Current Event Report

AP US Government Current Event Assignment

Post your report on the class blog – Current Events / Election 2012 by the due date

Read a news article (NOT an opinion, editorial, or commentary) of at least 15 paragraphs in a media source listed at our class web site - . Select an article on a political , economic, social or governmental issue connected to the fall elections. Attach the URL (link) . Due Dates: September 28; October 12, 26; November 9

Select an article that corresponds to one of the following topics:

← Federalism

← Federal separation of powers

← Congress

← The Presidency

← The Courts

← The Bureaucracy

← Political Parties

← Campaigns and Elections

← Civil Rights / Liberties

← Media

← Policy-Making

← Economic Policy

← Social Policy

← Foreign and Military Policy

← Environmental Policy

← Citizenship

← Civic Action

← Human Rights

← Interest Groups, PACS (Political Action Committees), and Lobbies

← Other ______________

1. Source, headline, date:

2. What do you know about the topic? List what you know. (If you do not know anything about the topic, why did you select it? What do you want to know?)

3. Summarize 2 – 3 key ideas from the article:

4. Describe an idea that was new to your thinking, a new opinion you formed, or a write a question that was generated by the article.

5. Relate information in the article to one of the topics listed above: The article is related to

because ____________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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