Mr. Van Schenck's Webpage

Islander Social Studies

Chapter 27, Section 4 Study Guide

The Vietnam Era:

A Time of Uncertainty

Pages 924-927

Why it matters~ Although President Nixon did deliver his promises to ____________________________ and open the door of friendship with the communist ________________________________, a scandal of huge proportions would ruin his career, ________________________.

Richard Nixon Nixon declared that he stood for the _______________________

in Office~ According to Nixon, the “silent majority” were the huge numbers of honest, hardworking Americans who were not ____________________________________

The silent majority wanted a return to ____________________________________.

Moon Landing~ One success of the 1960s was the ________

moon landing. On July 20, 1969, the world watched as American astronaut _____________________ became the first human to set foot on the moon. His famous quote “One small step for man, one giant leap for ______________” summarized the entire NASA project started by the now dead President ____________________.

Economic Problems~ The US economy was in trouble with the high cost of the _______________ causing ________________. Define inflation~

At the same time, economic growth had ______________ producing another ________________ with high unemployment.

Richard Nixon tried several plans to jump start the economy, but all failed which caused __________________ throughout the 1970s.

Easing Cold War Tensions~ Nixon’s greatest successes were in __________________. His policy of _______________, or easing tensions with ______________, helped “warm” the Cold War. Nixon shocked the world by announcing plans to visit communist China and meet with ___________________. Nixon described this visit as “opening the __________” to trade and a better relationship with the Chinese. Several months later, Nixon continued his plans for ____________ by visiting our old enemies, the Soviet Union. From that, the first SALT treaties were signed. The SALT treaties

Watergate Reelected in 1972, President Nixon would soon find

Scandal~ himself facing _______________. During the 1972 election campaign, police arrested five men who had broken into the _______________________ and planted listening devices there. Soon, it was clear that Nixon had ordered the listening devices to be placed at the DNC headquarters, a violation of the __________. Doing his best to hide the crimes, Nixon paid people “_________________” or bribes to keep quiet. Another crime! By July of 1974, the House of Representatives made moves to _____________ the President.

Define impeach~

Knowing he would become the first President ever to be removed from office, Nixon ______________

The __________________ Scandal had ruined him.

With Nixon’s resignation, Vice-President _____________________ took office.

The Ford Presidency~ Known as a college football star and a

man of absolute honesty, Ford tried to restore public

_______________ in the Whitehouse.

However, American’s trust in Ford was ___________ when he

fully _____________ Nixon for the Watergate Scandal.

Define pardon~

Saying he wanted to end the “____________________” of Watergate, many Americans saw this as slimy politics as one politician protected another.

Focusing on the stagnant economy, Ford’s “Whip Inflation Now” (__________) battled the highest rate of inflation and unemployment in years.

A major part of WIN was a tax cut that would put more _________________________.

Even with this, the economy seemed to sputter into the late 1970s.

President Ford’s last move was the approval of some 50,000 South Vietnamese citizens and soldiers to be ______________ to the United States. As South Vietnam fell to Ho Chi Minh’s forces, these people were granted a new life in the US.

During the 1976 election, the democrats ran a little known peanut farmer from Plains, Georgia _________________. With no political connections, Carter seemed to be a fresh face to American voters……he won!!!


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