Texas Tech University

Management 4375 – International ManagementSection 001Spring 2011Kimberly B. Boal, Rawls Professor of Management Class Hours: 12-1:20 pm MWOffice Hours: 1:30-2:30 pm MW& by appointment Office: Room BB 1110Phone: 742-2150 Office 441-3509 CellEmail: kimboal@ttu.eduWeb: kimboal.ba.ttu.eduCOURSE OVERVIEWThis course is met to be a foundation for understanding, managing, and successfully interacting in the multi-faceted, culturally embedded contexts of multinational firm. This course is designed for students who wish to prepare themselves for the global workforce. The knowledge you learn will help you never to have to worry about being viewed as the ugly American.” The first portion of the course focuses on cultural understanding and competence, and how that plays out in differences in managing. The second part of the course focuses on choices companies have to make in deciding to go global. Throughout the course, you’ll observe differences in business and management in various countries to help develop a global mindset.TEXTParadoxes of Culture and Globalization. Martin J. Gannon, Sage.INTRODUCTIONHorace Greely said in the 19th century, “Go west young man.” In the 21st century, he might have said, “Go global, young man.” More and more today we are seeing opportunities for business open up beyond the borders of the US. At the same time, we are seeing the strains of global competition on our own domestic markets. Some see the trend for globalization as a good thing, others see it as a race to the bottom. Whatever the case, it appears to be a trend that can not be stopped. That does not mean there won’t be winners and losers, both in the short and long run. Your task will be to see that your companies are among the winners. To do so, you need to understand the pros.cons of globalization, the unique challenges it presents, and the methods for coping structurally, managerially, and systemically. For example, what methods will you employee to operate in “foreign markets. Will you license your products, enter into a joint venture, acquire a “foreign” competitor, or start a Greenfield operation. F you start a Greenfield operation, will you use the SOPs that you use in the US, or will you need to adapt because of political or culture differences. What about your customers, will they accept your products, as is, or will you need to alter them in some way. What about advertising, can you appeal to the market using the same slogans you use in the These are just a few samples of the questions you must ask yourselves and find answers to for your company if your are going to survive in the global market.COURSE OBJECTIVESGain a greater understanding of business and management practices in different countries.Be more culturally sensitive.Develop intercultural knowledge and skills to be more effective when dealing with and managing people from various cultures.Develop skills as a global leader.ASSIGNMENTSI, as your instructor, cannot make you globally sensitive, or tell you what is the best way to compete globally. All I can do is to guide you on a journey of self discovery. With the help of your teammates, and effort on your part, it is hoped that your will acquire the knowledge necessary to be able to discover whatever you need to know for operating in any country of the world. To do so, after the introductions of the class, you will pick a team. Team assignments are as follows: Teams will be assigned articles to read. They will be responsible for preparing and delivering a power point discuss to the class covering the reading. A good presentation will cover the reading including the most important takeaways from the reading. A better presentation will, in addition, bring to bear other material, either previously covered, or better still, learned outside of the class, eg., from other classes or the newspaper. The best presentations will do the foregoing, and in addition, use their company and their country to illustrate lessons from the reading.Teams are to choose a country, other than the US, Mexico, Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, and go to the Intercultural Center, and learn as much as possible about the country. The group is to write a report of their findings. At a minimum, the findings should cover political, cultural (in the broadest sense), and business differences. The group must include in their report, the results of interviews (one for each member) of MBA students currently enrolled in business schools in that country. The group must decide on what relevant information to find out and interview each person with respect to that information. Include identifying information about each person interviewed. You may use facebook, or any other method you want. However, you must identify what your methods were. The report must be presented in power point format to the class, and as a written document to your instructor.For the country you choose, the group must pick an American company, not currently doing business in your country, and develop a feasibility plan for penetrating the country.The feasibility plan should cover, the product(s), the potential size of the market, how you would penetrate the market, e.g, joint venture, strategic alliance, merger, etc. If you choose one of these methods, you must identify the target, e.g, acquire ABC company because….The report must include any political and cultural barriers you must overcome. The report should include any special considerations you have uncovered through your country analysis. The report must be presented to the class in power point and in written form to the instructor.Each assignment is worth 33% of your grade. Because each of you is so dependent upon each member’s efforts, each group will have the authority to dismiss from their group any member, who in your judgment, is free riding. To do so, you must first inform the person that they have not been doing their fair share. Second, you must give them a date and assignment to prove they have changed their ways. If they have not, in your judgment, you are free to dismiss them from the group. Three, you must inform me that they have been dismissed. At that point I will meet with the dismissed member and discuss their options. Basically, any member who is dismissed must complete any remaining assignments on their own. They will be held to the same standards as if they had been part of the group.CLASS ATTENDANCEAttendance at all class sessions is required. Each student is expected to be an active participant and to make meaningful comments. You should, therefore, make a conscientious effort to attend class and besufficiently prepared to contribute to class discussion.Understandably, there are circumstances (job interviews, familymatters, etc) which may cause you to miss class. If you are absentthen you are required to make it up by doing an outside reading assignment in addition to any previously assigned work. Please inform your instruction regarding anticipated absences. Failure to turn in the assignment by an agreed upon deadline will result in ? grade deduction from your grade.STUDENT HANDBOOKStudents should be aware of and conform to issues involving plagiarism, bullying, etc. and other issues as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct. Those students with Special needs should see me so that proper accommodations can be made to enhance their learning.CLASS SCHEDULEOctober 26IntroductionOctober 28Introduction ContinuedNovember 2Broadening the debate:… GlobalizationGRADESGrades will be based upon your class presentations (2 at 1/6th); your country analysis (1/3rd); and your interviews (3 at1/9th). Grades will be based on the relative quality of the groups work as judged by your instructor. Since the grades depend on your group, and a group could be hurt if any student does not pull their fair share of the workload, each group has the power to dismiss any group member, by first informing said group member that they are not meeting team requirements, giving the group member one chance to meet those requirements, then informing them that they have been dismissed from the group. Any member dismissed from his/her group will be required to do all the remaining assignments by themselves or receive a grade of Fail on those assignments. Tentatively there are 82 students enrolled. Thus, I expect to divide the class into 9 teams of 9 people each, with one team of 10. To facilitate the choosing of teams, the each will first introduce themselves to the class saying their name, where they are from, their major, and something only their best friends/family knows about them. After which, the class is to divide into teams. They are to hand in their individual class cards as a team to the instructor. He will assign them a team number.Team assignments. Each team is responsible for teaching the class the material in their chapter. To do so, on the first day, they will summarize the chapter’s material. A good summary will do a thorough job. A better summary will relate the material to their country of choice. The best summaries will do the first do as well as talk about the material in relationship to interviews of students, expats, or repats that they have done.On the second day of class discussion about their chapter, the students are to lead the class through 1 or 2 selected exercises at the end of the chapter so that they may better understand. Each team is free to choose which exercises they believe will be most beneficial in helping the class master the chapter’s material. ASSIGNMENTSJanuary 121st day of class. Go over syllabus. Fill out class cards.Introduce selves. Pick Teams Conceptualizing and perceiving cultureNovember 9Cross-border transfer of knowledge:…Managing differences:….January 17Martin Luther King HollidayJanuary 19Work Day, prepare for presentations. Read Chapter 1 on own: Thinking Paradoxically.January 24Chapter 2: Conceptualizing and perceiving culture. (Team 1 presentation). Choose countries.January 26Class DiscussionJanuary 31Chapter 3: Leadership, Motivation, and Group Behavior Across Cultures. (Team 2 presentation).February 2Class DiscussionFebruary 7Chapter 4: Communicating Across Cultures (Team 3 presentation).February 9Class DiscussionFebruary 14Chapter 5: Crossing Cultures (Team 4 presentation).February 16Class DiscussionFebruary 21Chapter 6: Cross-Cultural Negotiations (Team 5 presentation)February 23Class DiscussionFebruary 28Chapter 7: Multi-ethnicity, Religion Geography, and Immigration (Team 6 presentation).March 2Class DiscussionMarch 7Chapter 8: Economic Development and Culture (Team 7 presentation).March 9Class DiscussionMarch 12-20Spring BreakMarch 21Chapter 9: Globalization and Culture (Team 8 presentation).March 23Class DiscussionMarch 28Chapter 10: Business Strategy Business Functions, and International Human Resource Management.March 30Class DiscussionApril 4Country Analysis Papers due. All group must turn in a hard copy of their presentation. Teams 8 & 7 country presentations.April 6Teams 6 & 5 country presentationsApril 11Teams 4 & 3 country presentations April 13Teams 2 & 1 country presentationsApril 18Interviews with Expatriate currently working abroad in your country of analysis. Repatriate currently back in the US from your country of analysis. Business students (one for each group member) currently enrolled in a university in your country of analysis. While I have provided you with questions to ask in your interviews with expats and repats, you must develop a list of questions to ask students. Questions should highlight students background, what University they are attending, how selective, nature of courses they took, how many languages they speak, what kind of job do they intend to get, working for a domestic or international company, etc. All interviewees must be identified by name and affiliation. All group must turn in a hard copy of their interviews. Team 1&2 interview presentationsApril 20Teams 3 & 4 interview presentationsApril 25School holidayApril 27Teams 5 & 6 interview presentationsMay 1Teams 7 & 8 interview presentationsCourse Syllabus is tentative ................

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