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United States History & Geography Modern Times 2016Chapter 3 – Lesson 4 Review / Answer GuidePage 137Reviewing Vocabulary1.?Contrasting?What is the difference between a closed shop and a lockout?A closed shop is a business that hires only union workers; a lockout occurs when a business refuses to allow union workers to work.2.?Paraphrasing?What is another word or phrase for an injunction?a court order?Using Your Notes?3.?Comparing?Use your notes from the lesson to identify some common features of incidents of labor unrest.Most involved violence, required the intervention of government militias or troops, and ended only after government intervention.?Answering the Guiding Questions4.?Drawing Conclusions?Why did workers try to form labor unions in the late 1800s?They believed that it was the best way to negotiate for better wages and working conditions.5.?Making Generalizations?What social issues led to the rise of the effort to form labor unions for women?Women were paid less for the same work; they were considered only suitable for “women’s work” and were excluded from unions organized by men6.?Contrasting?How were the new industrial unions different from the older trade unions?Early trade unions catered mostly to the needs of skilled white male workers. Industrial unions reached out to unskilled workers and sometimes allowed women and African Americans to join.?Writing Activity7. Narrative?Suppose that you are a union leader. Write a letter to a factory owner in which you try to persuade him or her to make changes in wages or other work policies on behalf of the factory’s workers. Be sure to be specific about your requests and the reasons why they are necessary. Underline the text in your own narrative that shows where the factory owner would consider your comments to show bias in your viewpoint.Answers should include facts about wages, working conditions, work hours, child labor, evening work for women, or other issues of concern to labor unions. Students’ letters should use persuasive words to support their requests. Letters should have underlined text to indicate where a factory owner would consider the text biased. ................

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