
ASRC Training RequirementsVersion 8{revision/date information and any other technical identifiers?}Contents TOC \h \u \z Overview4Acronyms and Terminology5Group6All Members7Requirements7General7Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)7Level IV Search Team Member (Trainee)8Requirements8General8Personal Health and Safety8Navigation9Communication Skills9Search Skills (To understand)9Level III Search Team Member10Requirements10General10Personal Health and Safety10Legal Aspects of Search and Rescue11Land Navigation Skills11Communication Skills12Search Skills12Basic Ropes and Rope System Skills12Subject Management Skills13Medical Skills (Force Protection)13Leadership Skills13Level II Search Team Member14Requirements14General14Personal Health and Safety15Legal Aspects of Search and Rescue15Land Navigation Skills15Communication Skills17Search Skills17Basic Ropes and Rope System Skills17Subject Management Skills18Leadership Skills18Level I Search Team Member19Requirements19General19Health and Personal Safety19Legal Aspects of Search and Rescue19Land Navigation Skills19Communications Skills19Search Skills20Basic Rope and Rescue Systems Skills20Leadership Skills20Search Manager Level III22Requirements22Search Manager Level II23Requirements23Search Manager Level I24Requirements24Appendix A25Appendix B26Level III Search Team Member skills26Level III Search Team Member skills26OverviewThe ASRC was founded to provide highly skilled assistance to local agencies to respond to wilderness missing person and rescue situations. This remains the prime mission of the conference and member teams. The intent of this manual is to be a training guide for ground search and rescue. A Land Search and Rescue (SAR) Team conducts search, rescue, and recovery in response to natural and human-caused events that may occur in one or more of the wilderness or urban environments.Properties that define an Urban Environment include:?A significant number of people occupying the land?A significantly developed area with structures and facilities?Roads and easy means of travelUrban Development areas are classified as:?Residential – where people live–Trailer parks, Retirement communities, Suburbs–Seasonal communities, temp housing (campgrounds, RV Parks)?Non-Residential – where people go to do other things–Shopping Malls, Schools, Amusement Parks A wilderness, in contrast with those areas where man and his works dominate the landscape, is hereby recognized as an area where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by man, where man himself is a visitor who does not remain. In the Wilderness Act, further definition of an area of wilderness is:?An area of undeveloped Federal land retaining its primeval character and influence, without permanent improvements or human habitation, which is protected and managed so as to preserve its natural conditions and which:(1) Generally appears to have been affected primarily by the forces of nature, with the imprint of man's work substantially unnoticeable;(2) Has outstanding opportunities for solitude or a primitive and unconfined type of recreation;(3) Has at least five thousand acres of land or is of sufficient size as to make practicable its preservation and use in an unimpaired condition; and(4) May also contain ecological, geological, or other features of scientific, educational, scenic, or historical value. Ground search and rescue requires knowledge and skills related to the following areas:SearchNavigationCommunicationsSubject managementPersonal health and safetyBasic ropes and rope systemsLegal AspectsThe core competency of the ASRC is the effective and efficient application of field search skills. An understanding of field operations and skills is necessary to provide effective mission management. Field Team Leader and Field Team Member are operational titles. To avoid confusion, this document utilizes the separate titles of “Level XX Search team member” based upon the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the various aspects of Ground Search and Rescue. The assignment of members with various certification levels to operational assignments is at the discretion of incident management.Field Self-SufficiencyFEMA types field teams are based upon the maximum time during which a crew (or team) is prepared, in terms of training and equipment, to function in the field before requiring additional logistical support. Deployed for up to 12 hours at a timeDeployed for up to 24 hours at a timeDeployed for up to 72 hours at a timeBased on the typical operational needs found in the ASRC service area, all levels of ASRC certifications should prepare for a 24-hour field task deployment. If extended self-sufficient operations will be required, field teams will receive prior notice and should consider having the additional supplies and equipment to prepare for up to 72-hour deployments.Field Level Advancement pathLevel IV Search Team Member (Trainee)“Awareness” level search, horizontal litter handlingLevel III Search Team Member (Member of a field team)“Operations” Level Search“Awareness” Level Low Angle Rescue plus member of a litter team Level II Search Team Member (Leads Search Tasks and simple rescues)“Technician” Level Search“Operations” Level Low Angle RescueLevel I Search Team Member (Leads complex search tasks and rescues)“Technician” Level Low Angle RescueIn addition to certifying field skills, the ASRC certifies Search Managers with the skills necessary to lead missions.Incident Command Advancement pathSearch Manager Level III Base Staff for all missionsInitial on-site leadership for very small missionsSearch Manager Level II Leads more complex missionsSearch Manager Level I Coordinates response and allocates resources for concurrent missionsServes as a resource for Level III and II ManagersNOTES: It is felt that to maintain operational effectiveness; the “force protection” aspects of first aid are essential skills for all SAR personnel. The ASRC standards for each level integrate these “force protection” skills. Teams who elect to integrate the first aid training into their field training levels should consider adding the wilderness first aid skills listed as “optional” that are located at the end of each level. Alternately, teams may elect to seek external first aid certifications in accordance with the ASRC medical policy.The phrase “Demonstrate” means perform the skill. A mission/task simulation is one way to achieve this.This standard addresses the knowledge and skills expectations for able-bodied team members. The ASRC wishes to include and benefit from the skills provided by members who may have physical or other limitations. In consultation with the Conference Training Officer, the Group Training Officer will provide accommodations to members with such limitations. While alternate means of assessment may vary, due to the nature of the work performed, knowledge requirements are necessary. Waiver of physical skills is acceptable. However, there must be a mechanism in place to ensure that the member is restricted from performing those waived skills at a mission.Acronyms and TerminologyThis table defines the acronyms and terminology used in this document. You may encounter more in a search and rescue operationAcronymMeaningGTOGroup Training OfficerTOTraining OfficerAHJAuthority Having JurisdictionRAResponsible Agency (from a government entity)ICSIncident Command SystemICIncident CommanderASRCAppalachian Search and Rescue ConferencePPEPersonal Protective EquipmentSARSearch And RescueAwareness levelA basic competency level that stresses hazard recognition Operations levelIndividuals who identify hazards, use equipment and apply limited techniques specific to the areas of Search and rescueTechnician levelIndividuals who identify hazards, use equipment and apply advanced techniques specific to the areas of Search and rescueSearch GroupEach accredited group shall:Maintain a current database or record of individual certification, including:Field Training LevelSpecialized Skills & EquipmentParticipation in trainingCertifications heldDevelop training and testing materials for team-specific aspects of this standard, including alerting procedures and AHJ-specific requirementsClassify members, based on their physical capabilities, to complete various types of SAR tasksMaintain policies, based on the local jurisdiction, for:Drug and alcohol use, dependency, and abuseSexual harassmentCulture, race, sex/gender, and age sensitivityOperate within the National Incident Management System (NIMS)/Incident Command System (ICS)Maintain a training and education program with a goal of preventing SAR-related death, injuries, or illnessesDevelop and maintain a risk management planIdentify regional and mission risks Determine its significanceImplement training to address each risksOperational Needs:Some teams have chosen to pursue additional skills and/or credentialing to meet specific local needs such as: Cave Rescue, Mountain Rescue Association accreditation for high-angle rescue, wilderness medicine, and support for local National Parks. These additional skill sets are encouraged to the extent that they do not detract from fulfilling the core mission. Teams are encouraged to develop/adopt separate stand-alone standards and training programs for the non-core missions that a local team chooses to support. Local teams may add core mission-driven requirements as an “add-on” for the Field IV-I levels to meet local needs. Teams are encouraged to develop supplemental materials (including testing) to insureensure that members are familiar with local alerting, response, and external agency relations.Search Manager standards are Conference-wide. Teams may not make additions or deletions from the Search Manager standards.All MembersRequirementsGeneralAll members shall:Meet the minimum age requirement, as determined by the group policy or local jurisdictionMeet the minimum educational requirements, as determined by the group policy or local jurisdictionMeet the minimum fitness requirements, as determined by the group policy or local jurisdictionComplete the medical requirements, as determined by the group policy or local jurisdictionComplete background checks, as determined by the group policy or local jurisdictionMeet, or exceed, minimum participation requirements for training and operations, as defined by the group policy or local jurisdictionDemonstrate proficiency in individual skills and abilities as implemented in the certification standards.Wear environmentally appropriate identifiable uniforms, or markers, as determined by the group policyPossess adequate food, water, and equipment to sustain themselves for 24 hours, in any season, as determined by the group policy or local jurisdiction in the anticipated areas of operationKnow and follow safe driving procedures, as determined by the group policy or local jurisdictionBe prepared to wear the ASRC Blue uniform shirt for multi-group responses.SAR Field Level IV (Trainee)A Level IV “Trainee” possesses the minimum knowledge, skills and equipment necessary to respond to a ground search and rescue incident and avoid becoming a burden on the mission. The Level IV “Trainee” certification is a temporary entry level certification issued by the local team’s Group Training Officer. It is the intent that, within a short period of time (recommended maximum 18 months), all members will progress to a higher level of certification.A member at this level has the ability to recognize the hazards and risks in a given situation, or environment, and is able to request appropriate resources for search and rescue operations. Individuals at this level function only under direct supervision of a more senior member. Trainees may not enter a hazard zone, but may serve other support functions outside the hazard zone. Trainees may accompany a field team if their equipment, knowledge, and skill set do not become a burden to the team. RequirementsGeneral (SAR FIELD IV)No required prior wilderness, search, or rescue skillsComplete the team application process.Acquire all team-required clearances (background check, child abuse, etc.) Gain an understanding of the teamsteam’s policies and proceduresSuccessfully complete, and possess certification for, this coursesthis course:IS-100.b (ICS-100.b) or IS-100.c (ICS-100.c): Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS-100Participate in a minimum of one group practical field training, or exerciseDemonstrate the ability to function as an effective member of a field team on a supervised taskPersonal Health and Safety (SAR FIELD IV)Maintain effectiveness and avoid becoming a burden on the field team for at least 6 hoursDemonstrate proper clothing selection for current and anticipated weatherExplain the concept of layered clothing, including:Defining each layerDescribe the function of each layerDescribe advantages of materials used in each layerDescribe the disadvantages of materials used in each layerDescribe prevention, and detection and basic wilderness first aid treatment of the following medical conditionsHeat exhaustionHeats StrokeHypothermiaUsing urinary frequency and color, demonstrate an understanding of dehydration detection Present your personal field pack, including:Appropriate field packNutritionFood for 24 hoursWater (at least 1 liter)Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Medical Gloves (non-latex, at least 2 pairs)Leather palm (or similar) Work glovesHigh-visibility vest with reflective markingsEye protection (safety glasses) ClothingOuterwear appropriate to the current weatherFootwear appropriate to the current weatherWeather gear for potential weather changes in the individual group’s operational area PPE knowledge, as determined by the individual group, includes:Describe the reason for carrying each piece of PPEDemonstrate the use of all PPE found in one’s packTell when other PPE is needed in your team’s area (i.e., Personal Flotation Devices)Survival EquipmentTrash bags (5)Five one-gallon zip lock bagsCandleFirestarting materialMatches /lighter (waterproof)Whistle (plastic without cork)Personal first aid kitSmall knife or multi-toolSearch EquipmentOrienteering style cCompass (rectangular base)Headlamp and second light source (with an extra set of batteries for each)Pencil and paper (either store in a zip-lock bag or waterproof paper/pen)Roll of flagging tapePermanent marker (i.e.e.g., Sharpie) to write on flagging tape While wearing your field pack, participate in a field task of at least 2 hours durationNavigation (SAR FIELD IV)Using your preferred electronic navigational device (such as dedicated GPS, or Smart Phone GPS app, etc), determine and report your current US National Grid (USNG) location. (Example: USNG app)Given a set of USNG coordinates, plot a single point on a topographic mapCommunication Skills (SAR FIELD IV)Using English, demonstrate the ability to provide accurate, clear, and effective verbal communication Using a team-owned portable radio, demonstrate ability to send and receive a message Using a GPS and a team-owned portable radio, transmit your current USNG location Discuss properly interfacing with the MediaSearch Skills (SAR FIELD IV)Describe your team’s alerting process, member tracking, and your role in the systemDemonstrate signing into and out of a mission (may simulate using real forms)Explain the use of a Search and Rescue (SAR) staging areaDefine the term “freelancing” Explain how “freelancing” can interfere with the organized search effortRescue Skills (SAR FIELD IV)While participating as a member of a litter team on level ground, demonstrate Properly carrying a litter as part of a 6 person team, including laddering and toenailingRotating through the various litter carry positionsAnnouncing or responding to litter movement commandsSAR Field Level IIIA member at this level is prepared to serve as a member of a field search team. This includes having the ability to recognize the hazards and risks of a given situation, use equipment, and participate as a litter team member in a low-angle rescue operation. Field team tasks at this level include basic search skills, limited navigational skills, and can perform field team duties, such as communications, medic, or search team member. Individuals at this level can lead teams on a linear task (i.e. trail or road walking), help coordinate and supervise emergent volunteers (supporting a Level II or Level I team leader) or serve other support functions. RequirementsGeneral (SAR FIELD III)Successfully complete, and possess certification for, these courses:IS-200.b: ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action IncidentsBloodborne Pathogen Program - Infection Control Training or equivalentCPR for Healthcare Professionals or an equivalentDefine the phases of a search and rescue task:Receiving a task briefingPreplan (Equipment and personnel needs)Describe a search strategy for the task Describe the search tactics and techniques to useDescribe how to ensure completion of assigned task/areaDebriefing team and reporting to mission baseTeam rehabilitation and assessing readiness for additional tasksDescribe these field team roles:Team LeaderNavigatorRadio Operator MedicRescue SpecialistCanineK9 HandlerDog team member “walker”/”flanker” for a dog task (area and trailing)Demonstrate your SAR pack with the following Additional personal equipment (in addition to that listed for Level IV)1 inch tubular webbing (25’ length for “normal” weight member or 30’ length for larger)2 locking carabineers (aluminum)2 lengths of 7mm or 8mm climbing-grade accessory cord suitable for tying prussicsPrusiksDemonstrate proper donning of a mountaineering helmet with chin strap (may be team equipment)Personal Health and Safety (SAR Field III)Describe the signs, symptoms and preventative measure forof the following health concerns:Fatigue and/ exhaustionBlisters on the hand and footSimple cuts and scrapesBites or stings of insects and ticksDescribe the symptoms of the following health concerns:Fatigue / exhaustionBlisters on the hand and footSimple cuts and scrapesBites or stings of insects and ticksDescribe the preventative measures for the following health concerns:Fatigue / ExhaustionBlisters on the hand and footSimple cuts and scrapesBites or stings of insects and ticksDescribe personal hygiene in the wilderness, including sanitation requirements and techniques.Demonstrate the following field survival skills:Using materials from your field pack, construct an emergency shelter Describe appropriate water purification techniquesDiscuss the advantages and disadvantages of the following emergency signaling devicesWhistleChemical light sticksFlaresSmokeDiscuss the disadvantages of the following emergency signaling devicesWhistleChemical light sticksFlaresSmokeLEGAL ASPECTS OF SEARCH AND RESCUE (SAR FIELD III)Describe and demonstrate field clue management:Crime scene preservation concernsClue markingChain of custody evidence issuesAssessment of clue relevanceReporting clues to baseDescribe privacy and information confidentiality with regards to:MissionsSubjectsWitnessesPatientsGiven real or simulated written or verbal scenarios, dDemonstrate an understanding of private property:Rules the laws and legal principles governing Search and Rescue (SAR) team entry onto private property and how theyit can affect a search and or rescue operationtaskLand Navigation Skills (SAR FIELD III)Demonstrate the use of a magnetic compass:Orient a map to NorthDetermine a bearing to a targetIdentify a target given a magnetic bearing Demonstrate an understanding of these navigation terms:North TrueMagneticGridDeclinationConverting from map to compassConverting from compass to mapMap DatumContour LinesIndexIntermediateSupplementaryExplain the use of the following maps used in search and rescue:TopographicalStreet ##Aerial imageryUse of the “ASRC Grid” for special maps (example – park, building, complex, campus, etc.) Demonstrate ability to locate and follow a linear feature Example: using a topo map, navigate a nearby trail for a simulated hasty taskGiven a GPS (Global Positioning Systems) unit (may be team-owned), demonstrate proficiency for the following tasks:Explain the basics of how a GPS determines locationList two limitations / sources of GPS errorsCompare / contrast the benefits of a GPS vs map and compass for navigationInstall batteries in the GPS unit Power the GPS unit onChange the datum NAD27 then back to WGS84/NAD83Change the unit of distance (example - miles, Kilometers, meters, etc.)Set the position format to USNG (US National Grid)Clear the track log (If available on the unit being used)Determine the coordinates for your current locationUsing the coordinates, Plot your location on a paper map Mark your current location as a waypoint (e.g., i.e.mark where you parked your car)Locate a previously stored waypointi.e. (e.g., how would you return to the previously marked car)Enter a new waypoint given USNG coordinates (simulating the coordinates of a “find” to which you must navigate)Set the GPS to guide you to the new waypoint (i.e. the “find” location)Given only USNG coordinates, a GPS, a compass, and a topographic map, navigate at least 500m to a single munication Skills (SAR FIELD III)Demonstrate accurate, clear, and effective verbal communicationUsing a team portable radio, demonstrate:Preparing the radio for field use (install battery(s), antenna)Selecting the proper channel and “locking” the radio on that channelIn the field, change the radio channel Using proper protocols, demonstrate the ability to contact another field unit Using the phonetic alphabet, convey detailed information (spell a difficult last name)Demonstrate an understanding of non-radio communications:WhistlesSearch Skills (SAR FIELD III)Describe these search terms:PassiveAttractionContainmentActive SearchHasty Field teamlinear (trail, road, stream)Points of interest & high yield areasK9 Canine team – Trailing/trackingCanineK9 team – Air Scent (Area)Area SearchField TeamLoose grid (lay and pick up flag line)Tight grid or Evidence (lay and pick up flag line)K9 Canine TeamTrailing/trackingK9 TeamMantracker/signcutterDemonstrate a basic understanding of the following search procedures, policies and guidelines:Mission briefingStaging resourcesTask briefingTask debriefingMission debriefing / After-action report / Hot WashWorking with other agenciesIf you are the first member of your team to arrive at a mission, explain the actions you should take If yours is the first SAR team at missionIf other SAR teams are already on sceneDemonstrate an understanding of the following operational terms:SearchRescueRecoveryIn your typical operational area, demonstrate the ability to perform as a member of a search team in these environments:DayNightLead a small field search team on a simulated linear (hasty) taskBasic Ropes and Rope System Skills (SAR FIELD III)Demonstrate proficiency by in tying these knots and hitches, and describe their application:Construct an ASRC Seat Harness on yourselfDouble overhand bend (aka: Double fisherman’s, Barrel knot)Three wrap prusik hitchOverhand bend (aka: water knot) in webbingDescribe the application of the following knots and hitchesAn ASRC Seat HarnessDouble overhand bend (aka: Double fisherman’s, Barrel knot)Three wrap prusik hitchOverhand bend (aka: water knot) in webbingRescue Skills (SAR FIELD III)Demonstrate instructing competence as litter bearer, and directing, a litter team on level ground, including standard commands, rotating litter bearers, laddering and toenailingRotating positionsMovement commands.As part of a low angle (steep semi-technical) evacuation litter team (using an ASRC seat harness and prussicPrusik) attach yourself to a litterUsing a hauling system rigged by others, serve as part of a hauling team Using a belay system rigged by others, demonstrate proper belay operationSubject (Find) Management Skills (SAR FIELD III)Demonstrate understanding of subject aid procedures:Assessing subject status and determining appropriate next stepsDefine ASRC Status 1Next Steps - You are on the find teamNext Steps - You are on a different field teamDefine ASRC Status 2Next Steps - You are on the find teamNext Steps - You are on a different field teamDefine ASRC Status 3Next Steps - You are on the find teamNext Steps - You are on a different field teamDetermining the need for additional assistanceCommunicating information with BaseDescribe how to determine best means to communicate each status to baseHow to report a subject “status” on radioDetermining and communicating locationCommunicating medical/extrication needs of the subjectIdentifying an extraction route and facilitating access by other teams to the find locationMedical Skills (Force Protection) (SAR FIELD III)Describe first aid for the following: Simple cuts and scrapes Blisters on the hand and foot Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or first degree) Bites or stings of insects and ticks Frostbite and sunburn Optional Additional First Aid Skills for teams opting to integrate first aid into their internal training programDemonstrate Identify first aid for the following: Simple cuts and scrapes Blisters on the hand and foot Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or first degree) Bites or stings of insects and ticks NosebleedFrostbite and sunburn Demonstrate First Aid for others the following:DehydrationHeat exhaustionHeat StrokeHeatstrokeHypothermiaHyperventilationHypoglycemiaLeadership Skills (SAR FIELD III)Demonstrate leading a small field team on a simple linear (Hasty) taskBriefing by commandAssembling a teamBriefing your field teamAcquiring the necessary equipment for the taskCompleting the Task Assignment FormPerforming the taskCompleting the taskDebriefingSAR Field Level IIA member at this level is proficient in leading a field team on a complex search task, caring for their assigned teams, and managing find. Managing a find includes calling for additional resources, planning an extrication, and if need be, “operate” a low angle rope system. Level II members have the ability to recognize the hazards and risks in a given situation or environment and determine appropriate mitigation methods. Level II members can use equipment, and apply advanced search and rescue techniques to an operation. RequirementsGeneral (SAR FIELD II)Successfully complete, and possess certification for, these courses:IS-700.a: National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Introduction Complete a hazardous material awareness training courses; one of the following or equivalentIS-5.A: An Introduction to Hazardous MaterialsNFPA 472: HazMat AwarenessOSHA 1910.120(Q)(6)(i): HazMat Awareness TrainingCERT HazMat IntroductionParticipate in at least 3 field exercises as part of a field search team – at least one must be at a real mission or full-scale simulation Demonstrate adequately inspecting PPE to determineWearDamageOperational readinessDemonstrate an advanced understanding of these phases of a search operation:PreplanNotificationPlanning a StrategyTactics and TechniquesSuspensionAfter Action ReviewDemonstrate an understanding of these search operation terms including their impact on operations:PLS: Point Last SceneLKP: Last Known PointSearch segment/areaPOA: Probability of AreaPOD: Probability of DetectionPOS: Probability of SuccessDemonstrate an advanced understanding of these field team roles, their use in search and the role of a team leader in facilitating effectiveness of the members in these roles:LeaderNavigatorRadio Operator MedicK9 Handler (Airscent, Tracking/trailing, human remains)Mantracker/signcutterDemonstrate instructing a radio operator for a field team you are leadingPersonal Health and Safety (SAR FIELD II)Describe the five (5) methods in which the body loses heat and how each can be overcome:ConductionConvectionEvaporationRadiationRespirationDescribe body heat transfer including:Positive effects of heat lossNegative effects of heat lossMethods to assist heat lossMethods to prevent heat lossDescribe the intrinsic hazards within the region of operation, including (there may be others):WeatherTerrainHazardous PlantsBodies of waterWild / Domestic animalsIllegal ActivitiesDemonstrate these aspects of field survival:Locate an optimal location for a field team to “hunker down” (i.e. during a storm)Supporting less prepared/emergent volunteer team membersDemonstrate an overnight “bivouac” by staying out overnight using only equipment you carried throughout the day. This can be in any seasonLegal Aspects of Search and Rescue (SAR FIELD II)Define these factors necessary to prove negligence:Duty to actBreach of dutyBreach of duty caused harmSuffers harm as a result of the breachDemonstrate an understanding of the following forms of consentImplied consentExpressed consentInformed consentDescribe the tort of battery and how it is avoidedDescribe the tort of abandonment and how it is avoided Land Navigation Skills (SAR FIELD II)Land Navigation Skills (SAR FIELD II)Overarching Goals: ?An SAR FIELD II should be proficient in land navigation, including determining current location using a topo map and GPS Device, accurately plotting points based upon provided USNG coordinates on a paper map, entering waypoints into a GPS given USNG coordinates, efficient route planning using both linear features and cross-country navigation, and navigating to and within an assigned task area to achieve complete coverage of the assigned task area.Demonstrate proficiency in the following navigation skills:Demonstrate proficiency with reading and interpreting a 7.5 minute topographic map, by discussing these features:Border information (scale, datum, declination, contour interval, adjacent maps)Information conveyed by various colorsSymbols used for manmade object, including:Highways, roads, trails and bridgesPower lines, pipelines Buildings, schools, churches and cemeteriesStorage tanks, wells, mines, caves, picnic areas and campsitesBenchmarks (control stations) and spot elevationsBoundaries, fence and other landmark linesContour lines:Elevations, Depressions, ridges, valleysConvoluted TerrainWater: Ponds, lakes, rivers, Perennial and intermittent streams Marshes & swampsPhoto revisions.Preparing for NavigationOrient a printed paper map of your current location using Terrain AssociationPrepare a GPS for useSet Datum (Demonstrate changing to NAD27 & WGS84 datums)Set coordinate system (Demonstrate changing to USNG, UTM, and Lat/Long DD.DDDDDD, and Lat/Long DD MM.MMM) Plotting points and entering waypointsGiven USNG coordinates, accurately plot three points on a paper topo mapGiven USNG coordinates, enter 3 waypoints into your GPSPlanning NavigationUsing a paper map plan a route using both linear features and cross-country navigation to move between any two points. (to include navigating around an impassable obstacle) Identify starting and ending pointsRoute planning for efficient completion of the taskTricks to optimize speedDemonstrate Successful NavigationUsing a GPS, a paper map, and a compass, navigate to 3 indistinct points (not along linear features) totaling at least 1 kilometer and return to the starting pointNavigate to an assigned task areaGiven a map showing an assigned 20 acre task area with at least one “side” that is indistinct (not along a linear feature) located within 1 km of starting point, navigate to assigned area and circumnavigate the assigned area.Uploading and downloading tracksUsing team GPS, if available, and personal GPS or GPS app if available (but must do one or the other) Demonstrate the ability to upload the GPS track from a completed field taskDemonstrate the ability to download a Shape file for a planned task into a GPS then display that on the screen of the deviceCommunications Skills (SAR FIELD II)Demonstrate the use of all team-owned portable radio equipment, including:Setting up and testing prior to a taskList 3 other (non-radio) means of communicating a critical messageDescribe how to improve the communications path due to an inability to contact base via radioImprove signal (stand up, use bigger antenna)Location (go to top of hill “looking toward” base)Use other teams as a relayDescribe the duties for the field team Radio OperatorDemonstrate properly interfacing with the MedicSearch Skills (SAR FIELD II)Discuss how to determine whether to use either active or passive search techniquesDemonstrate understanding of these tracking skills:Sign vs TrackSign-cutting vs TrackingSign / Track preservationDemonstrate use of a “tracking stick” to follow a trail for 5 stepsDemonstrate leading a team on an area search task of at least 20 acresBrief the field teamComplete an area search task Place and remove “edge markers” to insure coverageDescribe your responsibilities should your team make a findDebrief your field teamDescribe the role of a “walker” for a K9 canine taskSupport of the Dog HandlerNavigation and position reportingCommunicationsFind ManagementBasic Ropes and Rope System Skills (SAR FIELD II)Demonstrate proficiency with the construction of the following:Figure 8 knot (for the end of a rope)Figure 8 on a bightFigure 8 follow through (Figure 8 around an object)Single point anchor system with the wrap three/pull twoSingle point anchor system with the basket methodsAttach a team litter to a rope system for a low angle operationDemonstrate proficiency with the operation of these systems (rigged by others):A simple 3:1 mechanical advantage system, with appropriate safetyA Rope lowering system, with appropriate safetySubject Management Skills (SAR FIELD II)Demonstrate an understanding of the Subject’s Behavior(for example, whether behavior threatens the safety of the team, or other subjects)Demonstrate the ability to develop an evacuation plan for the subject Demonstrate an advanced understanding of these techniques for field care:Universal precautions (for example, body substance isolation, or PPE)Treatment of injury (engaging a “medic”)Extrication Planning ManagementDemonstrate packaging a subject in a basket litter:Appropriately protected from weatherTo “protect” an existing injuryTo prevent further heat loss in hypothermia Adequately secured for horizontal evacuationAdequately secured for low angle extrication, including “tie in” for subjectDemonstrate subject removal and transportProper litter managementLitter transport skills and proceduresLitter callsTransfer of careLeadership Skills (SAR FIELD II)Discuss the ability to recognize morale problems in a field teamDiscuss techniques used to maintain or improve morale Describe techniques to maintain situational awarenessDemonstrate delegating tasks within a field teamDemonstrate an understanding of hazard recognition and discuss the steps to mitigateDiscuss the following special issues in which family members are part of a field teamYour team finds the subjectAnother team finds the subjectThe family member (or another field member) is uncooperative with the Team’s assigned taskThe subject is status 3SAR Field Level IMembers at this level will generally assume the duty of field team leader for any Search or Rescue task or serve other leadership functions including task and field team management such as assisting with briefing and debriefing field teams. A member at this level can also plan, set up, rig, and operate a low angle extrication system from any aboveground wilderness scenario. A member at this level has the ability to recognize the hazards and risks in the given situation or environment (Search, High Angle, Snow and Ice, Disaster, Cave, WMD, etc.) and be able to use equipment and apply advanced search and rescue techniques to operations.The reader will note that these standards include elements of instruction and evaluation, usually executed in a training environment. These requirements represent the reality that personnel with this level of certification are often called upon to conduct real-time instruction and correct performance (e.g., evaluate) of inexperienced field personnel (e.g., emergent volunteers). These requirements also support group organizational needs to support and sustain group training programs.FEMA Typing: Type 1 Wilderness Field Search Team LeaderRequirementsGeneral (SAR Field I)Participate in at least 3 field team activities (total 6 since joining ASRC), including at least 3 at a real mission or full-scale exercise, and at least 2 serving as leader of a field team.Lead a team conducting a complex evacuation (must require multiple carries, a hauling or lowering systems, or multiple litter teams) Demonstrate proficiency in the use and operation of all Group EquipmentWhat is its proper name?What are its primary functions? What are its primary features?What are some of the dos for proper handling/use?What are some of the don’ts for proper handling/use?Describe the inspection procedures for function, wear and damageDemonstrate understanding of the standard search operating procedures, requirements, and protocols of the state and other AHJ partnersDiscuss the following characteristics for hazard analysis and risk mitigation found in Search and RescueWhat is the hazardWhat Risk(s) is/are associated with this hazardWhat control(s) can be put in place to mitigate this/these risk(s)Health and Personal Safety (SAR FIELD I)Demonstrate determining when to use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and safety equipment for Search and Rescue Field ActivitiesLegal Aspects of Search and Rescue (SAR FIELD I) Nothing additional this levelLand Navigation Skills (SAR FIELD I)Demonstrate an understanding of plotting methods or grid systems using these systems:USNG (United States National Grid)Convert location between USNG and Lat-Long (using GPS, software, of similar)Reporting current location using Latitude – Longitude (DD MM.MMM format) over radio (for example to establish a helicopter landing zone)Demonstrate proficiency with nighttime land navigationLocate three retro-reflective points at least 300 meters apart using map, compass, and (non-mapping) munications Skills (SAR FIELD I)Demonstrate proficiency with oral and written communications skills:Correctly using the ICS Communications logCorrectly using the ICS Equipment logCommunicating when radio communications are not being successfulDescribe four (4) techniques for improving communications between a field team and base Search Skills (SAR FIELD I)Describe an attraction “station”You are the Team Leader for a group of emergent volunteers tasked with an area search. Demonstrate the briefing you would give your teamDemonstrate the briefing for the radio operator and “medic” on your teamExplain how to grid search an assigned areaDiscuss area search proficiency, including:The role of a team leaderSelecting and maintaining appropriate spacingApproaching, and moving through, a search areaTechniques to insure area coverageTime managementThe trade-off between efficiency and thoroughnessBasic Rope and Rescue Systems Skills (SAR FIELD I)Demonstrate the ability to tie the following“Butterfly knot”Construct a load releasing hitch (radium release hitch) Knowledge of Rope System DesignDemonstrate the formulation of a rescue plan List the steps in a rope rescue operation for a raising systemList the steps in a rope rescue operation using a lowering systemDemonstrate proficiency with the construction of these systems:Single point anchor systemusing wrap-3-pull-2 anchorusing the anchor strap methodusing the tensionless hitchProperly rigging a load releasing hitch within a systemA simple 3:1 mechanical advantage system, with appropriate safetyTwin-tension systems (for appropriate situations)Demonstrate proficiency with low angle raising systems by performing these tasks:Using operational commands and a simple 3:1 raising system, direct a team in a low-angle raising operationWhile under a simulated load, convert a 3:1 raising system to a lowering systemDemonstrate proficiency with low angle lowering systems by performing these tasks:Using operational commands, direct a team in a low-angle lowering operationWhile under simulated load, direct a team in converting a lowering system to a simple 3:1 raising systemLeadership Skills (SAR FIELD I)Demonstrate an understanding of the following search process stages:Preplanning and PreparationFirst NoticeCheck-inBriefingAssignmentDebriefingCheck-outReturn to serviceMission CritiquePersonal Mission LogLead a field team on an extrication taskDemonstrate a team briefing including:Subject informationTerrainTacticsCluesWeatherSafety issuesAssignment objectivesAttitudeEquipment neededDemonstrate a team debriefing, including:Clues foundSearch area coverage were there sections of the search area that you could not effectively inspectSafety issuesDifficulties, or problems, in the search areaForms and documentsDemonstrate helicopter ground support operations (landing zone [LZ]), including:Selecting and marking appropriate LZ area sizeCommunicating LZ coordinates to base/aircrewEstablishing and maintaining landing zone safetyIdentifying visible hazards and wind directionIdentifying available resources, both personnel and equipmentEffectively communicating conditions and hazards to aircrewNOTE: These Search Manager standards are intended to be functionally unchanged from prior standards.Search Manager Level IIIA member at this level has the ability to function as a member of a NIMS compliant General staff position, including Operations Section Chief and Planning Section Chief for a missing person or ground portion of a missing aircraft search. Search managers at this level can initiate a search mission, including conducting an initial investigation, starting basic paperwork, and initiating reflex tasking for all resource types.Requirements (SM III)General (SM III)Be certified as at least the SAR Field II levelServe as a general staff member of the Command Post or Base on one incident within the last three years. Complete ICS 300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents (24 hours)Complete one of the following courses:Managing Land Search OperationsManaging the Lost Person IncidentManaging Search OperationsManaging the Search FunctionOther equivalent (contact Conference Training Officer to determine equivalence)Receive a favorable evaluation from a supervising or peer Search Manager on your performance. Field OperationsDescribe three sources of weather informationFor each of the following parameters, assign realistic tasks to field teams TerrainWeatherPersonnelthe context of a searchSearchBrief a field team leader properly before a task, including:Subject informationHistoryEquipmentBehavior and medical historyWeatherTerrainKnown hazardsThe search taskTask objectivesClues in the areaEstimated time allocated to the taskDescribe the considerations to be taken for an aircraft crash sceneGiven a report of clues found, describe the properDocumentationResponse toDescribe properly managing a field team leader debriefClues foundSearch area coverage were there sections of the search area that you could not effectively inspectSafety issuesDifficulties, or problems, in the search areaForms and documentsAvailability for reassignmentDemonstrate debriefing a Specialty teamK9 (including obtaining information on air movement)Mantracker/signcutterEvacuation Medical AircraftELTDemonstrate plotting bearings from Direction-Finding instrumentsGiven a simulated search scenario an Operations Kit and list of resourcesComplete an accurate Strategy Map Using the generated Strategy MapGenerate a set of appropriate tasks to complete the initial strategyProperly generate a Task Assignment Form for each taskCreate a Status MapComplete the ICS formsMedicalOrganizational (including ICS 201)CommunicationEvacuation and Demobilization PlansCommunicationsDemonstrate deploying antennas and relays, using available high points and ground planesDescribe the proper placement of antennas.ManagementGiven a simulated mission, develop a comprehensive Communications Plan Describe interfacing via radio with other organizations Local Emergency DepartmentsCivil Air PatrolHamSearch Manager Level IIA member at this level has the ability to function as a member of a NIMS compliant Command staff position, including Incident Commander, or part of a unified command for a missing person or ground portion of a missing aircraft search. Search managers at this level can manage a single-site land-search mission, including complex missions, with a base staff up to 20 persons. Additionally, these search managers at this level can fill in in a staff position in any size mission.Requirements (SM II)Before advancing to Search Manager Level II, individuals shall complete these requirements:Hold the position of Search Manager Level III for at least 1 yearBe at least 21 years of ageServe as a command staff member of the Command Post or Base on one incident (actual or simulated) within the last three years and receive a favorable performance evaluation from a supervising or peer SAR memberComplete ICS-400: Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff (16 hours)Knowledge and Performance ExpectationsLegal AspectsExplain how the following legal concepts apply to search and rescue operations:Good Samaritan LawsCivil suits and criminal actionsStandards of careThe right to emergency assistanceThe duties to provide emergency assistanceAbandonmentImplied consentEntry, during incidents, on property posted "No Trespassing"Crime scene protectionDeclaration of deathConfirmation of death ConfidentialitySAR OperationsDefine the field team role for these types of missions:Lost person searchDowned aircraft searchRescueDisaster assistance.Demonstrate an understanding of the laws, policies, procedures, operating instructions, memorandums and agreements that govern SAR operations in the ASRC’s area of operation.Demonstrate an understanding of the NIMS Incident Command System as it applies to SAR and how the system can be adapted to any size incident.Demonstrate an understanding of the following SAR resources including:how they are obtainedtheir appropriate usetheir inappropriate useAir scent search dogsTracking/trailing dogsTrackers/Field Team SigncuttersSpecialized SAR management teamsSpecialized SAR field teamsMounted search teamsFixed wing aircraftRotary wing aircraftDemonstrate an understanding of the following non-SAR resources includinghow they are obtainedtheir potential function in a SAR incidentClergy and religious organizationsCritical incident stress managementState Coordinating OfficerCoroner/Medical ExaminerChild/Youth protective servicesPublic safety agencies such as fire, police, rescueFederal agencies such as National Park Service (NPS)National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB)Health and Human ServicesFederal Aviation Administration (FAA)National Guard or other Military unitsFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)Red CrossSalvation ArmyCivic clubsDemonstrate an understanding of PsychicsWhen to effectively use themWhat their concerns areHow they impact a SAR incidentHow to interact with themHow to effectively use themHow to mitigate against their inappropriate external influencesDemonstrate an understanding of the MediaWhen to effectively use themWhat their concerns areHow they impact a SAR incidentHow to interact with themHow to effectively use themHow to mitigate against their inappropriate external influencesDemonstrate an understanding of the Family and friends of the subject(s)When to effectively use themWhat their concerns areHow they impact a SAR incidentHow to interact with themHow to effectively use themHow to mitigate against their inappropriate external influencesDescribe the role of the Search Manager in relation to the Legal Responsible Agent (RA)When the RA is uncooperativeWhen the mission involves or expands into other jurisdictionsDescribe the role of the SM in relation to the various resources that may participate in a search mission in the following situations:When the SM has overall responsibility for all resources presentWhen the mission involves or expands into other jurisdictionsDemonstrate an understanding of certain legal issues related to SAR including:ConfidentialityCriminal investigationsDiscovery of non-incident related illegal activitiesLiability for lent or donatedEquipmentServicesSuppliesMaintaining the chain of evidenceManagement of deceased subjectsRestricting access to various areasRestricted airspaceSite security and surveillanceTrespassingUse of minors in SAR incidentsUse of SAR personnel for apprehension of criminals and crime scene investigationSearch ManagementDemonstrate the ability to generate and manage an Incident Action Planincluding overall incident goals and objectivesincluding daily incident goals and objectivesDemonstrate the ability to develop and manage a staffDescribe when and which staff positions, where, and why various functions should be assigned to, including the following functions:OperationsPlansLogisticsFinanceMedia liaisonInteragency liaisonSafetyInvestigationsClue analysisDemonstrate the ability to communicate with the staffStaff briefingsStaff meetingsWritten communicationsDescribe the internal staff information flow system (verbal, written and electronic communications) required throughout the incident to insure that information is properlyCollectedEvaluatedDisseminatedUtilizedStoredDemonstrate the ability to work within a unified command systemDescribe communicating with appropriate state SAR coordinating agencyWhen to contactHow to contactWhat type of incident information is requiredDiscuss outside influence problems common to search missionsIdentifyDescribe solutionsReasoningDiscuss potential safety issuesIdentifyHow they can be countered (if they can be.)Describe when risk factors outweigh the need to continue operations.In an aircraft search, describe the deployment differences for the ground portion of resources forUrbanSuburbanRuralWildernessIn an aircraft search, describe the differences in search strategies for the ground portion of resources forUrbanSuburbanRuralWildernessWhen working with limited resources Describe resource prioritizationDescribe how such shortages can be overcome (if they can be)When working with limited resources describe how to effectively/efficiently use them forUrban searchSuburban searchRural searchWilderness searchDescribe the process for suspending a missionExplain the SM's role after the subject has been locatedStressDescribe the common signs of incident stressDefine the criteria for recommending a critical incident stress debriefingDemonstrate the ability to complete all necessary mission documentationFCC Rules and ASRC Radio Communications Policy and SOP:Describe FCC rules under which the ASRC operatesDescribe FCC rules pertinent to the ASRCDiscuss the ASRC Communications Policies and SOPState the use and number of units allowed for each FCC licensed frequencyused by the ASRCDescribe appropriate concerns with interference with other NetsPlanningDescribe what is needed and how these organizations can be put to best useResources -- describe what the organizations can provide and when; andOperationsFind out what they need during operations and try to provide itExplain when a temporary commercial telephone line installation is practicalDescribe the procedure to obtain a temporary installationMaintain proper records (Communications log and equipment sign-out log)Search Manager Level IA member at this level has the ability to function as the Incident Commander or a NIMS compliant Command staff position, or part of a unified command for a missing person or ground portion of a missing aircraft search. Search Managers at this level can manage complex multi-site search missions, and serve in any staff position at any mission.Requirements (SM I)Before advancing to search Manager Level I, individuals shall complete these requirements:Hold the position of Search Manager Level II for at least 1 yearComplete the National Inland SAR Planning Course (40 hours)Complete G290: Public Information Officer – BasicOutline the delegation of authority and responsibility for search and rescue in states where ASRC is located.Appendix AThe following classes satisfy the Search Manager III, II, and I requirements: ICS 300: Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents (24 hours);ICS-400: Advanced ICS for Command and General Staff (16 hours);Managing Land Search Operations (40 hours);Practical Search Operations (40 hours);Search Manager for Ground Search and Rescue (24 hours);Planning Section Chief for Search and Rescue (24 hours);National Inland SAR Planning Course (40 hours);Virginia Management Team Member (40 hours);Virginia Management Team Leader (40 hours);Incident Commander for Ground Search and Rescue (32 hours);Lost Person Behavior (8 to 32 hours);Urban Search and Investigation (16 hours);Wide Area Search (24 hours);Search Leadership classes offered by NASARSearch leadership classes offered by VDEM, PEMA, or similar state or federal agenciesOther approved equivalent classes, as recommended by the CTO and approved by the Board of Directors Appendix BFirst Aid Skills for teams opting to integrate first aid into their internal training programLevel III Search Team Member skillsShow first aid for the following: Simple cuts and scrapes Blisters on the hand and foot Minor (thermal/heat) burns or scalds (superficial, or first degree) Bites or stings of insects and ticks Nosebleed Frostbite and sunburn Demonstrate First Aid for others the following:DehydrationHeat exhaustionHeat StrokeHypothermiaHyperventilationHypoglycemiaLevel III Search Team Member skillsPatient assessment (Head to toe) primary and secondary surveyCare for anaphylaxisEnvenomationLong Bone FracturesShock ................

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