History 30

History 30Final Exam Study GuideUnit 1: The People and the LandBASIC KNOWLEDGE (multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank)People to KnowSamuel de ChamplainJames WolfeLouis MontcalmKing George III HHddfsBe able to DefineaccommodationassimilationsegregationannihilationexploitationvoyageursaboriginalFirst NationparadigmworldviewBe able to IdentifyAcadiansHudson’s Bay CompanySeven Years WarNew FranceFilles du RoiRoyal Proclamation, 1763Battle of the Plains of Abrahamseigneurial systemLoyalistsFirst ContactTreaty of UtrechtDEEPER KNOWLEDGEBe able to Explain/Give the historical significance of (short answer)Was the expulsion of the Acadians justified?Was the filles du roi program ethical?How did alliances between the First Nations and Europeans effect the status quo?What was the importance of colonies to the mother country?How did the changing climate affect the First Nations peoples?What were some of the impacts of the Royal Proclamation, 1763?(long answer)Did the fur trade exploit the First Nations people?What drove the exploration of Canada by European nations?Unit 2: The Road to DemocracyBASIC KNOWLEDGE (multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank)People to KnowWilliam Lyon MackenzieLouis-Joseph PapineauSir Isaac BrockTecumsehLord DurhamJohn A. MacDonaldGeorge BrownGeorge-Etienne Cartier HHddfsBe able to DefineResponsible governmentRepresentation by populationconfederationManifest DestinyWar HawksFederalismBilingualBe able to IdentifyFamily CompactChateau CliqueDurham ReportUpper CanadaLower CanadaCanada EastCanada WestWar of 1812The Great CoalitionBNA Act, 1867Royal Proclamation, 1763Act of UnionBattle of Fort DetroitAmerican Civil WarConstitution Act of 1791Treaty of GhentBattle of Queenston HeightsCharlottown ConferenceQuebec ConferenceThe London ConferenceDEEPER KNOWLEDGEBe able to Explain/Give the historical significance of (short answer)What was the impact of American Civil War on Canada?What impact does the Treaty of Ghent have on us today?Compare British and American leadership during War of 1812.How Why is the memory of the War of 1812 pretty much forgotten everywhere but in Canada?What part did responsible government play in the Rebellions of 1837/38?Why was the Legislative Assembly of the united Canadas ineffective?(long answer)Who won/lost the War of 1812? Explain.Unit 3: External Forces and Domestic RealitiesBASIC KNOWLEDGE (multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank)People to KnowLouis RielThomas ScottJohn A. MacDonaldBig BearPoundmakerGeneral MiddletonGabriel DumontHHddfsBe able to DefineNumbered treatiesMetisprovisional governmentsuffrageassimilationBe able to IdentifyBattle of BatocheBattle of Fish CreekBattle of Duck LakeFrog Lake MassacreTreaty 6Indian Act, 1876Capture of Fort GarryBoar WarWoman’s suffrage‘shot that set the West ablaze’Klondike Gold RushDEEPER KNOWLEDGEBe able to Explain/Give the historical significance of (short answer)Is John A. MacDonald someone that Canadians should admire?Is Louis Riel someone that Canadians should admire?Were the Metis justified in fighting the Northwest Rebellion?Why did the Indigenous peoples sign the treaties?What are some of the effects of the Indian Act that we see today?Was the Red River Resistance successful? Explain.(long answer)What group of people did the government most desire to settle the West?What was the purpose of Indian Residential School?Unit 4: Forces of NationalismBASIC KNOWLEDGE (multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank)People to KnowWilfred LaurierRobert BordenTommy DouglasArthur CurrieWilliam Lyon Mackenzie KingR.B. BennettHHddfsBe able to Defineconstitutionlaissez-faireconscriptionBe able to IdentifyBattle of Vimy RidgeBattle of PasschendaeleThe Hundred DaysOperation OverlordJuno BeachD-dayLiberation of the NetherlandsBattle of Hong KongBattle of the AtlanticThe Dieppe RaidStatute of Westminster, 1931Bennett New DealCanadian Internment campsWar Measures ActCanada as a ‘middle power’DEEPER KNOWLEDGEBe able to Explain/Give the historical significance of (short answer)Was the First World War a defining moment in Canadian history? Explain.How did communism impact Canada after WW1?What is ‘buying stocks on margin’?What effect did WW1 have on the advancement of rights for women and minorities?What role did World War Two play in advancing Canada’s role in the world?How did the wars both unite and divide Canada?What happened to the Canadian economy after WW1?What ended the Great Depression?Who were the strongest opponents of conscription?What is the legacy of internment camps in Canada?Which minority groups were initially unable to join the Canadian military during WW1?Unit 5: Challenges and OpportunitiesBASIC KNOWLEDGE (multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank)People to KnowPierre TrudeauJohn DiefenbakerLester B. PearsonRomeo DallaireLouis St. LaurentHHddfsBe able to Definereferendumreconciliationgenocidecultural genocideBe able to Identify1972 Summit SeriesCold WarPeacekeepingKorean WarRwanda GenocideUnited NationsResidential Schools1970 October (FLQ) CrisisBill of RightsDEEPER KNOWLEDGEBe able to Explain/Give the historical significance of (short answer)Should Canada involve itself in conflicts outside of its borders?Is our peacekeeping legacy something we should be proud of?Is the United Nations an important organization for Canadians?What was the role of Canadians during the Korean War?Have French-English relations improved over the 20th Century?(long answer)See Dialectical Thinking handout…FormatFill in the blank – focusing on the various people we have studiedword association – prime ministersmatching – definitionsmultiple choice – focus will be on the Identify sections found in this guideshort answer – focus will be on the questions found in the Deeper Knowledge sectionsDialectical Thinking Essay – Use the Dialectical Thinking handout that has been provided to you. You will be able to bring this handout with you into the exam. ................

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