Exam Review Study Guide: Revolution

Exam Review Study Guide: Progressive Era

Exam Format: TBD – mix of multiple choice and fill in


Materials to Review: Chapter 22-24. Introduction to the Progressive Era ppt, Teddy Roosevelt ppt., Imperialism notes, World War I. ppt

Muckrakers Ida Tarbull

Frank Norris Upton Sinclair

Lincoln Steffens Fightin' Bob LaFollette

Thomas Nast Amendments 16-19

William McKinley Teddy Roosevelt

Square Deal Northern Securities Co. v. US

Department of Labor and Commerce Coal Strike

Newlands Act Hepburn Act

Pure Food and Drug Act Meat Inspection Act

Bully Pulpit – Conservation Great White Fleet

Russo-Japanese War Roosevelt Corollary

Panama Canal Valeriano Weyler

Sinking of the Maine De Lome Letter

Yellow Journalists Joseph Pulitzer/William R. Hearst

Spanish American War (Splendid Little War) Roughriders

Treaty of Paris Henry Cabot Lodge

Emilio Aguinaldo Philippines War

Alfred Thayer Mahan James Blaine

Pan American Conference Big Sister Policy

Rev. Josiah Strong Mark Twain

Teddy Roosevelt Big Stick Diplomacy

William Jennings Bryan Jane Addams

Samuel Gompers Andrew Carnegie

McKinley Tariff Act Sanford Dole

White Planters Rebellion Queen Liliuokalani

John Hay Open Door Policy

Boxer Rebellion Society of the Harmonious Fists

Gentleman’s Agreement Teller amendment

Platt Amendment Foraker Act

Jones Act Panama Canal

Hay-Pauncefote Treaty Hay-Herran Treaty

Hay-Bunau Varilla Treaty Clayton-Bulwer Treaty

William Gorgas William Taft

Woodrow Wilson Underwood-Simmons Tariff

Federal Reserve Act Federal Trade Commission

Clayton Anti-Trust Act Smith-Lever Act

Lusitania Sussex Pledge

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare Zimmerman Telegram

Preparedness "He kept us out of war"

Peace w/o Victory McAdoo's Railroad Administration

War Industries Board Propaganda

Income Tax Liberty Bonds

Selective Service Act Espionage Act

Sedition Act John Persching

Treaty of Versailles Wilson's 14 Point

Irreconcilables/ Reservationists Woman Suffrage Movement

Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy Election of 1912

Bull Moose Party New Nationalism

Dollar Diplomacy Wilson's New Freedom

W.E.B. DuBois – The Souls of Black Folks


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