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US HISTORY Mid Term Exam Study GuideFacts you Must Know to pass exam….New Amsterdam?was founded by the Dutch in the early 17th century. Following war with the England, it became part of the British Empire in 1674 and was renamed New York.The eastern boarder controlled by Great Britain at this time. The boundary to the west of their territory marks the approximate route of the Appalachian Mountains.Prior to?the American Revolution, George III was the subject of most of the Declaration of Independence, especially the massive section that begins with 17 instances of ‘He has:’, which list their many grievances with the monarch.These were the famous ‘shot heard ’round the world’ that started the?American Revolution. They also mark the instance of Paul Revere’s ‘midnight ride.’The?Third Amendment?reads ‘No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law.’ Prior to the start of the Revolution, the British had ‘quartered’ their soldiers in American homes saying it was for the protection of the colonists, but it was actually a thinly-veiled attempt to keep an eye on the colonists.The United States achieved independence in the 18th century from?Great Britain?after the success of the American Revolution.One of the central reasons for the military success of the United States in the American Revolution was?financial and military assistance from France. France, eager to see its traditional enemy, Great Britain, suffer the loss of its colonies, supported the US with an alliance. This alliance was crucial at the battle of Yorktown, the final major battle of the war, at which the majority of troops were French.This cartoon printed in 1760 was most likely a protest against?British Taxes. The Stamp Act required a stamp be placed on all official document, including marriage licenses and contracts. This cartoon is protesting the Stamp Act.The very reason the Articles of Confederation were made with a weak federal government was because the framers of it?feared a strong central government.?This enabled to states to have so much authority that the safety of the country was put at risk.In 1620, colonists at Plymouth drafted this document in order to create a governing structure that would give them the best chance to survive in this ‘new world.’ While it set up a system of governance, it did not allow for any of the freedoms (religion, speech, etc) that we associate with American life, nor did it deal with issues of race in any way. However, it?was the first example of colonial European self-government in northeastern North America.The "middle passage" is?the transportation of slaves form Africa to the New World. Roughly 20% of the slaves died during the voyage.In many areas, 95% of the native population was decimated by?disease?such as smallpox.During the Boston Massacre,?five civilians were killed after British soldiers were surrounded by an angry mob. The British soldiers were surrounded by angered Bostonians and being pelted with snow balls, some of which had rocks in them. A soldier panicked and fired his gun, resulting in the other soldiers doing the same. Five civilians were killed.Parliament responded to the Boston Tea Party by?enacting a series of restrictive measures known as the Intolerable Acts.?The first, the Boston Port Bill, closed the port of Boston until the tea was paid for -- an action that threatened the very life of the city, for to prevent Boston from having access to the sea meant economic disaster. Other enactments restricted local authority and banned most town meetings held without the governor's consent. A Quartering Act required local authorities to find suitable quarters for British troops, in private homes if necessary.The message of the political cartoon is to?urge the repeal of the Stamp Act.?Colonists especially hated this tax, for it was needed to make documents (such as birth and marriage certificates, contracts, and deeds) official and legally binding.The "Great Awakening" was?a series of religious revivals that swept across the American colonies in the middle of the 18th Century.?Fiery preachers with messages of eternal damnation without complete submission to the will of God was the recurring theme of sermons back in that day.The?Articles of Confederation?was the first government in the United States. It failed to be strong enough to establish a strong, federal government, so it was scrapped and replaced by the Constitution we still use today. While the Mayflower Compact was the first instance of European-styled self-government in North America, it predates the United States by over 150 years.While many colonists had been hesitant to favor a split from Great Britain,?Common Sense?convinced most of those people. In it, Thomas Paine?pointed out that colonists should not stay to the British king.The continents involved in the system of "Triangular Trade" were North America, Africa, and Europe. The system, which existed during the era of mercantilism, saw slaves sent from Africa to the Americas, raw goods sent to Europe, and manufactured goods- such as guns and liquor- sent to Africa. Historians often include?South?America in the system, but that is not a choice here.William Penn founded his colony because he?wished to found a logical, well-planned, religiously tolerant colony.?He was a Quaker- a religious minority persecuted in England- so he knew all about people's desire to worship freely. He did NOT, however, believe that all people- especially the poor "rabble," as he called them- should have input in government.The Treaty of Paris (1763) ended the Seven Years' War between Britain and France. In the terms,?France lost all of its possessions in the North America,?as well as its influence in India. Neither New York nor Florida, however, were not a part of it.Quakers, Catholics, religious tolerance flexible and social structure that are “All” terms associated with the?Middle Colonies.?Unlike in New England (where the Puritans ran things with an "iron fist"), religious differences were tolerated there, leading to a more flexible social structure.The reason for African slaves being brought into the British colonies in Southern North America in the 17th century was because the economy of Southern colonies needed free labor." The "moral" argument against it is not entirely true, and "industry" was years away from being a part of northern economies. Indians were once used as labor, but their knowledge of local geography and language proved an obstacle to those who wished to enslave them.In 1636, Roger Williams was expelled from the Massachusetts Bay Colony because he supported?a separation of church and state.?He ended up founding Rhode Island, which was based on religious freedom and tolerance.The people living in the Spanish missions wanted to make the Native Americans more like themselves. They forced the Native Americans to?change their languages, religion, and customs.The voyage of Christopher Columbus in 1492?opened the way for Spain to colonize North and South America.?Though Columbus had been searching for and believed he had found a path to Asia, the Spanish explorers and conquistadors spread their country's influence across much of South America and into North America, too.Colonists angered were by the new taxes placed on the colonies following the French and Indian War because?they felt that they should have representation in Parliament. Remember that phrase "No taxation without representation?" This is what they were talking about.The freedom that was most important to the British settlers who originally settled Pennsylvania was?religious freedom. William Penn and his fellow Quakers extended religious freedom to settlers from a variety of spiritual backgrounds.Unlike Great Britain, a significant motivation for Spain to explore and colonize the so-called "New World" was?to spread the power of the Catholic Church.?Great Britain was officially a Protestant country, so they had no loyalty to the Pope or the Catholic Church. Spain, on the other hand, was fiercely loyal to the Catholic Church and helped to spread their influence in the Americas.During the American Revolution, "Tories" were?colonists who were loyal to Great Britain.?Many colonists were fearful of that fighting against the British Empire was doomed to failure, so supporting a losing cause would be a fatal move. It turns out they were quite wrong.New England, or the Northeast United States, have been strongly influenced by Puritans and Pilgrim ideas. Though modern New England is fairly liberal, historically, the Puritan and Pilgrim ideas resulted in a rigid set of social norms and no tolerance for deviance.The outcome at Saratoga was important because?it won the Americans a foreign ally.?This victory in New York led the French to finally agree to economically and militarily back the American effort against the British.Slavery was an established tradition in Africa. Slaves were often victims of wars between tribes. Some were enslaved because they had a debt to pay off. When the demand for slave labor increased in Europe and in the Americas,?many African states grew wealthy by trading slaves to Europeans for tobacco, guns, and alcohol.The aristocratic, young (19 years old!) French soldier not only trained colonial troops but was also?fighting for the United States in the American Revolution.?After the war, Lafayette returned to France where, eventually, he was a leader in that country’s revolution. This is showing?The Boston Tea Party. Colonists were outraged at the increase in taxes on tea imported into the colonies. Even worse, colonists had no choice but to buy their tea from Britain, meaning there was no competition from other tea suppliers. This protest caused many, many more conflicts, resulting in the American Revolution. When looking at the map, you can see that the major European areas were all?close to major bodies of water.?Though this map only shows?some?of the European settlements, in those early years all major settlements were a very short distance from water. This was not?just?for drinking water, but for transportation of goods and people, and for irrigation purposes.The phrase?"... all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."?refers to the concept of "natural rights." This was not a new concept in 1776, but it was one that was becoming more and more popular. Natural rights means that?all?people- regardless of their wealth or power- have certain rights that are given to them at birth cannot be taken away.The Southern colonies were well suited for farming and agriculture because?they had fertile soil and a warm climate. These conditions meant that Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, and Georgia made huge profits from producing crops like rice, indigo, tobacco, and cotton during the colonial era.Plantation owners?were the most important members of colonial society in the South. These wealthy planters usually lived in big houses, and they had much power in the communities. Women in the colonies were expected to do many of the daily household chores. While the exact role of women varied from place to place throughout the colonies, many women of that period were responsible for carrying out many of the duties of running the household, including raising children, cooking, sewing, spinning, and more.Beginning in colonial times, New England was best known for its?fishing?industry. The New England colonies (now the states of New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maine, Rhode Island, and Connecticut) are located along the East Coast. Since people there had easy access to the ocean, they took on the specialized work of fishing.lefttopAs a result of the Proclamation of 1763, colonists?were not legally allowed to settle to the west of the line. The British insisted this was for the safety of the colonists, but the colonists saw through this. It was mainly to keep colonists from being too far out British control.The founder of the English colony of Jamestown was?John Smith. Smith was one of the most important English explorers, and his maps and accounts of his travels led the way for later English exploration and colonization.Marquis de Lafayette?played the most important role in aiding American victory. Lafayette's efforts to convince the French to send troops were critical to the outcome of the war. Without French troops, the Americans might not have defeated the British.Baron von Steuben?trained the Continental Army at Valley Forge. After his 1777 arrival in America, von Steuben was assigned by the Continental Congress to train the army, a task for which he had no formal training at that time. Steuben's program helped to prepare the ragtag Continental Army for battles against the well-trained British soldiers.The ownership of land?was a major source of conflict between the Native American Indians and the European settlers. The Native Americans did not believe any individual had the right to own the land. The European settlers claimed the land for themselves and forced the Native American Indians off it.The French might have established a good working relationship with the Native Americans because?the French traded furs and might not have taken as much land for families and settlers. Many native groups sided with the French against the British in the French and Indian War (also called the Seven Years War) but Britain won.Lord Calvert refers to the honorary title of George Calvert, Baron Baltimore. He and his heirs were instrumental in the colony of?Maryland.The French and Indian War contributed to the outbreak of the American Revolution because?Great Britain raised taxes on the colonies, which led to widespread protests and boycotts of British goods.?None of the other answer choices are true regarding the impact of the French and Indian War on the conflict between Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies.Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, & George Washington were the "Founding Fathers of the United States”.Bacon's Rebellion?(1676) was an uprising in Virginia directly caused by the conflict between Native Americans and white settlers. The dispute was primarily fought over land ownership and regional authority.The Middle Colonies would have been MOST likely to import?rice. The New England and the Southern colonies could not grow rice because of the climate there."Starving Time" refers to?the winter of 1609-1610 in the Jamestown colony.?Colonists experienced a severely harsh winter and ran out of food before they could be resupplied from England. Of the 500 colonists at the start of the winter, only 60 lived to see the following spring.Lord Charles?Cornwallis?surrendered his troops to George Washington in October of 1781. Though the fighting in the war was over, official peace papers would not be signed until 23 months later in Paris. ................

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