United States History - Mrs. Dagenhart - Teacher Cadets

AP US History

Summary and Assignments

Unit One: Contact to Transplantation

NOTE: in addition to any assignments noted for each day you should be reviewing notes. -Terms/Reading Quizzes will be given on a daily basis

• All assignments will be in the student’s own handwriting. This includes, but is not limited to any organizational charts assigned, guided reading questions and terms. Again – all work will be in your own handwriting – unless you are informed otherwise.

• An excellent way to practice multiple choice test taking skills as well as review is to use online practice quizzes. A link to the textbook online quizzes and other online quizzes can be found on the course webpage under “Helpful Links”- found under Keller’s website for AP US History.

|Dates |Units |

|Day One |Unit One: Contact and Transplantation |

|August 22(A) |Day One Objectives: |

| |Identify the requirements of the AP US History course |

| |Establish a basis for the study of history by reflecting on the question “Why Study History” |

| |Explain the roles of various individuals in the colonization of the Americas. |

| |Course Introduction Syllabus & Contract |

| |Summer reading is to be turned in before the end of class today. |

| |“Why Study History?” (Peter N. Stearns) |

| | |

| |Homework due Tuesday |

| |Answer the following questions by accessing the websites listed. Note: if you cannot find the answer in the websites provided- “Google” |

| |the question- and note the website you used to find the info. |

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| | |

| |Guided reading questions: |

| |1. Why did Spain take the lead in European exploration of the New World? What did the Spanish seek to gain from the New World?  |

| | 2. What areas of the New World did the Spanish colonize?  |

| | 3. What relationship developed between the Spanish and the Native Americans?    |

| | 4.. What did the French seek to gain from the New World? What areas of the New World did they colonize? Why did their influence in the |

| |New World remain limited?  |

| | 5. How did the French relationship with the Native Americans differ from that of the Spanish?  |

| | 6. Why did the English lag behind the French and Spanish in their colonization of the New World?  |

| | |

| |Discuss syllabus and classroom procedures with parent and return signed form next class |

|Day 2 |In class pre-assessment |

|August 24 (A) |Overview of AP Exam and focus on the multiple choice questioning style |

| |Homework |

| |Assignment from day 1 due next class |

|Day 3 |The Spanish, French, and English colonization |

|August 28 (A) |Overview of AP Exam and Writing Guidelines |

| |Students will write respond to the following prompt using the knowledge they have gained from the summer assignment and their reading |

| |homework: |

| |Complete Chart on 3 main colonizers |


| |From 1492 to 1650, several European nations vied for supremacy and control in the new world of the western hemisphere. Discuss the |

| |countries who competed, the methods and manners they used to gain control, and to explain how and why there came to be a convergence of |

| |the “red, black, and white” races in the western hemisphere. |

| |Homework due next class: |

| |Reading: Brinkley: Pgs 34-38, 40-44 |

| |Guided reading questions: |

| |1. What factors combined to encourage James I to issue a charter to the London Company for the settlement of Virginia?  |

| |2. What specifically attracted individuals to the Virginia settlement of Jamestown?  |

| |3. What hardships did early Virginians face? What caused some of these hardships?  |

| |4, In what ways did tobacco “save” the Virginia colony?  |

| |5. How did tobacco shape the social structure of Virginia? What main social classes constituted Virginian society? |

| |6. What led to the introduction of slavery in colonial Virginia in 1619?  |

|Day 4 |The British and the 13 colonies: Jamestown |

|August 30 (A) |Jigsaw: Read and analyze primary and secondary sources about the Jamestown Colony |

| | |

| |Homework due Tuesday: |

| |Guided Reading Questions: |

| |7. What led the Pilgrim Separatists to leave Europe and come to wilderness of the New World?  |

| |8. Why did they form the Mayflower Compact?  What is its significance?  |

| |9. What were the patterns of Puritan migration to Massachusetts Bay?  How did Puritan migration differ from migration to the Chesapeake |

| |colonies?  |

| |10. How "democratic" was Puritan society? To what degree was it egalitarian?  |

| |11. How did the Puritans of Massachusetts deal with those who challenged Puritan ideals?  Why?  |

| |12.  In what ways did the foundations of Rhode Island differ from that of its Puritan New England neighbors?  |

| |13. How does John Winthrop depict the Puritan settlers of Massachusetts Bay in his sermon "A Model of Christian Charity"?  How does the |

| |sermon reflect Puritan values?  |

| |1. How did the Dutch colony of New Netherlands become the English colony of New York?  |

| |2. How did Quaker religious beliefs differ from those of members of the Anglican church?  |

| |3.Why did the colony of Pennsylvania attract such a diverse group of settlers?  How did Pennsylvania’s government encourage such |

| |diversity?  How might the Quaker beliefs of Pennsylvania’s founders have contributed to the diversity of the colony?  |

| |4. What influence did the English colonists of Barbados have on the economic and social structure of the Carolinas?  |

| |5. What were the original purposes of the Georgia colony?  What types of Englishmen settled there?  Over time, in what sense did the |

| |economic and social structure of Georgia become similar to the Carolinas, its neighbor? |

|Day 5 |The British and the 13 colonies – Jamestown, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay |

|Sept 4 (A) |Chart on Jamestown, Plymouth, and Massachusetts Bay |

| |Chart on 13 British colonies – information in chapters 2 and 3 |

| |Objective: Explain the differences between the Jamestown and Plymouth colonies in terms of objectives, types of settlers, early problems,|

| |and reasons for success? |

| | |

| |Homework due next class: |

| |TERMS: Representative government, House of Burgesses, Town Meetings, Magna Carta, Taxation without Representation, colonial assembly |

| |Guided Reading Questions: pg. 61and end of chapter 2 |

| |1. What was mercantilism? What led the British to create a mercantilist system? What type of relationship did it create between Britain |

| |and the American colonies?  |

| |2.  What were the Navigation Acts? What did they do? How did they support the goals of the mercantilist system?  |

| |3. How did Americans respond to the Navigation Acts?  |

| |4. How did capitalism transform the North American environment?  |

| |5.  How do the Navigation Acts tie Colonial trade to England?  How does this affect American "material culture"?  |

| |6. What led James II to create the Dominion of New England? How did it restructure the governments of the New England colonies?  |

| |7.What was the Glorious Revolution? How did New Englanders’ respond to it?  |

| |8. In what sense did the American colonists see their local governments as modeled on the British system?  To what extent was that |

| |perception accurate?  |

| |9. To what extent and in what ways was colonial government more democratic than British government?    |

| |10. According to John Locke what are the rights of man?  From what source do those rights emanate? (**will answer in class) |

|Day 6 |The British and the 13 colonies – New England, Middle (Chesapeake, etc.) Southern |

|Sept 6 (A) |What is a DBQ? How is it different from an FRQ? |

| |Compare and contrast colonies using readings and documents from first DBQ. |

| |Objective: Although New England and the Chesapeake region were both settled largely by people of English origin, by 1700 the regions had |

| |evolved into two distinct societies. Why did this difference in development occur? |

| | |

| |Homework due Monday: |

| |TERMS: “middle passage”, Consumerism, Plantation system, Bacon’s Rebellion, Slavery, Stono Rebellion , Halfway Covenant, Salem Witch |

| |Trials, John Locke, social contract |

| |Guided Reading Questions: |

| |1. What were the realities of indentured servitude? Why did this practice eventually end? |

| |2. How and why did the lives of women in the Southern colonies differ from that of women in New England? |

| |3. Why did the Huguenots, Germans and Scotch-Irish decide to emigrate to the Americas? |

| |4. What might account for the sudden hysteria about witches in Salem during the 1690’s? (Look at 90-95 if you want to look deeper into |

| |this question.)  |

|Day 7 |Colonial Economies and British rule of law – Representative Government |

|Sept. 10 (A) |Objective: Between 1607 and 1763, Americans gained control of their political and economic institutions. To what extent and in what ways |

| |do you agree or disagree with this statement? |

| | |

| |Homework: |

| |TERMS: Church of England, Great Awakening, Jonathan Edwards, George Whitefield, Harvard |

| |5. What was the Enlightenment? |

| |6. What factors led to the religious revival in the colonies between the 1730’s and 1760’s? Why would Americans of the time have been |

| |attracted to the preaching’s of Edwards and Whitefield?  How did the Great Awakening become a widespread   movement throughout the |

| |American colonies?  |

| |  11. What was Edwards’ and Whitefield’s critique of the current state of Protestantism in the colonies? Why might Old Lights have found |

| |the religious revival threatening?  |

| |  12. How were the religious practices of the revivalists different from those of mainline   Protestants?  |

| |  13. Other than its impact on colonial religion, what were some of the larger effects of the Great Awakening on colonial society? |

|Day 8 |Patterns of Society, Awakenings, and Enlightenments |

|Sept. 12 (A) |Objective: What kinds of social, cultural, and intellectual changes developed as the American Colonies grew more numerous, strong, and |

| |diverse? Discuss the maturation of colonial cities, churches, and colonies. Who were the leaders of the development of colonial change |

| |and liberalism that produced the “Great Awakening” in the American mind? |

| | |

| |Homework: |

| |Study for Multiple choice Test |

| |Complete online M/C questions for chs 1-3 from text website |

|Day 9 |Multiple Choice Test for Unit One |

|Sept 14 (A) | |

| |First Homework assignment for Unit Two “Revolution to Constitution”: |

| |Read and outline pages 99-111 |

| |Terms to focus on while you read: King George III, Proclamation of 1763, George Grenville, Sugar Act (1764), |

| |Currency Act of 1764, Stamp Act, Quartering Act, Whigs, Tories, Sons and Daughters of Liberty, Virginia Resolves, |

| |Stamp Act Congress, William Pitt, Charles Townshend, Townshend Acts, Samuel Adams, Boston Massacre, Paul Revere, Paxton Boys, Committees |

| |of Correspondence, Boston Tea Party, Coercive Acts (Intolerable Acts), Continental Congress, Parliament, loyalists, Battle of Saratoga, |

| |Lexington and Concord |


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