8th Grade US History: Final Spring Project

8th Grade US History:

2014 Final Spring Project: 1950’s-Present

With two or three partners, you will prepare a lesson and a website for the class that will include a PowerPoint presentation, a classroom activity, and quiz questions all demonstrating your mastery and understanding of a topic within this timeframe in American History. You must verify your topic, and how you will address it, with me on Tuesday 4/22. First come gets the topic of choice, but you must tell me what about the topic you will cover and how you will address this topic in your presentation.

o Your project should be analytical in nature, not just repeating verbatim (word for word) the event or events in a person’s life. Analytical, or to analyze, means to look at how this person or event helped shape history and how they fit into what was going on around them. An example would be—we all know the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 changed America forever—so how did it do so? Another example would be game systems—how did they change the way children in America interacted or their impact on attention spans? So make sure to present the impact of your topic in America.

o Your Presentation:

o Must be historically accurate.

o Must be grammatically correct (spelling counts people!)

o Must have a Title slide and Bibliography slide—they do not count towards the number of completed slides you must have.

o Must have 6 completed slides per student

o Must include three test questions, given before you start, that will be addressed within your presentation. Emailed to Mr. S by May 11th.

o Remember, your slides should not be your whole presentation. Slides are there to offer interest and clarify main points.

Don’t write out your whole presentation on the slides.

o Your Classroom Activity:

Examples: Song analysis, Primary document analysis, reading with questions, skit with questions, video with questions, debate, writing prompts, etc. I recommend discussing your idea with me before you begin if you want to assure you’re on the right track.

o Must directly correlate to your chosen topic.

o Must involve the students in either participation or completion of an individual task.

o Must include some kind of handout for the students

Your completed project will be presented May 11th-May 22nd.


Part One Bibliography-Research and Take Notes 50 Points

You are required to handwrite 3 pages of notes in regards to your topic. DO NOT COPY SOURCES VERBATIM (word for word) unless it is a quote you plan to use. Use Paraphrasing!

On the very first page I want to see the question you are analyzing! That is what will guide your research. You also need to include a bibliography page with a minimum requirement of three sources. Research days 4/22, 4/23, 4/25, 4/28, 4/29

Due by the end of class on Tuesday April 29th

Part Two Slides 25 Points

You will post a copy of the slides you have produced so far on your webpage—with 3 per person being the minimum, not counting the title and bibliography slides. I fully understand I will not be able to see the cool effects and hear the wonderful background music you are providing, but I will know that your Presentation is over ½ completed at this point! Workday 5/1, 5/2

Due by the end of class on Friday May 2nd

Part Three Classroom Activity 50 Points

You will post a copy of your classroom handout for the other students and write out your plan for the activity you plan on leading. Remember to run your idea by me before you get started to assure you get full points. Workday 5/5, 5/8

Due by the end of class on Thursday May 8th

Part Four Presentation and Activity 125 Points

You will now present your topic to the class. Remember this is not a recitation of the event or person’s live, but a presentation of the impact of that event or person—


o 6 Slides minimum—7 slides maximum per student

o Be sure to include some pictures, not just text.

o Choose colors, fonts, and font sizes wisely so your audience can clearly read and follow along. (Font at least 20)

o Email it to: vsossong@ by May 11th.

Part four will be presented May 12th-23rd. Everyone must be ready the 12th

Random selection of order of presentations


**This Project is worth 250 points all together. If you do not complete this project you will fail 4th quarter. If you fail to turn in any of these parts on the due dates, you can get up to half credit for the part if it is in the day after the due date, after that you will get a zero for that part of the project. Make sure to keep on task during given class time, or your weekly points may be deducted. I also expect you to be on your best behavior during others presentations, or points may again be deducted.


Tues 4/22 Pick your topic, ok it with Mr. S.

Then put: your analytical question, your name, you partners names, what each of your partners will address, and each of your email addresses on the provided topic sheet, and submit to Mr. S

Research day

Weds 4/23 Research day

Thurs 4/24 No History class today

Fri 4/25 Research day

Mon 4/28 Research day

Tues 4/29 Research day PART 1 DUE TODAY

Weds 4/30 No History class today

Thurs 5/1 Workday

Fri 5/2 Workday PART 2 DUE TODAY

Mon 5/5 Workday

Tues 5/6 No History class today

Weds 5/7 No History class today

Thurs 5/8 Workday PART 3 DUE TODAY

Fri 5/9 Workday


Student Group Topic Sheet

|Analytical Question: |

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|Students Name |Email |What aspect of the above analytical question will be |

| | |covered. |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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