U.S. Register Mail RE 607 600 028 US

Sent to the following parties: 13082012

Timothy Geithner

The Fiduciary by the Appointment as

US Secretary of the Treasury

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20220

Douglas Shulman, or Designee RE 607 600 005 US

Office of the Commissioner

Internal Revenue Service

1111 Constitution Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20224

Department of the Treasury RE 607 600 014 US

Financial Management Service Officer

P.O. Box 1686

Birmingham, AL 35201-1686

Examinations – IRS

Department of the Treasury RE 607 600 031 US

Internal Revenue Service

P.O. Box 48-389, Stop 54A

Doraville, GA 30362

J. Russell George RE 607 600 045 US

Inspector General

US Treasury Office

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20220

Assistant Director in Charge

Federal Bureau Investigation RE 607 600 059 US

James W. McJunkin

601 4th Street NW

Washington, DC 20535


I, Rodney-Dale; Class, hereafter Private Attorney General (PAG), under Congressional Mandate and Public Law of the United States / United States of America, now come with this NOTICE OF INTENT before your administrative office(s). You are hereby being placed on Notice of a pending lawsuit in which your office(s) will be listed as Co-Plaintiff(s) by default in a Public Debt, fraud action.

You are hereby being Noticed that I will use the Private Attorney General authority granted to the People by Congress to bring this action. Your agency was previously notified of a Public Debt fraud and tax fraud created by the North Carolina State under CASE # 12 REV 05184 in the Office of Administrative Hearings in Raleigh North Carolina at the address below.






Your administrative office's failure to act within 20 days of my notification of this action under CASE #12 REV 05184 in the Office of Administrative Hearings in Raleigh, North Carolina, is your consent for me to take this action to conclusion administratively before I take this to the Federal level for prosecution.

Each of you as administrative officers are experts and are professionals in the law. As experts and professionals in the law, and of public debt collection, and fraud, you are aware of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, section 16, and USC Title 12, section 411. The United States Treasury under such Congressional Act is required to be “tendered” in order to clear the public debt. Title 18 USC, section 4, Misprision of felony, and Title 31, section 3729, require me to notice you of public debt fraud. You are being given Notice of such fraud.

I will be fair and give your Administrative Offices the same opportunity to rebut or dispute the three Congressional mandates outlining who can come before a court and address it as listed below. You will also be given the same opportunity to provide Congressional legislation on the creation of the BAR Association and prove that these private BAR associations are not in violation of the Taft-Hartley Act or the Smith Act, and show that local Bar Rule 11 is not in conflict with the People's protected rights to “due process of law,” and show were it does not deny affirmative defense.

Private Attorney General is an informal term usually used today in the United States to refer to a private party who brings a lawsuit considered to be in the public interest, i.e., benefiting the general public and not just the plaintiff. The person considered "private attorney general" is entitled to recover attorney's fees if he or she prevails. The rationale behind this principle is to provide extra incentive to private citizens to pursue suits that may be of benefit to society at large.



This PAG will first start out with Congressional mandate(s) concerning who has been given authority to address any issue before the courts. This Party, Rodney-Dale; Class, PAG, points out that Congressional mandates have only authorized three Acts / laws as to who can address a court.

The first of these Acts / laws being the Judiciary Act of 1789 as currently found in the United States Attorney's Manual at 3-2.110. This Act created the inferior courts below the united States supreme Court. This Act also created the Attorney General's Office, BUT I reminded "YOU" that Congress never filled these offices. Congress can only create an office , this office is fill by appointments and then approval of congress BUT it takes the People to fill an office.

The second of these Acts / laws being the Civil Rights Act of 1866, 14 Stat. 27, enacted April 9, 1866, (and sometimes referred to as The Private Attorney General Act) 39th Congress, Sess 1, Ch 31 (1866), CHAP. XXXL, (Formally titled): An Act to protect all Person in the United States in their Civil Rights, and furnish the Means of their Vindication, April 9, 1866; Public Law 104-317, Oct 19, 1996, 110 Stat 3853; 93 stat 1284; Public Law 96-170, 96th Congress, Dec 9th 1979. Congress created the position of Private Attorney General and passed it into Public Law to give the People, like this PAG, the same right as the Federal or State's Attorneys General to bring suit in the name of the People when those who hold Public Office as Federal or State Attorneys General or County Prosecutors fail or refuse to protect the People's rights because it conflicts with their BAR Oaths.

The third of these Acts / laws being the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946 (APA), under S.7, 60 stat 237, and under United States Code, Title 5, GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES. Pursuant to the APA of 1946, 60 stat 237, under S. 7, per Congressional decision, a private Citizen, non-lawyer / non-attorney has the right to act as counsel on behalf of a private Citizen in Court without having a law degree. This APA did come about because of the New Deal. This was to given the People as remedy against public agencies / departments that bring any and all allegations / claims against the People. It is a well stated fact, and a provable fact, that lawyers / attorneys are forbidden to uphold “the People's rights” pursuant to BAR Rule 11 and risk disbarment by doing so. (See local Bar Rules). As this PAG has now pointed out these facts, can you deny that there is "NOT" a conflict in the BAR rules which creates a conflict in the LAW regarding “due process” ?

1. This now brings us to the issue of a private party collecting the Public Debt under the 1933 State of Emergency, Public Law 1, 48 stat C,1 and Public Law 10, Ch 48, 48 stat 112. Unless your administrative office(s) can rebut or disprove that Congress did not approve or pass these Public Laws, then the Public Debt is an issue, and these Public Laws stand as facts in law.

2. The next issue is the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and the resulting Federal Reserve Note. This Act clearly shows that Federal Reserve Notes are “internal” and the obligation of the United States. Unless your administrative office(s) can rebut or disprove that Congress did not approve or pass the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, then the collection of the Public Debt, by a private party, becomes a legal Rights issue, and these Public Laws stand as facts in law.

3. The Constitution of the District of Columbia, the Fourteenth Amendment, section 4, and Title 31 of the UNITED STATES CODE, section 3729 under the District of Columbia, created laws allowing any private party the ability to collect and prosecute for fraud. Unless your administrative office(s) can rebut or disprove that Congress did not approve or pass these into law, then you have agreed to and have given consent for Rodney-Dale; Class to proceed with a Federal lawsuit naming your administrative office(s) as Co-Plaintiff(s) by default and that these Public Laws stand as facts in law.

I have already stated that you had 20 days to rebut or dispute Congressional Mandates and Public Laws. I now continue to wait for your response. Your failure to respond will be your consent and your approval for this PAG to collect the Public Debt for the United States Treasury as a Private Attorney General and a Bounty Hunter.

This PAG also reminds your agencies that the Constitution of the District of Columbia under Article 7, section 2 only allows 10 days to respond. I have already given you 20 days in my filing of 7.25.12 in the North Carolina OAH that you were copied on via mail. Your administrative office(s) have now been given this further, first NOTICE OF INTENT. Thank you for your time.

Private Attorney General Seal Rodney-Dale; Class Private Attorney General

C/o P.O. Box 435

High Shoals, North Carolina


Bounty Hunter Seal









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