Unit 4 Study Guide - Weebly

Unit 4 Study Guide

Chapter 13-17 in your American Pageant

Most of Period 4 in your AMSCO book

At LEAST 30 of the 50 questions come from the ACE practice test questions.

About 7 questions come from the AP US History Exam which is accessible on the AP Central site.

The rest of the questions come from the AMSCO book, period 4.

Corrupt Bargain—who, what, when, why, etc.

Why did Jackson appeal to the common man?

Political development(s) that illustrates the popular voice in politics

Cause of Panic of 1837

Aftermath of the Texas Revolution

New political developments in the election of 1832

Results of the destruction of the Bank of the US

Jackson and the Cherokees

Tariff of Abominations—how did the North feel about it? the South?

Frontier life—describe and explain the impacts on the people who lived there

Economic activity of the Rocky Mountain West before the Civil War

Immigration to the US in the 1840s and 1850s—who, why, where did most of them wind up, etc.

Impacts of industrialization—on workers, on lifestyles, on immigrants, etc

First industries impacted by industrialization

Major improvements in American transportation in the first quarter of the 19th century

Americans and their feelings about the western wilderness

The population of the US in the first ½ of the 19th century—describe them

Second Great Awakening—what was it? what were its impacts?

Transcendentalists—who were they? what did they believe?

Utopian Experiments—what were they? what did they experiment with?

Reformers—know the ones we did in class and the ones in your book

Women's Rights—beliefs, evolution, impacts, Seneca Falls Convention, prevailing attitudes toward women in the 19th century, results in the 2nd half of the 19th century

Southern Cotton—who bought it? what were the economic consequences?

Invention that changed the face of cotton production

Free Blacks in the North

Slavery in the South

Abolitionists—motivations? leaders? African American leaders?

Texas: Admission to the Union? Mexican War? Domestic Consequences? Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? Spot Resolutions?

Manifest Destiny—what is it?

Britain and America and their conflict over Oregon country

Tyler and the Whig leaders—conflict? why? over?

Sectionalism in the first ½ of the 19th century.

Make certain you study the multiple choice questions at the end of Period 4 in your AMSCO book.


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