Community Health Assessment Secondary Data and Recommended ...

Community Health Assessment Secondary Data and Recommended Sources

|Accreditation |Indicators |Data Source |

|Activity 1.1 – LHD shall conduct a |The Community Health Assessment process shall |For a more comprehensive list of sources to locate |

|comprehensive CHA at least every 48 months | |data, see Appendix H- Resource Guide of the |

|that includes | |Community Health Assessment Guidebook: |

| | |

| | |A-GuideBookAppendiciesUpdatedOctober-2012.pdf |

| | |And Sources of Data for Community Profiles: A |

| | |Resource Guide for Community Health Assessment in |

| | |North Carolina. |

|1.1.a Evidence of community collaboration|be a collaborative effort with local partners |Provide a list of individuals, their organizations, |

|in planning/ conducting assessment |such as hospitals, and local Healthy |and roles played during the CHA process. This may |

| |Carolinians Partnerships (if such exists) |be included this as an appendix to the CHA document.|

|1.1.b Reflect the demographic profile of |Demographic Profile of the county: total |N.C. State Center for Health Statistics: |

|population |population, growth projections, age breakdown, | |

| |race/ethnicity, gender |American FactFinder: factfinder2. |

| |List main townships/communities |U.S. Census: |

| | |LINC: |

| | |N.C. Office of State Budget and Management: |

| | |Population Estimates: |

| | ||

| | |conomic_data/population_estimates.shtm |

|1.1.c Describe socioeconomic, educational|Median income, unemployment rate, percent under|LINC: |

|& environment factors that affect health |poverty level, uninsured, on free or reduced |N.C. Office of State Budget and Management: Facts |

| |lunch |and Figures: |

| |Educational attainment, number of schools, high||

| |school dropout rate, SAT scores | |

| |Environmental: water quality, air quality, lead|N.C. Department of Commerce: AccessNC: |

| |poisoning, physical environment | |

| | |N.C. Department of Commerce: Labor Market |

| | |Information: |

| | |LMI/default.asp?init=true |

| | |CDC SNAPS: emergency.snaps |

| | |N.C. Asthma Program: asthma.index.htm|

| | |N.C. Department of Public Instruction: |

| | |data/reports |

| | |N.C. Division of Parks & Recreation: |

| | |About/plans/scorp/main.php |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|1.1.d Assemble/analyze secondary data to |Top leading causes of death |N.C. State Center for Health Statistics County |

|describe community health status |Overweight/obesity percentages |Health Data Book: |

| |Cancer incidence | |

| |Diabetes prevalence |N.C. BRFSS: |

| |Asthma hospital discharge data | |

| |Infant mortality |HealthStats (includes Healthy North Carolina 2020): |

| |Teen pregnancy rates |healthstats.publichealth. |

| |Communicable diseases: Chlamydia, gonorrhea, |Cancer Data: |

| |syphilis, HIV/AIDS | |

| | |N.C. Communicable Disease Reports: |

| |Include analysis/implications of data. | |

|1.1.e Collect/analyze primary data to |Include collection of primary data at the |Community Health Assessment Guidebook and Community |

|describe community health status |county level: |Health Opinion Survey |

| |Compare demographics of survey |publichealth.lhd/cha/resources.htm |

| |respondents/focus groups to county demographics| |

| |Include analysis/implications of data. | |

|1.1.f Compile/analyze trend data to |Present data over time, discuss changes from | |

|describe changes in community health status |last CHA, and discuss implications. | |

|and factors affecting health | | |

|1.1.g Use scientific methods for | | |

|collecting/analyzing data | | |

|1.1.h Identify population groups at risk |Report disparities in secondary data. |N.C. State Center for Health Statistics: Minority |

| |Summarize disparities in a separate section. |Health: |

| | |N.C. Division of Aging and Adult Services: |

| | |aging/cprofile/cprofile.htm |

| | |Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities: |

| | | |

|1.1.i Identify existing and needed health|Medical providers |Cecil G. Sheps Center for Health Services Research: |

|resources |Medical facilities | |

| |Health promoting facilities and policies |N.C. Division of Health Service Regulation: |

| | |dhsr/index.html |

| | |N.C. Division of Parks and Recreation: |

| | |Visit/main.php |

|1.1.j Compare selected local data with |Compare select health data with peer counties |N.C. State Center for Health Statistics: |

|data from other jurisdictions |and state data. | |

| | |HealthStats Peer Counties: |

| | |publichealth.lhd/cha/docs/PeerCounties.pdf |

|1.1.k Identify leading community health |List of community health priorities based on |List priorities for which action plans will be |

|problems |CHA findings |submitted. |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Include a narrative of the assessment findings | |

| |Describe how priorities were selected and by | |

| |whom (be specific). | |

| |Summarize major findings of the assessment. | |

|Action plans will be: |Include community action plans to address the |N.C. Division of Public Health: Community Health |

|on the form provided by DPH |priorities issues. |Assessment publichealth.lhd/cha/resources.htm|

|be from identified priorities of the CHA; |The following June, submit action plans showing|Healthy North Carolina 2020: |

|targeted to identified at-risk groups; |how your county address priorities. |publichealth.hnc2020 |

|aligned with the HNC 2020 objectives and |Note: an action plan is required for each | |

|have multi-level interventions. |priority listed in the CHA. | |

| |These action plans must: | |

| |Be on correct form | |

| |Address priorities identified in CHA | |

| |Target identified at-risk groups | |

| |Align with HNC 2020 objectives | |

| |Have multi-level interventions. | |

|Activity 1.2 LHD shall update CHA with an | |Accreditation Checklist for SOTCH: |

|annual interim State of the County’s Health | |publichealth.lhd/cha/docs/guidebook/2012-SOTC|

|Report annually. The report shall | |H-AccreditationChecklist.doc |

|demonstrate that the LHD is tracking | | |

|priority issues identified in CHA, Review | | |

|major morbidity and mortality data for the | | |

|county (annual review of county level data | | |

|book on SCHS website) identify emerging | | |

|issues, Identify new initiatives. | | |


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