DATE:           November 20, 2008


TO:                Planning and Zoning Board  


FROM:          Christy Dominguez, Director of Planning and Zoning

THRU: Richard D. Cannone, Development Services Director


SUBJECT:    EAR- Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan





Planning and Zoning/Local Planning Agency review and make recommendations of adoption of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) Based amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan.




The 1985 Florida Growth Management Act created the legislative mandate for all local governments in the State of Florida to prepare and adopt a Comprehensive Plan that was a legally binding document. The City of Hallandale Beach adopted their current Comprehensive Plan in 1989 and with the majority of the data from 1987. In April 1996 the City adopted the last Evaluation and Appraisal Report for the original Plan. The City of Hallandale Beach adopted the last EAR Based Comprehensive Plan amendments in 1998. The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) amended their rules to require local governments to evaluate and update their plans every 7 years. The EAR Report was prepared as required by DCA. The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of the Report on April 12, 2006. Subsequently, the City Commission approved transmittal of the document on April 18, 2006. The City’s EAR was found sufficient by DCA on November 28, 2006.


In accordance with the City’s adopted EAR report, the City was required to make changes to the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The required changes and updates to the Plan were:

1. Update of all data and tables within the Comprehensive Plan.

2. Analysis of changes to the City’s population.

3. Update of the Comprehensive Plan Goals, Policies and Objectives.

4. Study of the City’s infrastructures as related to the Level of Services (LOS).

5. Adopt amendments for consistency with State Statutes, South Florida Regional Planning Council Strategic Regional Policy Plan and the Broward County Comprehensive Plan.

The specific changes to each element are summarized below:

Future Land Use Element

• All data and tables have been updated to current available information including 2000 US Census information;

• All Goals, Objectives and Policies have been updated;

• Associated Policies and Text have been added related to Regional Activity Center Land Use;

• A color version of the Updated Future Land Use Map was added;

• A Historical Land Use Category was added;

• Flex and Reserve Unit information has been revised;

• The Dog Track Planning District has been renamed Central Gateway Planning District;

• All existing land use tables for Citywide and each Planning District were updated;

• Vacant land analysis and summary have been updated;

• Urban Blight information was updated and moved to the Housing Element;

Housing Element

• All housing and population data and tables have been updated using 2000 US Census information the University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research (BEBR) and the latest information available from the Shimberg Center for Affordable Housing. The most recent BEBR population estimate for the City is April 1, 2007 which showed the City’s population to be 38,193.

• The Analysis Section (4.2) has been updated to meet current State requirements and tables not currently required by State Statutes were removed.

• General Recommendations and Goal, Objectives and Policies were updated to reflect current City programs and policies;

• Appendix A was deleted completely as it contained out dated information;

Transportation Element

• All data, tables and analysis were updated using current (2007-08) Broward County / FDOT traffic counts, mass transit routes and ridership, and other information such as the current Functional Classification roadway classifications, current hurricane evacuation routes and shelters, capital improvements, etc. as required;

• All maps and exhibits have been updated to reflect current information and conditions;

• A description of the changes to the Broward County Concurrency Management System (CMS) was included to reflect the Transit-Oriented Concurrency (TOC) system and benefit areas versus the old roadway based concurrency system;

• New Historical, Forecasted Traffic Count tables and a new Historical Traffic Trends table (T-5c) to highlight data was added

• The analysis on future trip generation was updated. Former analysis was based on vacant land only. However, new trips could be added, if land use plan amendments, density bonuses, allocations or redevelopment of underdeveloped sites occurs.

• The Goals, Objectives and Policies have been updated to reflect current City programs, Levels of Service (LOS) and policies;

• Appendix “A” (Method to Determine Level of Service) was updated.

Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Stormwater Management, Potable Water, and Natural Groundwater Aquifer Recharge Element

• All data and tables were updated with latest available information;

• The 10-Year Water Supply Facilities Work Plan was incorporated as existing text;

• Level of Service (LOS) Standards for City infrastructure was updated as needed;

• Infrastructure capital projects for the next planning cycle were added;

• City infrastructure maps were updated;

Coastal Management Element

• Hurricane Evacuation information has been updated to reflect current Broward County and South Florida Regional Planning Council requirements;

• Private property rights within the Coastal High Hazard Area within the Post Disaster Redevelopment Analysis has been updated to reflect current State requirements and City existing conditions (Table 6-1);

• Coastal High Hazard Area Map and Figures 6-1 thru 6-3 have been updated;

Conservation Element

• Minor modifications were made to meet State Statutes requirements;

Recreation and Open Space Element

• Minor modifications made to Goals, Objectives and Policies to meet current State Statutes;

• Existing Conditions section was modified to reflect current City park Facilities;

• Park and Recreation Facilities Map (Figure 8-1) was updated;

• All data and analysis within the Analysis of Existing Conditions section has been updated and modified as needed;

• City-wide Park and Open Space totals have increased and City will continue to meet required Level of Service for parks through the next planning period;

• Implementation section has been updated and modified to reflect current City programs and policies;

Capital Improvements Element

• Reflects current Fiscal Year conditions and 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIE) recently adopted by the City Commission.

Intergovernmental Coordination Element

• Minor modifications to the Goals, Objectives and Policies to update various governmental agencies and jurisdictions name changes.

Consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan

• Minor modifications to Table 11-1 amending the referenced policy numbers.


Staff recommends approval of the proposed amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan as required by the City’s EAR Report.




Suggested Motion:

I move to recommend approval of the adoption of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report Based Amendments to the City’s Comprehensive Plan.


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