Judith Noemí Freidenberg[1]

Major Interests

General: Social Anthropology (special focus on public and applied perspectives)

Area: United States, Argentina

Topical: Health & Well-Being; Health Tourism; Aging; Migration and Mobility; Ethnographic and Mixed Methods; Museum Scholarship

Education and Training

Certificate in Social Gerontology, Center on Aging, University of Maryland, 2005

Post-Doctoral Fellow, National Institute of Mental Health, 1981-1984

Ph.D. in Anthropology, City University of New York, 1978

Licenciada en Ciencias Antropológicas, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, 1969

Diplôme D’Etudes Supérieures, Alliançe Francaise, Argentina, 1967

Institutional Affiliations

2019-present Researcher CIS-IDES[2] (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

2012-present Full Professor of Anthropology, University of Maryland[3]

(Emerita since June 1, 2017)

2001-2012 Associate Professor of Anthropology, University of Maryland

1995-2001 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, University of Maryland

1984-1995 Assistant Professor of Anthropology & Coordinator of International

Division, Department of Community Medicine, Mount Sinai School of


1980-1981 Research Associate, Department of Architecture and Urban

Planning, Columbia University, New York

1977-1980 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Lehman College, City University of New York

1975-1977 Doctoral Fellow, Hostos Community College, City University of New York

Honors and Awards

Special Advisor for International Cooperation, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University of Maryland; 2018

Milstein Award, Programa Raíces, Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva, Argentina; August 5-September 7, 2017

Fulbright Specialist Award; 2016-2021

Sabbatical Leave; Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland; spring, 2016

Director, Museum Scholarship and Material Culture Graduate Certificate Program; 2014-2017

Conference Award; “Human Mobilities: Perspectives from History, Museology and Anthropology”; Driskell Center, University of Maryland; 2010

Sabbatical Leave; Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland; 2009

International Activity Grant; 2008

Opportunity Grant, Maryland Humanities Council (2005); Pepsi Enhancement Grant (2006); Special Appropriation Grants, Prince Georges Government (2007) to support an immigrant museum; University of Maryland

Curatorial Award, Center for Latino Initiatives, Smithsonian Institution; for digital exhibition Inside/Out; Washington, D.C.; 2002

Sabbatical Leave; Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland; 2002

Washington Association of Practicing Anthropologists (WAPA) Praxis Award; for “Exhibiting Anthropological Data on Latino Elderly in the United States”; Washington, D.C.; 2001

Latino Research Network Award: by the Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity; University of Maryland; 1999-2001

Travel Award; National Science Foundation; to participate in the International Congress of Ethnological and Anthropological Sciences; Mexico City; 1993

Exhibit Award; International Congress of Ethnological and Anthropological Sciences, Commission on Aging and the Aged and American Anthropological Association; to curate “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem” with Mexican curators; Mexico City; 1993

Conference Award; The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research; to organize a conference on urban ethnography; New York; 1992

Conference Award; The Center for the Study of Philanthropy; to participate in the “Conference on Philanthropy and Cultural Diversity”; New York; 1992

Conference Award; The Pew Charitable Fund; to aid the International Division of Community Medicine (Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, CUNY); 1984-1987


Research Award (RASA); University of Maryland, 2014

Advance Grant; University of Maryland; 2013

Seed Grant; University of Maryland-Smithsonian Collaboration; 2012

Research Award; Graduate Research Board, University of Maryland; 2006

Samuel Iwry Faculty Research Fellowship; University of Maryland; 2003

Travel Award; International Relations, University of Maryland; 2003

Travel Award; International Relations, University of Maryland; 2002

Research Award; Department of Jewish Studies, University of Maryland; 2002

Travel Award; Department of Jewish Studies, University of Maryland; 2001

Research Award; Center for Heritage Studies, University of Maryland; 2001

Research Award; Graduate Research Board, University of Maryland; 1999

Research Award; Dean of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University of Maryland; 1998

Research Award; Dean of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University of Maryland; 1997

Research Award; The Erhman Fund Award, New York; 1992

Research Award; Social Sciences Research Council; New York; 1992

Research Award; New York Community Trust; New York; 1988

Exploratory Research Award; National Institute on Aging, New York; 1988-1990

Independent Investigator Award; CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina; 1987

Research Award; United Hospital Fund; New York; 1987

Research Award; Morgan Guarantee Trust; New York; 1986

Research Award; Citibank; New York; 1985

National Research Service Award; National Institute of Mental Health; 1981-1984

Teaching Awards, Grants and Other Special Recognition

Outstanding Graduate Advisor Award; University of Maryland; March 2012

Consultant; Department of Women’s Studies, University of Maryland; 2010

Faculty of Color Achievement Award; University of Maryland; 2010

Travel Award; Centro de Antropología Social, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social (Center for Social Anthropology, Institute for Economic and Social Development, Argentina); to deliver the VI Esther Hermitte Lecture, 2010

Presidential Ethnic Minority Award; University of Maryland; 2008

Certificate of Appreciation; Department of Geography, University of Maryland; 2006

Teaching Award; Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Maryland; 2006

Teacher as Scholars Program Award; University of Maryland; 2006

Faculty Fellowship; Georgetown University; Washington, D.C.; 2004-2005

Teaching Award; Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentina; 2001

Course Development Award; Center for Latin American Studies, University of Maryland; 2001

Teaching Fellow; University of Maryland; 1999-2000

Faculty Representative University of Maryland, The Carnegie Foundation’s Academy for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning initiative; 1999

Teaching Award; Fulbright Commission; Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1999

Faculty Fellowship; Lilly Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Maryland; 1998-1999

University of Maryland College Park Scholars Program in American Studies; 1997

Curriculum Transformation Award; University of Maryland; 1996

Faculty Participant; The Teaching Portfolio Project of the Washington Area Consortium of Colleges and Universities; 1995-1996

Review Committee Member; National Institute of Health Minority Fellowship Program; 1995

Offices Held in Professional Organizations

Chair, Pelto Award Committee, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2019-2022

Board Member, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2019-2022

On the Move, Board Member, American Anthropological Association, 2016-present

Immigration Initiative, Committee Member, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2017-present

Voices of America, Advisory Board Member, 2017-present

Program Committee member, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2017-2020

Perti Pelto Award Committee Member, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2017-2019

International Consultant, Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (Technical and Scientific Research Council), Argentina, 2011-present

Judge, Eduardo Archetti Prize, Centro de Antropología Social, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016-present

Chair, Publications Committee, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2012-2015

Member, Praxis Award Committee, Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists, 2011

Member, Interest Group for the Anthropology of Public Policy, American Anthropological Association, 2011-present

Executive Secretary, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2008-2011

Review Committee, Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropologists, 2008-2011

Member, Red de Investigadores Argentinos sobre Migraciones Internacionales Contemporáneas, Argentina, 2010-present

Oral History Project, Society for Applied Anthropology, Chair, 2006, Member, 2001-2006

Board Member and Academic Liaison, Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists, 2000-2017

President, Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists, 2004-2005

University of Maryland Representative, Consortium of Practicing and Applied Anthropology Programs, 2001-2017

Member, International Union of Ethnological and Anthropological Sciences, Commission on Aging and the Aged, (1998-2002)

Vice-President for Social Sciences, Argentine-North American Association, 1991-1995

Corresponding Secretary, Association for Anthropology and Gerontology, 1995

Membership in Professional Associations

American Anthropological Association, Fellow

Society for Applied Anthropology, Fellow

National Association for Practicing Anthropologists, member

Society for Anthropology and Gerontology, member

Association for Latina and Latino Anthropologists, member

Society for Medical Anthropology, member

Society for Urban Anthropology, member

Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists, member

World Anthropologies Network

Asociación Latinoamericana de Antropología

Editorial Service

Advisory Board Member, Well-Being Book Series, Lexington Press

Co-Editor, Practicing Anthropology, Society for Applied Anthropology, 2015-2018

Member, Consejo Académico Asesor (Advisory Academic Committee), Estudios de Antropología Social* (Studies in Social Anthropology), Buenos Aires, Argentina

Member of Editorial Board, Agathos, Barcelona, Spain, 1992-2000

Editorial Committee Member, Atención Socio-Sanitaria y Bienestar* (ISSIS) (Social Health and Well-Being Services, 2000-2005

Member, Editorial Team, New York Academy of Sciences, Anthropology Section, 1992-1998

Reviewing Activities

For Journals: American Anthropologist; Human Organization; Anthropological Quarterly; Identities; Journal of Cross- Cultural Gerontology; Latino Studies; Hispanic American Historical Review; Research on Aging; American Journal of Sociology; The Gerontologist; Medical Anthropology; International Migration Review; Latin American Historical Review; Cuadernos de Antropología Social [Journal of Social Anthropology]; Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social [Institute of Social and Economic Development]; Medical Anthropology Quarterly; American Antiquity; Journal of Jewish Identities; Anthropology and Aging Quarterly; American Ethnologist; Odisea, Revista de Estudios Migratorios; Journal of Gerontology, Ethnic and Racial Studies; Social Science and Medicine; Mundo Agrario; Anthropology in Action; Ethnic and Racial Studies; Revista Uruguaya de Antropología y Etnografía; Journal of Population Aging; Seculo, Estudios de Ciencias Sociais;

For Granting Agencies: National Science Foundation; National Endowment for the Humanities; Russell Sage Foundation; FONCYT (Fondo Para la Investigación Científica y Tecnología [Foundation for Scientific and Technological Research, Argentina]; ANPCyT (Agencia de Promoción Científica y Técnica [Agency for Scientific and Technical Promotion, Argentina]; CONICET (Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas); Fulbright Commission; National Institutes of Health; The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research; The City University of New York Foundation; Government Accountability Office; Israeli Science Foundation

For Publishers: Allyn & Bacon; Altamira; Lexington Books; Rutgers University Press; Berghahn Books; Bloomsbury Publishers; Rowman & Littlefield; Routledge, Taylor & Francis

Other Professional Service Roles

Advisory Board member, Montgomery College, Department of Anthropology, 2015-present

Consultant, Montgomery Primary Care Coalition, 2008

Curator, Smithsonian Institution, Center for Latino Initiatives, Washington, D.C., 2002

Consultant, Baltimore City Life Museums, Baltimore, 1996

Grants Coordinator, Beth Abraham Hospital Center,1994

Consultant, Mount Sinai Department of Geriatrics, New York, 1992

Consultant, Pan American Health Organization. Consultant; Washington, D.C., 1992

Consultant, ExitArt, New York, 1991

Exhibit Consultant, Edith Ehrman Fund,New York, 1991



2016 Contemporary Conversations on Immigration in the United States: The View from Prince

George’s County, Maryland. Lexington Books

2013 La Invención de los Gauchos Judíos. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Prometeo

2009 The Invention of the Jewish Gauchos: Villa Clara and the Construction of

Argentine Identity. Austin, Texas: Texas University Press

2005 Memorias de Villa Clara, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Antropofagia [reprinted in 2009]

2000 Growing Old in El Barrio. New York: New York University Press

Edited Books

1995 The Anthropology of Low-Income Urban Enclaves: The Case of East Harlem.

New York: New York Academy of Sciences.

Chapters in Books

2017 “Trans-border Economic, Ecological and Health Processes: A Commentary to Part IV. In:

“Anthropological Visions of the US-Mexico Transborder Region”. Carlos Velez Ibañez

and Josiah Heyman, editors. University of Arizona Press

2011 “Los Estados Unidos y La Migración de Elites: Historias de Vida y

Relocalización Espacial en Buenos Aires, Argentina; In Migraciones Internacionales Contemporáneas: Estudios para el Debate; Cynthia Pizarro, editor. Ediciones Ciccus: Buenos Aires, Argentina

1998 Freidenberg, Judith and Edit Masuelli. “Argentines in the United States.” The

Encyclopedia of American Immigrant Cultures. David Levinson and Melvin

Ember, editors. New York: Macmillan, pp. 38-42

1986 Kasinitz, Philip and Judith Freidenberg. “The Puerto Rican Parade and West Indian Carnival: Public Celebrations in New York City.” Caribbean Life in New York City: Socio- cultural Dimensions. Constance R. Sutton and Elsa M. Chaney, eds. New York: Center for Migration Studies, pp. 327-349

Edited Journal Issues

2015 (With Jorge Durand) “How we talk about migration: Voices from the U.S. and Mexico.

Practicing Anthropologist 38 (1), Fall 2015

2013 “Immigration and Well-Being”. Practicing Anthropologist 35 (4), Fall 2013

2006 “Latino Immigrant Health: Research Initiatives on Latino Immigrants in a Low

Income Enclave close to a Major University Campus.” Journal of Latino-Latin

American Studies (2)2

2005 (Co-Editor, with Tony Whitehead) “Uses of Applied Ethnography in

Community, Health and Development.” Practicing Anthropologist (27)2.

2001 “Debating the Uses of Anthropology: Latin America and the United States.” Journal of Latin American Anthropology (6)2

2000 “Training Practicing Anthropologists: The University of Maryland Experience.”

Practicing Anthropologist 22(3)

Articles in Refeered Journals

2018 Judith Freidenberg, Brenda Matossian, Gabriela Mera, Fulvio Rivero Sierra y Susana

Sassone: “Construcción Social de los Desplazamientos: Territorio, Movilidad, Migración

y Frontera. Antropología y Procesos Migratorios, 10, pp. 42-81

2011 “Researching Global Spaces Ethnographically: Queries on Methods for the

Study of Virtual Populations.” Human Organization (70)3

2009 “Metodologías Etnográficas para el Estudio de los Expatriados Norteamericanos: Una Aproximación Exploratoria; Centro de Estudios Migratorios Latinoamericanos; 66: pp. 219-234

2008 “Development Anthropology is a Contact Sport: Interview with

Michael Cernea.” Human Organization 66(4): pp. 339-354

2006 Mieri, Magdalena, Judith Freidenberg, Katie Tracey, and Yixin Qiu. “Latino

Community Identity and Development: The Case of a Community Museum in

Langley Park, Maryland.” Journal of Latino/a-Latin American Studies 2(2): pp.


2006 “Elderly Latinos of Langley Park: Understanding Retirement Issues.” Journal

of Latino/a-Latin American Studies 2(2): pp. 112-124.

2006 “A Conceptual Framework to Understand Latino Immigrants' Well Being: An

Introduction to the Issue.” Journal of Latino/a-Latin American Studies 2(2):


2006 Mieri, Magdalena, Judith Freidenberg, Katie Tracey, and Yixin Qiu “Latino Community Identity and Development: The Case of a Community Museum in Langley Park, Maryland.” Journal of Latino/a-Latin American Studies 2(2): pp. 62-78

2004 Danklmajer, Christine, Judith Freidenberg, Laura Andrea Kostlin, and M.

Alejandra Colom. “La Etnografía en la Gestión Pública: Análisis de una

Experiencia Metodológica en Argentina; Atención Socio-

Sanitaria y Bienestar 4(1): pp. 24-30

2002 “Applied Anthropology/Antropología de la Gestión: Debating the Uses of Anthropology in the United States and Latin America: From Policy Ethnography to Theory of Practice: Introductory Considerations.” Journal of Latin American Anthropology 6(2): pp. 4-19

2001 “From Policy Ethnography to Theory of Practice: A Comparison of Applied Anthropology in the U.S. and Latin America.” Journal for Latin American Anthropology 6(2): pp. 4-20.

2001 Freidenberg, Judith and Marcos Pantelis. “ ‘Si No Hay Fé No Hay Nada’:

Reflexiones Sobre la Espiritualidad; Atención Socio-Sanitaria y Bienestar; 1(4): pp. 4-15

2000 “Mitos Sobre el Envejecimiento: el Uso del Tiempo en la Vida Cotidiana”;

Atención Socio-Sanitaria y Bienestar; 1: pp. 17-22

2000 “Vidas Privadas/Políticas Públicas; Historias de Vida Como Etnografía Aplicada”; Cuadernos de Antropología*. Buenos Aires, Argentina, pp. 147-166

1998 “The Social Construction and Reconstruction of the Other: Fieldwork in El

Barrio.” Anthropological Quarterly 71(4): pp. 169-186

1998 Freidenberg, Judith and Muriel Hammer. “Social Networks and Health Care:

The Case of Elderly Latinos in East Harlem.” Urban Anthropology 27(1): pp.


1995 “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem: A Multi-Media, Bilingual Exhibition.”

Migration World XXIII(1/2): pp. 34-38

1995 “Policy Ethnography in East Harlem: Methodological Issues.” Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 749: pp. 119-136

1994 Freidenberg, Judith and Marc Weksler. “Fighting Influenza: Stronger Vaccines are Researchers' Goal.” Geriatrics 49(1): pp. 47-49

1993 Freidenberg, Judith, Michael Mulvihill and Louis Caraballo. “From

Ethnography to Survey: Some Methodological Issues in Research on Health

Seeking in East Harlem.” Human Organization 52(2): pp. 151-161

1992 Freidenberg, Judith and Ivonne Jiménez Velásquez. “Assessing Impairment

among Hispanic Elderly: Biomedical and Ethnomedical Perspectives.”

Clinical Gerontologist II(3 & 4): pp. 131-144

1992 Bloom, Samuel, Jane Moss, Renate Belville, Judith Freidenberg, Debbie

Indyk, and Edward Speedling. “Community Medicine: Its Contribution to the

Social Science of Medicine.” The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 59(6): pp.


1992 Merino, Rolando, Judith Freidenberg, Ellen Fischer and Alan Silver. “An

International Program in Community Medicine at Mt. Sinai Medical Center.”

The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 59(6): pp. 455-460

1991 Seijo, Rosa, Henry Gómez, and Judith Freidenberg. “Language as a

Communication Barrier in Medical Care for Hispanic Patients.” Hispanic

Journal of Behavioral Sciences 13(4): pp. 363-376

1991 “Participatory Research and Grassroots Development: A Case from Harlem.”

City and Society 5(1): pp. 64-76

1991 “Investigación de La Salud en Una Comunidad; Trabajo Social y Salud; 8: pp. 199-


1990 Bosch, Samuel, Ellen Fischer, Judith Freidenberg, Rolando Merino, and Allan

Silver. “Un Programa de Cooperación Internacional Que Promueve

Desarrollo Social; Medicina y Sociedad; 13(5-6): pp. 25-30

1990 Freidenberg, Judith and Philip Kasinitz. “Rituales Públicos en La Politización

de La Etnicidad en Nueva York; Desarrollo Económico y Social; 117: pp. 109-132

1989 “La Migración Argentina a Estados Unidos: El Caso de Ana; Estudios Migratorios

Latinoamericanos; 11: pp. 111-134

1988 Freidenberg, Judith, Graciela Imperiale and Mary Lou Skovron. “Migrant Careers and Well-Being of Women.” International Migration Review 22: pp. 208-225.

1987 Bosh, Samuel, Judith Freidenberg, and Angélica Flores. “El Desarrollo de Los

Sistemas de Atención Médica Prepaga en Los Estados Unidos de

Norteamérica; Medicina y Sociedad; 10(3): pp. 61-70

1985 Bosch, Samuel, Ellen Fischer, Judith Freidenberg and Rolando Merino. “Asistencia Técnica, Participación Comunitaria e Integración Docente- Asistencial”; Medicina y Sociedad; ) 8(3): pp. 66-71

1983 “The Politicization of Puerto Rican Ethnicity.” Ethnic Groups V(1-2): pp. 31-


1970 Soruco, Cristina and Judith Freidenberg. “Recursos y Trabajo en Alfarcito”; Etnía;11: pp. 1-7

Articles in Editor-Reviewed Journals

2018 (With Shirley Fiske); “Where is Practice in Practicing Anthropology?”, Practicing

Anthropology, Vol. 40 (1): 2-18

2015 (With Jorge Durand); Introduction to Practicing Anthropology, Vol. 38:1, Fall

2009 Freidenberg, Judith and Gail Thakur. “Immigrant Life Histories as a Heritage Resource for Civic Engagement.” Practicing Anthropologist 31(3): pp. 30-35

2006 Chambers, Erve and Judith Freidenberg. [reprinted in 2009] “The Inventions

of Practice: A Future for Applied Anthropology.” In Teaching Anthropology,

SACC (Society for Anthropology in Community Colleges) Notes: pp. 39-41

2005 Whitehead, Tony L. and Judith Freidenberg. “Uses of Applied Ethnography in

Community, Health and Development by Anthropologists with Master Level

Training.” Practicing Anthropologist 27(2): pp. 1-4

2005 Freidenberg, Judith and Roberta Cosentino. “Commentary What do the Young say about being Sixty-Five?” Practicing Anthropologist 27(3): pp. 42-43

2005 “Some Final Comments.” In “Uses of Applied Ethnography in Community,

Health and Development by Anthropologists with Master Level Training.”

Practicing Anthropologist 27(2): p. 33

2000 Freidenberg, Judith and Erve Chambers. “Pedagogical Reflections on Practitioner Training Programs.” In “Training Practicing Anthropologists: The University of Maryland Experience.” Judith Freidenberg, editor. Practicing Anthropologist 22(3): pp. 2-5

1993 “Ethnicity and Volunteerism in an Inner Housing Project.” Practicing Anthropologist 15(3): pp. 3-5

1986 “Middle-Class Hispanic Women in the United States: One Migrant’s

Story.” Working Papers on Women in International Development #100


2006 “Service Learning as Civic Engagement.” Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Maryland

2002 “The Anthropology of the Immigrant Life-Course.” Center for Heritage Studies, University of Maryland

2000 “Elderly Latinos of Langley Park: Understanding Retirement Issues.” University of Maryland’s Graduate Research Board and Casa de Maryland, Maryland

2000 Freidenberg, Judith, Pat Nelson, Kerry Weeda and Maria Cristina Franseschini. “A Report of Findings and Recommendations for the Retired Volunteer Service Corps.” Dr. Judith Freidenberg’s Cross- Cultural Aging Seminar Class (Anth 6880)

1999 Freidenberg, Judith and Janna Bowen. “Immigrant Women and Work. CASA de Maryland

1995 “Women in Global Perspective: The United Nations Prepares for

Beijing.” UNESCO, New York

1993 “Cultural and Social Variables: Their Implication for Comparative Policy Research on Elderly’s Quality of Life.” Longevity and Society Program (Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine), New York

1992 “Growing Old Puerto Rican in East Harlem: Poverty and Health Issues.” Committee for Public Policy Research on Contemporary Hispanic Issues and Research on the Urban Underclass. Social Science Research Council, New York

1992 “An Exploration of Volunteerism: Cross-Cultural Perspectives.” Longevity and Society Program (Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine), New York

1991 “Technical Assistance to Health Professionals in Montevideo,Uruguay.” Program in Adult Health, The Pan American Health Organization, Washington, D.C.

1991 “Maternal and Child Health Pilot Project.” North General Hospital, New York

1990 “A Participatory Volunteer Program for East Harlem Elderly Residents.” Health Services Research and Development Unit, Department of Community Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York

1986 “Being Old in East Harlem: The People of Casabe.” Health Services Research and Development Unit, Department of Community Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York

1985 Freidenberg, Judith and Nadine Julius. “Site visit of the Department of

Community Medicine, Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, Dominican

Republic.” International Division, Department of Community Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York

Book Reviews

2019 Gringolandia: Lifestyle Migration under Late Capitalism. Mathew Hayes. University of

Minessota Press. City and Society

2018 Inmigraciones y Economías Etnicas: Horticultores Bolivianos en Argentina, by Roberto

Benencia. Academia Española, 2017. Revista de Desarrollo Económico

2018 “What does an international anthropology of the U.S. say about the global practice of the

discipline? American Anthropologist, Book Forum, February 25

2017 Becoming Legal: Immigration Law and Mixed-Status Families, by Ruth Gomberg Muñoz. American Ethnologist, vol. 44, No. 2, May

2013 Transitions and Transformations: Cultural Perspectives on Aging and the Lifecourse, Caitrin Lynch and Jason Danely, Editors. Agathos

2012 The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease, by

Jonathan Metzl. Medical Anthropological Quarterly 26.2: 309-310

2002 No Aging in India: Alzheimer’s, the Bad Family and Other Modern Things, by

Lawrence Cohen, and White Saris and Sweet Mangos: Gender and Body in

North India, by Sarah Lamb. American Ethnologist 29(1): pp. 201- 203

Oher Scholarly Publications

2017 (with Anahi Viladrich) “Donald Trump y sus decisions sobre immigración. Racismo y

Xenofoia: el espíritu de la época. Blog in Pescado Fresco, August 31

2012 “Open or Closed Access?” Society for Applied Anthroplogy (SFAA) News

Letter 23(2): page 12

2012 “Human Experience, Museums, and Human Rights.” Anthropology News. February 2012

2008 “Interview with Orlando Fals Borda.” For the Oral History Program of the

Society for Applied Anthropology, March 28, 2008

2003 “Interview with Michael Cernea.” For the Oral History Program of the

Society for Applied Anthropology, June 30, 2003

2002 “Inside/Out: Growing Old (Latino) in the United States, A Curatorial

Essay.” For Virtual Gallery, Center for Latino Initiatives, Smithsonian


2002 “Exhibiting Visual Data on Latino Elderly in the U.S.” Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists Newsletter 24 (7)

2002 “The Previous Wave of Argentine Immigration to the United States: Ana’s Life

Story.” Latin American Studies Center News XII (2): pp. 6-7

2001 “Interview with Erve Chambers.” For the Oral History Program of the

Society for Applied Anthropology, May 20, 2001

1993 “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem.” Anthropology News Network 1(1):

pp. 16-17

1993 “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem.” Aging Today, American

Geriatric Association Newsletter, May/June: page 13

1992 “Medical Systems as Metaphor for Society.” The Gentle Reader, A

Literature and Medical Monthly, Medical Students Association, Mt. Sinai

School of Medicine, September: page 3



2020 “Reflexiones Metodológicas: Repensando lo Aprendido, Reinventando Alternativas”.

Conferencia de Apertura, Jornadas de Etnografía y Métodos Cualitativos, Instituto de

Desarrollo Económico y Social, Agosto 12.

2019 “Migración y Salud”. Equipo de Antropología y Salud, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico

y Social, May 7


“Jewish Immigration to the Argentine Republic and its Contributions to the Development and Formation of Argentina and the U.S.”; Consulado de la República Argentina,

New York, November 27

“Contemporary Conversations on Immigration”; Applied Anthropology Seminar, November 13

“Conversations about Immigration in the US: The Case of Prince George’s County”. DC History Conference, November 3

“Movilidad Rural: El Caso de Villa Clara, Entre Ríos”, Taller “Migraciones desde, dentro y hacia áreas Rurales, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires,

August 17


“The Latino Diaspora and the Great Central American Migration”, panelist, Prince George’s County Council, District 2, September 30

“The View from Prince George’s County”, Center for the Study of Democracy,

St. Mary’s College of Maryland, September 14

“La temática migratoria en los Estados Unidos. Terceras Jornadas Entrerrianas de Inmigración. Concordia, Argentina, August 25

“Immigration in the Age of Trump”, panelist, University Libraries, University of Maryland,

April 6

“Contemporary Conversations on Immigration in the United States: The View from Prince George’s County, Maryland”. Book Presentation for Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists, February 7


“Conversaciones contemporáneas sobre migración en los Estados Unidos: El caso de Prince George’s, Maryland”. I Congreso Internacional Lenguas-Migraciones-Culturas, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, November 12

“Contemporary Conversations on Immigration in the United States: The View from Prince George’s County, Maryland”. Book Presentation for “On the Move”, Public Initiative of the American Anthropological Association, October 25

“Contemporary Conversations on Immigration in the United States: The View from Prince George’s County, Maryland”. National Hispanic Heritage Month, at the Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission, October 21

“Contemporary Conversations on Immigration in the United States: The View from Prince George’s County, Maryland. Speaking of Books, Conversations with Campus Authors, McKeldin Library, University of Maryland, October 18

“Service Learning: What have I learned?” Office of Leadership and Community Service-Learning, September 19

“Conversaciones sobre Inmigración en EEUU”, Universidad de Buenos Aires, June 2

“Prácticas de Ciudadanía y Culturas de Emigración: El Caso de los Estadounidenses en

Argentina” Instituto de Investigación Gino Germani, May 3

“Imaginarios de Inmigración, Etnicidad y Clase Social en una Colonia Agrícola,”

Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Buenos Aires, April 13


“Cultures of Research and Publishing in the Social Sciences Forum”, Panelist, University of Maryland Libraries, October 15

“The Changing Face of Prince George’s County”. Progressive Cheverly Association,


“UMD Careers in Museums and Archives Panel”, Panelist, University of Maryland, Nov 4

“Contextualizing Oral History Research”, University of Maryland, Nov. 5

“Immigrant Communities in Prince George’s County”. Maryland Social Entrepreneur

Corps II, September 22

2012 “Travel Tales: Stories of Migration”. Independent Film Series, Hyattsville Public Library,

January 28

2011 “The Invention of the Jewish Gauchos.” Kehila Chadasha, February 6

2010 “La Memoria Histórica y Biográfica.” Sociedad Hebraica, Buenos Aires, July 15

“Migración y Salud.” Maestría en Política Migratoria, Universidad

Nacional de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, July 22

“Understanding the Modern Phenomenon of the Expatriate”, International Womens’ Association, Buenos Aires, , July 28

“The Anthropologist and Civic Engagement”, Prof. Chambers’s Applied Anthropology class, University of Maryland, September 13

“Gerchunoff and The Jewish Gauchos,” Las Americas Society, New York, New York, October 14

“The Invention of the Jewish Gauchos, A Jewish Literary Festival and Embassy of Argentina Collaboration, Washington, DC, October 22

“Haciendo Comunidad, Sharing Knowledge and Experiences. Latin American Studies Johns Hopkins University, October 26

“Visual Representations of Ethnographic Research, “Human

Mobility: Perspectives from History, Anthropology, and Museology.” A Department of Anthropology and David C. Driskell Center Collaboration, University of Maryland, November 11

“Dinámicas Identitarias de los Estadounidenses en Buenos Aires: Problemáticas Metodológicas y Empíricas, January 4, Buenos Aires, Argentina

“Virtual Ethnography of Expats.” Maryland Population Center, University of Maryland, College Park, April 8

“Epistemology of Ethnographic Knowledge: Virtual Versus Conventional Ethnography.” CUSAG Seminar Series on Applied Urban Ethnographic and Community Health Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, May 4

“The Invention of the Jewish Gauchos.” Jewish Study Center, Washington,

D.C., May 2

2009 “Ethnographic Methodologies for the Study of U.S. Expatriates: AnExploration.” Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Buenos Aires, Argentina, April 4

“Transnational Immigration-Emigration as Social Capital: A Comparative Approach to Global Mobility.” Paper delivered to “Eurasia in a Shifting Global Context: Building Interdisciplinary Bridges.” Koc University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 20

“Ruth Fredman Cernea: Anthropologist.” Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists), Washington, D.C., November 1

2008 “Issues in Immigration Research.” In “Class, Diversity and the City,” course

taught by Professor Howell Baum, Department of Architecture and Urban

Planning, University of Maryland, College Park, March 31

“Commemorating International Women’s Day: Constraints and Opportunities in Women’s Lives.” CEGA (Center for Argentine Graduate Students), Washington, D.C., March 6

“Immigration and National Identity in Argentina: Memory and Ideology of Belonging in Villa Clara.” Latin American Studies Center, University of Maryland, College Park, November 11

“The Anthropology of the Immigrant Life Course.” National Institute of

Health, Bethesda, Maryland, September 1

“Immigrant Populations in the Maryland Landscape.” Seminars for Teachers,

University of Maryland, College Park, April 24

2007 “Transnational Social Networks as Social Capital: The Role of Immigrant Women in Sustainable Development.” Human Rights, Women and Development, Fourth Arab Reform Conference, Alexandria, Egypt, March 3

“Memories of Villa Clara”, Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists, Washington, D.C., January 8

“Understanding Provider Culture.” Cancer Control Institute. Georgetown

University, Washington, D.C., September 19

“Culturally Sensitive Research on Health.” George Washington Medical

School, Washington, D.C., November 13

“Entre el Aula y el Campo: Experiencias en la Enseñanza de la Etnografía.

Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Buenos Aires, August 3

2006 “The Immigrant Life Course.” Keynote Speaker, Conference “Latino: Our Many Faces, Our Many Stories: Challenges for Mental Health Professionals.” Greater Washington Latino Mental Health Network, University of Maryland, October 7

“The Coalition for Civic Engagement and Leadership.” Panelist. The Center

for Teaching Excellence, University of Maryland, October 27

2005 Freidenberg, Judith, Paul Shackel, and Lena Mortensen. “Immigrant Museum Research Proposal.” Anacostia Trails Heritage Area Board Meeting, Maryland, December 1

“Memorias de Villa Clara, Argentina Embassy, Washington, D.C., October 27

“Presentation on Current Research.” Center for Heritage Studies, University of Maryland, October 19

“Memorias de Villa Clara”, Museo de Arte Popular José Hernández, Buenos Aires, July 3

“Applied Anthropology and Museology.” Workshop, Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, June 30

“Memorias de Villa Clara, Villa Clara, Entre Ríos, Argentina, June 25

“Anthropology and Educational Experiences Abroad,” Villa Domínguez, Entre Ríos, Argentina, June 24

“Memorias de Villa Clara: Los Usos Del Patrimonio”, Lecture delivered for the

Course General Folklore, Instructor Ana María Dupey, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, June 9

2004 “Current Research on Immigration.” Department of Anthropology,University of Maryland, November 3

“What can be said about Spanish-Speaking Communities from an

Anthropological Perspective?” Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Maryland , March 9

“Principles of Community Based Research Curriculum Development and Student Assessment.” Session I: Role of Faculty in Community-Based Learning and Research. 2004 Conference on Community Driven Research and Social Change in the National Capital Region, Washington, D.C., April 17

“Growing Old in El Barrio.” Poster Presentation for “Showcasing Gerontology Scholarship.” College of Health and Human Performance, University of Maryland, April 23

“Becoming an Anthropologist.” Association of Student Anthropologists (ASA),

Department of Anthropology, University of Maryland, October 22

2003 “Anthropological Research on International Immigration to Entre

Rios, Argentina,” Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento

Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires, August 4

“Activism and Academia: Enhancing Meaningful Dialogue between Academia and Community Activists, Panelist, Consortium on Race, Gender and Ethnicity, University of Maryland, November 1

2002 “Visual Renditions of Anthropological Knowledge.” Women’s Studies Graduate Colloquium, University of Maryland

“Inside/Out: Growing Old in the United States.” Opening of Virtual Exhibit Smithsonian Institution, Center for Latino Initiatives, Washington, D.C., February 15

“Exhibiting Visual Data on Latino Elderly in the U.S.:2001 Praxis Award.” Washington Association of Practicing Anthropologists Washington, D.C.

Meet the Professors Series, “A Virtual Exhibit on Aging from the Smithsonian,” Senior University, University of Maryland

“Update on the History of Villa Clara Project.” Municipalidad de Villa Clara, Argentina

2001 “Growing Old in El Barrio.” Center for Latino Initiatives, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

“Medical Anthropology: A Presentation to the Department of Internal Medicine.” Prince Georges Hospital. Cheverly, Maryland

“Una Referencia: La Antropología Aplicada en la Universidad de Maryland. Antropólogos Dentro y Fuera de la Academia, Segundo Encuentro Nacional de Antropología y Gestión, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, University de Buenos Aires

“Contemporary Social Memory and Jewish Immigration to Argentina.” Department of Jewish Studies, University of Maryland

“Interpreting Latino Cultures: Research and Museums.” Smithsonian Center for Latino Initiatives, Washington, D.C., May 16

“Perspectives on Growing Older.” Panel Discussion. Public Program, The New York Historical Society, New York

2000 “The Neighborhood as a Unit of Study.” Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Maryland

“Elderly Latino of Langley Park.” Meet the Professors Series, Senior

University, University of Maryland

“Community Needs: Elders, Women and Youth-at-Risk: A Panel

Discussion. Department of Spanish and Portuguese, University of Maryland

“Research on Immigrant and Latino Aging.” Health and Society Research Group, University of Maryland

“Growing Old in El Barrio.” Museum of the City of NewYork, co-hosted by New York University Press, New York

1999 “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem.” Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Maryland

1998 “Anthropological Interviewing.” Department of Women’s Studies, University of Maryland

1997 “Fieldwork and Ethnography of Health and Illness.” Department ofWomen’s Studies, University of Maryland

“Curriculum Transformation Conference.” Department of Women’s Studies, University of Maryland.

1996 “The Life History as Anthropological Tool.” Department of Anthropology, American University, Washington, D.C.

1995 “Research on East Harlem Elderly Hispanics.” Philadelphia Geriatric

Center, Philadelphia

1994 “Methods of Cultural Research in Urban Anthropology.” Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires

1992 “The Anthropology of Low Income Urban Enclaves: The Case of East Harlem.” Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and Museum of the City of New York, New York

“Techniques to Disseminate Social Science Research on Health to Public Policy.” Terceras Jornadas de la Asociación Española de Trabajo Social, Barcelona, Spain

“Volunteerism in the United States. Symposium on Voluntarism and the Corporate Sector.” International Leadership Center, Nagoya, Japan

“The Context of Giving among Inner City Hispanics in New York: Elderly Voluntarism in Harlem.” Center for the Study of Philanthropy, CUNY, New York

“Interdisciplinary Research in Health.” Health Psychology Seminar, Graduate

Center, CUNY, New York

1991 “Health Care and Social Networks of Elderly Hispanics.” Metropolitan

Medical Anthropology Association, New York

“Assessing Impairment Among Hispanic Elderly: Biomedical and Ethnomedical Perspectives.” Hunter-Mt. Sinai Geriatric Education Conference, New York

“Anthropology in a Medical School.” Mt. Sinai Medical Students Association, New York.

“Aging Research: Some Methodological Considerations.” Ministry of Health,

Buenos Aires, Argentina

1990 “Delivering Public Service to Minority Elderly: Socio-Cultural Issues,” Interdisciplinary Faculty Seminar on Longevity and Society: The Graduate

Center (CUNY), New York

“East Harlem Hispanics: Socio-Cultural Issues in the Provision of Medical

and Social Services.” Department of Social Work, Mt. Sinai Medical Center, New York

“Social Science Research on Population Health: Implications for Service and

Policy.” Hospital Salut Comunitaria* (Hospital of Community Health), Barcelona, Spain

1989 “Health and Participatory Research among the Elderly.” Casabe Housing for the Elderly, New York

“East Harlem Interagency Council for the Elderly.” Service Providers’ Association, East Harlem, New York

“Ethnomedical and Biomedical Models of Health Care: Clinical Implications.”

Internal Medical Associates, Mt. Sinai Hospital, New York

1988 “Promoting Volunteerism.” United Hospital Fund, New York

1987 “Ethnicity and Health Care.” Medical Students Association Mt. Sinai School

of Medicine, New York.

“Issues in Ethnicity and Health Care.” Department of Geriatrics, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York

1984 “Migration as a Process of Change: Its Influence on Well-Being,” Cultural Pluralism Seminar. Columbia University, New York

“Social Class and Well-Being: A Comparative Exploration of the Immigrant Experience.” Interdisciplinary Workshop Series on Health Issues, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York

1982 “Migration-Stress Research: The Interview Guide,” Interdisciplinary Workshop Series on Health Issues, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, New York

“Research on Migration and Mental Health.” Facultad Latino-Americana de Ciencias Sociales, Buenos Aires

1979 “The Political Evolution of Ethnicity Among Puerto Ricans in New York City,” Anthropology Colloquium CUNY Graduate Center, New York

“Three Leadership Types among Puerto Ricans in New York City,”

Conference on the Anthropology of New York City CUNY Graduate Center, New York

Peer-Reviewed Presentations

2020 (with Amy Carattini) “Middle Class Relocations: From Migration to Mobility

Paradigms”. Society for Applied Anthropology.

2018 “Expatriation”. In “Migration as Emigration and Immigration: Imagined Nation,

Nationality and “Citizenship”, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Florianópolis, Brazil

2015 Discussant, Migration and Changing Age-Scripts”. American Anthropological Association, November 21, Denver

2014 Virtual Methods for the Study of Expatriation and Citizenship. Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque

Freidenberg, Judith and Gail Thakur: Immigrant Voices. Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque

Discussant, Migration Research and Practice. Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque

Discussant, De Aquí y de Allá: Theory, Methods and Issues of Transborder Regions. Society for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque

2013 “A Conceptual Framework for Immigrant Well-Being.” In Immigration and Well-

Being. Society for Applied Anthropology, Denver

“Creating Museums of the Immigrant Experience.” In Accessing Anthropological

Knowledge as a Social Issue. Society for Applied Anthropology, Denver

2012 Freidenberg, Judith; Gail Thakur and Amy Carattini: Not all Immigrants are Created Equal”. Society for Applied Anthropology, Baltimore

2011 Discussant for Panel Session Tracing Material and Relational Places and Spaces:

Anthropological Reflections about Social Relationships That Matter. American

Anthropological Association. Montreal, Canada

Participant in Session “Inspiration in Applied Educational Anthropology.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle

Panelist, “WAPA’s Praxis Award.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle

2010 “La Invención de los Gauchos Judíos: Etnografía, Historia y Memoria Social”, Esther Hermitte Lecture, Center for Social Anthropology, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Buenos Aires

“The U.S. as a Foreign Country: American Expats in Buenos Aires.”

American Anthropological Association, New Orleans

“Researching Global Spaces Ethnographically: Queries on Methods for the Study of

Virtual Populations.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Merida, Mexico

2009 “Understanding the U.S. as a Foreign Country: The Life Course of

Expatriate Populations.” American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia

“Flujos Inmigratorios y Emigratorios como Capital Social: Un Enfoque Comparativo sobre la Mobilidad Transnacional Global. Comunidades Locales, Relaciones Internacionales, Buenos Aires

“Comments on Actors and Classificatory Processes of Memory Sites.” In: Espacios, Lugares, Marcas Territoriales de la Violencia Política y la Represión Estatal, Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social, Buenos Aires

2008 Freidenberg, Judith and Gail Thakur “Applying Life Histories to Public Understanding.” In session organized by Paul Shackel and David Gadsby, “Valuing Heritage.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Memphis

Freidenberg, Judith and Gail Thakur. “Perceived Inclusion of Contemporary Immigrants to Suburban U.S.: The Immigrant Life History Project,” American Ethnological Society, North Carolina

“Memories of Villa Clara, 1902-1947: Silencing the Past.” Association for Jewish

Studies, Washington, D.C.

“Influencias de Grupos de Interés en las Interrelaciones entre Saber y Práctica. Reflexiones desde los Estados Unidos. Congreso Argentino de Antropología Social, Misiones

2007 “Memorias de Villa Clara”. Latin American Jewish Studies Association, Buenos Aires

“Social Inequality, Health and Processes of Coping: A Roundtable Forum.” Session participant. Society for Applied Anthropology, Vancouver, Canada

Freidenberg, Judith and Marcia Bebianno Simoes. “Culture of Transnationalism among Latina Women in the Capital Region of the United States.” American Anthropological Association, San Jose

2006 “Immigrants and the Immigration Experience.” Society for Applied Anthropology,

Vancouver, Canada

2005 Discussant, “Role of Folk Healers in the Provision of Health Care to Latino Immigrant Populations.” Session organized by Anahi Viladrich, Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe

“Latino Elderly of Langley Park: Retirement Issues.” In: Immigrant Health:

Research Initiatives in a Low-Income Urban Enclave Close to a Major University Campus. Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe

“Latino Immigrant Health: Research Initiatives in a Low-Income Urban Enclave

Close to a Major University Campus: An Introduction to the Session.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe

Freidenberg, Judith and Erve Chambers. “The Inventions of Practice Revisited: A Future for Applied Anthropology.” American Anthropological Association, Washington

“Teaching Medical Anthropology in and out of Medical Schools: A

Comparison.” American Anthropological Association, Washington, DC.

2004 Freidenberg, Judith and Bradley Tatar. “Advocacy and the Representation of Local Heritage.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Dallas

2003 Freidenberg, Judith, John Van Willigen and Linda Bennet. “The History Project of the Society for Applied Anthropology.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Portland

2002 Freidenberg, Judith and M. Bebiano, C. Bynum, E. Griffith, A Colom, and Y. Hong.

“Immigrant Enclaves: Social Problem or Social Capital?” Society for Applied Anthropology, Atlanta

2000 Freidenberg, Judith, Magdalena Mieri, and Melissa Carillo. “Social Science and Virtual Exhibitions: The Case of Growing Old in the United States.” American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.

“Elderly Latinos of Langley Park, Maryland: Understanding Retirement Issues.” Society for Applied Anthropology. San Francisco

1999 “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem: A Case in Immigrant Aging.” Fifth Annual Diversity Research Forum on Race, Gender and Ethnicity, University of Maryland

“Immigrant Women and Work.” American Anthropological Association, Chicago

1998 “Population Issues and Public Policy: Views from Latin America and Latino Anthropologists.” American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia

“A Comparison of Applied Anthropology in the U.S. and Latin America.” Society for Applied Anthropology, San Juan, Puerto Rico

1997 “Myths about Aging and the experience of Daily Life for Latino Elderly in a Low-

Income Urban Enclave.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Seattle

Freidenberg, Judith and Evelyn Carbajal. “The Network for Latino Research at the

University of Maryland.” University of San Francisco, San Francisco

1996 “Life Histories as Ethnography.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Baltimore

“The Social Construction and Reconstruction of the ‘Other’: Fieldwork in El Barrio.” American Anthropological Association, San Francisco

1995 Freidenberg, Judith and Joan Montbach. “Linking People and Policies.” Society

for Applied Anthropology, Albuquerque

1994 “Growing Old in El Barrio: 1948-1992.” American Anthropological

Association, Atlanta

Freidenberg, Judith and Mercedes Doretti “Forensic Anthropology and Human Rights.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Oaxaca, Mexico

1993 “Aging and Latino Culture.” International Congress of Anthropological and

Ethnological Sciences, Mexico City, Mexico

“Structural factors in the Perception of Social Mobility by Female Immigrants in the US.” International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Mexico

City, Mexico

“Growing Old in Spanish Harlem: Museums as Multicultural Settings.”

Society for Applied Anthropology, San Antonio

1992 Freidenberg, Judith and Fabio Loaiza “What Society is All About: East Harlem

Women’s’ Views of Factors Influencing Prenatal Health Care.” American Anthropological Association, San Francisco

“Community Interventions, Ideologies and Policies: A Case from the

Inner City.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Memphis

1991 Freidenberg, Judith and Muriel Hammer. “Medical Needs and Social Networks among Hispanic Elderly in Harlem.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Charleston

1990 Freidenberg, Judith, Ellen Fisher, Rolando Merino and Samuel Bosch. “Primary

Health Care in the Americas: Lessons Learned from Multinational Network

Initiatives.” American Public Health Association, New York

Freidenberg, Judith and Muriel Hammer. “Social Network of Elderly Hispanics in

Harlem, New York.” Society for Applied Anthropology, York, England

1989 “Planning from the Bottom Up: A Second Look.” Society for Applied

Anthropology, Santa Fe

“Health-Seeking Behavior of Hispanic Elderly: Methodological

Aspects.” Gerontologist Society of America, Minneapolis

Freidenberg, Judith and Edmundo Morales. “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem: An

Ethnographic and Photographic Exploration.” American Anthropological

Association, Washington, D.C.

1988 “Planning from the Bottom Up: Anthropology in a Multi-disciplinary Perspective.”

Society for Applied Anthropology, Tampa


Freidenberg, Judith and Rafael Rivera-Muñiz. “Minority Aging in the U.S.: Research and Policy Implications.” American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia

Freidenberg, Judith and Philip Kasinitz. “Symbolic Politics and Ethnic Identity: A

Comparison of Caribbean Cultural Performances in New York.” American Sociological Association, Washington, D.C.

1985 Freidenberg, Judith and Clara Jacobson. “Doing Ethnography on Migrants in

Urban Areas: Problems and Strategies.” American Anthropological Association,

Washington, D.C.

1984 Freidenberg, Judith and Geraldine Grant “Immigrant Mobility: Upward, Downward

or Outward?” Society for Applied Anthropology, San Diego

“The Role of the Anthropologist in an Academic International Health

Organization.” American Anthropological Association, Denver

1983 “The New Immigration to New York City: The Social Construction of

Marginality.” American Anthropological Association, Chicago

1982 Freidenberg, Judith and Howard Stanton “Ethnography of Casual Conversation.”

Northeastern Anthropological Association, Princeton

Organization of Professional Conferences and Sessions

2020 (with Cynthia Pizarro and Diego Diaz) “Antropología Aplicada/de la Gestión: Problemas

Sociales, Soluciones para el Cambio. IDES (Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social).


“Expatriation as Human Mobility: Being a US Citizen Abroad”, Society for Applied

Anthropology, Philadelphia

(with Jorge Durand) “Immigrant Issues in the Trump Era: Threats, Security and

Representation”, Society for Applied Anthropology, Philadelphia

(with Maria Catarina Chitolina Zanini, UFSM and Marcia Bebianno Simoes, OEA)

“Migration as Emigration and Immigration: Imagined Nation, Nationality and

“Citizenship”, International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences

(IUAES), Florianópolis, Brazil


(with Jorge Durand) “How we think, work and write about migration”, Society for Applied

Anthropology, Santa Fe

“What’s in a name? A round table on practice”, Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe

2016 “Citizenship Practices and Cultures of Emigration: Discovering the Nation-State from

Abroad”, American Anthropological Association, Minneapolis

2013 “Immigration and Well-Being.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Denver

2013 “Accessing Anthropological Knowledge as a Social Issue.” Society for Applied

Anthropology, Denver

2010 “US Emigration: Nation, Nationality and Citizenship.” Session organized by

Judith Freidenberg and Sheila Croucher, American Anthropological Association,

New Orleans

2010 “Human Mobility: Perspectives from History, Anthropology and

Museology.” Driskell Center, University of Maryland

2008 “Immigration and Immigrants’ Incorporation in U.S. Civil Society.” Department of

Anthropology, University of Maryland

Freidenberg, Judith and Sandy Hofferth. “Immigration Research at Maryland.”

Maryland Population Center, University of Maryland

“Immigrant Populations in the Maryland Landscape.” Workshop, Teachers as Scholars Program, University of Maryland

2006 Freidenberg, Judith, Margaret Graham, and Karen Quintiliane. “Allies on the Front

Line: Perspectives from Our Community Partners.” Society for Applied Anthropology. Vancouver, Canada

“Immigrant Populations in the Maryland Landscape.” Workshop, Teachers as

Scholars, University of Maryland

2005 Freidenberg, Judith, Margaret Graham, and Karen Quintiliane. “Practitioner and

Academic Collaborations in the Training of Students: Opportunities and

Challenges.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe

“Latino Immigrant Health: Research Initiatives in a Low-Income

Urban Enclave Close to a Major University Campus.” Society for Applied

Anthropology, Santa Fe

2003 “Reflections by Anthropologists on Current Global Events.” Society for Applied

Anthropology, Portland

“Student Internship Experiences.” Washington Association of Professional

Anthropologists, Washington, D.C.

2002 “The Anthropology of the Immigrant Life-Course Research Program at the

University of Maryland at College Park.” Society for Applied Anthropology,


Freidenberg, Judith and Shirley Fiske. “A Dialogue between Graduate Students

and Practitioners.” Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists. Washington, D.C.

2001 “Debating Globalism Across Borders.” Session Organizer and Chair. Society for

Applied Anthropology, Merida, Mexico

Freidenberg, Judith and June Nash. “Forum on Institutionalizing International

Anthropology.” American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.

“Professionalizing Student Internship Experiences.” Washington Association of

Professional Anthropologists, Washington, D.C.

“The Network for Latino Research.” Consortium on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity, University of Maryland

2000 “Internships at the University of Maryland.” Poster Session Organizer

and Chair. Society for Applied Anthropology, San Francisco

1999 “Internships at the University of Maryland.” Poster Session Organizer and Chair.

Society for Applied Anthropology, Tucson

1998 “Debating the Uses of Anthropology: Latin America and the United States.”

Society for Applied Anthropology, San Juan, Puerto Rico

1995 “A Sad Thought That One Dances”: The Tango in Argentine Culture

and Society.” Americas Society and Argentine-North American Association for the Advancement of Science, Technology, and Culture, New York

1993 Freidenberg, Judith and Linda Bash “Displacement, Women and Global Crises:

The Forging of Community and Identity.” International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences. Mexico City, Mexico

1992 “The Anthropology of Lower Income Urban Enclaves: The Case of East Harlem.”

Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and Museum of the City of New York, New York

1991 Freidenberg, Judith and Debbie Indyk “Bridging the Gaps between Disciplines

and Settings: Experiences in the Context of Action.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Charleston

1990 Freidenberg, Judith, Samuel Bosch, Ellen Fischer, and Rolando Merino “Primary

Care in the Americas.” International Division, Department for Community Medicine Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and the Pan American Federation of Medical School, Antigua, Guatemala

1989 Freidenberg, Judith and Ana Lou De Havenon. “Working with and for Marginal

Communities.” Society for Applied Anthropology, Santa Fe

1988 Freidenberg, Judith, Samuel Bosch, Ellen Fischer, and Rolando Merino

“Primary Care in the Americas.” International Division, Department for Community Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine and the Pan American Federation of Medical Schools, Caracas, Venezuela, 1987 and 1988.


2018-2021 Collaborator, Cynthia Pizarro, P.I., “Migrant Trajectories and Experiences”, UBACYT,

Universidad de Buenos Aires

2017 Workshop participant, Latin American Migration Network. IAMIC, Buenos Aires,

Argentina, August

Session Co-Coordinator, “South American migration policies”, Terceras Jornadas

Entrerrianas de Migración, Concordia, Argentina, August

2015 Workshop participant, Latin American Migration Network. IAMIC, Neuquén,

Argentina, July

2010 “Workshop on Higher Education, Local Knowledge and Improvement

of Community Life.” Planning Committee Member and Moderator, Latin American Studies Center, University of Maryland

“Innovations in Applied Anthropology Methods.” Session Chair, Society for Applied

Anthropology, Seattle

2008-2012 Undergraduate Program Director, Anthropology, University of Maryland

2007 “Disrupting Latinidad: Critical Perspectives on U.S. Latina/o Studies.” Moderator,

Latino Studies Working Group. University of Maryland

2004 “Four Public Presentations of Book Draft, Memories of Villa Clara.”

Regional Historic Museum of Villa Clara, Entre Ríos, Argentina

“Uses of Applied Ethnography in Community, Health and Development by Anthropologists

With Masters Level Training, Discussant, Society for Applied Anthropology, Dallas

“Ethnomusicology in Northeastern Argentina.” Panelist, Washington Association of

Professional Anthropologists, Washington, D.C.

2003-2006 Graduate Program Director, Anthropology, University of Maryland

2000 BSOS Teaching Fellows Final Report, Presenter of Session “Teaching

Portfolios.” University of Maryland

1999 Lilly/CTE Teaching Fellows Retreat, Facilitator of Session “Teaching as

Scholarship.” University of Maryland

1998 “Recent Developments in Applied Anthropology in the U.S.” Workshop Instructor.

Instituto Nacional de Antropología y Pensamiento Latinoamericano, Buenos Aires

“Global Aging: Anthropologists examine the concept of ‘Productive Aging’, Panel

Participant. American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia

“Population Issues and Public Policy: Views from Latin American and

Latino Anthropologists.” Session Chair. American Anthropological Association,


1997 “Homelessness, Welfare, Poverty and Public Policy in New York City.” Discussant. New

York Academy of Sciences Section of Anthropology Workshop, New York

Professional Activities for the Public

2011 Curator, “The Immigrant Experience in Prince Georges County”

2010 Anthropology of the Immigrant Life Course Research Program

(ILCRP) Website ()

2008 Freidenberg, Judith and Gail Thakur. “Immigrant Voices.” Video on immigrant

populations in Prince Georges County.

2006 Community Consultation on Museum of the Immigrant Experience.

Langley Park Community Center, Maryland

2001 Curator, “Inside/Out: Growing Old in the United States,” Latino Virtual Gallery, Center for

Latino Initiatives, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.

1996 “Latino Elderly,” a radio interview with open question period. Radio WADO, New York

1994 “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem.” Panelist, CUNY-TV, New York

Curator, “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem,” a multi-media, bilingual exhibit of the

experience of Latinos aging in the United States, on exhibit at The Museum of the City of New York, 1992; the XIII International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Mexico City, Mexico, 1993; and CUNY Graduate Center, New York, 1994

1992 “Developing Culturally Sensitive Research Programs for Minority Communities.”

Organized with the Department of Community Relations, Mount Sinai Medical

Center, New York

1992 “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem.” Video Project Director, produced for “Growing Old in Spanish Harlem Exhibit.

“A Poetry Reading.” Forum organized with community residents, The Museum

of The City of New York, New York

“East Harlem Elderly Speak-out.” Forum organized with community residents,

The Museum of the City of New York, New York

“Growing Old in Spanish Harlem: The Makings of an Exhibition,” Training Session

for Museum Docents, The Museum of the City of New York, New York


In the US: Introduction to Anthropology (English and Spanish); Applied Anthropology; Contemporary Issues in Latin American Society and Culture; Career Development for Anthropology Majors; Honors Research Thesis; Ethnology of the Immigrant Life; Medical Anthropology; Special Problems in Anthropology; Advanced Field Training in Ethnology; Internship Preparation and Supervision; Post-Internship Internship Analysis; Experiential Learning; Current Developments in Anthropology; Advanced Studies in Theory & Practice of Health and Community; Creating Museums of the Immigrant Life; The Global in the Local in Prince George's County; Museum Research Seminar; Pre-Candidacy Research; Doctoral Dissertation Research; Ethnographic Methods; Cross-Cultural Issues in Aging


Migration, Citizenship and Health, Universidad Federal de Santa Maria, Brazil, 2018

Antropología Aplicada en la Cuenca del Plata (Applied Anthropology in the Río de la Plata Area), Universidad Nacional de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay, 2018

Fieldwork Experiences in Argentina: The Relevance of Context and Place, 2005 and 2007

Pobreza Urbana y Migración, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentina, 2000

Antropología Aplicada (Applied Anthropology), Instituto Nacional de Antropología, Argentina

International Collaborations

UMD Lund Workshop, International Perspectives on Caregiving, Time Use and Well-Being across the Life Course, discussant, 2018

Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad Nacional de Misiones, Argentina. Doctoral Dissertation External Reviewer, 2017

Training Workshop Organizer, Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, February 26

Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina; Invited Professor, 2015-2016

Conicet (Council on Scientific and Technical Research), Buenos Aires, Argentina, International Advisor, 2010-present.

Red de Investigadores Argentinos sobre Migraciones Internacionales Contemporáneas (Network of Argentine Researchers on Contemporary International Migrations), Member, 2009- present.

Pan American Health Organization, Invited Participant, Meeting to Develop a Regional Strategy and Plan of Action for the Pan American Health Organization’s Program of Technical Cooperation in Nutrition, Washington, D.C., 2005

Queensland University of Technology, Australia, Consultant to Sue-Anne Wallace, Director of the Cultural Precinct, regarding space design for programs for elderly, Washington, D.C., 2002

Inter-American Development Bank, Consultant, Indigenous Peoples and Community

Development Unit, Washington, DC, 1998-present

Pan American Health Organization (World Health Organization), Technical Assistant for Program Development, Office of Non-Communicable Diseases, Washington, D.C., 1998-9

Organization for American States. Advisor to the Human Rights Committee on a visual project on the Yanomami of South America, Washington, D.C., 1997

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Advisor to the Director on the Preparatory Meetings of the International Commission on Women, New York, New York, 1994

Fulbright Commission, Scholar Liaison, 2018-present

Language Skills

Native knowledge of Spanish

Proficiency in English and French

Working knowledge of Portuguese and Italian


[1] Updated September 2020

[2] CIS (Centro de Investigaciones Sociales); IDES (Instituto de Desarrollo Económico y Social)

[3]Affiliations at University of Maryland: The Maryland Population Center, Department of Community and Public Health; Center on Aging; Latin American Studies Center; Department of American Studies; Department of Women’s Studies; Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies; Center for Heritage Studies; Center for Global Migration

[4] Joint affiliation with the Department of Geriatrics and Adult Development


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