ABCS - Army Battle Command System

ABiH - (Armija Bosne i Hercegovne); the Bosniac Army Forces

ACCS - Army Command and Control System

ADRA - NGO from the Czech Republic; sponsors DP returns to Bosnia (Tesanj) from the Czech Republic

AEA - Army Executive Agent

AES - Army Enterprise Strategy

ACE - Air Combat Element

ACERT - Army Computer Emergency Response Team

AC - Active Component

ACU - Area common user

ACUS - Army Common User System

ADC - Assistant Division Commander

ADE - Assistant Division Engineer

ADP - Automatic Data Processing

ADSO - Assistant Division Signal Officer

AFATDS - Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System

AFGWC - Air Force Global Weather Central

AGCCS - Army Global Command and Control System

AGM - Attack Guidance Matrix

AHFEWS - Army High Frequency Electronic Warfare System

AMIB - Allied Military Intelligence Battalion

AMOPES - Army Mobilization and Operations Planning and Execution System

ANGLICO - Air/Naval Gunfire Liaison Company

AO - Area Of Operation

AOR - Area Of Responsibility

AP (mine) - anti-personnel mine

ARAT-TA - Army Reprogramming Analysis Team-Threat Analysis

ARCENT - Army component to Central Command

ARFOR - Army Force headquarters

ARRC - Allied Rapid Reaction Corps

ARSK - The Army of the Republic of Serbian Krajina

ARSOF - Army Special Operations Forces

ASAS - All-Source Analysis System

ASCC - Army Service Component Command

AT (mine) - anti-tank mine

ATACMS - Army Tactical Missile System

ATB - Anti-terrorist Bde

ATCCS - Army Tactical Command and Control System

ATSS - Army Target Sensing System

AVNOJ - The Anti-Facist Council for the National Liberation of Yugoslavia


B2C2 - Brigade and Below Command and Control System

BAID - Bosnian Agency for Investigation and Documentation

BCE - Battlefield Coordination Element

BCTP - Battle Command Training Program

BDA - Battle Damage Assessment

BDE - Brigade

BG - battle group (MND[SW] terminology)

BH or BiH - Bosnia and Hercegovina

Bilat - Bilateral meeting

BN - Battalion

BOS - Battlefield Operating System

BPSE - Brigade PYSOP Support Element

BSA - Bosnian Serb Army

BUB - Battle Update Brief


C2 - Command And Control

C2-attack - Command And Control-Attack

C2-protect - Command And Control-Protect

C2W - Command And Control Warfare

C2W-I - Command And Control Warfare-Intelligence

C3I - Command, Control, Communications, And Intelligence

C4 - Command, Control, Communications, And Computers

C4FMO - Command, Control, Communications, And Computers For Mobile Operations

C4I - Command, Control, Communications, Computers, And Intelligence

CA - Civil Affairs

CADST - Civil Affairs Direct Support Team

CAP - Crisis Action Planning

CCIR - Commander's Critical Information Requirements

CDAP - Computer Defense Assistance Program

CEOI - Communications-Electronics Operation Instructions

CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team

CG - Commanding General; Contact Group

CI - Counterintelligence

CIA - Central Intelligence Agency

CIMIC - Civil Military Cooperation

CINC - Commander-In-Chief

CIOS - Commander's Information Operations Staff

CIOSO - Commander's Information Operations Staff Officer

CIRP - Community Infrastructure Repair Projects

CJCS - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff

CJCSI - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction

CJCS MOP - Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum of Policy

CJITF - Combined Joint Information Task Force

CLP - Common License Plate

CMO - Civil-Military Operations

CMOC - Civil-Military Operations Center

CNR - Combat Net Radio

COA - Course Of Action

COE - Common Operating Environment

COMPUSEC - Computer Security

COMSEC - Communications Security

COMSFOR - Commander, Stabilization Force

COMMZ - Communications Zone

CONPLAN - Contingency Plan

CONUS - Continental United States

COP - Chief of Police

CofS - Chief of Staff

COUNTERRECON - Counter-Reconnaissance

CP - Command Post

CPIC - Coalition Press Information Center

CRPC - Commission for Real Property Claims

CSS - Combat Service Support

CTC - Combat Training Center


D3A - Decide, Detect, Deliver, Assess

DAG - DPRE Action Group

DALIS - Disaster Assistance Logistics Information System

DAMMS-R - Department of the Army Movements Management System- Redesign

DDN - Defense Data Network

DDS - Data Distribution System

DEA - Drug Enforcement Agency

DEERS - Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System

DEW - Directed-Energy Weapon

DII - Defense Information Infrastructure

DISA - Defense Information Systems Agency

DISE - Deployable Intelligence Support Element

DISN - Defense Information Systems Network

DIV - Division

DJMS - Defense Joint Military Pay System

DOD - Department of Defense

DOS - Department of State

DP - Displaced Person(S); Also Seen As DPs

DPA - Dayton Peace Agreement/Accord

DPB - Democratic Party Block

DPRE - Displaced Persons and Refugees

DS - (Demokratska Stranka); The Democratic Party

DSN - Defense Switch Network

DSS - (Demokratska Stranka Srbije); Serbian Democratic Party

DTAC - Division Tactical Command Post

DTLOMS - Doctrine, Training, Leader Development, Organizations, Materiel, And Soldiers

DTOC - Division Tactical Operations Center


E-Mail - Electronic mail

EA - Electronic Attack

EAC - Echelons Above Corps

EAF - Entity Armed Forces

EASC - Election Appeals Sub-commission

EC - European Council

ECM - Electronic Countermeasures

ECMM - European Community Military Monitors

ECCM - Electronic Counter Countermeasures

EEFI - Essential Elements Of Friendly Information

EM - Electromagnetic

EMI - Electromagnetic Interference

EMP - Electromagnetic Pulse

EMS - Electromagnetic Spectrum

EOB - Electronic Order Of Battle

EOC - Emergency Operations Center

EP - Electronic Protection

EPLRS - Enhanced Position Location Reporting System

ERG - Emergency Response Group

ES - Electronic Warfare Support

EU - European Union

EW - Electronic Warfare

EWIR - Electronic Warfare Integrated Reprogramming


FA - Field Artillery

FAADC3I - Forward Air Defense Command, Control, Communications, And Intelligence

FACM - Friendly Access Coordination Matrix

FBCB2 - Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below System

FEMA - Federal Emergency Management Agency

FFIR - Friendly Forces Information Requirements

FM - Frequency Modulation; Field Manual

FMM - Federation Military Modernization

FOFOR - Follow-On Force

FOM - Freedom Of Movement

FPT - Force Protection Team

FORSCOM - United States Forces Command

FRAGO - Fragmentary Order

FRY - Former Republic of Yugoslavia

FSE - Fire Support Element

FSO - Fire Support Officer

FST - Field Support Team

FVL - Final Voters List


G2 - Division Intelligence

G3 - Division Operations

G5 - Division Civil Affairs

G6 - Division Communications

GCCS - Global Command and Control System

GDS - (Grajanska Demokratska Stranka); Citizens Democratic Party (Bosnian Parliamentary Party/ Spahic)

GFAP - General Framework Agreement for Peace

GIE - Global Information Environment

GII - Global Information Infrastructure

GO - Government Organization

GOF - Government Ordnance Facility

GPS - Global Positioning System

GR/CS - Guardrail/Common Sensor


HCA - Host Civil Affairs

HDZ - (Hrvatska Demokratska Zajednica); Croatian Democratic Party

HDZ BiH - Croatian Democratic Party of BiH

HKDU - Croatian Christian Democratic Union

HF - High Frequency

HN - Host Nation

HNS - Host Nation Support

HNV - Croatian National Council

HPT - High Payoff Target

HQDA - Headquarters, Department of Army

HR HB - Croatian Republic of Herceg Bosna

HSS - Croatian Peasant Party of BH (moderate/Komsic)

HUMINT - Human Intelligence

HVO - Bosnia Croat Army: (Hrvatsko Vijece Obrane); Croatian Defense Council represents the Bosnian Croat element in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina army.

HVT - High-Value Target

HVTL - High Value Target List


I&W - Indications And Warnings

IADS - Integrated Air Defense System

IAW - In Accordance With

IBDA - Information Battlefield Damage Assessment

IC - international community

ICFY - International Committee on the Former Yugoslavia

ICP - Inter-theater Communications Security Package

ICG - International Crisis Group

ICRC - International Committee of Red Cross

ICTY - International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia (aka The Hague)

IEB - Interim Executive Board

IEBL - inter-entity boundary line; this is NOT a BORDER according to Dayton.

IEW - Intelligence And Electronic Warfare

IFOR - Implementation Force

IHC - International Housing Commission

IMC - International Medical Corps

IMETS - Integrated Meteorological System

IMPIN – Implementation Instruction

IMF - International Monetary Fund

INFOSEC - Information Security

INFOSYS - Information Systems

INMARSAT - International Maritime Satellite

INTELSAT - Intelligence Satellite

INTREP – Intelligence Report

IO - Information Operations; International Organizations

IOBS - Information Operations Battle Staff

IOC - Information Operations Center

IOM - International Office of Migration

IOVAT - Information Operations Vulnerability Assessment Team

IOWG - Information Operations Working Group

IPB - Intelligence-Preparation-Of-The-Battlefield

IPTF - International Police Task Force (also known as UNIPTF)

IRC - International Red Cross

ISB - Installation Sustaining Bases

ISS - Information Systems Security

ISYSCON - Integrated Systems Control

ITU - International Telecommunications Union

IW - Information Warfare


J2 - Joint Staff Intelligence

J3 - Joint Staff Operations

J5 - Joint Staff Plans And Policy

J6 - Joint Staff Communications-Electronics

JAARS - Joint After-Action Reporting System

JAG - Judge Advocate General

JCO - Joint Commission Observers

JCS - Joint Chiefs of Staff

JC2WC - Joint Command and Control Warfare Center

JCEWS - Joint Commander's Electronic Warfare Staff

JDISS - Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System

JEWC - Joint Electronic Warfare Center

JFC - Joint Force Commander

JICC - Joint Information Campaign Committee

JMC - Joint Military Commission

JNA - Yugoslavian National (Peoples) Army

JOA - Joint Operational Area

JOPES - Joint Operations Planning and Execution System

JPC - Joint Paramilitary Council

JRFL - Joint Restricted Frequency List

JSOI - Joint Signal Operating Instructions

J-STARS - Joint Surveillance Target Attack Radar System

JTACS - Joint Theater Air Control System

JTB - Joint Targeting Board

JTF - Joint Task Force

JTTP - Joint Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures

JULLS - Joint Universal Lessons Learned System

JVB - Joint Visitors Bureau

JWICS - Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communication System


KLA - Kosovo Liberation Army (also known as UCK)

KM - Konvertable Mark


LAM - Louisiana Maneuvers

LAN - local area network

LCC - Land Component Commander

LIWA - Land Information Warfare Activity

LNO - Liaison Officer

LP - local police


MAC - Mine Action Center

MACOM - Major Army Command

MASINT - Measures And Signatures Intelligence

MBO - (Muslimanska Bosnjacke Organizacije): Muslim Bosniak Organization (moderate Muslim party/ Zulfikarpasic)

MCS - Maneuver Control System

MCSE - multinational combat support elements

MDMP - Military Decision Making Process

METL - Mission-Essential Task List

METT-T - Mission, Enemy, Terrain, Troops, And Time Available

MIE - Military Information Environment

MI - Military Intelligence

MIID/IDB - Military Integrated Intelligence Data Base System/ Integrated Data Base

MIS - Municipal Infrastructure and Services

MLS - Multilevel Security

MND - Multi-National Division

MNS - Mission Needs Statement

MOBLAS - Mobilization-Level Application Software

MP - Military Police

MPAD - Mobile Public Affairs Detachment

MPRI - Military Professional Resource Incorporated

MOP - Memorandum Of Policy

MSC - Major Subordinate Command

MSE - Mobile Subscriber Equipment

MSU - Multinational Specialized Unit

MTP - Mission Training Plan

MUP - RS Interior Ministry Police: Croatian Army Special Police


NAC - North Atlantic Council

NAI - named area of interest

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NCA - National Command Authority

NCO - Non-Commissioned Officer

NEO - Noncombatant Evacuation Operations

NFI - no further information or not further identified

NHI - New Croat Initiative (Bosnian Croat Political Party)

NII - National Information Infrastructure

NGO - Non-Governmental Organization

NMS - National Military Strategy

NPA - Norwegian People’s Aid

NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council

NSTR - Nothing Significant To Report

NTSDS - National Target/Threat Signature Data System


OA - Operational Architecture

OB - Order Of Battle

OC - officer in charge (used by NORDPOL Bde)

ODCSOPS - Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations

ODO - Overseas Development Organization

OHR - Office of the High Representative

OIC - Organization of the Islamic Conference or Organization of the Islamic Forces/ officer in charge

OJE - Operation Joint Endeavor (December 1996 - January 1997)

OJG - Operation Joint Guard (January 1997 - June 1998)

OJF - Operation Joint Forge (June 1998 - ??)

OOTW - Operations Other Than War

OP - Observation Post

OPFOR - Opposing Force

OPCON - Operational Control

OPSEC - Operations Security

OPLAN - Operations Plan

OPORD - Operations Order

OPSEC - Operations Security

OPT - observation post (used by NORDPOL Bde)

OPTEMPO - Operation Tempo

OSCE - Office for Security and Cooperation in Europe

OSINT - Open Source Intelligence


PA - Public Affairs

PAD - Public Affairs Detachment

PAO - Public Affairs Officer

PAP – Yugoslavia made version of an AK-47

PC - Personal Computer

PDSS- Persons designated for special status.

PEC - Provisional Election Commission (aka PIK in Bosnian)

PEO - Program Executive Office

PFP - Partnership for Peace

PIFWC - Persons Indicted for War Crimes (also PIFC)

PIR - Priority Intelligence Requirements

PM - Project Manager; Provost Marshal

PMA - family of Yugoslav anti-personnel mines

PMO - Provost Marshal Officer

PMR - family stake mounted fragmentation anti-personnel mines

POS/NAV - Position/Navigation

POLAD - Political Advisor

PRC - Populace And Resource Control

PROM - family of Yugoslav anti-personnel mines, “Bouncing Betties”

PSM - bounding fragmentation anti-personnel mine

PSN - Public Switch Network

PSS Party of Society Progress of Republika Srpska (Zupljanin)

PSYOP - Psychological Operations

PVL - Provisional Voter’s List

PVO - Private Voluntary Organization


QRF - Quick Reaction Force


RAP - Remedial Action Project

RC - Reserve Components

RCAS - Reserve Component Automation System

RCP - Relevant Common Picture

RDT&E - Research, Development, Test, And Evaluation

RECBASS - Reception Battalion Automated Support System

RECON - Reconnaissance

REL - Releasable

RII - Relevant Information And Intelligence

RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computing

RISTA - Reconnaissance, Intelligence, Surveillance, And Target Acquisition

RNRS - Radical People’s Party (RS)

ROE - Rules Of Engagement

RRTF - Reconstruction and Returns Task Force

RS - (Republika Srpska); Serb Republic or Republican Party

RSK - Republic of Serb-Krajina

RSNA - Republika Srpska National Assembly


Sabor - Croatian Parliament

SACEUR – Supreme Allied Commander, Europe

SAM - Sanctions Assistance Mission

SAMS-I/TDA - Standard Army Maintenance System-Installation/ Table of Distribution and Allowances

SARSS-O - Standard Army Retail Supply System-Objective

SBiH - Bosnian Muslim Party

SDA - (Stranka Demokratske Akcije); Party for Democratic Action (Bosniac)

SDP - (Socijaldemokratska Partija); Social Democratic Party

SDS - (Srpska Demokratska Stranka); Serb Democratic Party

SF - Special Forces

SFOR - Stabilization Force

SHAPE - Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers of Europe

SIDPERS - Standard Installation/Division Personnel System

SIGINT - Signals Intelligence

SIGSEC- Signal Security

SINCGARS - Single-Channel Ground And Airborne Radio System

SITREP – situation report

SJA - Staff Judge Advocate

SMP - Union for Peace and Progress

SNS - Serb People's Party (Moderate)

SOC – Special Operations Command

SOP – Standard Operating Procedure

SPAS - Serb Nationalist Party

SPB - Special Police Brigade

SPO - Serb Renewal Movement

SPP - Party for Economic Prosperity or

SPS - Socialist Party of Serbia

SPBS-R - Standard Property Book System-Redesign

SOCCE - Special Operations Command and Control Element

SOF - Special Operations Forces

SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

SRPS - Socialist Party for Republika Srpska

SRS - (Srpska Radikalna Stranka); Serb Radical Party

SSJ - Serbian Party for Unity (ultra-nationalist/Arkan)

SSS - (Srpska Seljacka Stranka); Serb Peasant Party

STAMIS - Standard Army Management Information Systems

STO - Special Technical Operations

STOD - Special Technical Operations Division


TAA - Total Army Analysis

TACM - Target Access Coordination Matrix

TAMMIS - The Army Munitions Management Information System

TAFIM - Technical Architectural Framework For Information Management

TCP - Temporary Check Point

TDF - Territorial Defense Force (Yugoslav) (no longer exists, absorbed into the regular armies

TEARS - Telecommunications Equipment Automated Retrieval System

TECHINT - Technical Intelligence

TF - Task Force

TFE - Task Force Eagle

TM - family of anti-personnel mines

TMA - Yugoslav anti-tank mine

TMRP - Yugoslav anti-tank mine

TOA - Transfer of Authority

TPN - Tactical Packet Network

TPT - Tactical PSYOP Team

TRADOC - United States Army Training and Doctrine Command

TRANSEC - Transmission Security

TRI-TAC - Tri-service Tactical

TROJAN-SPIRIT - TROJAN-Special Purpose Integrated Remote Intelligence Terminal

TSP - Training Support Package

TSS - Target-Sensing System

TTP - Tactics, Techniques, And Procedures


UAV - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle

UHF - Ultrahigh Frequency

ULLS - Unit-Level Logistics System

UN - United Nations

UNCA - United Nations Civil Affairs

UNCIVPOL - United Nations Civil Police Force

UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

UNIPTF - United Nations International Police Force (also known as IPTF)

UNMAC- United Nations Mine Action Center

UNMIBH - United Nations Mission in Bosnia Hercegovina

UNPROFOR - United Nations Protection Force (Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina; ceased to exist with the deployment of IFOR)

UNPREDEP - United Nations Preventative Deployment Force (established by UNSCR 795/92; provides a UN presence on the border of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Macedonia in the interest of maintaining confidence and stability in the region.)

UNSCR - United Nations Security Council Resolution

US - United States

USAF - United States Air Force

USAID - United States Agency for International Development

USAINSCOM - United States Army Information Systems Command

USIA - United States Information Agency

USN - United States Navy

USSOCOM - United States Special Operations Command


VHF - Very High Frequency

VJ - (Vojska Jugoslavije); Army of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia

VOA - Voice of America

VOPP - Vance Owen Peace Plan

VRS - Vojska Republika Srpska; Serb Republic Army

VTC - Video Teleconference


WAN - Wide Area Network

WB - World Bank

WEU – Western European Union

WFZ – Weapons Free Zones

WHO – World Health Organisation

WOS - Women of Srebenica (also known as ASW)

WSF - Weapons Storage Facility

WSS - Weapons Storage Site


ZOS - Zone of Separation


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