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Name: ____________________________________________Date: __________________________Period: ______IB HOTA 1U.S. ImperialismChunkingHistory’s Verdict on the Maine Disaster55721257493000TASK: The reading you have received has been “chunked” to ensure that you are stopping at various points of the text to monitor for meaning. After reading each chunk determine the central idea and record your answer in column one. The central idea should be general and should be one to two sentences in length. Analyze and list the text based evidence that supports your idea in column two.COLUMN ONEWhat is the central idea? (1-2 sentences)COLUMN TWOHow does the text support the central idea? (2 pieces of evidence)CHUNK #1__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________CHUNK #2_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________CHUNK #3_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________CHUNK #4_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________CHUNK #5_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________EVALUATION OF EVIDENCEAfter completing your “chunking” activity, read the evidence points below and determine which one you feel best supports Admiral Rickover’s argument that the Maine explosion was not the fault of Spain.An underwater explosion, such as that caused by a mine, typically produces a high plume of water, much like a geyser. None of the observers who witnessed the explosion of the Maine reported seeing such a plume.The gunpowder stored in the Maine tended to chemically decompose in warm, humid conditions, leaving it susceptible to spontaneous combustion. In 1907 and 1911, two anchored French battleships exploded in similar circumstances. Placing a large mine close to the Maine’s hull would have been nearly impossible. After the Maine dropped anchor in Havana harbor, Captain Charles Sigsbee ordered his sailors to maintain an around the clock watch to protect his ship. Small boats were prohibited from approaching the Maine. Rickover also rejected the theory that the mine could have been placed before the Maine’s arrival, since anchored ships drift over large areas depending on tides and wind patterns.The Maine’s keel (the main structural component of the ship’s bottom) had been bent into the shape of an inverted “V” by the explosion. Although investigators in 1898 cited this as evidence of an external explosion, Rickover found none of the mangling of the steel plates that would have been expected. From 1895 to early 1898, there were at least twelve records of coal fires on US warships. Assistant Secretary of the Navy Roosevelt was so concerned about the problem that in late 1897 he recommended the appointment of a naval board to develop methods for preventing coal fires. Which piece of evidence above do you feel is the strongest argument that the Maine explosion was NOT the fault of Spain?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________HISTORY’S VERDICT ON THE MAINE DISASTERCHUNK #1The explosion which sank the battleship U.S.S. Maine and claimed the lives of 260 American sailors in February 1898 was the spark that inflamed war fever in the United States. Once a U.S. Navy court of inquiry asserted that the ship had been sunk by an external explosion, war was almost unavoidable. American public opinion was clearly convinced of Spain’s guilt and demanded vengeance.CHUNK #2Even at the time, however, there were doubts about the official report. Three days after the explosion, the navy’s leading weapons expert, Professor Philip Alger, said in a newspaper interview that the Maine could not have been sunk by an external mine, but rather was probably ripped apart by an internal explosion. CHUNK #3Assistant Secretary of the Navy Theodore Roosevelt was so furious when he read the interview that he accused Alger of taking “the Spanish side.” In a letter to the professor’s superior, Roosevelt wrote that “whether probable or not, it certainly is possible that the ship was blown up by a [Spanish] mine.” Roosevelt feared that members of Congress who opposed his effort to strengthen the navy would use the incident against him. In fact, two Republican congressional leaders immediately called for a halt to Roosevelt’s program to build new battleships. CHUNK #4After a detailed examination of the Maine’s wreckage in 1976, Admiral Rickover concluded that the ship was damaged by an internal explosion. Rickover believed that the explosion had been an accident, most likely caused by the ignition of gunpowder from the heat of a coal fire. CHUNK #5511492555753000Above all, the naval court of inquiry was under pressure to put forward its findings quickly. The sinking of the Maine had set in motion a series of preparations for war. Shortly after the explosion, McKinley ordered the military to draw up plans to fight Spain. On March 9, 1898, both houses of Congress unanimously approved his request to add $50 million to the defense budget. Name_________________________________Date__________________________Period____________IB HOTA 1US ImperialismTypes of Connections: There are three types of text-based connections you can make while reading a piece of literature- text to text, text to self, and text to world. TEXT TO TEXTA connection made between the piece you are reading and another work of literature.TEXT TO SELF (YOU)A connection made between a piece of literature and something related to your own life.TEXT TO WORLDA connection made between a piece of literature and the world at large. Directions: In the chart below, see if you can write one example of each type of connection from the reading provided to you. Title: _____________________________________________________________________________________Type of ConnectionExplanation of ConnectionText to textText to selfText to world525335517272000Platform of the American Anti-Imperialist LeagueEdited from "Platform of the American Antilmperialist League," in Speeches, Correspondence, ard Political Papers of Carl Schurz, vol. 6, ed. Frederick Bancroft (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1913), p. 77, note 1.We hold that the policy known as imperialism is hostile to liberty and tends toward militarism, an evil from which it has been our glory to be free. We regret that it has become necessary to reaffirm that all men, of whatever race or color, are entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We maintain that governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed. We earnestly [honestly] condemn the American policy in the Philippines. It seeks to extinguish the spirit of 1776 in those islands. We denounce the slaughter of the Filipinos as a needless horror. We protest against the extension of American sovereignty by Spanish methods. We demand the immediate cessation [end] of the war against liberty, begun by Spain and continued by us. We urge that Congress be promptly convened to announce to the Filipinos our purpose to give to them the independence for which they have so long fought and which of right is theirs. The United States have always protested against the doctrine of international law which permits the subjugation [defeat] of the weak by the strong. Whether the ruthless slaughter of the Filipinos shall end next month or next year is but an incident in a contest that must go on until the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States are rescued from the hands of their betrayers. We propose to contribute to the defeat of any person or party that stands for the forcible subjugation [defeat] of any people. We shall oppose for reelection all who in the White House or in Congress betray American liberty in pursuit of un-American ends. We still hope that both of our great political parties will support and defend the Declaration of Independence in the closing campaign of the century. We hold, with Abraham Lincoln, that "no man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. When the white man governs himself, that is self-government, but when he governs himself and also governs another man, that is more than self-government-that is despotism [dictatorship]." According to the document, what are three arguments that the Anti-Imperialist League made against US imperialism?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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