|CMS |Cargo Manager Systems, Inc. |


Automated Brokerage Interface: QP/WP

Electronic In-Bond Filing

Cargo Manager Systems

2333 Morris Ave

Building C12

Union, NJ 07083

Tel: (908) 688-0555

Fax: (908) 688-0883

Email: info@

Ver. 9.2004

ABI-QP/WP for Cargo Manager Systems, Inc.

Copyright Cargo Manager Systems, Inc. 2004

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In order to move cargo from a bonded CFS to another bonded facility outside the same customs district one needs to obtain a permit from US Customs.

Traditionally this permit was obtained by completing 7512 form, taking it to local customs office and having it stamped or perforated. This process usually takes over night and in many instances several days.

In August 2004 US Customs made it possible for CFS’s to request In-Bond electronically and receive a response within minutes. This paperless environment speeds approval process, identifies errors immediately, and is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Cargo Manager Systems, Inc. has developed a web application where one can request Electronic In-Bond approval and receive responses within minutes.

In the rest of this manual we will show you how to:

• Request Electronic In-Bond

• Monitor approval process

• Track In-Bonds

• Request AMS B/L status

• Perform various maintenance functions


• In your browser enter

• When Cargo Manager Systems web site appears select ABI QP/WP on left side

• As login screen appears, enter your login and password.

Hint – you can bookmark for easy access in the future. You can also store login and password for automatic login.

Normally one would create new In-Bond and release it for filing.

So let us see how we do this.


Creating New In-Bond Transfer Request

You are presented with following screen (fig.1) where you are expected to enter:

• Destination CFS

• AMS filer code (Usually first four characters of Master BL number)

• AMS Bill of Lading Number (Without carrier code prefix)

• Number of pieces and value.

If there is an MIB involved you need to enter it (MIB starts with letter “V”).

• Optionally you may enter some lot information for tracking purposes.

• As you save information on this screen by hitting [pic] button.

** In-Bond number is assigned.

** Data is sent to US Customs for approval.

** Notification is sent to importer that In-Bond has been initiated.

Figure 1


In the background we maintain a table for each filer where we store filer code, facilities code, SCAC code, IRS EIN number and In-Bond counter.

As you use up In-Bond numbers you will get a warning message when less than 250 numbers are left.

Please note that for automatic importer notification of In-Bond initialization to take place one needs to create importer record in Validation tables including Email address.

Lookup into Validation Tables

Some fields have [pic] to the right of them.

These have lookups into Validation tables.

For example to find destination CFS code for Hartsfield Warehouse in Atlanta, enter Hartsfield Warehouse and hit [pic].

Once you identify the location which you were Looking for click on the firms code, this action will take necessary fields to your form.

Figure 2



For those customers who elect to send out Automatic Importer notification of In-Bond filing, this is what email looks like.


2100 88TH STREET


PHONE: (201) 605-0001

FAX: (201) 605-0009



IT NUMBER: 788636903

TYPE: 61

DATE APPROVED: 29-OCT-2004 122253

AMS B/L NUMBER: LTNV 859498043208



LOT NUMBER: 13037 - 07


WEIGHT (LBS): 11473

CUBE (CFT): 288



This In-Bond has been approved by US Customs and Border Protection via electronic transmission under ABI QP/WP program.

Upon receipt of freight at destination CFS

this In-Bond will be terminated electronically

Work – In – Progress

In order for you to monitor progress of In-Bond filing we have created a

Work- In – Progress section (figure 3)

Here you will find errors which you need to address as well as filings which are not yet sent to customs, those for which we have not received a response.

Figure 3


To display Error message click “N” next to In-Bond number, a window will open up giving you all the messages so far for this In-bond, for example:


Once you identify the error, click on In-Bond number, this presents you with screen where you can make corrections; make corrections and save changes.

This save action also sends In-Bond request to US Customs and sends corrected message to your Importer, if you choose to do so.

Some of the more common messages are:


This message means that when In-Bond was submitted to US Customs, previous In-Bond number was left blank when in fact there is MIB involved.

You need to find out what MIB number is (also known as V number), enter it into appropriate field and save. We provide you with the facility to inquire AMS system at CBP as to what MIB number is. One does this by clicking on STATUS REQUEST button, within a few minutes you will either get status information or a message that AMS bill of lading number is correct.


In this case the AMS Bill of lading number is incorrect by itself, you need to contact your customer and get a corrected AMS Bill of lading number.


This is not an error message, but customs automated system will not authorize new In-Bond before previous In-Bond (MIB) is arrived. Normally, you do not have to do anything here, we will resubmit all In-Bonds with this message to CBP continuously until the approval message comes through.

If you receive container into your bonded facility and steamship line did not arrive MIB, we provide you with the facility to do so in our special functions.


This is not an error message, it is an error in processing at US CBP which is being corrected. It is a carry over from previous system where vessel arrival was mandatory before In-Bond’s were authorized.

Until it gets corrected we will continuously send In-Bond requests to CBP until In-Bond gets accepted.

Checking Status of Your Request

Once an In-Bond has been accepted or a non-fatal error is received, such as previous In-Bond must be arrive, we remove In-Bond from works in progress display. To view it you need to use “status search” facility. Here you can select from multitude of options by clicking into the circle next to the option and clicking on [pic]. For example to display all entries which were not accepted click the dot next to “Not Accepted” then click [pic]. Below figure 4 shows the results of the search.

Figure 4



If you click on IT number you get the following screen, where you can make changes to IT data and resubmit it, you can also delete an IT as well as arrive it.

Figure 5


When you need to get AMS Bill of Lading status, get V number or verify if AMS Bill of Lading is correct while in status display click on AMS BL No. figure 6 will appear, click on request status update within minutes you will get status.

Figure 6


Special Functions

This section will allow you to perform such functions as:

- Arrive In- Bond

- Arrive Previous In-Bond

Figure 7


Arrive In-Bond

Figure 8


All In-Bonds must be arrived at destination customs port.

This can be done two ways:

1. Destination CFS can take paper documentation to local US Customs office where CBP will arrive In-Bonds manually.

2. We can arrive In-Bonds electronically using above facility. Once you receive outturn report from destination CFS you bring up this screen and enter destination CFS code, we will then display all In-Bonds for that CFS which have not been arrived, you are expected to enter arrival date and click off check box next to the In-Bond which is to be arrived. When all In-Bonds have been selected click on [pic] button. For entry types 62 & 63 you also need to enter mode of transport and vessel name.

Arrive Previous In-Bond

Figure 9


If you receive container into your warehouse but message “Previous IT must be arrived” still persists for In-Bonds from this container, it means that steamship line did not arrive MIB (Master-In-Bond).

Above facility is used to arrive Master-In-Bond, you need to enter MIB number, arrival date and your port code into Place of Arrival. Once Master In-Bond gets arrived all subsequent In-Bons will be accepted, provided there are no other errors.

User Control

This section allows you to create logins for your agents.

Figure 10


When your account is setup at Cargo Manager Systems, Inc. to file ABI QP/WP you are given an administrator login and password.

Validation Tables

This section will allow you to look up different codes that will be necessary for filings.

- Schedule C, Country Codes

- Schedule D, US Port Codes

- Schedule K, Foreign Port Codes

- Carrrier SCAC Codes

- Firms Codes

Figure 11


This is what the typical lookup screen will look like.

You can lookup information two (2) ways, by code or by name.

In the example shown above We are searching for all countries whose name begins with U.

Figure 12



Figure 13




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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