American History Regents Prep

American History Regents Prep

Keywords, Groups, & Phrases that Frequently Appear on the American History Regents

|When you see… |The words associated with or answer is… |

|Mercantilism |Raw materials (colonies), manufactured goods/finished products (mother country), restrictions on trade |

|New England town meetings, | |

|Mayflower Compact, Virginia House |Self-rule, representative democracy |

|of Burgesses | |

|Declaration of Independence |Enlightened, John Locke, natural rights, consent of the governed, no taxation without representation – leads to Revolutionary War |

|Articles of Confederation |Weak national government, protect states’ rights, feared strong national government, admit new states into the union |

|Constitutional Convention |Representation, Three-Fifths Compromise, Great Compromise, revise Articles of Confederation |

|Anti-Federalists |Bill of Rights, states’ rights |

|Federalists |Ratification of the U.S. Constitution, Washington, Hamilton, Madison |

|Alexander Hamilton |National bank, pay off nation’s debt, loose interpretation of Constitution |

|Federalism |Balance of national and state government |

|Electoral College |Popular vote does not determine presidency, each states have “points” based on population of their states, majority of these points |

| |wins presidency, The ''winner-take-all'' method can distort the relationship between the popular vote and the electoral vote |

|Checks and Balances |Supreme Courts, Congress, Executive, three branches of government, separation of powers |

|Marbury v. Madison |JUDICAL REVIEW |

|Marshall Court |Increase the power of the federal government |

|McCulloch v. Maryland | |

| |Supremacy of the federal government |

|Gibbons v. Ogden | |

|Washington |Precedents, cabinet of advisors, unwritten constitution, political parties, strengthen the federal government, Farewell Address, |

| |neutrality, U.S. needed time to gain economic and military strength |

|John Adams |Alien and Sedition Acts, XYZ Affair |

|Thomas Jefferson |Louisiana Purchase, elastic clause, violate/contradict belief of strict interpretation of the Constitution |

|Mississippi |Trade, New Orleans, Westward Expansion, Louisiana Purchase, Access to Gulf of Mexico, trade for farmers |

|Manifest Destiny |Westward expansion, expand to the Pacific Ocean, Mexican War, annexation of Texas, Homestead Act |

|Monroe Doctrine |Western Hemisphere, prevent colonization by the Europeans in Caribbean/Latin America, avoid political conflicts with Europeans, |

|Andrew Jackson |Spoils system (rewarding jobs), expand presidential powers, end property requirements, Indian Removal Act |

|Trail of Tears |Injustice of Native Americans, Worcester v. Georgia |

|Homestead Act |West, Great Plains, provide free land to settlers, people pay off land |

|Abolitionist |Against slavery, William Lloyd Garrison's publication of The Liberator, Underground Railroad, Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s |

| |Cabin |

|Sectionalism |Economic conditions and interests varied in regions (North-Industrialized vs. South-plantations) |

|Missouri Compromise |The balance between free and slave states was maintained, tried to solve issue on extension of slavery into the western territories |

|Fugitive Slave Act (Law) |Runaway slaves, Canada |

|Kansas-Nebraska Act/Bleeding Kansas|Clashes between pro-slavery and anti-slavery groups, sectional conflict, tried to solve issue on extension of slavery into the |

| |western territories, allow settlers in new territories to vote on the issue of slavery |

|Popular sovereignty |allow settlers in new territories to vote on the issue of slavery, status of slavery in new states |

|Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) |ruled that Congress could not ban slavery in the territories, Causes of Sectional Conflict, protected the property rights of slave |

| |owners in the territories, sometimes failed to protect the rights of minorities |

|Secession/Secede of Southern states|Increasing sectionalism, Disagreements over states’ rights issues, Breakdown of compromise, Election of 1860 |

| |Election of 1860 (Abraham Lincoln becomes president) |

|Civil War |The federal government was strengthened |

|Abraham Lincoln |Preserve the Union, expanded powers of presidency, wanted southern states to enter the Union as quickly as possible, rejected harsh |

| |punishments for the South, removes habeas corpus, Emancipation Proclamation (frees slaves) |

|Andrew Johnson |allow the Southern States to reenter the nation as quickly as possible, a power struggle with Congress over Reconstruction, |

| |impeachment |

|13th, 14th, 15th Amendments |increased individual rights for African Americans, Radical (Congressional) Reconstruction, legal and political rights to African |

| |Americans |

|Sharecropping |Former slaves earned a living, economically dependent |

|Black Codes |deny equal rights to African Americans |

|Poll tax, grandfather clause, |limits voting rights of African Americans |

|literacy tests, | |

|Jim Crow Laws |Segregation of public facilities, limit effects of Radical Reconstruction, state and local governments to restrict the freedoms |

|Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) |Racial segregation, “separate but equal” based on race, separate public facilities were constitutional (allowed), failed to protect |

| |rights of minorities |

|Booker T. Washington |African Americans should achieve equality by expanding their opportunities for vocational education, difference than that of W.E.B. |

| |Dubois on how racial equality should be achieved |

|W.E.B. Dubois |African Americans should demand immediate participation in American society, Formal education (science and literature), difference |

| |than that of Booker T. Washington on how racial equality should be achieved |

|Dawes Act (1887) |Native Americans to give up their culture, assimilation of Native Americans |

|Homestead Act |Great Plains, settle West, decline the Plains Indians |

|Industrialization |Urbanization (cities), increased immigration, growth of the middle class, job opportunities, expansion of the railroads, Gospel of |

| |Wealth, Social Darwinism (justified big business and the rich) |

|Monopolies/Trusts |Limit competition, big businesses, furthered gap between rich and poor |

|Yellow Journalism |Start of Spanish American War, exaggerate events |

|Laissez faire |Government should not intervene (get involved) in business |

|Progressives |Reform, social and economic changes, limit power of big business, Government regulation (control) in business, Prohibition, Suffrage,|

| |income tax, direct election of senators, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson |

|Women’s Suffrage (Voting Rights) |Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Seneca Falls Convention, WWI working in war industries (factories), 19th Amendment |

|Theodore Roosevelt |Good and bad trusts, trustbuster limit power of monopolies, imperialism, Big Stick Policy, international police, Western Hemisphere, |

| |Latin America, Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine, Panama Canal, Square Deal, Food and Drug Administration, Meat Inspection |

| |Act |

|Anti-trust (Against big businesses)|Encouraged/increased competition, Sherman Anti-trust Act, Clayton Anti-trust Act, U.S. v. Standard Oil (breaks up Rockefeller’s oil |

|and Business Regulation (control) |monopoly) trust busting, protect small businesses and farmers |

|Labor Unions |Collectively bargain, higher wages (pay), improved hours, American Federation of Labor (skilled workers), Knights of Labor, Haymarket|

| |Riots, Homestead Strike, Pullman Strike (government is anti-unions) |

|Big Business Leaders |John D. Rockefeller (Standard Oil, railroads), Andrew Carnegie (Carnegie Steel), J.P. Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt, robber barons |

| |(ruthless business tactics against competitors), captains of industry, philanthropic activities (did good things for |

| |society—Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Hall, J.P. Morgan Library) |

|Muckrakers |Make America aware of problems in society, expose the evils in American society, expose the abuses of the government and industry |

| |Poor, urban slums: Jacob Riis (How the Other Half Lives), Jane Addams (Hull House) |

| |Meatpacking Industry: Upton Sinclair (The Jungle) |

| |Political Corruption: Lincoln Steffens (The Shame of Cities) |

| |Standard Oil: Ida Tarbell (History of Standard Oil Company) |

|Populism & Granger Movement |Farmers, social and political problems |

|Entrance to WWI |Sinking of The Lusitania, submarine warfare, freedom of the seas, world safe for democracy, Zimmerman Telegram, Russian Revolution |

| |(1917) |

|Schenck v. U.S. |“clear and present danger”, don’t shout fire in a crowded theater, civil liberties limited for national security, limits freedom of |

| |speech |

|Results of WWI |Wilson’s Fourteen Points (avoid future wars/conflicts), Treaty of Versailles, League of Nations (U.S. Senate does not join—goes back |

| |to neutrality) |

|Roaring 20s |Consumerism (people spending $), Henry Ford’s assembly line, flappers, social and economic changes/improvements, Harlem Renaissance, |

| |Coolidge, Harding, & Hoover (President that practiced trickledown (tax cuts) economics—give money to rich to stimulate economy) |

|Harlem Renaissance |African American culture, music (jazz), literature (poetry—Langston Hughes) |

|Intolerance—1920s |Prohibition (18th Amendment), Temperance (no drinking) Movement, Red Scare & Palmer Raids (scared of Communist; arrest and deport), |

| |KKK revival, The Scopes Monkey Trial (science v. religion), anti-immigration (Sacco and Vanzetti trial) |

|Causes of the Great Depression |Overproduction and under consumption, buying stocks on margin (borrowing), banks giving too much credit, banks crash, Stock Market |

| |Crash (October 1929—all stocks lose value), Dust Bowl (Great Plains, severe drought and overproduction of farming) |

|Life During the Depression |Hoovervilles/Hoover blankets (people blamed President Hoover for not helping them), High unemployment, racism (African Americans |

| |can’t get jobs) |

|Hoover |Rugged individualism (people should rely on themselves not the government) |

|FDR |New Deal relief (CCC, WPA, PWA—give people jobs), recovery (AAA, NIRA—regulate prices), reform (Social Security Act, bank holiday, |

| |SEC—regulate stock market), pump and prime, Court Packing (tries to add supreme court justices when they declare part of New Deal |

| |unconstitutional (Butler v. U.S., and Schechter Poultry v. U.S.—Congress says “no”),12 years as president, greater involvement of |

| |federal government |

|WWII |Lend Lease, cash and carry (U.S. helps England), Pearl Harbor attacked by Japanese (1941)—Congress declares war, D-Day, atomic bomb |

| |(Hiroshima and Nagasaki) – used to save American lives, women work in factories, Nuremberg Trials (crimes against humanity) |

|Korematsu v. U.S. |Internment camps for Japanese in U.S., “clear and present danger” (JUST LIKE SCHENCK CASE), national security is more important than |

| |civil liberties |

|After WWII (1945): Early Cold War |Potsdam Conference sets up Cold War, Superpowers (U.S. and U.S.S.R), Containment (stop Communism from spreading-Truman Doctrine and |

| |Marshall Plan ($ to Greece and Turkey), NATO (collective security), domino theory, Korean War (Congress did not officially declare |

| |war, outcome—Korean stays divided at 38th parallel), Berlin Blockade, Berlin Airlift |

|JFK Cold War |Bay of Pigs Invasion (try to overthrow Fidel Castro), Cuban Missile Crisis, early involvement in Vietnam |

|Life During the 1950s |Baby boom, suburbs (automobile and Interstate Highway Act), social conformity, consumerism, technology, McCarthyism (similar to |

| |Palmer Raids—fear of Communism in the U.S. and spies), Cold War fear (bomb shelters, fear nuclear attack) |

|Civil Rights Movement (late 1950s |Brown v. Board of Ed (1954)—(separate, but equal is INEQUAL, overturns Plessy v. Ferguson case), Rosa Parks (Montgomery Bus boycott) |

|to 1960s) |Martin Luther King (civil disobedience), Greensborough sit-ins, freedom riders, Selma March (Voting Rights), Million Man March, |

| |NAACP, Malcolm X, Black Panthers and Black Power |

| | |

| |Achieved Civil Rights Act 1964 (racial and gender equality) and Voting Rights Act (1965) |

|Warren Court |Rights of the accused, Miranda v. Arizona, Mapp v. Ohio, Escobedo v. Illinois, Gideon v. Wainright |

| | |

| |No religions in public schools—Engel v. Vitale |

|New Frontier (JFK) |Peace Corps, Space Program (fear of Sputnik satellite in Russia), tries to get economic and civil rights programs, but dies |

| | |

| |War on Poverty (help poor people), Medicare and Medicaid, Civil Rights Programs, similar to FDR’s New Deal Program and Teddy |

|Great Society (LBJ) |Roosevelt’s Square Deal, greater involvement of federal government |

|Vietnam War |Domino Theory, Congress did not officially declare war (just like Korean War), Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, LBJ becomes an unpopular |

| |president, Vietnam War takes away money from Great Society, war protests (Vietnam veterans against the war), counter culture |

| |(hippies), draft, Kent State Massacre, Tinker v. Des Moines (freedom of speech/arm bands allowed in school), guerrilla warfare, Tet |

| |Offensive, riots at the Democratic National Convention |

|Richard Nixon |Ends Vietnam War (vietnamization and Nixon Doctrine—peace with honor),détente (easing of tension--USSR), SALT Agreement, Visits China|

| |to ease tensions (Ping Pong Diplomacy), Watergate Scandal (Nixon resigns)--*President is not above the LAW* (U.S. v. Nixon, Nixon v. |

| |NY Times—limit executive power) |

|Jimmy Carter |Camp David Accords (Peace with Israel and Egypt), OPEC Crisis (gas), SALT |

|Ronald Reagan |Domestic: Reagonomics--Trickle down (tax cuts), supply side economic (like Hoover, give businesses money to stimulate economy) |

| | |

| |Foreign: Increase spending on military (federal deficit), puts pressure on Russia (tension increase again), Reagan Doctrine (support |

| |people who want to be free in Communist countries). ALL OF THIS LEADS TO FALL OF THE BERLIN WALL AND END OF COLD WAR! |

|George Bush Sr. |Persian Gulf War (protects Kuwait and prevent Iraq from getting oil), third party costs him election, New World Order |

|Bill Clinton |NAFTA (free trade), Impeachment Trial (vote him not guilty), adopts Republican platforms (welfare reform), good economy=high approval|

| |ratings, policing overseas for human rights (Bosnia, Kosovo, Haiti) |

|George W. Bush |War on Terror as reaction to September 11, 2001—War in Afghanistan and war in Iraq, Patriot Acts (limits rights for national |

| |security), department of Homeland Security, trickle down (tax cuts)/supply side |

|Financial Crisis |Stocks and banks crash (like Hoover’s Great Depression) |

|Barack Obama |Stimulus plan (like New Deal), federal deficit, government involvement, Osama Bin Laden killed |

|Globalization and Global Issues |Global warming, free trade, outsourcing (giving jobs overseas), |


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