US History Chapter : Resurgence of Conservatism

US History Chapter 22:

TEST “A” Name:



_____1. Liberals generally believe in

A. Transferring more power from the federal government to state governments.

B. Free speech and privacy.

C. Reducing government regulation of business.

_____2. Many conservatives believe that most social problems can be solved through

A. Limiting the power of big business.

B. Government welfare programs.

C. Religious faith and private efforts.

_____3. Supply-side economists believed that tax cuts would result in

A. A severe budget deficit.

B. Business expansion and new jobs.

C. Too much money in circulation

_____4. Ronald Reagan followed the foreign

policy of

A. Containment

B. Peace through strength.

C. Isolationism.

_____5. Ronald Reagan believed that massive

Soviet defense spending would ___

A. Collapse the Communist system.

B. Lead to nuclear war.

C. Destroy the U.S. economy.

#6 Use the graph to the right.

_____6. During the Reagan administration, the deficit (federal debt) grew by

A. 25 percent.

B. Over 100 percent.

C. 50 percent.

_____7. In late December 1991, Mikhail Gorbachev announced the end of?

A. Operation Desert Storm

B. The Soviet Union

C. George Bush’s Presidency

_____8. Conservatives generally support

A. Government regulation of the economy.

B. The split of government power between state and federal levels.

C. Social programs sponsored by government to help disadvantaged Americans.

_____9. The collapse of the Soviet economy was due to

A. Inefficient central planning and huge expenditures on the arms race.

B. Boris Yeltsin’s attack on the Communist Party in Russia.

C. Reagan’s use of guerilla warfare in Afghanistan.

____10. Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative called for the

A. Deployment of nuclear weapons in Western Europe.

B. Deployment of weapons that could destroy incoming missiles.

C. The creation of a U.S. colony on the moon.

____11. The United Nations went to war in the Persian Gulf because

A. Saudi Arabia invaded Kuwait.

B. Kuwait invaded Iraq.

C. Iraq invaded Kuwait.

____12. Some Americans turned to conservatism during the Cold War because they

believed that

A. Liberal economic ideas were slowly leading the nation toward communism.

B. Liberals would not go to war, if necessary, to stop the spread of communism.

C. The liberal policy of confronting communism would lead the country into war.

“We have every right to dream heroic dreams…. You can see heroes every day going in and out of factory gates. Others, a handful in number, produce enough food to feed all of us…. You meet heroes across a counter…. There are entrepreneurs with faith in themselves and faith in an idea who create new jobs, new wealth and opportunity…. Their patriotism is quiet but deep. Their values sustain our national life.”

-President Ronald Reagan

____13. The passage above is a prime example of the way in which Reagan ____

A. Motivated Americans to believe in themselves.

B. Chastised Americans for being unrealistic.

C. Weakened Soviet prestige across the globe.

____14. Which of the following resulted from Ronald Reagan’s policy of deregulation?

A. Relaxed fuel efficiency requirements for cars.

B. Increased safety checks on chemicals and pesticides.

C. Better consumer safety standards.

|Economic Growth of the 1980s | |

|1967-1986 |End of 1980s |By mid-1990s |

|Top 5% of Americans earned approximately |Top 5% of Americans earned approximately 20%|Top 5% of Americans earned more than 21% of |

|15-17% of nation’s total income. |of nation’s total income. |nation’s total income. |

____15. USE THE TABLE ABOVE. Which statement below is most accurate?

A. The overall number of wealthy decreased.

B. Over time, the wealthiest became even wealthier.

C. Economic growth of the 1980s helped low-income Americans the most.

___16. Why did Pres. George H.W. Bush (1990) take action when Iraq invaded Kuwait?

A. U.S. feared Iraq was trying to capture Kuwait and eventually Saudi oil reserves.

B. The U.S. supported Kuwait’s Political Revolution.

C. U.S. feared it would lead to terrorist attacks on America.

____17. The beginning of the collapse of the communism in Eastern Europe is most

closely associated with the

A. Fall of the Berlin Wall

B. Admission of Warsaw Pact nations to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

C. Formation of the European Union

____18. The religious right joined the conservative movement because they

A. Were concerned about American values and morality

B. Wanted more liberal social welfare programs

C. Wanted government regulation of local churches

____19. What impact did H. Ross Perot have on the 1992 election?

A. He had no impact.

B. He won 25 percent of the Electoral College vote.

C. He took votes from Bush, leading to Clinton’s victory.

____20. Where did Reagan support guerilla warfare in order to stop communism?

A. Afghanistan

B. Nicaragua

C. Both A and B

#21 & 22 Use the passage >>>>>>>>>>>

____21. What did Ronald Reagan believe were his greatest accomplishments?

A. Higher tax rates

B. Economic recovery and morale

C. Weakness and confusion

____22. How did Ronald Reagan feel his administration preserved peace?

A. By becoming strong by rebuilding defense

B. Explaining how high tax rates can cause social problems

C. Showing respect to every nation

____23. Which of the following was NOT a social problem that gained focus in the


A. Rise of AIDS in America

B. Environmentalism

C. “Just Say No” campaign focusing on teenage drug use

#24 &25 Use the cartoon above to answer the following questions

____24. The cartoonist is implying what about Democratic policies?

A. Democrats were not concerned with achieving social equality

B. The Democrats support the redistribution of wealthy through high taxes

C. The Democrats favor tax breaks for the wealthy

____25. Looking at the cartoon on the right side, what criticisms of tax breaks does

the artist illustrate?

A. Tax breaks negatively affect manufacturing, industry and welfare

B. Conservatives want to help the less fortunate

C. Tax breaks positively affect manufacturing, industry and welfare


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