Social Studies - Weebly

|Social Studies |El Paso I.S.D. |3 Week Unit |

|11th Grade U.S. History | | | Part 2 Unit #2; Weeks 4-6 | |

| |


|Unit Topic |World War II (the U.S. enters) and the Cold War |


|Focus Concepts |“Values, Principles, and Conflict”: America and WWII, Cold War |

| |Sub Concepts: freedom, democracy, government, leadership, responsibility, politics |

|Universal Generalizations |Content-Related |

|/Enduring Understandings |Individuals can influence historical events and group behavior. |

| |Geography plays a major role in determining the story of an area. |

| |Historical forces are big ideas that help us understand what causes events to happen. |

| |Competing ideas on how societies should be organized have led to political, social, economic and religious divisions and conflicts through out history. |

| |There is a continuing struggle for balance between the ideal of individual rights and the reality of government intervention and protection. |

| |Wars are fought for different reasons, some noble, and others based on greed and prejudice. |

| |Methods of warfare change dramatically as technology provides weapons with greater destructive potential. |

| |Wars demand immense sacrifice from those involved. |

| |The economic development of the U.S. is continually being changed and shaped by scientific discoveries and technological innovations. |

| | |

| |Skills-Related |

| |Knowing the time order of events provides a way to help understand and remember things that happened in the past. |

| |Knowledge of the past is acquired through the study of primary and secondary sources of historical evidence. |

| |Good communication skills are based on the correct use of vocabulary and written/oral language. |

| |Critical thinking skills provide the ability to use logic and reasoning in solving problems. |

| |Creating and using the tools of geography allows for a more definitive perspective of the world. |

|Guiding Questions |WWII (U.S. enters) |

| |How did the U.S. government mobilize for WWII? |

| |What impact did the war effort have on the American people in terms of changing the perceptions of race, gender and ethnicity in society? |

| |In what ways did immigration and migration patterns contribute to changing the face of the U.S. during WW II? |

| |What were the positive and negative effects on the U.S. economy during the war? |

| |In what ways was American Generalship and Presidential leadership crucial in winning the Second World War? |

| |What were the key turning points in both the Pacific Theater and European Theater of the war? Explain |

| |How did the geography of the Pacific Theater of the war contribute to it lasting longer than the European Theater of the War? Justify. |

| |Should the U.S. have pursued the development and the use of the atomic bomb? Why or why not? (Support your reasoning) |

| | |

| |Cold War |

| |According to the U.S. government of the 1950’s, why was communism evil? |

| |During the McCarthy Era, how were people’s civil liberties violated and was society justified in supporting these efforts? Defend |

| |How did the actions of the U.S. and Soviet Union lead to the cold war? Explain. |

| |Why was the fight for Korea seen as an important struggle during the Cold War? |

| |How did geography hinder American and U.N. Force’s from using their superior military technology? |

| |What Could the U.S. government have done differently to affect a more decisive outcome during the Korean War? |

| |In what ways did the U.S.’s twin policies of Containment and Brinkmanship contributed to a deepening of the Cold War and what alternative strategies might have been more effective? |

| |What alternative strategies might have been more effective? |

| |What was fearful about the Soviet Union getting the first satellite into space? Explain |

| |Have the scientific and technological developments made during WW II and the Cold War improved our lives today? Support with Evidence. |

|TAKS OBJECTIVES |Objective 1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of issues and events in U.S. history. |

| |Objective 2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of geographic influences on historical issues and events |

| |Objective 3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of economic and social influences on historical issues and events |

| |Objective 4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of political influences on historical issues and events |

| |Objective 5: The student will use critical thinking skills to analyze social studies information |

|TAKS Strand 8 |Note: Strand 8 TEKS, Social Studies Skills, are in each unit. In some cases, specific content or strategies are noted in the Specifications box. In other units, skills listed are to |

| |be applied to lessons the teacher finds most appropriate. Skills are to be included in a continuous and ongoing manner. |

| |All Strand 8 TEKS will be benchmarked as appropriate. |

|TAKS Objectives |TEKS |Specifications |

|Objective #: Correlating TEKS |Knowledge & Skills Statement |*Tested at EXIT in BOLD for TAKS & Benchmark Tests |

|Tested: Year/Item #’s from 2003,|Student Expectations | |

|2004 & 2006 released tests | | |

| |(US 1)  History. The student understands traditional historical points of reference in |HISTORY TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 1 |

| |U.S. history from 1877 to the present. The student is expected to: |Era: WW II |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) identify the major eras in U.S. history from 1877 to the present and describe their |Refer to the events placed in the timeline of U.S. History by date and by era. |

|OBJ 1 |defining characteristics; CRS – I.B.1 |1929-1940 Depression - Stock market Crash, Great Depression, New Deal |

| | |1941-1945 World War II – Causes and Effects of World War II |

|US.1(A) | |1945-1960 Beginning of Cold War - Postwar World War, Korean War, Economic boom of 50s), |

|Tested: 2003 / #54 | |McCarthyism, Containment Policy |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(B)  apply absolute and relative chronology through the sequencing of significant |Sequence of significant individuals, events and historical era’s from 1941-1960 including: |

|OBJ 1 |individuals, events, and time periods; and CRS – I.B.2,3 |See Examples Below |

| | |Douglas MacArthur |

|1 (B) | |Korean War |

|Tested: 2003 / #13 | |Cold War |

|2004 / #27 | | |

| | | |

| |(C)  explain the significance of the following dates: 1898, 1914-1918, 1929, 1941-1945, |1941 Pearl Harbor |

| |and 1957. |1945 VE Day; VJ Day |

| |(US 6)  History. The student understands the impact of significant national and |HISTORY TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 1 |

| |international decisions and conflicts from World War II and the Cold War to the present on|Era: WW II |

| |the United States. The student is expected to: | |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(B) analyze major issues and events of World War II including fighting the war on | |

|OBJ 1 |multiple fronts, the internment of Japanese-Americans, the Holocaust, the battle of |Analysis of WW II Issues |

| |Midway, the invasion of Normandy, and the development of and Harry Truman's decision to | |

|6(B) |use the atomic bomb; |Fighting the war on multiple fronts |

|Tested: 2003 / #33 | |North Africa, Europe and the Pacific, Allies |

|2004 / #20, 26 | | |

| | |The internment of Japanese-Americans |

| | |The reasons the U.S. Government felt it was necessary to intern Japanese-Americans; Korematsu|

| | |vs. U.S. |

| | | |

| | |Holocaust |

| | |Cause and Effects of the Holocaust |

| | | |

| | |Battle of Midway |

| | |Turning point of the war in the Pacific for the US |

| | | |

| | |The invasion of Normandy (D-Day) |

| | |Reasons that the invasion opened two fronts in Europe and led to the demise of Germany |

| | | |

| | |Development of the atomic bomb |

| | |Cause for the Manhattan Project and the impact of Einstein’s letter to the President |

| | | |

| | |Harry Truman's decision to use the bomb |

| | |Cause and effect of Truman’s decision to use A-Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. |

| | | |

| | | |

| |(C) explain the roles played by significant military leaders during World War II, | |

| |including Omar Bradley, Dwight Eisenhower, Douglas MacArthur, George Marshall, and George |Major American Military Leaders of WW II |

| |Patton. | |

| | |Omar Bradley |

| | |U.S. General during WWII in North Africa and Sicilian campaigns |

| | | |

| | |Dwight Eisenhower |

| | |Leader of allied forces in Europe during the D-Day invasion |

| | | |

| | |Douglas MacArthur |

| | |U.S. General during WWII in Pacific Theater |

| | | |

| | |George Marshall |

| | |Chief of Staff for the U.S. Army |

| | | |

| | |George Patton |

| | |U.S. General during WWII in European Theater |

| | | |

| | |Chester Nimitz |

| | |Texas born American Admiral in the Pacific Theater |

| | | |

| | | |

| |(US 14)  Economics. The student understands the economic effects of World War II, the Cold|ECONOMICS TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 3 |

| |War, and increased worldwide on contemporary society. The student is expected to: |Era: WW II |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) describe the economic effects of World War II on the home front, including rationing,|Rationing – Limiting the availability of many products to make sure enough was available for |

|OBJ 3 |female employment, and the end of the Great Depression, |military use. |

| | |Female and Minority Employment – The government hired nearly 7 million women to do clerical |

|14 (A) | |work and work in factories. Labor Unions and A. Phillip Randolph. |

|Tested: 2003 / # 7 | |End of the Great Depression – Led to economic prosperity; |

|2006 / # 45 | | |

| | | |

| |(US 15)  Government. The student understands changes in the role of government over time. |GOVERNMENT TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 4 |

| |The student is expected to: |Era: WW II |

| |(B)  explain the impact of significant international events such as World War I and World |WWII strengthened the role of Government |

| |War II on changes in the role of the federal government. |WWII Internment camps |

| | |Limited human rights |

| | |Powers of president during war time |

| | |See Chart for Examples |

| | |OPA |

| | |Fought inflation by freezing wages, prices & rents |

| | |Rationed foods such as meat, butter, cheese, etc. |

| | | |

| | |NWLB |

| | |Limited wage increases |

| | |Allowed negotiated benefits such as paid vacations, pensions, and medical insurance |

| | |Kept unions stable by forbidding workers to change unions |

| | | |

| | |WPB |

| | |Rationed fuel and materials vital to the war effort |

| | | |

| | |Dept. of Treasury |

| | |Issued War Bonds to raise money for the war effort and to fight inflation |

| | | |

| | |Revenue Act of 1942 |

| | |Raised the top personal income rate to 90% |

| | |Added lower and Middle Incomes to the Income-Tax rolls |

| | | |

| | |Smith-Connally Labor Disputes Act (1943) |

| | |Limited the right to strike in industries crucial to the war effort |

| | |Gave the President the power tp take over a striking plant |

| | | |

| |(US 8)  Geography. The student uses geographic tools to collect, analyze, and interpret |GEOGRAPHY TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 2 |

| |data. The student is expected to: |Era: WW II |

| |(A) create thematic maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases representing various |Patterns of Settlement – Immigrants/Mexican Bracero Program |

| |aspects of the United States; and CRS – IV.B.3 |Patterns of Settlement – Urbanization and African-American Migration |

| | |Patterns of Settlement – Japanese Internment Camps |

| | |World War II – The world before and after |

| |(B) pose and answer questions about geographic distributions and patterns shown on maps, |Have students create their own questions based on thematic maps created and on graphs, |

| |graphs, charts, models, and databases. CRS – IV.A.6 |charts, models, and databases. |

| |(US 9)  Geography. The student understands the impact of geographic factors on major |GEOGRAPHY TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 2 |

| |events. The student is expected to: |Era: WW II |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) analyze the effects of physical and human geographic factors on major events such as |Effect of Geographic Factors on Military Operations: (Examples) |

|OBJ 2 |building the Panama Canal and |Operation Overlord (D-Day) – June 6, 1944 Allied landing in Normandy, France |

| | |Island Hoping Campaign: - US Pacific War strategy to avoid Japanese Strongholds an take those|

|9 (A) | |islands lightly defended and choke off Japanese strongholds |

|Tested: 2006 / # 32 | |Battle of the Bulge – Winter German counter-attack in the Ardennes Forest in Belgium designed|

| | |to halt allied advance and cut-it in half. Used winter storms and terrain to cover attack |

| | |Battle of Iwo Jima – Hardest fought Island landing by US Marines to capture Island as base |

| | |for US Bombers to strike Japan. Japanese defenders used Islands volcanic structure and caves |

| | |to defend every inch of Island |

| |(B)  identify and explain reasons for changes in political boundaries such as those |International Conflicts: |

| |resulting from statehood and international conflicts. |World War II - Pacific Theater of Operations |

| | |World War II – European Theater of Operations |

| |(US 10)  Geography. The student understands the effects of migration and immigration on |GEOGRAPHY TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 2 |

| |American society. The student is expected to: |Era: WW II |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) analyze the effects of changing demographic patterns resulting from migration within |Effect of wartime economy on mass migration of U.S. population during WWII. See Map: The |

|OBJ 2 |the United States; |Americans - pg. 591 |

| | | |

|10(A) | | |

|Tested: 2003 / # 6 | | |

|2004 / # 44 | | |

| |(US 20)  Culture. The student understands the relationship between the arts and the times |CULTURE TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 3 |

| |during which they were created. The student is expected to: |Era: WW II |

| |(A)  describe how the characteristics and issues of various eras in U.S. history have been|Use McDougal Littell textbook, transparencies, and resource materials to: |

| |reflected in works of art, music, and literature such as the paintings of Georgia O’Keefe,|Analyze photos of WWII subject-matter |

| |rocj and roll, and John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath |Recognize the role and influence of the cinema |

| | |Use a variety of strategies using primary and secondary sources |

| |(US 21)  Culture. The student understands how people from various groups, including |CULTURE TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 3 |

| |racial, ethnic, and religious groups, adapt to life in the United States and contribute to|Era: WW II |

| |our national identity. The student is expected to: | |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(D) identify the political, social, and economic contributions of women to American |Economic impact of women and other minorities towards the war effort |

|OBJ 3 |society. CRS – II.B.2 |Rosie the Riveter |

| | |Mexican Bracero Program |

|21(D) | |African-American Participation – Tuskegee Airmen |

|Tested: 2006 / # 12 | | |

| |(22) Science, technology and society. The student understands the impact of science, |SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY and SOCIETY TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 3 |

| |technology on the economic development of the United States; The student is expected to: |Era: WW II |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) explain the effects of scientific discoveries and technological innovations such as | |

|OBJ 3 |electric power, the telegraph and telephone, petroleum-based products, medical |Manhattan Project- led by scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer, developed the atomic bomb, used on|

| |vaccinations, and computers on the development of the United States; and |Japan, resulted in end of WWII but continued long-lasting effect on world relations through |

|22(A) | |to the present. |

|Tested: 2003 / # 38 | | |

| |(B) explain how scientific discoveries and technological innovations such as those in |Examples of Applications of WW II Technology |

| |agriculture, the military, and medicine resulted from specific needs; | |

| | |Technology |

| | |Military Use |

| | |Civilian Use |

| | | |

| | |Semi-conductors |

| | |Navigation |

| | |Radios, Electronics |

| | | |

| | |Computers |

| | |Code Breaking |

| | |Software, Video Games |

| | | |

| | |Freeze-Dried Food |

| | |Soldiers’ Rations |

| | |TV Dinners, Space Food |

| | | |

| | |Synthetic Materials |

| | |Parachutes, Weapon Parts, Tires |

| | |Telephones, Car parts, pacemakers |

| | | |

| | |Radar |

| | |Tracking & Surveillance |

| | |Weather Tracking, Air Traffic Control, Archaeological digs |

| | | |

| | | |

| |(US 6)  History. The student understands the impact of significant national and |HISTORY TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 1 |

| |international decisions and conflicts from World War II and the Cold War to the present on|Era: Cold War |

| |the United States. The student is expected to: | |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(D)  describe U.S. responses to Soviet aggression after World War II, including the Truman|U.S. responses to Soviet Aggression |

|OBJ 1 |Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, | |

| |and the Berlin airlift. |Eisenhower Doctrine |

|6(D) | |Berlin airlift |

|Tested: 2003 / #10, 24, 29 | | |

|2004 / #21, 25 | |Truman Doctrine |

| | |McCarthyism |

| | | |

| | |Marshall Plan |

| | |Containment |

| | | |

| | |United Nations |

| | |House Un-American Activities Commission (HUAC) |

| | | |

| | |North Atlantic Treaty Organization |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(E) analyze the conflicts in Korea and Viet Nam and describe their domestic and |Korean War – 38th Parallel divided Korea |

|OBJ 1 |international effects; | |

| | | |

|6(E) | | |

|Tested: 2006 / #29 | | |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(F) describe the impact of the GI Bill, the election of 1948, McCarthyism, and Sputnik I;|GI Bill- 1944 - financial and education benefits for veterans |

|OBJ 1 | |McCarthyism - extreme fear (hysteria), opposition to communism resulting in attacks, |

| | |unscrupulous tactics of accusations/investigations before (Senate) investigating committees; |

|6(F) | |of note during that era: the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) investigated movie|

|Tested: 2004 / #34 | |industry; a number of espionage convictions |

| | |Sputnik I - Soviets launch first satellite starting the space (and scientific) race |

| |(US 15)  Government. The student understands changes in the role of government over time. |GOVERNMENT TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 4 |

| |The student is expected to: |Era: Cold War |

| |(B)  explain the impact of significant international events such as World War I and World | |

| |War II on changes in the role of the federal government. |Cold War |

| | |U.S. adopts Policy of Containment (against Soviet Aggression, spread of communism) |

| | | |

| | |Truman Doctrine |

| | |In a speech, Truman he called for the U.S. to take a leadership role in world and declared |

| | |that the U.S. would come to the aid of nations threatened by communism. |

| | | |

| | |Marshall Plan |

| | |It was a program of economic aid to Western Europe after WWII to help keep them from being |

| | |taken over by communist countries, namely the Soviet Union |

| | | |

| | |United Nations (UN) |

| | |26 nations, world peace-keeping organization |

| | | |

| | |North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) |

| | |Alliance of nations that agreed to band together in the event of war and to support each |

| | |nation involved |

| | | |

| | |Berlin Air Lift |

| | |Americans and British responded to a Soviet blockade of the city by dropping food and |

| | |supplies to West Berliners |

| | | |

| |(US 9)  Geography. The student understands the impact of geographic factors on major |GEOGRAPHY TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 2 |

| |events. The student is expected to: |Era: Cold War |

| |(B)  identify and explain reasons for changes in political boundaries such as those |International Conflicts: |

| |resulting from statehood and international conflicts. |Cold War - Iron Curtain, Berlin Air Lift, Chinese Civil War |

| | |Korean War – 38th Parallel divided Korea |

| | |Vietnam – French Defeated in 1954 |

| |(US 8)  Geography. The student uses geographic tools to collect, analyze, and interpret |GEOGRAPHY TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 2 |

| |data. The student is expected to: |Era: Cold War |

| |(A) create thematic maps, graphs, charts, models, and databases representing various |The Cold War – Democracy v. Communist countries |

| |aspects of the United States; and |Warsaw Pact vs. NATO |

| | |The Korean Conflict – Track the Fighting |

| | |Phase 1: June 1950 to September 1950 |

| | |Phase 2: September 1950 to November 1950 |

| | |Phase 3: November 1950 to January 1951 |

| | |Phase 4: January 1951 to July 1953 |

| | | |

| | | |

| |(B) pose and answer questions about geographic distributions and patterns shown on maps, |Have students create their own questions based on thematic maps created and on graphs, |

| |graphs, charts, models, and databases. |charts, models, and databases. |

| | | |

| |(US20)  Culture. The student understands the relationship between the arts and the times |CULTURE TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 3 |

| |during which they were created. The student is expected to: |Era: Cold War |

| |(A)  describe how the characteristics and issues of various eras in U.S. history have been|Use McDougal Littell textbook, transparencies, and resource materials to: |

| |reflected in works of art, music, and literature |Analyze photos of Cold War subject-matter |

| | |Recognize the role and influence of the cinema |

| | |Influence of Science Fiction on Society |

| | |Use a variety of strategies using primary and secondary sources. |

| |(22) Science, technology and society. The student understands the impact of science, |SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY and SOCIETY TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 3 |

| |technology on the economic development of the United States; The student is expected to: |Era: Cold War |

|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) explain the effects of scientific discoveries and technological innovations such as |Examples of Applications of Cold War Technology |

|OBJ 3 |electric power, the telegraph and telephone, petroleum-based products, medical | |

| |vaccinations, and computers on the development of the United States; and |Technology |

|22(A) | |Military Use |

|Tested: 2006 / # 49 | |Civilian Use |

| | | |

| | |Television |

| | |Guided Bombs |

| | |Entertainment |

| | | |

| | |Satellites |

| | |Spying, GPS, Communications |

| | |Communications, TV Signals, Weather Tracking, Cell Phones |

| | | |

| | |Nuclear Power |

| | |H-Bombs, Nuclear Powered Submarines & Ships |

| | |Electricity, Nuclear Medicine, Power for Deep Space Satellites |

| | | |

| | | |

| |(WH23) Science, technology and society. The student understands how major scientific and | |

| |mathematical discoveries and technological innovations have affected societies throughout | |

| |history. The student is expected to: | |

|TESTED AT EXIT by World History |(A) give examples of [major mathematical and scientific discoveries] technological |Examples: |

|TEK |innovations that occurred at different periods in history and describe the changes |Explorer 1 –Developed by Werner Von Braun, German V-2 Developer, Captured at end of WWII and |

|OBJ 2 |produced by these discoveries and innovations. |transferred to Ft. Bliss, TX. Led America’s rocket development in response to Soviet Unions |

| | |Sputnik |

|23(A) | |High Speed Jet Aircraft – Impact of Korean War and “Bomber Gap” |

|Tested: 2006 / #17 | |High Altitude Jet Aircraft - U-2 Spy Plane needed to see behind Iron Curtain |

| |(US24)  Social studies skills. The student applies critical-thinking skills to organize |SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 5 |

| |and use information acquired from a variety of sources including electronic technology. |All Eras |

| |The student is expected to: | |

| |(A)  locate and use primary and secondary sources such as computer software, databases, |Primary sources consist of evidence produced by someone who participated in an event or lived|

| |media and news services, biographies, interviews, and artifacts to acquire information |during the time being studied. |

| |about the United States; |Letters between people experiencing life in the United States |

| | |Diary entries for example from immigrants, inventors and scientist, business people, |

| | |government leaders, and World War soldiers |

| | |Photographs of the era |

| | |Newspapers of the actual times for example newspapers |

| | |US Constitution |

| | |Secondary sources include descriptions or interpretations prepared by people who were not |

| | |involved in the events described. Researchers often use primary sources to understand past |

| | |events but they produce secondary sources. |

| | |Interpretations of different art and music |

| | |Copies and photos of artifacts |

| | |Textbook |

| |(B)  analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect |The teacher will use a variety of materials using TEKS. |

| |relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making | |

| |generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions; | |

| |(D)  use the process of historical inquiry to research, interpret, and use multiple |The teacher will use a variety of materials using TEKS. |

| |sources of evidence; | |

| |(F)  identify bias in written, oral, and visual material; |For material such as political cartoons, war propaganda, .use McDougal Littell textbook, |

| | |transparencies, and resource material |

| |(G)  support a point of view on a social studies issue or event; and |The teacher will use a variety of materials using TEKS. |

| |(H)  use appropriate mathematical skills to interpret social studies information such as |The teacher will use a variety of materials using TEKS. |

| |maps and graphs. | |

| |(US25)  Social studies skills. The student communicates in written, oral, and visual |SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 5 |

| |forms. The student is expected to: |All Content Era’s |

| |(A)  use social studies terminology correctly; |The teacher will do this in every unit. |

| |(B)  use standard grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation; |The teacher will do this in every unit. |

| |CRS – V.A.2 | |

| |(D)  create written, oral, and visual presentations of social studies information. |The teacher will use a variety of materials using TEKS. |

| |(US26)  Social studies skills. The student uses problem-solving and decision-making |SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS TEKS - TAKS OBJECTIVE 5 |

| |skills, working independently and with others, in a variety of settings. The student is |All Eras |

| |expected to: | |

| |(A)  use a problem-solving process to identify a problem, gather information, list and |The teacher will use a variety of materials using TEKS. |

| |consider options, consider advantages and disadvantages, choose and implement a solution, | |

| |and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution; and | |

| |(B) use a decision-making process to identify a situation that requires a decision, |The teacher will use a variety of materials using TEKS. |

| |gather information, identify options, predict consequences, and take action to implement a| |

| |decision. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |


| | |

| |Unit Glossary |

| |1941-1945 * |

| |Explorer 1 |

| |National War Labor Board (NWLB) |

| |Sputnik I * |

| | |

| |38th Parallel |

| |GI Bill * |

| |NATO |

|Academic Language |Truman Doctrine |

| | |

| |A-Bomb and H-Bomb |

| |Hiroshima/Nagasaki |

| |Nuremberg Trials |

| |U-2 Incident |

| | |

| |Berlin Airlift |

| |House Un-American Activities Commission (HUAC) |

| |Office of Price Administration (OPA) |

| | |

| |United Nations (UN) * |

| | |

| |Brinkmanship |

| |Internment Camps |

| |Population shifts |

| |United States as a World Power * |

| | |

| |Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) |

| |Iron Curtain |

| |Rationing |

| |V-E Day |

| | |

| |Cold War (1945-1989)* |

| |Korean War * |

| |Revenue Act of 1942 |

| |V-J Day |

| | |

| |Containment |

| |Manhattan Project |

| |Rosie the Riveter |

| |War Production Board (WPB) |

| | |

| |D-Day/Operation Overlord /Normandy Invasion |

| |Marshall Plan |

| | |

| |Satellite Nations |

| | |

| |Warsaw Pact |

| | |

| | |

| |Dictatorships * |

| |McCarthyism * |

| |Smith-Connally Labor Disputes Act of 1943 |

| |Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps (WAAC) |

| | |

| |Eisenhower Doctrine |

| |Midway |

| |Soviet Aggression* |

| |World War II (1941-1945) * |

| | |

| | |

| |Unit Biographies |

| |A. Philip Randolph |

| |Dwight D. Eisenhower, General * |

| | |

| |Harry S. Truman * |

| | |

| |Mao Zedong |

| | |

| | |

| |Alger Hiss |

| |Ethel & Julius Rosenberg |

| | |

| |J. Robert Oppenheimer |

| | |

| |Nikita Khrushchev |

| | |

| | |

| |Chaing Kai-Shek |

| | |

| |Franklin D. Roosevelt |

| | |

| |Joseph McCarthy, Senator |

| | |

| |Omar Bradley, General * |

| | |

| | |

| |Chester Nimitz, Admiral |

| | |

| |George Marshall, General * |

| | |

| |Joseph Stalin |

| | |

| |Sigmund Ree |

| | |

| | |

| |Douglas MacArthur, General * |

| |George Patton, General * |

| |Kim Il Sung |

| |Winston Churchill |

| | |

| | |

| |*Indicates TEKS or TAKS vocabulary (See the TEA website’s Social Studies Center Resources: Glossary & Biography section for details) |

| |Underlined words are essential to the comprehensive TEA definition of TAKS-asterisked-vocabulary. |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|THE TAUGHT CURRICULUM: Materials and Resources |

| | | |

| |Primary Materials |Textbook Resources |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|District Approved | | |

|Instructional Resources / | | |

|Textbook Correlations | | |

| | | |

| | |The Americans Chapter 17 -18 (review portions of Chapter 16) |

| |Primary Materials | |

| |Page Number, Disc Number or Location |Chapter 16 |

| | |Section 4: America Moves Toward War |

| |Mastering the TAKS (Jarrett) | |

| |Chapter 11 |pp.550-557 |

| | | |

| |EPISD Resource Manual |Chapter 17 |

| | |The United States in World War II |

| |pp. 116-141 |pp.560-599 |

| | | |

| | |Chapter 18 |

| |EPISD Resource Manual | |

| | |Cold War Conflicts |

| |pp. 142-157 |pp.600-633 |

| | | |

| |EPISD Resource Manual | |

| |Glossary | |

| | | |

| |The Americans: Electronic Library of Primary Sources (CD) | |

| |Resource CD | |

| | | |

| |TAKS Facts (CD) | |

| |Resource CD | |

| | | |

| |United Streaming Videos: | |

| |DISK 4 | |

| |Part 2: Rise of Dictators | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |United Streaming Videos: | |

| |DISK 4 | |

| |Part 3: Hitler | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |United Streaming Videos: | |

| |DISK 4 | |

| |Part 4: The Nuclear Age | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |United Streaming Videos: | |

| |DISK 4 | |

| |Part 5: Cold War Heats Up | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Secondary/Intervention Resources |Web Links |

| |Fasttrack to America’s Past Chapter 7 |General Web Resources |

| |Pgs. 7-29 to 7-37 | |

| | | (Social Studies Center) |

| | | (UH Digital History site) |

| | |

| | |h+Matrix (WebQuest Search Results: Grades 9-12 Social Studies) |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |World War II |

| | | (World War 2 Website) |

| | | (Federal Resources of Educational Excellence|

| | |or FREE) |

| | | (Teaching Historical Research Using |

| | |Primary Sources: World War II Documents) |

| | | (Teaching with Historical Places: World War II) |

| |To be correlated by C&I Central Staff | |

| | |Cold War |

| | | (Teaching the Cold War through Oral |

| | |History) |

| | | (CNN Cold War Documentary) |

| | | (Teaching American History - |

| | |The Cold War Menu) |

| | | |

| | |Korean War |

| | | (Korean War/National Archives) |


|Assessments |Formative: Student Work Products/Performances/Demonstrations |Summative: External Assessment (TAKS, Advanced Placement, etc.) |

| | |To be developed |

| |Benchmark # 2 Window – February 11 | |


|Suggested Best Practices to Teach The Student Expectations in This Unit |

|Model Lessons |Cold War | |

| |US enters World War II | |

|Other Curricular Connection |To be developed | |

|(Science, ELA, Math, Technology, | | |

|LOTE, etc.) | | |

|Challenge/ Extension |To be developed | |

|Differentiation |To be developed | |

|Strategies/Materials (e.g., | | |

|special education, ESL, | | |

|bilingual, etc.) | | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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