13 Days of Fear



October 16

0 - 2:23

Kennedy meets with his cabinet and military officers to discuss the situation.

What is the first idea to resolve the situation?

Air Strikes before the missiles become operational

What other options are discussed?

1. Invasion

2. Blockade of Cuba

What does Kennedy order to be done?

More U-2 surveilence

A U.S. U-2 Spy Plane flies over Cuba.

What does the US discover in Cuba?

Soviet SS4 Medium Range Nuclear Missiles

2:23 – 5:38

5:38 – 6:50

The United States has three aircraft carriers in the Caribbean near Cuba.

What other threats does the Soviet Union have in the area?

Nuclear Submarine and Short Range Nuclear Weapons

6:50 - End

What does the latest U-2 film uncover? Why doesn’t Kennedy want to invade Cuba?

Long range nuclear missiles Soviets will take (invade) Berlin

Unbeknownst to the United States, the first missile sight in Cuba is now OPERATIONAL!

How long would it take the Soviets to launch a missile if they decided?

5 hours

What orders are given on October 22?

Quarantine Cuba and evacuate Americans from Guantanimo bay

Identify three (3) major problems the US will face with an invasion of Cuba.

1. Soviet missiles are operational

2. Soviets have far more troops than expected

3. Soviets have tactical nuclear weapons (to use on troops)

#2 0 – 4:25

6:41 – 2:00

4:25 - 6:41

The world knows of the Soviet missiles and of the quarantine (blockade) of Cuba

Soviet cargo ships are sailing across the ocean to Cuba. THE WORLD WAITS !!!

What threatens the blockade of Cuba?

Soviet nuclear submarine

What moment does Robert Kennedy say was the one that brought us closest to war?

The surfacing of the soviet submarine

What happens with the showdown between the US and Soviet ships?

Soviet ships stop and return home

Kennedy addresses the nation

What will the US response be to a soviet missile launch?

Full attack on USSR and communist countries

What level of military alert does the US go to on Oct 22?

Defcon 3

Soviet divisions arming in Cuba

Soviet Subs ordered to sink anybody that stops them

What does the US ambassador do at the UN Meeting?

Shows the world that the USSR has missiles

October 22

2:00 – 5:05 and skip

Kennedy looks for a way to end the conflict. To avoid an “official” demand, he sends a secret message with a reporter to Khrushchev through a Soviet diplomat ….

What were Kennedy’s terms to end the crisis?

Soviet Union must remove the weapons from Cuba / US will not invade Cuba

Khrushchev writes a letter to Kennedy accepting the conditions …

0:07 – 1:55

1:55 – 3:00

What is set to begin on October 27?

Air Strikes on Cuba

What new incentive does JFK offer to end the conflict?

Secretly remove weapons from Turkey

How close did we come to nuclear war?

2 hours

While Kennedy and his staff are discussing the letter from Khrushchev, a news report comes out saying Khrushchev told Kennedy he would remove their weapons from Cuba if we remove our nuclear weapons from Turkey.

Why is there concern over this report?

Not sure who is in charge in Soviet Union

3:00 – 5:38


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