US History, Document Based Question – The Populist Party

US History, Document Based Question – The Populist Party, Guiding Questions

Name: ___________________________________________________________

Document A

1. William Jennings Bryan, who ran for President in 1896 as a Democrat, is generally considered a Populist. Based on this information and the maps in Document A, what can you conclude about the popularity of the Populists in the late 19th century?

Document B

2. How does the imagery in Document B indicate the audience that the People’s Party (the Populists) were targeting?

3. Why do you think this group of people might have referred to themselves as the “People’s Party”?

Document C

4. In the space below, create a line graph that shows the number of Populists in the House of Representatives from the 52nd through the 57th Congress. Be sure to clearly label and title your graph

| | | | |

|27th |1892* |Grover Cleveland* (Democratic) – 277 |Benjamin Harrison (Republican) – 145 |

| | | |James Weaver (Populist) – 22 |

|28th |1896 |William McKinley (Republican) – 271 |William Jennings Bryan (Democratic/Populist) – 176 |

|29th |1900 |William McKinley (Republican) – 292 |William Jennings Bryan (Democratic) – 155 |

|30th |1904 |Theodore Roosevelt (Republican) – 336 |Alton B. Parker (Democratic) – 140 |

| | | |Eugene V. Debs (Socialist) – 0 |

|31st |1908 |William Howard Taft (Republican) – 321 |William Jennings Bryan (Democratic) – 162 |

| | | |Eugene V. Debs (Socialist) – 0 |

|32nd |1912* |Woodrow Wilson* (Democratic) – 435 |Theodore Roosevelt (Progressive) – 88 |

| | | |William Howard Taft (Republican) – 8 |

| | | |Eugene V. Debs (Socialist) – 0 |

Five Paragraph Essay Model – US History

- Hook/Attention Grabber (Optional)

- Thesis Statement

- Preview of Argument #1

- Preview of Argument #2

- Preview of Argument #3

- Conclusion (restate thesis)

- Argument #1

- Cite Evidence to support Argument #1

- Explain Evidence to Support Argument #1

- Link Evidence Back to Argument #1

(Repeat These Steps W/New Evidence if it Strengthens Argument)

- Argument #1 Conclusion (link this to thesis)

- Argument #2

- Cite Evidence to Support Argument #2

- Explain Evidence to Support Argument #2

- Link Evidence Back to Argument #2

(Repeat These Steps W/New Evidence if it Strengthens Argument)

- Argument #2 Conclusion (link this to thesis)

- Argument #3

- Cite Evidence to Support Argument #3

- Explain Evidence to Support Argument #3

- Link Evidence Back to Argument #3

(Repeat These Steps W/New Evidence if it Strengthens Argument)

- Argument #3 Conclusion (link this to thesis)

- Transition to Essay Conclusion

- Briefly restate Arguments

- Conclusion (Restate Thesis)

Document Based Question: Using the documents above, the questions that you have answered and your own knowledge as insight, answer the following question in a fully formed short essay. Be sure to begin with a clear thesis and to support your thesis with evidence from the documents.

The Populist Party was officially formed in 1891 and, by 1892 had a clear set of political goals. How successful was the Populist Party in achieving its goals?





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