US History and Government

Honors: U.S. History and Government Course Description

Mr. Maoriello

Email: scott.maoriello@

Phone Number: 897-6700 ext. -139

Introduction: Welcome to eleventh-grade social studies, also known as Honors U.S. History and Government. This course seeks to expand upon students’ previous knowledge regarding U.S. History. Students will be challenged to think on a higher level about historical events and their overall significance. At the close of this course, students will be expected to understand the origins and everyday functions of the U.S. Constitution and government.

The first unit of this course begins with the Foundations of the U.S. Constitution and continues chronologically until the present day. Students are required to participate in numerous activities such as cooperative learning and simulation exercises.

Students who have been accepted into an honors-level program desire to be challenged. It is expected that members of this class will produce high quality work when completing all assignments and activities. Students will learn the minute details related to many historical events but must never forget to ponder essential questions that transcend time and place. It is the goal of this class to get students to master all the content and skills associated with the U.S. History and Government curriculum, but more importantly, to learn to appreciate and respect the importance of history and its relevance to the past and present.

Requirements and Expectations: Each student must have one three ring binder with section dividers. This will be necessary for handouts, class notes, and additional materials. Organization is important for success; therefore this binder will be checked periodically throughout the year. Grades will be based on the degree of organization and completeness.

Homework: Homework grades contribute considerably to students’ overall grade. Therefore each assignment must be handed in on time and in good quality. At the start of each unit, students will receive a “review sheet” outlining all the important people, events, ideas, and concepts addressed during that period of study. Students will identify and explain each term from the review sheet using the textbook and class notes. It must be hand written and handed in on the day of the exam for that particular unit. Students will receive a check plus (perfection), a check (satisfactory), a check minus (unsatisfactory) or lower depending on the quality of the completed assignment.

If the assignment is not handed in at the time the assignment is collected in class, the assignment will be considered late and therefore will start at a check level for a grade. Students who miss class because they are legally excused from class (lateness is not a legal excuse) must put the assignment in my mailbox before the close of the day to receive full credit. Any evidence of copying homework assignments will result in a zero for all those involved. “We worked together” - is not an acceptable explanation for similar or exact copies of work. Any future examples of copying will result in more severe penalties such as giving zeros to past homework assignments.

Major Assignments/Projects: Everyday a major assignment (which might include but are not limited to any projects, thematic essays, and document based essays) is late, the student will be penalized one letter grade (10 points). Students absent from school on the due date must deliver the project to the Social Studies office before 2:00 P.M. on the due date in order to receive full points and not to be considered late. Any days that a student is absent between the due date and the day they hand the assignment in will also count as 10 points off per-day. Any evidence of plagiarism, regardless of intent, will be considered academic dishonesty and will receive a zero for that assignment.

Behavior and Discipline: Students must, and will, treat each other with respect. Inappropriate language will not be acceptable. It is also important that one person speaks at a time. Everyone will have a chance to speak as long as they are patient. Finally, punctuality is essential. All students must be in their seats and prepared to learn before the bell rings. Class ends at the scheduled time and not a minute before. Students will always have enough time to get to their next class.

Lastly, turn off all cell phones. No book bags/pocket books/purses are allowed on the desks.

In the event that these basic rules are not followed, the consequences are as follows:

1. A verbal warning, which will be documented

2. Teacher detention and parent/guardian notification

3. Removal from class – several after school/lunch detentions/ISR and a parent conference


A. Students are responsible for any assignments missed due to absence. Any student who was absent from class should make sure to find out what notes, worksheets, and assignments they missed immediately. All these things should be obtained before the start of the next class period after their absence. See me immediately after you return from an absence to receive any class handouts.

B. Students will be required to take any missed test or quiz on the first day of their return.

Grade Breakdown: Grades will be based upon unit exams, quiz grades (Students will be expected to carefully read their textbook, class handouts, and notes each week in order to prepare for weekly quizzes), homework/class participation, and projects each comprising approximately 25% of the grade. The final grade will be based on the four marking period grades and the final exam. All students must take the U.S. History and Government Regents as the final exam. The Regents exam will be 20% of your final average.

The above statements are meant to be guidelines for expectations and could be altered at any time throughout the year. To ensure that each of us is informed and consistent with these policies I am asking that students and their parents/guardians review these policies and sign in the space provided. This document will be kept in each student’s notebook for reference and review. Please return this signed document for tomorrow’s class. This is your first homework assignment.


Student name printed _____________________________ Signature ________________________________

Parent/Guardian printed ___________________________________ Signature ________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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