Global History -

Global History 10R Name ___________________________Review SheetsDate ____________________________How to use these sheets: Identify and describe each of the terms in context. That means be able to explain, with supporting details, how each of the terms relates to the regions we have studied this year. Simple definitions are NOT enough!I.Geographic features and their impact on history/cultureEastern/Western EuropeNorthern European PlainMountainsClimateII.Classical civilizations:GreeceCity statesAthens – pluralistic – direct democracySparta – monolithic – militaristicAlexander the Great – empire building [cultural diffusion]Hellenistic CivilizationGreek contributions – Theater, Poetry, Philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle),Architecture, Sculpture, Math, ScienceRome – GeographyTwelve Tables of Law, indirect democracy, republic, Julius CaesarRoman Empire – AugustusPax Romana – Roman contributions – Architecture, Law, Justice, Language, ChristianityThe Fall of Rome – Reasons – Economic, Political, Social CausesIII.Byzantine [Eastern Roman] Empire (450-1453)ConstantinopleJustinian’s Code, Theodora, women’s rightsIcons, Hagia SophiaSchismFall of ConstantinopleIV.Early Russian history (900-1600)Byzantine Influence – gov’t, church, art, architectureMongol rule – feudalism, isolationMuscovite ruleIvan III the GreatIvan IV the TerribleThe Romanovs – both foreign and domestic policies are importantV.Early Middle Ages (500-1000)CharlemagneFeudalismPolitical – local government – lordsEconomic – manorialismSocial – hierarchy, mobility, knights, chivalryRole of the Roman Catholic Church [papacy] – pol., eco., soc. impactArt and Architecture (Gothic, illuminated manuscripts, stained glass, etc.)VI.Late Middle Ages (1000-1350)Crusades (causes/effects) Anti-SemitismTrade (spices), technology, knowledgeDiffusionVII.Renaissance (1350-1650)HumanismArt (daVinci, Michelangelo)Literature (Machiavelli, Shakespeare)Science – Scientific Revolution – (Copernicus, Galileo)VIII.Protestant ReformationMartin Luther – Ninety-Five Theses - Criticism of the ChurchCauses and Results of the Reformation Protestant churches, Calvin, predestination, Henry VIIIReligious WarsThe Counter ReformationIX.Exploration (1450-1750)Reasons for the Age of Exploration (Columbian Exchange)Colonial empires in the Americas – ReasonsSlave tradeMercantilismCapitalismX.Age of Absolutism (1500-1789)Divine RightEvolution of Democracy in EnglandMagna CartaPuritan RevolutionGlorious RevolutionEnglish Bill of RightsLouis XIV, VersaillesPeter the Great, St. PetersburgXI.The Enlightenment – Age of Reason (1500-1800)Democracy, Social ContractLaissez-faire capitalismEnlightenment thinkers – What are their ideas?John LockeVoltaireMontesquieuRousseauMary WollstonecraftEnlightened Despots – Catherine the Great, Frederick the GreatXII.The French Revolution (1789-1795)Causes of revolutionPoliticalEconomicSocialStages (Bastille Day, National Assembly, Declaration of Rights of Man, Jacobins, Robespierre, Reign of Terror, Directory, Napoleon)XIII.The Age of Napoleon (1795-1815)Rebuilding France – Napoleonic CodeBuilding an empire – impact on EuropeEffects of the French Revolution – permanent reforms; revolutionary ideasXIV.Reaction and Revolution (1815-1848)Congress of Vienna, MetternichConservatives & LiberalsXV.Nationalism – Growth of Nations (1848-1871)Latin American Revolutions & HaitiSimon BolivarUnification of ItalyGiuseppe GaribaldiUnification of GermanyOtto von BismarckFranco-Prussian WarXVI.The Industrial Revolution (1750-1914)Why it happened - BirthplaceWhat’s neededChanges as a result Factory system, working conditions, capitalism, population, urbanization, reform movements, Socialism, Marxism, Engels (class struggle)XVII. Age of Imperialism (1830-1914)Scramble for Africa, Berlin ConferenceCauses (Eco, Pol, Soc)Effects on the worldXVIII. World War I (1914-1918)Causes: Militarism, Nationalism, Imperialism, Alliances, AnarchyAssassinationRussian entryUS entryArmenian GenocideTreaty of VersaillesTerms – what does it say?War - guilt clauseLeague of NationsWilson’s 14 PointsXIX.The Russian Revolution & the Soviet UnionRussia in WWIThe Bolshevik RevolutionLenin – Peace, Bread, LandMarxism in the Soviet UnionNew Economic Policy (NEP)Formation of the USSRJoseph StalinTotalitarianismPurges5 Year Plans and Collective farmingGulags/Kulaks/ Famine of 1933Non-aggression pact (WWII)XX.Post-WWI NationalismIndia – Mahatma GandhiSalt MarchCivil Disobedience China – Dr. Sun Yat-sen [Yixian] and The Three Principles of the PeopleTurkey - AtaturkSecular republicXXI.Rise of TotalitarianismSocial/ Political/Economic Conditions that enabled dictators to come to powerItaly – MussoliniWeimar Republic, hyperinflationGermany – HitlerNazi ideologyMunich ConferenceXXII.World War II Causes: Appeasement, Totalitarianism, Nationalism, Imperialism, MilitarismCampaign against the Jews – chronologyGenocide [The Holocaust]Nuremburg Trials – Crimes against HumanityDivision of GermanyAtomic Bombs – Hiroshima, NagasakiXXIII. Cold WarTruman DoctrineMarshall PlanIron Curtain NATOWarsaw PactNikita Khrushchev European Economic CommunityArms RaceDétenteSALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks)Nuclear weaponsArms raceSALT I & IILeonid BrezhnevDissidents [Alexander Solzhenitsyn]Afghanistan Invasion (1979)Mikhail GorbachevGlasnostPerestroikaPoland – Lech Walesa; Solidarity movementPope John Paul IICzechoslovakia – Vaclav Havel; splitBoris YeltsinCIS (Commonwealth of Independent States)Separatists, ChechnyaVladimir PutinXXIV.Post-WW II Middle East Iran-Iraq WarLebanonRole of Women in Islamic CountriesTraditional vs. ModernSunni vs. ShiiteIranian Revolution, 1979Islamic Fundamentalism Ayatollah Khomeini vs. Shah Mohammed Reza PahlaviExtremismOil [OPEC]Oil PoliticsInterdependenceStrategic locationPersian Gulf WarSaddam HusseinXXV.20th Century Latin America Cash Crops/Banana RepublicsEvolution of US Policy:Monroe Doctrine, Roosevelt Corollary, Good Neighbor Policy, Alliance for ProgressCubaNationalization of IndustryFidel CastroBay of Pigs / Cuban Missile CrisisEl SalvadorUnequal Distribution of wealth (i.e. 14 Families)Salvadoran Army (Death Squads)FMLNOscar Cardinal RomeroLiberation TheologyNicaraguaAugusto SandinoSandinistas vs. ContrasDaniel OrtegaChile/ArgentinaAugusto Pinochet / Juan PeronDirty WarLos DesaparecidosMothers of the Plaza de MayorBrazilRainforest / Deforestation / BiodiversityXXVI.Post-WW II AfricaSouth AfricaApartheidSharpevilleSoweto Student UprisingF.W. DeKlerk vs. Nelson MandelaZulus vs. XhosasSanctions/ divestmentKenyaMau MauJomo KenyattaNigeriaOilBiafra (Ibo)Ghana – Kwame NkrumahRwanda - Hutus vs. TutsisXXVII.Changes in European NationsGermany – ReunificationEconomic ramifications of reunificationYugoslavia – Milosevic “ethnic cleansing”Court case at The Hague – International Court of JusticeKosovoIreland The Irish QuestionIRA – Irish Republican ArmyEaster Uprising ................

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