US Government Review Packet - Loudoun County Public ...

US Government Review Packet

Midterm Exam

Chapters 1 and 2

1. Types of Government Systems and example of country today

a. Oligarchy

b. Parliamentary

c. Theocracy

d. Socialist

e. Anarchy

d. Totalitarian

e. Monarchy

f. Revolutionary

g. Communist

h. Republic

i. Confederation

2. Key Terms

a. Public Policies

b. Federalism

c. Sovereignty

d. Federalists

e. Anti-Federalists

3. Key Events in the shaping of our Government

a. Magna Carta

b. Petition of Right

c. Declaration of Independence

d. Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation

e. Federalist Papers

f. Debate between Federalists and Anti-Federalists

g. Well known federalists and Anti-Federalists

h. Critical period

i. Major Compromises at Constitutional Convention: 3/5, Slave trade and Great Compromise

Chapters 3 and 4

1. Types of Powers in Constitution and example for each

a. Implied

b. Reserved

c. Concurrent

d. Expressed

2. Important amendments

a. Amendment 1

b. Amendment 13

c. Amendment 19

d. Amendment 26

3. Key Terms

a. Supremacy Clause

b. Cabinet

c. Popular Sovereignty

d. Rule of Law

e. Full Faith and Credit Clause

f. McCulloch v. Maryland

g. Marbury v. Madison

h. Judicial Review

3. Major Features of the Constitution and examples

a. Checks and Balances

b. Separation of Powers

c. Federalism

Chapters 5 and 6

1. Key Terms

a. Partisanship

b. Split Ticket Voting

c. Plurality

d. Differences between Multiple Parties and 2 Party Systems

e. Incumbent

f. Political Socialization

g. Poll Tax

h. Literacy Test

i. Gerrymandering

j. Wards and Precincts

k. Suffrage

2. Political Parties

a. Functions/Purposes of Political Parties

b. 4 Types of Minor Political Parties

3. Development of voting rights in US History

a. Historical Stages of voting rights

b. Voting qualifications today

Chapter 7 and 8

1. Key Terms

a. Poll

b. Public Agenda

c. Public Opinion

d. General Election

e. Similarities and Differences between Hard and Soft Money

f. PACs

g. FEC

h. Mass Media

i. Hard v. Soft Money

2. Types of Primaries

a. Run off

b. Direct

c. Blanket

d. Open v. Closed

3. Types of Nominating Processes

a. Self Announcement

b. Caucus

c. Convention

d. Primary

e. Petition

4. Measures of Public Opinion and the degree of accuracy

a. Elections

b. Personal Contacts

c. Mass Media

d. Interest Groups

e. Polling


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