Primates that walk upright like humans

World History Vocabulary Cards

Unit Vocabulary Requirements

Vocab Flashcards: Each student will make up flashcards for each of

(3 points per term) the vocabulary terms listed on the unit vocabulary list as follows:

1. CARD FRONT: The vocabulary term will be printed in large letters (1 inch or larger) so that they are clearly seen and legible. (Un-legible writing will not receive credit)

2. CARD BACK: An acceptable definition for the Vocabulary term will be neatly printed on the back of the card. Vocab Definitions may not use the root word of the term being defined and must be a complete & subject appropriate definition (Acceptable Vocab definitions are available on the LHS Website on the Social Studies web page)




Primates that walk upright like humans

Vocab Crossword Puzzles:

(50 points each)

Each student will create one Crossword Puzzle during each unit using at least 30 Vocabulary terms from the unit in the puzzle. The puzzle must provide a clear and concise clue for each term used. (This assignment must include both a blank puzzle and a puzzle key to receive full credit.)

NOTE: Crossword puzzles may be hand-made or created using an online Program (ie: )

World History Vocabulary Cards

UNIT ONE ? (58 Terms) Dawn of Civilization

Lesson 1 ? Dawn of Humans Artifact Hominid Hunter-Gatherer Neolithic Nomadic Paleolithic Prehistoric

Lesson 2 ? Dawn of Civilization Agriculture Bronze Age Civilization Cooperation Cultural Blending Cultural Diffusion Culture Domestication Irrigation Organization Specialization

Lesson 3 - River Valley Civilizations Architecture City-State Dynasty Empire Polytheism Social Stratification Technology Theocracy Urbanization

Lesson 4 ? Linked By Trade Barter Caravan Currency Merchant Middleman Commodities Trade Networks Trade Partners Uneven Distribution Cuneiform Hieroglyphics Papyrus Stylus

Lesson 5 Monotheism ?Power of 3 Faiths Covenant Monotheism Patriarch Pilgrimage Rite of Passage Scripture Temple Tribute Tithes or Alms

Lesson 6 ? India Case Study Caste Dharma Epic Age Indo-European Karma Moksha Nirvana Reincarnation Vedas

World History Vocabulary Cards

UNIT TWO - (58 terms) First Great Empires

Lesson 7 ? First Age of Empires Conquest Enslaved Invasion Legacy Prosperity Province Rebellion Satrap

Lesson 8 ? Empires of Antiquity Architecture Aristocracy Democracy Epic Frescoe Monarchy Oligarchy Republic

Lesson 9 ? Slavery in Antiquity Bondage Captured Chattel Contract Debt Indentured Obligation

Lesson 10 ? The Fall of Rome Barbarian Diaspora Inflation Mercenaries Migration Pax Romana Persecution Reforms Triumvirate

Lesson 11 ? Byzantine Empire Classical Age Greco-Roman Hellenistic Imperial Infrastructure Orthodox Penal Code Plague Schism

Lesson 12 ? Ancient Africa Animism Bantu Griot Metallurgy Push-Pull Factors Sahel Savanna Sudan Swahili

Lesson 13 ? Spread of Islam Bazaar Bedouin Caliph Hijrah Jihad Revelation Sunni Shi'a

World History Vocabulary Cards

UNIT THREE ? (58 Terms) The Middle Ages

Lesson 14 - Christendom Christendom Convert Coronation Dialect Inherit (or Heir) Middle Ages (Medieval Period) Papacy Revival Secular

Lesson 15 ? New Invaders Ethnicity Feudalism Nobility Norman (Norseman or Northmen) Moors Seljuks (Seljuk Turks) Slavs (or Vikings)

Lesson 16 ? Feudalism Bushido Castle Daimyo (or Lord) Donjon (or Manor) Chivalry Fief or Fiefdom Kingdom Knight (or Samurai) Serf Taxes Vassal

Lesson 17 ? Power of the Church Canon Law Clergy Concordat Excommunication Heresy (or Heretic) Interdiction Lay Investiture Sacraments Simony

Lesson 18 ? The Crusades Crusade Infidel Inquisition Massacre Reconquista Saracen Siege Warfare Trebuchet (Catapult)

Lesson 19 ? The Mongols Clan Cruelty Khan (and Khanate) Pastoralist Pax Mongolica Plunder Strategy Tactics

Lesson 20 ? England & France Anglo-Saxon Disease Kingdom Longbow Nationalism Normandy

World History Vocabulary Cards

UNIT FOUR ? (58 Terms) The Changing World

Lesson 21 ? Democracy / England Common Law Council Jury Magistrate Magna Carta Parliament Scutage Summons

Lesson 22 ? The Renaissance Burghers Elizabethan Age Guild Humanism Patron Perspective Renaissance Utopia Vernacular

Lesson 23 ? The Reformation Annulment Calvinism Indulgence Lutherans Predestination Presbyterians Protestants Reformation Theocracy

Lesson 24 ? Meso-America Aqueduct Ayllu Calendar Codex Glyph Quipu or Quipa Theocracy

Lesson 25 ? Age of Exploration Astrolabe Colonies Compass Conquistadors Exploration Pilgrims Puritans Sextant Treaty

Lesson 26 ? Trans-Atlantic Trade Balance of Trade Capitalism Columbian Exchange Global Interdependence Joint-Stock Company Mercantilism Middle Passage Triangular Trade

Lesson 27 Islam Expansion & Asian Isolation Ghazis Haiku Isolationism Janissaries Kabuki Shah Sikhs Sultan


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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