All EE addresses by Dept .us


Purpose of Query

All EE addresses by Dept - Use this query to find 'all' address type information for a current employee in your agency. You can add additional jobs fields to this query or add criteria for address type. This query uses the sensitive data version of CTW_ADDRESSES




CTW_ADDRESSES - Address Information Rpt


Department like (%) – (Wildcard enabled)

Sample Results

Please note, due to page size limitations, sample results may be incomplete.



There are no criteria beyond the runtime prompts.

Note: Runtime prompts are included as criteria.


|Col |Record.Fieldname |Format |Ord |XLAT |Agg |Heading Text |

|1 |A.ADDRESS_TYPE - Address Type |Char4 |  |  |  |Addr Type |

|2 |A.EMPLID - EmplID |Char11 |  |  |  |ID |

|3 |A.NAME - Name |Char50 |  |  |  |Name |

|4 |A.NAME_PREFIX - Name Prefix |Char4 |1 |  |  |Prefix |

|5 |A.EFFDT - Effective Date |Date |  |  |  |Eff Date |

|6 |A.ADDRESS1 - Address Line 1 |Char55 |  |  |  |Address 1 |

|7 |A.ADDRESS2 - Address Line 2 |Char55 |  |  |  |Address 2 |

|8 |A.ADDRESS3 - Address Line 3 |Char55 |  |  |  |Address 3 |

|9 |A.CITY - City |Char30 |  |  |  |City |

|10 |A.HOUSE_TYPE - House Type |Char2 |2 |N |  |House |

|11 |A.COUNTY - County |Char30 |  |  |  |County |

|12 |A.STATE - State |Char6 |  |  |  |State |

|13 |A.POSTAL - Postal Code |Char12 |  |  |  |Postal |


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