Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation

Foreign Affairs Trouble the Nation

Identify the following terms and names and their significance to foreign policy of the late 18th century.

a. neutrality

b. Edmund Genet

c. Thomas Pinckney

d. Little Turtle

e. John Jay

f. sectionalism

g. XYZ Affair

h. Alien and Sedition Acts

i. Nullification

Answer the following questions concerning the US response to events in Europe:

1. What was America’s reaction to the French Revolution?

2. What led to Thomas Jefferson’s resignation form Washington’s cabinet?

3. What was the result of Pinckney’s Treaty with Spain?

Complete the following chart:


4. What were the terms of Jays’ Treaty and why were many Americans angered by it’s terms?

Answer the following question to connect the XYZ Affair and Alien and Sedition Acts.

5. How might President Adams have felt when the American delegation was asked to pay to see the French foreign minister?

6. Why might a new government react to criticism more harshly than a well established government?

7. Why were Federalists suspicious of new immigrants after the XYZ Affair?

8. Why did Democratic-Republicans feel outraged over the Alien and Sedition Acts?

9. How did the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions address that outrage?

President George Washington's Farewell Address (1796)

In early 1796, President George Washington decided not to seek reelection for a third term and began drafting this farewell address to the American people. The address went through numerous drafts, in large part due to suggestions made by Alexander Hamilton.

In the 32-page handwritten address, Washington urged Americans to avoid excessive political party spirit and geographical distinctions. In foreign affairs, he warned against long-term alliances with other nations.

The address was printed in Philadelphia’s American Daily Advertiser on September 19, 1796. Washington’s final manuscript is at The New York Public Library.

10. Why might President Washington warn against political parties?

11. What was President Washington referring to when he warned against long term “entangling alliances”?


Native Americans reject the treaty of Paris





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