea or ____________________ kept ties with the U.S.A., which withdrew its troops in 1949.

b. On June 25, 1950, ________ invaded _________. The U.N. condemned the invasion and sent troops from 16 countries, more than ___ from the United States.

c. In the first few months, North Korea conquered almost all of South Korea. On September 15, 1950 _____________ launched a surprise invasion at ______ & within 6 weeks, UN forces had retaken the south and most of the North.

d. Chinese troops invaded, forcing the U.N. troops _______. By mid-1951, fighting had reached a _______ at the 38th Parallel and truce talks began on ___________.

e. On July 27, 1953, the two sides agreed to stop fighting. Nearly _________ were killed in three years of fighting.

f. From 1948-1994, North Korea was led by ________. He ____ farms between 1953-1956. In 1954, the first ___________ was begun to build an __________________.

g. South Korea

h. When Kim Il Sung died in 1994, he was succeeded by ____.

12. Southeast Asia

a. Before Japan conquered Southeast in World War II, ____ ruled most of Indochina as a colony, declaring the name of Vietnam extinct & dividing the country into Cochin China, Annam & Tonkin. When the Japanese withdrew Vietnamese nationalists in the Indochinese Communist party, _________, led by __________________, declared the _________________ in 1945, supported by ___________.

b. In 1946, the __________ and France went to war, with the ___ supporting France. In 1954, the French were defeated at _______. In that same year, the _________ was held, dividing Vietnam at the __________ until free elections could be held in 1956. Also in 1954, ________________________________ was formed, mandating “the collective defense” of Laos, Cambodia and the “State of Vietnam.”

c. In 1955-6 Dinh Ngo Diem gained control over the _________________ in the south, rejected the _________ and proclaimed _____________________, repressing those who fought with __________; the USA _________________.

d. In December 1960, the ________________ (NLF) or ______ formed, which began a full-scale revolution against the ___________________.

e. In 1961, President ________________ approved a secret military plan for Vietnam & Laos, Special Forces covert (__________) operations & began chemical ______ in South Vietnam, called _______________. US military personnel increased to ____, then to ______ by 1962.

f. In 1963, Buddhist demonstrations were violently ______ by the Diem government; the US government and ARVN generals made plans to overthrow ______; on November 1, Diem and his brother, head of the secret police, were ______________. On November 22, 1963, __________ was assassinated, and ______________ became President of the USA. US personnel were now _______________.

13. The Vietnam War

a. Domino theory ______________________________________

b. In August 1964, the US announced that destroyers Maddox & C. Turner Joy were ________________________. President Johnson ordered retaliatory bombing of ______. Congress passed the __________________, which gave the President broad powers to conduct war. By December, 1964, there were more than _____ troops in Vietnam.

c. In March, 1965, US Marines became the first official ground forces. Protest against the war began that year. In June, the eighth military government since the assassination of ____, headed by Air Vice Marshall _________ & General __________came to power.

d. By 1967, US troops numbered nearly ________, commanded by General ______________________; the war was denounced in April by ________________________, who called the US government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.”

e. In January-February, 1968, the Viet Cong (NLF) & North Vietnamese Army launch simultaneous attacks on all US bases I Vietnam & 110 cities & towns during the New Year holiday known as Tet; this became known as _________________; they failed to capture any major cities, but opposition to the war ____________. President Johnson ____________________. On April 4, ________________ was assassinated & on June 5, ______ was assassinated; in August 26-29, the ______________ in Chicago was disrupted by ________________________. _____________ defeated ____________________ to become President of the USA.

f. In January 1969 the ________________________ & ______ began peace talks; by March the U.S. forces peaked at ______; by May, the ___ put forward its _____________ at the Paris Peace Talks & ________________ presented his _________ on television & announced the withdrawal of ____ troops. September 2, _______ died.

g. February 1970: Secretary of State _______________ & Le Duc Tho began secret talks in _____. April 29: US & ARVN troops invaded ________; massive war protests began. May 4: four students were killed by National Guard troops at _____________________ & __ by police at __________________. June: the Senate repealed ___________________________ & by December Congress ___________________________________.

h. February 1972: President Nixon visited _____; June: the ____________ break-in of ______________________ occurred, with Nixon winning a landslide victory in November. Peace talks, which had broken down in October, ________________________.

i. January 27, 1973: a peace agreement was signed by _________________________________________________. March: the last ___________ were withdrawn & the last _______________________ were released; the US draft ended. November: Congress passed _________________ over President Nixon’s ____.

j. January 1974: the cease-fire _____________________. May: the ___________________________ began impeachment proceedings against __________________. August: President Nixon _________. _____________ became President and _________________.

k. 1975: major offensives by the __________________ began. Saigon’s army _______, President Thieu resigned. April 30, 1975: _______________. _____ became the capital of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. Saigon was renamed __________________.

14. Solidarity

a. In Poland, 1978, the anti-government movement received a boost when Polish Church leader Karol Wojtyla was made ______________. ____________________ enabled the largely Catholic Poles to take further steps toward ______.

b. In 1980,Polish workers organized a trade union, ____, led by ___________. Strikes forced the Polish government to ________________, which led to _____________; under pressure from the USSR, ________________; despite this, Walesa continued his activities, becoming a symbol of freedom and being awarded the __________ in 1983. He later became __________.

15. The End of the Cold War

a. In 1980, ____ became President of the USA. US-Soviet relations became embittered by _________________. Reagan called the Soviets an ______ & greatly increased __.

b. In 1985, _________________ became the new Soviet leader; instead of refusing to acknowledge the USSR’s problems, he felt that the only way to solve them was to discuss them freely: “I do not pretend to know the absolute truth. We have to search for it together.”

c. Glasnost/”openness”

d. Perestroika/”restructuring”

e. Gorbachev made large concessions to stalled treaties, canceling _______________, withdrawing missiles from _____________ & troops from ____________.

f. By the late 1980’s ______________________________ paralyzed the economies of Eastern Europe; dissent against _______ reached its peak in 1989. In a speech in January 1989, Gorbachev ordered a cutback of ____________________, half of those from ___________. In March, he pledged not to interfere with _________________ in Eastern Europe. In 1989 Communist regimes either resigned or were overthrown in ______________________________________. Gorbachev refused to interfere & actually encouraged reforms. When Hungary opened its borders, many __________ refugees fled through Hungary to the West.

g. When the East German government toppled in October 1989, a more moderate Communist government eased travel restrictions between ___________. On November 9, 1989, the Brandenburg Gate was opened in the _______; in the following days it was destroyed; on December 2, 1990, _____ became the first chancellor of a reunited _________.

h. While most of the Communist governments were not overthrown violently, the dictator in Romania, , after hundreds were killed in protests, was ousted, tried & shot on national TV.

i. Czechoslovakia elected dissident playwright _______ as its president during the . In 1993 came the ____________ as Czechoslovakia became two nations:

j. By 1990 became president of the __________.

k. By 1990, , the Baltic Republics, became the first republics to declare independence from the USSR.

l. In August 1991 a was attempted against Gorbachev, but failed; the Communist Party was . Gorbachev failed to win support for a Union Treaty guaranteeing republics self-rule under the Soviet framework. On December 25, 1991, Gorbachev resigned as ____________________________; the Soviet Union no longer existed; it was now 12 republics:


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