US News & World Report Best Colleges | 2020

[Pages:6]US News & World Report Best Colleges | 2020

Rankings for Pepperdine University

I. Pepperdine ranked 50th among the 2020 Best Colleges (National Universities) in the US

Figure 1. Pepperdine's USN&WR rankings (2001-2020)


Mean = 52 Median = 53 Mode = 54 Standard deviation = 4 Lowest rank = 58 Highest rank = 46


Pepperdine ranked 50th (out of 399 National Universities) in the 2020 edition of the

US News & World Report (USN&WR) Best Colleges. This rank was higher than Pepperdine's average rank over the past 20 years (M = 52nd), but lower than Pepperdine's rank for the past two academic years (46th).

Source: US News & World Report, Best Colleges 2020


Table 1. Pepperdine's detailed ranking

Indicators and sub-indicators USN&WR OVERALL RANK Outcomes rank

Average first-year retention rate (past four years) Average graduation rate (past four years) Graduation rate performance (actual - predicted)

Actual 6-yr graduation rate Predicted 6-yr graduation rate Social mobility Actual 6-yr Pell Grant graduation rate Pell Grant graduation rate performance Expert opinion rank Peer assessment score (out of 5) Faculty resources rank Classes under 20 Classes 50 or more Full-time faculty with terminal degree (Univ) Student-faculty ratio Full-time faculty (Univ) Faculty salary Student excellence rank SAT/ACT 25th-75th percentile (enrolled first-years)

Freshmen in top 10% high school grad. class Financial resources rank Alumni giving rank

Percentage (2-year rolling average)

Unless otherwise noted, data are based on Seaver College.

Weights -

35.0% (4.4%) (17.6%) (8.0%)


(2.5%) (2.5%) 20.0%

20.0% (6.0%) (2.0%) (3.0%) (1.0%) (1.0%) (7.0%) 10.0% (7.75%) (2.25%) 10.0% 5.0%


2016 52 54 92% 82% +7% 84% 77% -

3.2 39 69% 2% 90% 13:1 78% 69 11201330 46% 62 148 8%

USN&WR Edition

2017 2018 2019

50 46 46

55 49 37

93% 92% 92%

82% 84% 85%

+7% +11% +9%

84% 87% 85%

77% 76% 76%





- 83%







3.3 3.3 3.3

34 37 33

69% 69% 71%

2% 2% 2%

88% 88% 89%

13:1 14:1 13:1

78% 79% 81%




74 79 73

1100- 1110- 1200-

1320 1330 1390

48% 49% 49%

66 66 65

175 152 122

7% 8% 9%

2020 50 41 91% 85% +3% 83% 80% 84% 3.4 36 70% 3% 88% 14:1 80% 65 12201420 57% 65 147 9%

Changes Declined Declined Declined No change Declined

Improved Improved Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Declined Improved


Improved No change Declined No change

Table 2. Ranking weights and indicators, 2016-2020


2016-18 30.0%

Graduation and retention


Average 6-yr graduation rate (past four years) Average first-year retention rate (past four years) Graduation rate performance (actual-predicted) Social mobilityb

{18%} {4.5%} (7.5%)


Actual 6-yr Pell Grant graduation rate


Pell Grant graduation rate performance Expert opinionc


Peer assessment High school counselor assessmentd

(15%) (7.5%)

Faculty resources


Class size


Classes with fewer than 20 students


Classes with 20 to 49 students


Faculty salary


Proportion of faculty with highest degree in field (3%)

Student-faculty ratio


Proportion of faculty who are full-time Student excellencee

(1%) 12.5%

Standardized test


High school class standing Acceptance ratef

(3.1%) (1.3%)

Financial resources


Alumni giving


2019 35.0% (22%) {17.6%} {4.4%} (8%) (5%)

20.0% (15%) (5%) 20.0% (8%) {6%} {2%} (7%) (3%) (1%) (1%) 10.0% (7.75%) (2.25%) 10.0% 5.0%

2020 35.0% (22%) {17.6%} {4.4%} (8.0%) (5%) {2.5%} {2.5%} 20.0% (20%)

20.0% (8%) {6.0%} {2.0%} (7%) (3.0%) (1.0%) (1.0%) 10.0% (7.75%) (2.25%)

10.0% 5.0%

aAlso known as "graduation and retention rank." bNew indicator as of 2019. Refers to a school's success at promoting social mobility by graduating students who receive federal Pell Grants. cPreviously known as "assessment of excellence." dIndicator removed in 2020. ePreviously known as "student selectivity rank." fIndicator removed in 2019.

Percentages in parenthesis refer to the sub-indicator percentage points that comprise the respective weight. For more information on rankings and methodology, see the USN&WR Methodology Report.

Source: US News & World Report, Best Colleges 2020


II. Peer & Competitor Schools | Ranking Comparison

Table 3. Ranking history of peer and competitor schools (national universities)

Ranking year



2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

University of Notre Dame Competitor

17 18 16 18 15 18

Univ. of Southern California Competitor

24 23 25 23 23 21

Georgetown University


21 20 21 21 20 20

Wake Forest University


27 23 27 27 27 27

New York University


32 32 32 32 36 30

University of Rochester

USN&WR peer

33 32 33 33 32 34

Boston College


31 31 31 30 31 32

Boston University

USN&WR peer

51 41 42 41 39 37

Tulane University

USN&WR peer

51 52 54 41 39 40

Pepperdine University


54 57 54 52 50 46

Southern Methodist Univ Current peer (OIE/WSCUC) 58 60 58 61 56 61

George Washington Univ USN&WR peer

51 52 54 57 56 56

Baylor University

Current peer (OIE/WSCUC) 77 75 71 72 71 75

University of San Diego

Current peer (OIE/WSCUC) 92 91 95 89 86 90

University of the Pacific


106 112 116 108 111 110


18 22 22 27 30 33 38 42 44 46 59 63 78 85 106


15 22 24 27 29 29 37 40 40 50 64 70 79 91 125

Note: schools sorted by current ranking. USN&WR peer: Universities that are historically ranked near Pepperdine in USN&WR Best Colleges. Current peer (OIE/WSCUC): Universities that are currently used for institutional research/effectiveness, accreditation for the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, Senior College and University Commission (WSCUC), or reporting purposes.

Peer institutions are universities that are comparable to Pepperdine in one or more characteristics. These characteristics may include mission, size, enrollment, selectivity, or program offerings. While no one institution is a perfect match, peer institutions can be a resource for comparison when examining practices, policies, curriculum, or programs.

Table 3 summarizes rankings of both peer and competitor schools for the past eight issues of USN&WR for schools that are categorized as "National Universities." USN&WR assigns more than 1600 four-year colleges to a rankings group (i.e., National Universities, National Liberal Arts, and Regional Universities) based on the categories of higher education institutions developed by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Thus, several Pepperdine peer schools (e.g., Santa Clara University, Loyola Marymount University, Chapman University, Calvin College, among others) are ranked in different categories, such as "National Liberal Arts Colleges," or "Regional Universities."

Source: US News & World Report, Best Colleges 2020


III. Pepperdine ranked 43rd among the Best Value Schools (National Universities) in the US

Figure 2. Top best value schools (national universities)

Pepperdine ranked 43rd among the nation's Best Value Schools according to USN&WR, which declined from 2019's ranking of 38th (see orange box, Figure 2). The calculation used to determine this particular ranking takes into account a school's academic quality, based on USN&WR Best Colleges ranking, and the 2018-2019 net cost of attendance for a student who received the average level of need-based financial aid. The higher the quality of the program and the lower the cost, the better the value for students. Only schools ranked in or near the top half of their categories (which indicates that they are above average academically) are included.

Source: US News & World Report, Best Colleges 2020


IV. Pepperdine received a campus diversity rating of 0.60 (National Universities)

USN&WR identifies colleges where students are most likely to encounter undergraduates from diverse ethnic backgrounds, by factoring in the proportion of minority students--leaving out international students--and the overall mix of groups in each institution's Fall 2018 student body. The ethnic categories used in the calculations were African-American (non-Hispanic), Hispanic, American Indian, Asian American, Pacific Islander, White (non-Hispanic), and multiracial (two or more races). The formula produces a diversity index that ranges from 0.0 to 1.0. The closer a school's number is to 1.0, the more diverse the student population (i.e., the closer the number is to 1.0 the more likely it is for students to encounter students from a different ethnic group). Pepperdine maintained its score of 0.60 (see Table 4).

Table 4. Pepperdine's diversity index score

Diversity index

USN&WR edition

(1 = highest)

















V. Other US News & World Report rankings

Table 5. Other USN&WR rankings for Pepperdine

School Pepperdine Graziadio Business School

School of Law Graduate School of Education and Psychology

School of Public Policy Seaver College

Program or Ranking Best Business Schools Best Part-time MBA Best Online MBA Programs

Best Law Schools Dispute Resolution Clinical Psychology

Best Education Schools

Public Affairs Best Undergraduate Business Programs Best Colleges for Veteransa Academic Programs to Look For: Study Abroadb Top Performers on

Social Mobilityb


(1 = highest)

2019 2020

72 74

51 52

19 21

- 51



143 143

- 186

64 74

44 50

20 24

- 11

- 96

aThe top-ranked schools that participate in federal initiatives helping veterans and active-duty service members

pay for their degrees. bNew ranking for 2020.

Rankings based on data available from USN&WR on 9/09/19.

Source: US News & World Report, Best Colleges 2020



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