NAME ________________________________________ US History ...

NAME ________________________________________ US History and Government

Teachers: Mrs. Guadagno

Mr. Wolownik

Email: chris.guadagno@



http:/webpages/dwolownik/ (or access from the Hendrick Hudson High School home page)

Phone: 914-257-5800

Course Description: US History and Government is the study of the development of American culture and society from colonial times to the present. The course provides an overview of the physical and cultural geography of the US and its influence on the history of our country. Units of study during the year include:

o The Colonial Experience

o The War for Independence

o Creating the US Government

o The US Constitution

o Early Years of the New Nation

o The Movement West – Manifest Destiny

o Sectionalism and Slavery

o The Civil War

o Reconstruction

o The Western Frontier

o Industrial America

o Immigration and Urbanization

o US at 1900

o The Progressive Era

o American Imperialism

o World War I

o The Roaring Twenties and Depression

o World War II

o The Cold War

o The Baby Boom

o The Great Society

o Civil Rights

o The Vietnam Era

o Modern Presidents and Concerns

In addition, as current events emerge, time will be given in class to examine these topics. Extensive time will be given for review at the end of the school year in anticipation of the regent’s examination.

Student Responsibilities: Students are expected to arrive at class ready to learn and on time.

Text: The American history textbook, The Americans, will be used in class for various assignments. The text will be available online for student use. A review book, which must be purchased at the start of the school year, will also be used for assignments. The book will be available at the school bookstore.

Materials: Students should have a binder or notebook and pen or pencil with them each day in class. In addition, a folder for handouts is recommended.

Grading Policy: Overall, the quarterly grade will be determined on a total point structure. This will be calculated by a combination of tests, quizzes, homework, in-class activities, current events, project assignments (which count as a double test grade), and class participation. Generally speaking, there are a combination of 600 points per quarter, with tests and projects given the most weight.

Attendance: Student absences will be dealt with according to the district attendance policy. A total of 20 absences per year will result in a denial of credit. In addition, an absence will occur if a student is late to class three times.

Homework Policy: All assignments are expected to be handed in on time. Unless there is a valid reason, no late assignments will be accepted. Assignments will be posted on my website.

Make-Up Policy: Work missed due to student absence should be made up within three days of returning to school. In the event of an extended absence, more time will be given for the student to catch up on the work that was missed.

Extra Help: Extra help sessions will be posted in the classroom and website, or are available by appointment.


I have read and understand the requirements and rules of this class.

_______________________________ ________________________________

Student Signature Parent/Guardian Signature


Parent/Guardian e-mail


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