The Vietnam War

Presentation Notes: The Vietnam War, 1954-1975

French Vietnam

1. From late-1800s to 1954, Vietnam is a colony of ___________. In 1945, Communist leader_________________ declares Vietnam independent; Vietnamese fight the French for independence; America aids the French in the fight against communism. In 1954, Vietnamese take the city of ________________ and defeat the French.

The Road to War

2. Vietnam divided at the 17th parallel: Communist North Vietnam and South Vietnam. Ho Chi Minh sets up a brutal government in the North but is popular for his __________________. Americans support the anti-Communist president of the South: _________________;.

3. Diem is unpopular: he is corrupt and represses Buddhism, the majority religion. Buddhist monks protest by setting themselves on fire.

4. Ho uses the ______________________ to send help to the Vietcong/VC (_______________________________).

5. JFK supports Diem with _____________ and _______________. Diem govt. becomes too unstable. US-supported military coup (overthrow) takes over the South; Diem is ________________.

Beginning and Escalation of the War

6. President Johnson (LBJ) believes in stopping the spread of _______________. In 1964 there is a questionable attack on American ships in the Gulf of Tonkin. Congress passes the ___________________________ giving LBJ broad military power to fight in Vietnam.

7. By June 1965, 50,000 American soldiers are fighting the Vietcong (VC) in the South. (Note: the book/movie We Were Soldiers deals with a one of the earliest major battles: the battle of Ia Drang, Nov 1965).

8. US commander __________________ believes the South Vietnamese Army, the _____, is ineffective. Requests more troops: ________ American soldiers by 1967).

A Difficult Enemy

9. Vietcong is very difficult to fight.

• Tactics: _________, __________, and _____________.

• Underground network of tunnels __________, __________, and __________.

• VC also aided by ________ and the ____________.

|Look over the notes so far. Write a summary of how the United States became involved in the Vietnam War. |

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The War at Home

10. Americans watch nightly footage of the war. Draft requires men ages _________ to join the armed forces. 80% of soldiers come from ______________.

11. Anti-war protests are staged all over the nation. Men burn ___________ in protest.

12. In 1968 the VC attack _____ cities and ____ US bases in South Vietnam during the Vietnam New Year celebrations (Tet). The “Tet Offensive.” War loses a lot of support among Americans. Many see it as unwinnable. President Johnson announces he will not run for reelection. Major anti-war protests.

13. Many Americans, known as the _________________ continue supporting the war.

14. My Lai Massacre: in Nov 1969, NY Times reports that American troops killed _____ Vietnamese civilians in a small village in early 1968. Americans are outraged.

Peace with Honor

15. President Nixon looking to end the war “honorably.” Announces plan of _____________: US troops withdraw; South Vietnamese take over. Orders bombing of VC operations in _____________ and ____________. Sends in troops to Cambodia: America can’t act like a “pitiful, helpless giant” says Nixon.

16. Anti-war protests erupt all over the country; __________ college campuses are shut down. 4 students are killed by the National Guard at a protest at Kent State University.

Effects of the War

17. Leaked government papers (Pentagon papers) reveal LBJ’s plans to _______________________. Confirms that the government was not honest about its intentions to enter the war.

18. Congress calls for an end to the war; peace treaty signed in the year ______. Last Americans come out in the year ______.

19. Causalties: ______________ Americans; _______________________ Vietnamese. Soldiers treated with hostility; many psychologically damaged.

20. Congress passes the__________________. President must advise Congress of troop deployment within _____ hours and limited to ______ day military deployment without congressional approval.

|Look over the rest of the notes and write a summary. |

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