Social Studies - Mr. Houze's United States History Classroom
|Social Studies | El Paso I.S.D. |3 Week Unit |
|11th Grade U.S. History | | |Part 2 Unit #3; Weeks 7-9 |
| |
|Unit Topic |Post WWII 1950s, the New Frontier and Civil Rights |
|Focus Concept |“Democratic Ideals, Diversity, and Political Actions” |
|Universal Generalizations | |
|/Enduring Understandings |Individuals can influence historical events and group behavior. |
| |Geography plays a major role in determining the story of an area. |
| |Scientific discoveries and technological innovations continually change and shape economic development. |
| |There is a continuing struggle for balance between the ideal of individual rights and the reality of government intervention and protection. |
| |Opportunities for democratic participation have continually expanded throughout American History. |
| |The culture of a society is reflected in its religious practices, traditions, literature, music, art, and the decisions of everyday life. |
| |Circumstances of each period in history have formed and changed American culture in different ways. |
| | |
| |Skills-Related |
| | |
| |Knowing the time order of events provides a way to help understand and remember things that happened in the past. |
| |Knowledge of the past is acquired through the study of primary and secondary sources of historical evidence. |
| |Good communication skills are based on the correct use of vocabulary and written/oral language. |
| |Critical thinking skills provide the ability to use logic and reasoning in solving problems. |
| |Creating and using the tools of geography allows for a more definitive perspective of the world. |
|Guiding Questions |What were the economic and social factors Americans faced after WWII? |
| |In what ways did WWII and it’s aftermath lead to the political conservatism of the 1950’s? |
| |What were the causes and effects of social unrest of the 1950’s? |
| |How were the domestic policies of both Truman and Eisenhower similar and different ? |
| |In what ways did the innovations of the 1950’s impact society? |
| |What is the significance of people migrating to the suburbs? |
| |How did the consumerism of the 1950’s impact the U.S. as well as other countries? |
| |What factors contributed to President Kennedy’s election? |
| |How did President Kennedy’s foreign policy relate to Latin America and Europe? |
| |Should Americans ever use nonviolence or “any means necessary” to rectify social injustice? Why or why not? |
| |What was the “New Frontier” and why did the U.S. need it? |
| |Was the civil rights movement a “smashing” success? Explain |
|TAKS OBJECTIVES |Objective 1: The student will demonstrate an understanding of issues and events in U.S. history. |
| |Objective 2: The student will demonstrate an understanding of geographic influences on historical issues and events |
| |Objective 3: The student will demonstrate an understanding of economic and social influences on historical issues and events |
| |Objective 4: The student will demonstrate an understanding of political influences on historical issues and events |
| |Objective 5: The student will use critical thinking skills to analyze social studies information |
|TAKS Strand 8 |Note: Strand 8 TEKS, Social Studies Skills, are in each unit. In some cases, specific content or strategies are noted in the Specifications box. In other units, skills listed are|
| |to be applied to lessons the teacher finds most appropriate. Skills are to be included in a continuous and ongoing manner. |
| |All Strand 8 TEKS will be benchmarked as appropriate. |
|TAKS Objectives |TEKS |Specifications |
|Objective #: Correlating TEKS |Knowledge & Skills Statement |*Tested at EXIT in BOLD for TAKS & Benchmark Tests |
|Tested: Year/Item #’s from 2003,|Student Expectations |Underlined Terms support TEKS Expectations |
|2004 & 2006 released tests | | |
| |(US1) History. The student understands traditional |HISTORY – TEKS |
| |historical points of reference in U.S. history from 1877 |Era: 1950’s |
| |to the present. The student is expected to: | |
| |(A) identify the major eras in U.S. history from 1877 to |Refer to the events placed in the timeline of U.S. History by date and by era. |
| |the present and describe their defining characteristics; |1945-1960 Beginning of Cold War - Postwar World War, Korean War, Economic boom of 50s, McCarthyism, Containment Policy |
| |CRS – I.B.1 | |
| |(C) explain the significance of the following dates: |1957- Sputnik I.- Soviet Union under Nikita Khrushchev, launches 1st successful space satellite triggering the space race|
| |1898, 1914-1918, 1929, 1941-1945, and 1957. |against the USA |
| |(US6) History. The student understands the impact of |HISTORY – TEKS |
| |significant national and international decisions and |Era: 1950’s |
| |conflicts from World War II and the Cold War to the | |
| |present on the United States. The student is expected | |
| |to: | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(E) analyze the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam and |Conflicts |Domestic effects |International effects |
|OBJ 1 |describe their domestic and international effects; | | | |
|(This Korean item was previously | | | | |
|used in Part 2 Unit 2) | | | | |
| | | | | |
|6 (E) | | | | |
|Tested: 2006 / # 29 | | | | |
| | |Korean Conflict: The invasion of |Americans question the war and |The war did help shape American U.S. policy in |
| | |South Korea by Communist North |loss of American life for so |Asia, it leads to poor relations with China for the|
| | |Korea leads President Truman to |little gain, leads to a fear of |next 20 years, |
| | |send troops to defend South Korea |communists in the U.S. |United Nations Police Action |
| | |per the Truman Doctrine | |38th Parallel |
| |(F) describe the impact of the GI Bill, the election of |GI Bill - VA Loans, growth of housing, and free higher education for soldiers |
| |1948, McCarthyism, and Sputnik I. |Election of 1948 - Even though Truman barely won, it caused a resurgence of the Democratic Party and a Democratic control|
| | |of Congress. |
| | |McCarthyism – Government began censoring citizens if they did not openly support the U.S. government, enhancing the fear |
| | |of communism in the US, and strengthening the issues of the Cold War. |
| | |Sputnik I - Space Race and changes in education, and Interstate Highway System |
| | |U-2 Incident, Brinkmanship, Warsaw Pact |
| |(US14) Economics. The student understands the economic |ECONOMICS – TEKS |
| |effects of World War II, the Cold War, and increased |Era: 1950’s |
| |worldwide competition on contemporary society. The | |
| |student is expected to: | |
| |(B) identify the causes and effects of prosperity in the |1950s America, Cultural Changes, |Election of Eisenhower, |
| |1950s. |Economic Boom |Baby Boom, |
| | | |Consumerism, |
| | | |Interstate Highway, |
| | | |Vaccinations-Polio, Jonas Salk |
| | | |Mass Media, |
| | | |Suburbs, |
| | | |The effects of World War II and Korean War, |
| | | |Cheap energy, |
| | | |High productivity-Increased capital spending and highway construction, |
| | | |More educated work force-G.I. Bill, |
| | | |Huge levels of farm production, |
| | | |Population shift to Sunbelt, |
| | | |Growth of suburbs-white flight |
| |(C) describe the impact of the Cold War on the business |Large military and industrial complexes – NASA due to the Space Race |
| |cycle and defense spending; |Creation of weapons of mass destruction |
| | |Fueled high tech industries and steadily increased government defense spending |
| | |Creation of a huge national security apparatus |
| |(US8) Geography. The student uses geographic tools to |GEOGRAPHY – TEKS |
| |collect, analyze, and interpret data. The student is |Era: 1950’s |
| |expected to: | |
|(US 8. A) TESTED AT EXIT by World|(A) create thematic maps, graphs, charts, models, and |Maps and charts depicting |
|Geography TEK 21(C) |databases representing various aspects of the United |Urbanization – Growth of Cities during the industrialization period, after WWII |
| |States; and CRS – IV.B.2 |Patterns of settlement – immigrants |
|OBJ 5 | |WWII – the world before and after |
| | |The Cold War – Democratic vs. Communist countries / The Berlin conflicts |
|Tested: 2006 / # 10 | | |
| |(WG21) Social Studies Skills. The student applies | |
| |critical-thinking skills to organize and use information | |
| |acquired from a variety of sources, including electronic | |
| |technology. The student is expected to: | |
| |( C ) interpret maps to answer geographic questions | |
| |(B) pose and answer questions about geographic |Have students create their own questions based on thematic maps created and graphs, charts, models, and databases |
| |distributions and patterns shown on maps, graphs, charts,| |
| |models, and databases. | |
| | | |
| |(US10) Geography. The student understands the effects of |GEOGRAPHY – TEKS |
| |migration and immigration on American society. The |Era: 1950’s |
| |student is expected to: | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) analyze the effects of changing demographic patterns|Patterns evolving from World Wars I and II-Movement to urban areas and suburban areas |
|OBJ 2: |resulting from migration within the United States; |Growth of urban areas from industrialization |
| | |Population movement to the Sun Belt from the North |
|10 (A) | | |
| |(US11) Geography. The student understands the | |
| |relationship between population growth and modernization | |
| |on the physical environment. The student is expected to:| |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) identify the effects of population growth and | |
|OBJ 2: |distribution on the physical environment and predict | |
| |future effects | |
|11(A) | | |
|Tested: 2004 / # 24 | | |
| |(US22) Science, technology, and society. The student |SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY - TEKS |
| |understands the impact of science and technology on the |Era: 1950’s |
| |economic development of the United States. The student | |
| |is expected to: | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(C) analyze the impact of technological innovations on |Nature of Work: the technology of assembly lines, automation, and computerization led to increased productivity. |
|OBJ 3: |the nature of work, the American labor movement, and |The American Labor Movement: technology has eliminated certain jobs that were protected in the past by these movements, |
| |businesses. |but it has also caused the labor movement to protect workers from the effects of new technology. |
| | |Business: technology has lowered the cost of production and increased the number of jobs |
| |(US20) Culture. The student understands the relationship |CULTURE - TEKS |
| |between the arts and the times during which they were |Era: 1950’s |
| |created. The student is expected to: | |
| |(A) describe how the characteristics and issues of |50s-60s |Rock and Roll |Restless youth and a forum to express their |
| |various eras in U.S. history have been reflected in works|Happy Days and Political and Social| |feelings concerning political and social issues |
| |of art, music, and literature including the paintings of |Reforms | | |
| |Georgia O’Keeffe, rock and roll, and John Steinbeck’s | | | |
| |The Grapes of Wrath; | | | |
| |(D) analyze the relationship between culture and the |Impact of the entertainment industry on the US economy 1950 to present; |
| |economy and identify examples including the impact of the|Encouraged spending on targeted audience |
| |entertainment industry on the U.S. economy; and |Developed our culture and expectations |
| |(E) identify the impact of popular American culture on |Music – Jazz and Rock n’ Roll |
| |the rest of the world. |Fashion |
| | |Celebrities |
| | |Food – McDonalds |
| | |Perception others have about the United States |
| | |Counterculture, Beatniks, Jack Kerouac, Jackson Pollack |
| |(US21) Culture. The student understands how people from |CULTURE - TEKS |
| |various groups, including racial, ethnic, and religious |Era: 1950’s |
| |groups, adapt to life in the United States and contribute| |
| |to our national identity. The student is expected to: | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(D) identify the political, social, and economic |Women’s economic contributions during and after WWII increased their independence, impacting standard of living, women’s |
|OBJ 3: |contributions of women to American society. |rights, home life, children, divorce rates |
| | |Ozzie & Harriet – Stereotype of women in the Era |
| | |Betty Friedan – Published The Feminine Mystique in 1963 exploring women’s conflicting roles in society |
| | |1960 – 40% of mothers with school aged children held a job |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |(US1) History. The student understands traditional |HISTORY – TEKS |
| |historical points of reference in U.S. history from 1877 |Era: Kennedy’s “New Frontier” |
| |to the present. The student is expected to | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) identify the major eras in U.S. history from 1877 to|Refer to the events placed in the timeline of U.S. History by date and by era. |
|OBJ 1: |the present and describe their defining characteristics; |1960-1976 Social Reform Era – Kennedy’s New Frontier, Civil Rights Movement, Space Race, Cuban Crisis, Vietnam War, |
| | |Social Movements, the Great Society, End of economic boom |
| |(US6) History. The student understands the impact of |HISTORY – TEKS |
| |significant national and international decisions and |Era: Kennedy’s “New Frontier” |
| |conflicts from World War II and the Cold War to the | |
| |present on the United States. The student is expected | |
| |to: | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(E) analyze the conflicts in Korea and Vietnam and |Event |What Happened |Response |
|OBJ 1: |describe their domestic and international effects; | | | |
| | |Bay of Pigs (1961) |Failed effort to Overthrow Cuba’s|Though he took responsibility, it left Pres. |
| | | |Fidel Castro |Kennedy Weak and ineffective. |
| | |Cuban Missile Crisis (1962) |Effort by USSR to put Nuclear |Pres. Kennedy geared for war but used a blockade |
| | | |Tipped Missiles 90miles off U.S. |and back door negotiations to end crisis |
| | | |Coast | |
| | |Berlin Wall (1961) |USSR wanted to close-off W. |Pres. Kennedy refused to allow closure of access to|
| | | |Berlin. The E. German Gov’t. |W.Berlin. Led to establishment of a Hot Line. |
| | | |built wall to prevent people from| |
| | | |escaping to the West. | |
| | |Vietnam (1955-1975) |Pres. Kennedy inherited military |S. Vietnamese Pres. Diem assassinated. |
| | | |advisors in Vietnam. Expanded |Gulf of Tonkin incident led to escalation of the |
| | | |their use. |war. |
| | |Alliance for Progress (1961) |$12Billion investment of |Failed to bring fundamental change to Latin |
| | | |Technical and Economic assistance|America. Brutal Regimes in Guatemala and Nicaragua |
| | | |to Latin America. |persisted. |
| | | |Designed to combat attractiveness| |
| | | |of Fidel Castro | |
| |(US14) Economics. The student understands the economic |ECONOMICS – TEKS |
| |effects of World War II, the Cold War, and increased |Era: Kennedy’s “New Frontier” |
| |worldwide competition on contemporary society. The | |
| |student is expected to: | |
| |(D) identify actions of government and the private |Peace Corps - Analyze the impact of this program on improving the conditions of poverty in targeted countries |
| |sector to expand economic opportunities to all citizens; | |
| | |Alliance for Progress – How did this program lead to better U.S. – Latin American relations? |
| | | |
| | |NASA – What was the impact on regional economies from Pres. Kennedy’s decision to push for the moon? |
| | | |
| | |New Frontier Programs – Designed to increase Fed. funding on domestic issues (such as poverty, civil rights, elderly |
| | |health care) and stimulate the economy. |
| |(US24) Social studies skills. The student applies |SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS –TEKS |
| |critical-thinking skills to organize and use information |Era: Kennedy’s “New Frontier” |
| |acquired from a variety of sources including electronic | |
| |technology. The student is expected to: | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(B) analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, |Student may analyze primary source documents from the Kennedy Era including: |
|OBJ 5 |identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, | |
| |contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making |Kennedy’s Inaugural Address |
|24(B) |generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences |Berlin Speech |
|Tested: 2004 / # 14 |and conclusions; |Call to go to the Moon |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(C) explain and apply different methods that historians | |
|OBJ 5 |use to interpret the past, including the use of primary | |
| |and secondary sources, points of view, frames of | |
|24(C) |reference, and historical context | |
|Tested: 2003 / # 46 |CRS – IV.B | |
| |(US7) History. The student understands the impact of the | |
| |American civil movement. The student is expected to: |HISTORY – TEKS |
| | |Era: Civil Rights |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) trace the historical development of the civil rights |Civil Rights Movement Timeline |
|OBJ 4 |movement in the 18th, 19th, and 20th centuries, including| |
| |the 13th, 14th, 15th amendments; | |
|7(A) | | |
|Tested: 2004 / # 36 | | |
| | |17th & 18th Century |19th Century |20th Century |
| | |Early Negro Colonial Petitions |Abolitionist Movement |NAACP – 1912 |
| | |Slave Rebellions |Nat Turner Revolt |Marcus Garvey |
| | |Boston Ends Slavery 1783 |Missouri Compromise |Brown vs. Board of Education |
| | |3/5th Compromise in Constitution |Dred v. Scott |1964 Civil Rights Act |
| | | |Civil War |24th Amendment |
| | | |Emancipation Proclamation |1965 Voting Rights Act |
| | | |13th, 14th & 15th Amendments |1968 Affirmative Action |
| | | |KKK Rises |Black Panthers Rise |
| | | |Civil Rights Act of 1875 | |
| | | |Jim Crow Laws | |
| | | |Plessy v. Ferguson | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(B) identify significant leaders of the civil rights |Martin Luther King, Jr. – Led the passive resistant civil rights movement |
|OBJ 3 |movement, including Martin Luther King, Jr.. |Thurgood Marshall – Attorney who fought the Brown v. Board of Education case and won |
| | |Malcolm X- Nation of Islam, called for Black Separatism |
|7(B) | |Stokely Carmichael – Black Panthers |
|Tested: 2003 / # 2 | |Rosa Parks-Refused to give up her seat on bus in Montgomery ,Alabama |
|2004 / # 54 | |Cesar Chavez – Labor Leader who organized Hispanic migrant farmers into the United Farmer Workers Union |
|2006 / # 22 | | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(C) evaluate government efforts, including the Civil |Civil Rights Act of 1964 – Ended segregation |
|OBJ 4 |Rights Act of 1964, to achieve equality in the United |24th Amendment – Eliminated poll taxes |
| |States; and |Voting Rights Act of 1965 – Eliminated obstacles to voting; increased federal power over voting rights. |
|7(C) | | |
|Tested: 2003 / # 15 | | |
|2004 / # 45 | | |
|2006 / # 37 | | |
| | | |
| |(D) identify changes in the United States that have |Little Rock, AR |
| |resulted from the civil rights movement including | |
| |increased participation of minorities in the political |March on Washington |
| |process. | |
| | |Birmingham, AL |
| | | |
| | |Freedom Riders |
| | | |
| | |Sit-Ins |
| | | |
| | |SCLC, SNCC |
| | | |
| | |Montgomery bus boycott |
| |(US18) Citizenship. The student understands efforts to | |
| |expand the democratic process. The student is expected |CITIZENSHIP – TEKS |
| |to: |Era: Civil Rights |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) identify and analyze methods of expanding the right |Minorities used these techniques to achieve equality: |
|OBJ 4 |to participate in the democratic process, including |Lobbying used to convince congress to vote a certain way |
| |lobbying, protesting, court decisions, and amendments to |Protesting uses 1st Amendment right of Freedom of Speech and Assembly to gain attention to a cause |
|22(B) |the U.S. Constitution. |Court decisions used to determine the constitutionality of an issue |
|Tested: 2003 / # 34 | |Amendments to the U.S. Constitution allows voters to change, delete or add to the Constitution |
| |(US19) Citizenship. The student understands the |CITIZENSHIP – TEKS |
| |importance of effective leadership in a democratic |Era: Civil Rights |
| |society. The student is expected to: | |
| |(B) evaluate the contributions of significant political |Shirley Chisholm—First African-American woman in US House of Representatives |
| |and social leaders in the United States including Andrew |Thurgood Marshall – Attorney who fought the Brown v. Board of Education case and won |
| |Carnegie, Shirley Chisholm and Franklin D. Roosevelt | |
| |(US17) Government. The student understands the impact of |GOVERNMENT – TEKS |
| |constitutional issues on American society in the 20th |Era: Civil Rights |
| |century. The student is expected to: | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) analyze the effects of 20th century landmark U.S. |1954 Brown v. Board of Education – Segregation was unconstitutional and led to the integration of schools |
|OBJ 4 |Supreme Court decisions including Brown v. Board of |1978 Regents of the Univ. of CA v. Bakke – Justified affirmative action on the basis of diversity |
| |Education, Regents of the University of California v. |1966 Miranda v. Arizona—Established basic rules police must follow when questioning a suspect; i.e., the rights a suspect|
|17(A) |Bakke, and Reynolds v. Sims; |has to remain silent, know that what he says may be used against him, have an attorney [present during questioning] |
|Tested: 2004 / # 17 | |Effects = Courts enforced their interpretation of legislation and Civil Rights were expanded |
|2006 / # 4 | | |
| |(US21) Culture. The student understands how people from |CULTURE – TEKS |
| |various groups, including racial, ethnic, and religious |Era: Civil Rights |
| |groups, adapt to life in the United States and contribute| |
| |to our national identity. The student is expected to: | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(A) explain actions taken by people from racial, ethnic,|Martin Luther King, Jr. – Led the passive resistant civil rights movement |
|OBJ 3 |and religious groups to expand economic opportunities and|Thurgood Marshall – Attorney who fought the Brown v. Board of Education case and won |
| |political rights in American society; and |Cesar Chavez – Labor Leader who organized Hispanic migrant farmers into the United Farmer Workers Union |
|21(A) | |Rosa Parks-Refused to give up her seat on bus in Montgomery ,Alabama |
|Tested: 2003/ # 21 | | |
|Tested: 2004/ # 1 | | |
| |(C) analyze how the contributions of people of various |Jackie Robinson – Broke Major League Baseball’s Color Barrier |
| |racial, ethnic, and religious groups have helped to shape|TexasWestern Miners/UTEP – 1966 NCAA Champions/First team to start 5 Black Players |
| |the national identity; |Motown Sound – Emergence of Black Recording Artist – Chuck Berry, Little Richard |
| |(US24) Social studies skills. The student applies |SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS –TEKS |
| |critical-thinking skills to organize and use information |Era: Civil Rights |
| |acquired from a variety of sources including electronic | |
| |technology. The student is expected to: | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(C) explain and apply different methods that historians |Students may analyze a variety of Civil Rights Era Primary Sources such as: |
|OBJ 5 |use to interpret the past, including the use of primary |Martin Luther King’s “I Have A Dream” speech |
| |and secondary sources, points of view, frames of |Images of Little Rock Integration, Using Dogs and Water Cannons on protestors |
|24(C) |reference, and historical context; |Music – Negro Spirituals and Civil Rights Era music |
|Tested: 2003/ # 48, 53 | | |
| |(US1) History. The student understands traditional |HISTORY –TEKS |
| |historical points of reference in U.S. history from 1877 |All Unit 3 Era’s |
| |to the present. The student is expected to | |
|TESTED AT EXIT |(B) apply absolute and relative chronology through the |Sequence the eras being studied, their significant individuals, including Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; and presidents |
|OBJ 1 |sequencing of significant individuals, events, and time |Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, and their major policies/programs (ie. Eisenhower and the Eisenhower Doctrine). |
| |periods; | |
| |(US24) Social studies skills. The student applies |SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS –TEKS |
| |critical-thinking skills to organize and use information |All Unit 3 Era’s |
| |acquired from a variety of sources including electronic | |
| |technology. The student is expected to: | |
| |(A) locate and use primary and secondary sources such as|Primary sources consist of evidence produced by someone who participated in an event or lived during the time being |
|TESTED AT EXIT |computer software, databases, media and news services, |studied. |
|OBJ 5 |biographies, interviews, and artifacts to acquire |Letters between people experiencing life in the United States |
| |information about the United States; CRS – IV.A.4 |Diary entries for example from immigrants, inventors and scientist, business people, government leaders, and World War |
| | |soldiers |
| | |Newspapers of the actual times for example newspapers |
| | |US Constitution |
| | |Secondary sources include descriptions or interpretations prepared by people who were not involved in the events |
| | |described. Researchers often use primary sources to understand past events but they produce secondary sources. |
| | |Interpretations of different art and music |
| | |Copies and photos of artifacts |
| | |Textbook |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|Academic Language |
|Academic Language |Glossary |
| |Affirmative Action |Civil Rights Movement* |G.I Bill of Rights* |Reapportionment |
| |Alliance for Progress |Cold War* |Gideon v. Wainwright |Regents-University of California |
| |Baby Boom |Consumerism |Mass Media |Rock and Roll* |
| |Bay of Pigs |Cuban Missile Crisis |McCarthyism* |Segregation/Desegregation |
| |Berlin Wall |De facto Segregation |Medicare/Medicaid |Sit-in |
| |Black Panthers |De jure Segregation |Migration |Social Conformity |
| |Black Power |Economic Opportunity Act |Miranda vs Arizona |Sputnik I* |
| |Bracero |Escobedo v. Illinois |Montgomery Bus Boycott |Suburbs |
| |Brown v. Board of Education* |Fair Deal |NASA |U-2 Incident 1960 |
| |Civil Rights Act of 1964* |Flexible Response |Nation of Islam |Voting Rights Act of 1965 |
| |Civil Rights Act of 1968 |Freedom Riders |New Frontier | |
| | | |Peace Corps | |
| |Biographies |
| |Alan Shepard |John F. Kennedy, President |Richard M. Nixon, Vice-President |
| |Betty Friedan |John Glenn |Robert Kennedy, Attorney General |
| |Dwight Eisenhower, President* |Jonas Salk, Dr. |Rosa Parks |
| |Fidel Castro, Dictator |Lyndon B. Johnson |Shirley Chisholm* |
| |Harry S. Truman* |Malcolm X |Stokley Carmichael |
| |Jackie Robinson |Martin Luther King* |Thurgood Marshall |
| | |Nikita Khrushcev, Soviet Premier | |
| |*Indicates TEKS or TAKS vocabulary (See the TEA website’s Social Studies Center Resources: Glossary & Biography section for details) |
| |Underlined Terms support TEKS Expectations |
|THE TAUGHT CURRICULUM: Materials and Resources |
|District Approved |Textbook Resources |
|Instructional Resources / Textbook | |
|Correlations | |
| |McDougal-Littell – The Americans |
| |Ch.-Sect.# |Section Title |PE/TE |U.# Gd.Rdg |Formal Assessment |
| | | | |Indepth Resource | |
| |Chapter 19: The Postwar Boom |
| |Telescoping the Times – pg. 37-38 |
| |Ch. 19-1 |The Postwar Boom |634-640 |U.5-66 |354 |
| |Ch. 19-2 |The American Dream in the Fifties |641-651 |U.5-67 |355 |
| |Ch. 19-3 |Popular Culture |652-659 |U.5-68 |356 |
| |Ch. 19-4 |The Other America |660-663 |U.5-69 |357 |
| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| |Chapter 20: The New Frontier and the Great Society |
| |Telescoping the Times – pg. 39-40 |
| |Ch. 20-1 |Kennedy and the Cold War |670-678 |U.6-1 |370 |
| |Ch. 20-2 |The New Frontier |679-685 |U.6-2 |371 |
| |Chapter 21: Civil Rights |
| |Telescoping the Times – pg. 41-42 |
| |Ch. 21-1 |Taking on Segregation |700-709 |U.6-20 |385 |
| |Ch. 21-2 |The Triumphs of a Crusade |710-716 |U.6-21 |386 |
| |Ch. 21-3 |Challenges and Changes in the Movement |717-725 |U.6-22 |723 |
| |KEY to Abbreviations• • PE/TE = Teacher and Student Text pages |
| |• U. # G.R. = Guided Reading from the In-Depth Resources Booklets • F.A. = Formal Assessment Quiz & Test |
| |Booklet |
| |Primary Materials |
| |EPISD Resources |
| |Mastering the TAKS (Jarrett): |Chapter 11 |
| |EPISD Resource Manual |pp. 82-83, 280, 305, 311 |
| |EPISD Resource Manual: Civil Rights |pp. 251, 274, 275, 276, 291, 303, 304, 307, 316 |
| |They Had a Dream, Too DVD |Prepared by Texas Young Lawyers and State Bar: Law Related Education |
| |United Streaming Videos: DISK 4 |Part 6: Korean War |
| |United Streaming Videos: DISK 4 |Part 7: Life in the 50’s |
| |United Streaming Videos: DISK 4 |Part 8: Civil Rights |
| |TAKS Facts (CD) | |
| | |
| |Primary Documents |
| |Ch.-Sect.# |Title |Resource |* U. # - IDR Pg. # |
| |Ch. 19-1 |“I’m Mrs. Edwards M. Barnes, Where do I Live” - Cartoon |Primary Source – Cartoon |U.5 - 78 |
| |Ch. 19-2 |The Baby Boom – Interpreting Visuals |Geography Application - Chart |U.5 – 76 & 77 |
| |Ch. 19-3 |Church on Rock & Roll from: Time Article (June 18, 1954) |Secondary Sources - Excerpt |U.5 - 71 |
| |Ch. 19-4 |The Other America: Poverty in the United States © 1962 |Primary Source – Book Excerpt |U.5 - 80 |
| |Ch. 20-1 |John F. Kennedy’s Inaugural Address |Primary Source – Document |U.6 – 11 & 12 |
| |Ch. 20-1 |“Let’s Get A Lock For This Thing” – Cartoon |Primary Source – Cartoon |U.6 – 13 |
| |Ch. 21-1 |The Brown Decision, Ten Years Later – Interpreting Visuals |Geography Application – Maps |U.6 – 28 & 29 |
| |Ch. 21-2 |“We Shall Overcome” – Civil Rights Song |Primary Source – Music |U.6 - 31 |
| |Ch. 21-2 |We Shall Overcome-Register to Vote - Interpreting Visuals |Primary Source – Pol. Poster |U.6 - 33 |
| |* KEY: U.# - INDR P# -= In-Depth Resources Booklet Unit # & Page # |
| | |
| | |
| |Web Links |
| |General Web Resources |
| |Website Title |Web Address |
| |Social Studies Center | |
| |Fasttrack Teaching | |
| |UH Digital History site | |
| |WebQuest Matrix: Grades 9-12 Social Studies |
| | |x |
| |America’s Story: From the Library of Congress | |
| |People’s Century: 1900-1999 / PBS | |
| |The 1950’s |
| |American Cultural History – 1950-1959 | |
| |The 1950’s, A Decade of Fun, Excitement and Individuality | |
| |Kennedy’s New Frontier |
| |JFK Library | |
| |American Presidents: John Fitzgerald Kennedy | |
| |The American Experience: Pres. John F. Kennedy / PBS | |
| |The Civil Rights Movement |
| |The Civil Rights Movement 1955-1965: Introduction | |
| |African American Odyssey Part 1 | |
| |African American Odyssey Part 2 | |
| |Malcolm X | |
| |The American Experience: Eyes on the Prize | |
| |The King Center / MLKs Library | |
| |Farm Worker Movement Documentation Project | |
| |A Fight in the Fields / Cesar Chavez & UFW | |
| |Secondary/Intervention Resources |
| |Fasttrack To America’s Past Chapter 8 |
| |Pgs. 8-3 to 8-18 |
| |Ch. 8 |
| |Eisenhower on the Issues of the 1950’s |
| |8-11 to 8-12 |
| | |
| |Ch. 8 |
| |Charting the Affluent Society |
| |8-7 to 8-8 |
| | |
| |Ch. 8 |
| |Map – Civil Rights Hot Spots |
| |8-13 to 8-14 |
| | |
| |Ch. 8 |
| |LBJ Calls for Racial Justice – Group Discussion |
| |8-18 |
| | |
|Assessments |Formative: Student Work Products/Performances/Demonstrations |Summative: External Assessment (TAKS, Advanced Placement, etc.) |
| | |To be developed |
| | | |
|Suggested Best Practices to Teach The Student Expectations in This Unit |
|Model Lessons |Post World War II/New Frontier |
| |Civil Rights |
|Other Curricular Connection (Science, ELA, Math, |To be developed |
|Technology, LOTE, etc.) | |
|Challenge/Extension |To be developed |
|Differentiation Strategies/Materials (e.g., special |To be developed |
|education, ESL, bilingual, etc.) | |
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