1978 Humanoid Reports, the year the dam broke

1978 Humanoid Reports, the year the bottom dropped out. As far as range and variety of incidents 1978 led the 70’s decade. All types of humanoids were reported worldwide and in all types of situations. Besides your standard abductions, there were numerous types of entities reported. Humanoid waves were reported from Italy, France, England, Malaysia, Spain, etc. The first reports coming from behind what it used to be the Iron curtain were beginning to emerge; repeated abductions were reported from Brazil. Bizarre incidents and abductions surfaced from Australia and New Zealand. Reports from previously slow areas became commonplace. High Strangeness was at its height. An era of change was looming, the 80’s were just around the corner. In the US the reports were steady and consistently of a high strangeness nature, the ominous manimal-bigfoot-para-ape connection became more evident. A well documented possibly retrieval of a dead humanoid was reported in New Jersey early on the year, but it was only the beginning. It was an unprecedented year; it took 11 years to almost equal the quality and amount of reports recorded for 1978. Following is the list of the known 1978 reports.


Location. Kuantan Pahang Malaysia

Date: 1978 Time: unknown

A small object carrying several tiny humanoid figures was reported to have landed on the grounds of a local school by students. No other information.

HC addition # 1463

Source: Ahmad Jamaludin, in A summary of UFO and

Related events in Malaysia 1950/1980 Type: B


Location. Peter Tavy England

Date: 1978 Time: unknown

An undocumented report describing an encounter with a silver suited figure wearing something resembling a metallic bucket on his head. No other information.

HC addition # 2320

Source: PUFORG Type: E?


Location. Ocean off Finland

Date: 1978 Time: unknown

After a collision with a Soviet fighter plane, a disc shaped object fell into the ocean off Finland where it was recovered---with humanoid bodies—by a Soviet salvage team. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Les Ovnis Type: H?


Location. Kinderhook New York

Date: 1978 Time: afternoon

Two young boys, Barry Scott, and Russell Lee were camping in the woods, when they heard something tramping down the hill. When they looked out of their tent, they saw something that floated more than it walked. Each boy apparently saw something different. Barry saw a bell shaped white being, and Russell saw something he described as “like the Virgin Mary.” Whatever it was, the entity vanished among the trees, leaving the two boys in a state of bewildered excitement.

HC addition # 3007

Source: Sharon Jarvis, Dark Zones Type: E


Location. Wielikoje, Poland

Date: 1978 Time: unknown

Mendelejew W Charitonow reported seeing in a garden close to some woods a small transparent object resting on the ground. The object appeared to be made out of two sections, in one he could see a seat in what appeared to be a command console. The witness approached and saw 3 “perfect humans” inside, except for the faces, which were somehow “different.” He invited the humanoids to come out. But apparently he was taken inside where he was sat at a console and saw a square keyboard that apparently controlled the ship. He was then given a ride in the object and eventually released on the same field.

HC addendum

Source: CUN Milan Type: G


Location. Blumenau, Brazil

Date: 1978 Time: night

A 2-meter tall, human like figure with green luminous eyes was seen by a witness. It wore a fight fitting blue coverall and silvery boots. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil Type: E


Location. Near Sydney Australia

Date: 1978 Time: 1830

The 18-year old witness, who had earlier felt a strange compulsion to leave for the weekend and rent a room at an isolated, old hotel on the coast, was in her room, which overlooked the water, sitting on a chair, as it was getting dark. After about an hour she noticed a very bright light up in the sky that seemed to be moving in her direction. The bright object suddenly began to descend and began hovering very close to the window, only about 50 feet above the water. Then after an apparent time lapse, she found herself opening her eyes and now lying flat on her bed, it was now daylight and she soon was stunned to learn that two days had passed without her remembering anything. She went back home and as she sat in her room pondering what had happened, an avalanche of thoughts poured into her brain. She soon remembered that as she sat in the chair staring at the light she suddenly found herself onboard of what appeared to be a “spacecraft.” Disoriented she watched a group of “people” standing in front of her. There were two men and three women, the men were the closest to her, and the women just a few feet behind them. She described the humanoids as the most beautiful people she had ever seen. They all had jet black hair, and the most pearl/blue piercing eyes she had ever seen, their skin was extremely pale and their complexions flawless. Feeling scared she reached into her hand bag and grabbed a pair of scissors, holding them in both hands straight in front of her, in a threatening gesture. She yelled at the “aliens” not to come any closer to her. The man nearest to her simply smiled, then very slowly began to raise his arm until it was straight out in front of him. The scissors that the witness was holding suddenly began to melt; each part of the scissors began to roll back in a curling motion, until they wound up in a very tight curl. The man closest to her was the only one to speak and told the witness not to worry that they were not going to hurt her that they only needed to look at something. The same man told her that they needed to look at her hands. He then gestured for her to follow and walked on a corridor that had a slight elevation upside. After about 10 feet they reached what appeared to be an alcove or indentation on the wall. There was a small apparatus there that looked like a mirrored surface, 2’ by 2’. She was asked to place her hands on top of the machine, as they needed to get a record. The man then walked down the corridor and left the witness alone. The man returned then gesture at the witness to again follow him down the corridor. They stopped beside a room and was told to please wait there. Curious she entered the room, and noticed that it was shaped somewhat like a half diamond, with slanting walls and ceiling. The entire room was an odd red/rust color. She then walked out of the room and followed the corridor in an upward direction. The corridor came up to a very large room, that was nearly pitch black, and the only thing in the entire room was a very comfortable looking recliner chair. She approached the chair and placed her hand on the armrest, immediately the room seem to change, and she felt “alone in the Universe.” She repeated this several times but soon the now familiar man appeared and told her not to touch the chair again and to follow him, as she walked down the corridor again, she suddenly found herself on the bed back at the hotel.

HC addendum

Source: Karen Lyster Type: G


Location. Los Angeles California

Date: 1978 Time: 1700

The witness was being driven back home by her husband on his motorcycle and was going west on Figueroa Avenue. As they drove in front of a hotel she looked up and saw a metallic disc shaped craft, shooting up from behind the buildings. The object remained at a height of 100 feet as it traveled in a straight line, occasionally dipping 30 feet. Rounding a curve the sun shone on the object, and it appeared to turn transparent. Inside she was able to see 3 or 4 human like figures inside. Two, which were looking at her and were leaning over a console or platform. The men looked very handsome. She gave them the peace sign but they did not respond, displaying no emotion just curiosity. They attempted to follow the object but eventually lost sight of it.

HC addition # 3578

Source: NUFORC Type: A


Location. Near Scottsdale Arizona

Date: 1978 Time: 1930

The witness was driving in a remote area when he suddenly lost control of his vehicle, he drove on until he came up to the top of a hill, and there he was commanded to stop. He left the car and found himself walking on a valley that was filled with light. He was then ordered to climb a nearby mountain; it took him five hours to reach the top. He did not recall much after that and had one hour of missing time. Later under hypnosis he recalled that as he was walking on the valley a bright beam of light shone on him. He then saw ten beings dressed in white standing in a circle. The beings were five-foot five inches tall, wearing skintight outfits that covered their faces. Their heads were elongated and they had a large round black lens over the eye area, their mouths were slit like and the noses were holes. They had small chests and thin arms. He was then taken onboard an object where he was examined and some robot like beings cut inside his nose. When the witness was released he saw two hovering objects one larger than the other.

HC addition # 1180

Source: Aileen Edwards, On the UFO road again. Type: G


Location. Near Damascus Virginia

Date: 1978 Time: evening

John Cornett and three friends were driving on Dollarsville road when they saw a huge paneled craft with different types of lights on its hull descending slowly over the area. They pulled off to the side of the road and saw the craft descend lower. They could now see that it had a segmented hull with numerous viewing ports. A small white sphere shot away from the craft leaving a green tracer behind, this apparently bothered the witness eyes. John Cornett left the vehicle and felt mental communication from the craft. He could now also see several figures moving behind the viewing panels, these were very tall with large heads, he could see blue lighting inside the craft. The craft suddenly shot away towards the north at high speed shooting a long sheet of flame from its rear.

HC addition # 2317

Source: CUFOS Files Type: A


Location. Near Fort Lewis Washington

Date: 1978 Time: 1215A

One night a platoon of soldiers were conducting war games in the forest, when the truck malfunctioned and lost all power. One soldier, Edwin Godoy, was ordered to stay behind with the truck as the other men left on foot. Soon after midnight he noticed a figure some 300 meters away from him, standing next to some pine trees in the forest. The figure was very tall, and its body was completely covered with hair. It had dark long grayish hair all over its body and it stood next to the pine trees swinging its body sideways while looking straight at Godoy. It was very strongly built and his eyes glowed red in the dark. The figure suddenly began running towards the witness. After yelling at the figure to stop, he fired a shot into the air then at the figure. The hairy figure grabbed its chest and emitted a loud moan, stopped and then ran to his right disappearing into the forest. Godoy locked himself in the truck until the morning. Later special army units found a peculiar green liquid in the area, believed to have been blood from the creature.

HC addition # 3161

Source: Jorge Martin Type: E


Location. Jao Pessoa, Paraiba Brazil

Date: 1978 Time: night

The witness was sleeping in his room when he suddenly woke up with a start, frightened. He then saw two beings standing next to his bed. One of them carried a crystal vase, which contained a blue liquid inside. He told the witness that they wanted to cure him of a festering eye problem he had. Very frightened the witness refused any treatment, and then both humanoids walked through the wall and vanished.

HC addition # 3659

Source: Centro Paraibano de Ufologia Type: E


Location. La Parguera Puerto Rico

Date: 1978 Time: night

A man noticed two tall light skin men, with long blond silvery hair standing next to some trees by his home. The figures were wearing long black tunics and had large medallions hanging from their necks. The medallions had multicolored lights. The beings stared briefly at the witness then walked away apparently disappearing slowly from view as they left the area.

HC addition # 1200

Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 43 Type: E


Location. Sydney New South Wales, Australia

Date: 1978 Time: night

The female witness suddenly woke up feeling agitated and heard a voice. Several figures apparently human like but identical to each other like clones, appeared, and directed her to come with them. She was then pushed through a doorway into a room that resembled a TV studio room. She then saw herself, her husband, and her daughter on a viewing screen, apparently walking through a shopping center. This scene was apparently a prediction of a future event. No other information.

HC addition # 2032

Source: Keith Basterfield Type: G


Location. Terre Haute, Indiana

Date: 1978 Time: night

A husband and wife were at home when someone looked in the window. At this point they experienced a time lapse. Under hypnosis the husband recalled that he had gone with some beings to help repair the engine of their craft. The beings were humanoid with horse like heads and robot like body. The wife remembered looking at a console that showed her images of a far away world. The wife reportedly suffered permanent eye damage.

HC addition # 496

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions

The Measure of A Mystery Type: G


Location. Home Counties, England

Date: 1978 Time: night

The two witnesses, twin boys were standing in the hallway when one twin began felling very odd. It felt like an earth tremor was striking. There were vibrations and tremors running through him. His brother began feeling the same thing too. The atmosphere of the house had altered, it felt tense and silent. Even the dogs appeared to be affected. Then a bright light appeared as a reflection in the frosted glass of the doorway. At the same time a small figure ran through the hall and headed upstairs. Only one of the twins saw the figure, which was described as 3-feet tall and dressed in an all black jumpsuit with a helmet covering the head. The dog suddenly went berserk and then headed off into a corner remaining there whimpering and cowering. One of the twins obtained a knife and searched the house for the intruder, of course nothing was found.

HC addition # 2287

Source: Jenny Randles, Star Children Type: E


Location. Kitley Woods, Indiana

Date: 1978 Time: night

The witness got out of bed to go to the kitchen. She approached a window and next remembered lying on a table in a well-lighted room. Two humanoid beings with large heads and liquid black eyes were examining her. The beings had gray skin and a slight build, and were 4 to 5-feet tall. The beings probed her nostrils and in some way caused her throat to fill with blood. She vaguely recalled other details.

HC addition # 2244

Source: Budd Hopkins Type: G


Location. Puerto Rico, exact location not given

Date: 1978 Time: night

The witness was lying down on his bed attempting to go to sleep when he began to feel an unusual spinning sensation. His whole body appeared to be vibrating. As his mind began to clear he became aware of standing inside what he assumed was a “spaceship,” the surroundings were pulsating with a brilliant light. He felt a mental message and saw a group of seven beings standing directly in front of him, both male and female. Some stood around and others were manipulating some sort of control. One of the beings that was human in appearance and wore a pure white suit looked at the witness with the most intense and penetrating eyes he ever witnesses. A beautiful glow surrounded the beings and the witness felt a sense of peace emanating from them. The white-garbed beings, that seemed to be the leader communicated with the witness by using telepathy. He spoke of the energy used to propel their ship and of many other subjects including the cosmic mind and creation. Soon he found himself back on his bed with a clear memory of all that had transpired.

HC addition # 2205

Source: Douglas Taylor, International UFO Library Magazine

Vol. 3 # 4 Type: G


Location. Winnipeg, British Columbia, Canada

Date: 1978 Time: night

During a period were many strange phenomena including “cool breezes” bird-like fluttering sounds, lights going on & off by themselves, the main witness, Mrs C, saw one night a ball of light hovering in the back hallway. Later that evening Mrs C was suddenly aware of a “monk-like” hooded figure about 6 ft tall and only three ft from the bed. The white form had no visible face, and simply stood by the bedside with its arms at its sides. It stood motionless for 4 minutes, during which time Mrs C did not say a word to her husband. The next morning he grudgingly admitted he had seen it too.

HC addendum

Source: Chris Rutkowski, Abductions & Aliens

What’s really going on? Type: E


Location. Near San Angelo, Texas

Date: 1978 Time: night

A military man and his wife were driving on Highway 77 on his way to Ohio when as they went over a hill they came upon a line of black robed figures walking across the highway. There was no way in this dark road that the figures could not see the vehicle headlights. Before the driver could react, she drove the vehicle right between two of the walking figures. The figures did not flinch or show any reaction. Stunned they noticed that further back in the line, was a man with a “lumberjack” shirt on, unbuttoned, walking with them. The witnesses were frightened since there had been numerous “cattle mutilations” in the area around the same time. They kept on driving and left the area.

HC addendum

Source: Fortean Times Type: E


Location. Capapava, Brazil

Date: 1978 Time: night

A luminous bus-shaped object was seen landing on a field. A humanoid figure about 1.70 meters in height was briefly seen standing next to the object. Ground traces were apparently found. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil Type: C


Location. Presidente Dutra, Brazil

Date: 1978 Time: night

Witnesses saw two humanoids about 1.20 meters in height wearing tight fitting blue coveralls and boots. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil Type: E


Location. Sarteano Italy

Date: 1978 Time: 2100

Witnesses spotted a tiny phosphorescent man-like entity than ran down a street in leaps and bounds leaving behind it, a luminous trail. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: CUN Type: E


Location. Teheran Iran

Date: early January 1978 Time: unknown

12-year old Sara claims to have communicated with a “space being” 5 times in a 7-day period. The creature was about 6 ft 7 inches tall, had arms 3 times the length of humans and was covered with black fur. It identified itself as “HONOR” and said he was 10 light years ahead of Earth. The creature apparently gave Sara poltergeist like powers, as she is allegedly able to unplug wall sockets, move furniture and turn the radio on and off without touching any of the items.

HC addition # 3044

Source: Robert E Bartholomew, UFO Lore Type: E or F?


Location. Near Gateshead Tyne and Wear England

Date: January 1978 Time: 0350A

The witness suddenly woke up to the sound of a high-pitched buzz that seemed to be coming from inside her head. This happened several nights in a row until one night when somebody took hold of her hand. All she saw was the arm of the person that was holding her, she was afraid to look. A glowing bluish suit covered the arm of the being. She was able somehow to see through her own hand as if were an X-ray photo. Finally the figure left and the buzzing sound ended.

HC addition # 1427

Source: Jenny Randles, Mind Monsters Type: E


Location. Warkworth New Zealand

Date: January 1978 Time: night

A young couple saw a bright light in the sky. They shone a flashing light at it and it quickly descended and landed nearby. It was a glowing silvery saucer shaped craft. A door opened and a very tall figure stood there. The witnesses then waved at the figure that then waved back. The door then closed and the craft rose and left.

HC addition # 219

Source: Keith Basterfield, Mufon Journal # 177 Type: A


Location. Between Orlando and Jacksonville Florida

Date: January 1978 Time: night

Five witnesses were driving on a deserted stretch of road when a red luminous object descended behind some trees near them. They reached their destination 2 hours late. Later dreams revealed that they had been abducted by small gray skin humanoids and possibly examined. No other information.

HC addition # 501

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The

Measure of A Mystery Type: G


Location. Simonswood Moss Rainford England

Date: January 2 1978 Time: 2300

Four young men were returning home and were driving on an isolated road in a flat boggy area when they realized they had taken a wrong turn onto a narrow dirt road bordering a ditch. Suddenly a seven-foot tall figure appeared in the glare of the headlights eight meters ahead. The being appeared to be wearing a white fluorescent one-piece suit with boots, it had no discernible facial features and it had very short arms ending in claws it also had a box with two flashing red lights on its chest. The figure took two steps towards the witnesses and suddenly stopped. The witnesses now in a state of panic left the area and drove to a nearby farm where they notified the authorities.

HC addition # 377

Source: Peter Hough, UFOs 1947-1987 The

40-year search for an explanation. Type: E


Location. Wrose England

Date: January 4 1978 Time: night

The witness was lying in bed when a short silvery transparent figure suddenly appeared hovering above the bed. It seemed human like and was wearing a monk like robe. It also appeared to have some short wing like protrusions and a bright halo type light around its head. It suddenly vanished in plain sight.

HC addition # 1790

Source: Nigel Watson, Portraits of Alien Encounters Type: E


Location. Santo Antonio De Caparica Estremadura Portugal

Date: January 6 1978 Time: 2230

Two men walking away from a beachfront café saw a bright bluish light flying low above the ocean at high speed in a descending angle. The light then stopped and descended slowly into a wooded area, next to some nearby camping grounds. Both men ran into the wooded area, which was now completely lighted by a bluish light. Upon entering a clearing they saw 8 meters away a huge human like figure, wearing a loose fitting silvery outfit, shiny in appearance. He also wore a large white helmet with a narrow black visor at eye level. The figure stood across from the witnesses and then it turned around and slowly walked towards a hovering metallic bluish saucer shaped craft with a dome on top, that was hovering very close to the ground. Both men became frightened and ran away from the area. During the encounter one of the witnesses felt a peculiar buzzing sound inside his head and suffered from lack of sleep afterwards. The next day ground traces were found at the clearing.

HC addition # 108

Source: Ballester Olmos, & Fernandez Peri

Enciclopedia De Los Encuentros Cercanos Con Ovnis Type: C


Location. South Middleton Massachusetts

Date: January 9 1978 Time: 1930

Two of the witnesses were sitting in their living room, when through the window they saw an approaching large yellowish white light angling towards the ground; one of the witnesses described the object as a yellow orange ball of light. One witness ran out the back door to see the object disappear behind the trees. Telephone interference was reported in the house at the same time. Later one of the children in an upstairs room reported seeing a white figure at the foot of the bed that tried to touch him. Moments later the father heard a noise coming from an empty room, going to investigate he then heard a noise at the window, when he pulled the curtains back he saw a white figure standing on top of the back porch roof. The figure was hooded and seemed to be wearing a mask. Later while investigating a noise at the front porch door the same witness saw the white suited figure standing just outside the glass door.

HC addition # 257

Source: David Webb, Mufon Journal # 143 Type: C?


Location. South Middleton Massachusetts

Date: January 10 1978 Time: 1430

The witness was chopping wood just north of his house when he spotted a white suited figure standing on a path about 90 feet away. The figure was described as four and a half foot tall wearing a square helmet with two round eyeholes; it had broad shoulders and arms that hung down its sides. It wore gray mittens each with 3 digits. The witness spoke English and French at the figure but got no significant reaction. After awhile the witness drove back home and on his way there he spotted a large egg shaped object on a slope in a partially wooded area. The object was dark gray in color and had bubble like windows.

HC addition # 258

Source: David Webb, Mufon Journal # 143 Type: C


Location. Redding California

Date: January 14 1978 Time: night

The witness woke up in the middle of the night to see a strange entity standing near her bed. It was described as having a flat head, large eyes, and a big nose; it appeared to extend its arms over her. No other information.

HC addition # 913

Source: Jacques Vallee, Confrontation A scientist

Search for Alien Contact Type: E


Location. McGuire Air Force Base New Jersey

Date: January 18 1978 Time: 0300A

During a spate of sightings of low flying objects in the area, that involved military police and state troopers, it was reported that a military police officer was chasing a low flying bluish green oval shaped object that then hovered over his car, his radio transmission abruptly cutoff and a four-foot gray brown figure with a large head, long arms and slender body appeared in front of his car. The police officer panicked, firing five shots into the creature and one at the hovering object. The object then shot straight up and the humanoid ran into the woods. Later it was reported that military patrols apparently located the dead body of the humanoid, which gave off foul ammonia like odor. The humanoid was crated into a wooded box and loaded into a plane, which took off, destination unknown.

HC addition # 250

Source: Leonard Stringfield, FSR Vol. 31 # 2 Type: H?


Location. Anlaby North Humberside England

Date: January 18 1978 Time: evening

Four young men were playing in the local schoolyard when they heard a sharp whistling sound and looked up to see a round silvery object with windows, and changing colors landing on the flat roof of the schoolhouse. Three beings emerged from the object. They were described as small and wearing gold colored suits and lacking any arms. Tubes came from their backs and apparently were connected into the object. As the witness watched, the beings ran back into the object which took off slowly, one of the witnesses saw through a hole in the bottom the beings apparently returning to some seats inside the craft.

HC addition # 166

Source: Nigel Watson, Strange Magazine # 10 Type: B


Location. Piranhas Brazil

Date: January 19 1978 Time: 1715

Six young boys were playing soccer on a field when they saw a luminous disc shaped object flying over the area. It flew at treetop level then stopped and descended to the ground without making a sound. Four of the boys ran terrified to their houses and two remained behind. Two cousins, Manoel Roberto & Paulinho Roberto had stayed behind. The children told their parents and a search for the two cousins ensued. Later after midnight a telephone call from the police alerted the family of Manoel Roberto that he had been picked up by an engineer Mr. Touro in the nearby city of Rondonopolis, cold and hungry and looking for shelter. Later he narrated that as the object landed his cousin Paulinho and himself also tried to run but were unable to move. They were then attracted towards the object. Inside the craft they found themselves in a large room where there was only a chair and a button. In the room there were also eight short humanoids, wearing reddish rubbery tight-fitting suits, there faces were human-like. Both boys remained on the chair unable to move, until one of the short men approached and passed his hand over the side of the chair. Later the object landed in Rondonopolis and Manoel was let go by the humanoids. Around the same time there was a reported power outage in the area. His cousin Paulinho has never been seen or heard from again. His whereabouts remain unknown.

HC addendum

Source: Guillermo Daniel Gimenez, ONIFE-CEP Type: G


Location. Frodsham Cheshire England

Date: January 27 1978 Time: early am

Four men were out pouching in a field next to the River Weaver, when they sighted a silvery balloon like object float along the river and land. It emitted a strong purplish glow that made it hard to look at. Two figures of normal height emerged, they wore silvery suits and had lamps on their heads like miners, and these also glowed purple. Cows on a nearby field seemed to become paralyzed and unable to move. Using a metal cage the figures penned in one of the cows and seemed to measure it. The men then became frightened and ran from the area, as they ran they felt a strange tingling sensation around the groin area.

HC addition # 519

Source: Jenny Randles, Abduction Type: C


Location. Chelmsford England

Date: January 28 1978 Time: night

A young couple driving through town saw a bright light descend from the sky in front of them, as it got closer they could see that it was a brightly lit disc shaped craft with a large viewing window where several figures could be seen apparently looking out. The object moved away rapidly and was lost from sight.

HC addition # 1004

Source: Bufora Journal Vol. 7 # 1 Type: A


Location. Pine Knot Kentucky

Date: January 28 1978 Time: night

A man running his hunting dogs in a field just south of the city saw a brightly lit disc shaped craft land on a nearby clearing, about 100 yards from the witness. Apparently two eight-foot tall humanoids emerged. These were described as having yellow browned complexions and gave off a very putrid smell. No other information.

HC addition # 742

Source: Cufos Reports Type: B


Location. Montvale New Jersey

Date: January 31 1978 Time: 1815

Three young children were playing on the ice on a field of the local elementary school, it was dark, and floodlights illuminated the field. The boys then noticed a “plane” like object that passed slowly over the field. Moments later a second object arrived, it was described as square shaped with large yellow lights on each corner with a slight dome on top and a red light underneath. The object emitted a red beam of light towards the ground, which stopped short before touching it. They then noticed several figures moving stiffly along, around the park area. These figures were humanoid and were dressed in bright yellow outfits with boots and gloves. They were of average height and bald headed. One of the beings appeared different since he had a larger head which seemed “creased” down the middle and was wearing a brown cape over the yellow suit. As the witnesses watched the figures they noted and uncanny silence and an unpleasant sulfur like odor in the area. The figures walked away towards the nearby Public Works Garage. The boys then noticed another figure, this one a woman standing in the parking lot. She had medium long brown hair and wore a dark suit with blue fur around her shoulders and when she walked, she did as if in slow motion. She sat down on a low fence then raised her arm very slowly and pointed to the sky, apparently at another hovering square shaped object. The woman then also walked towards the Public Works building and at one point seemed to appear and disappear as a police vehicle drove by near her.

HC addition # 1758

Source: IUR Vol. 3 # 3, April 1978 Type: C?


Location. Near Strasbourg France

Date: January 31 1978 Time: after midnight

A man felt compelled to go to a nearby canal and as he approached the area, he heard a loud “bip bip” type sound. He then saw a red and white light shinning from behind a nearby hedgerow. Upon investigating he came upon a landed object with a ladder leading into it. He climbed onboard and inside two very tall human like figures met him. Both of these had shiny auburn colored hair and were very well built. They both wore tight fitting blue gray outfits. The beings were friendly towards the witness and apparently gave him a small tour of the “Galaxy” before returning him back to earth.

HC addition # 1964

Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine Type: G


Location. Gainsborough Lincolnshire England

Date: February 1 1978 Time: 2220

The witness saw a large silvery disc shaped object shoot overhead and land behind some nearby trees. Two figures about six-foot tall were seen standing next to the object. Both were man like with silvery suits. The object then left the area at very high speed.

HC addition # 165

Source: Nigel Watson, Strange Magazine # 10 Type: C


Location. La Florida Dam Argentina

Date: February 4 1978 Time: 1645

Six men were out fishing near the shore of a local lake when they sighted a huge upside down bowl shaped object emitting a bright fluorescent light descend near them at high speed. It stopped 25 meters from the witnesses and hovered. A hatch opened and a small ladder was lowered. A very tall human like figure then descended, he was wearing a bright silvery scaly outfit and wore mittens on his hands. He also had a transparent bowl shaped helmet that covered his whole head. The being had beautiful features and blond hair, he walked towards the shore near the witnesses and made a hand gesture, like a greeting, he then walked back and entered the object which quickly ascended at high speed towards the northwest.

HC addition # 353

Source: Bob Gribble Mufon Journal # 238 and

Fabio Zerpa, Los Hombres De Negro y Los Ovnis Type: B


Location. Scarborough Ontario Canada

Date: February 4 1978 Time: 2200

A young student was out walking when he heard a wavering sharp siren type sound, looking up he sighted a saucer shaped object hovering close to the ground. Through a transparent section on the dome, several moving figures could be seen inside. No other information.

HC addition # 10

Source: John Brent Musgrave, UFO Occupants and Critters Type: A


Location. Near Medicaneli Soria Spain

Date: February 5 1978 Time: 0330A

The witness was on his way to a hunting trip when he felt an irresistible impulse to change course. He stopped at a strange bar with an unusual waiter and a smell of pine and no other customers. He then left and again felt an urge to go to a particular place. At that point he lost all conscious memory. Later under hypnosis he remembered that his car apparently was under somebody else’s control, all the electrical systems failed and the car stopped. His dog growled as two tall broad shouldered humanoids approached the vehicle, these were human-like, 2 meters tall, with narrow waists and a powerful built. They had enlarged crania, penetrating eyes, long thin noses and pointed chins; they also had bluish white skin, Nordic in appearance. They wore light green one-piece coveralls with only their hands and faces exposed. They communicated by using telepathy and invited him to come with them, he followed them over a rise and into a large hovering disc with a dome on top. It had a rotating ring around it and a row of windows. A smell of ozone was in the air. He entered the object via a cylindrical elevator. He then entered a control room with several tables and consoles with conical seats. A third taller being greeted him there. Blood samples were taken from his dog and he was given a complete examination by two female beings and numerous body fluids were extracted from him. The witness became very nervous and was eventually released.

HC addition # 465

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The

Measure of a Mystery Type: G


Location. Balodonia Western Australia

Date: February 5 1978 Time: night

The witness was driving toward town, fully clothed, and then lost memory of several hours. He had fragmentary recollections of conversing with an entity about an invention. Later he found himself a few miles outside of town while some of his clothes were scattered about the truck cab. At some point during the incident, a brightly lighted object passed him, and then a small dull light pursued him for 30 minutes retreating only when other traffic approached.

HC addition # 2218

Source: Bill Chalker, Mufon UFO Journal # 150 Type: G?


Location. Big Springs Texas

Date: February 6 1978 Time: night

M. Feldman was driving alone on interstate 78 when suddenly the headlights of the car illuminated a tall bizarre creature standing on the side of the road. The figure had a definite reptilian appearance with its body covered with scales. It had large bright bulging eyes and a wide lipless mouth. Terrified he drove away from the area. Strange tracks were found at the scene. Others saw the same or similar creature during the next several days.

HC addition # 3209

Source: Jorge Martin, Evidencia Ovni # 17 Type: E


Location. Green Oak Township, Michigan

Date: February 8 1978 Time: around midnight

As dozens of independent witnesses watched maneuvering objects over the area, some described as huge and oval shaped, John and Clara Cassim were coming back from visiting friends when they saw a machine sitting in a small clearing off the road. “It looked like a very big light bulb resting on four legs.” Three humanoid figures appeared out of nowhere and climbed into the object. Then the object started to glow very bright and rose straight up.

HC addendum

Source: Michigan UFO Central Type: B


Location. Near San Justo Argentina

Date: February 14 1978 Time: night

Jorge Daniel Lamazon and Mario Martinez were driving south of the city on Route 11 when they noticed a bright white light approaching their vehicle, about 500 meters away. It was suddenly lost from sight. Their vehicle suddenly stalled and at the same time a very large man-like figure wearing a dark outfit approached to within three meters from the car. The being stared intently at the witnesses, then walked away disappearing into the darkness.

HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso Type: C?


Location. Cocula Mexico

Date: February 17 1978 Time: 0200A

Three teachers, Mr. Moreno, Mr. Aguilar and Mr. Coronado were on their way back to town from a late dinner, when they noticed bright flashes of green, red and white light coming from a nearby hill. They stopped their vehicle and got out to obtain a better look. They walked towards the lights, which appeared to be about 300 meters away. The light seemed to dim the closer they got to it. When they were about 20 meters from the light, they noticed that it was now an opaque egg shaped object, about 15 meters in length. It appeared to have three antennae like protrusions on top. It now gave off a fluorescent white glow. Curious the three men approached the object even further and began to surround it. Suddenly, one of the men noticed something very close to him and signaled the other two. They all then saw in an apparently freshly dug ditch a short “robot like’ humanoid that appeared to be still digging. The being seemed to be wearing a tight fitting silvery outfit with a round helmet. The little man simply ignored the trio and kept digging. Frightened all three ran across a field, entered the vehicle and drove away at very high speed. The next day they returned to the site and found numerous ground traces, including the ditch.

HC addition # 3507

Source: J J Benitez, El Arbol y La Serpiente Type: C


Location. Near Nettlebed England

Date: February 21 1978 Time: 2245

A motorist driving through thick fog near this village was entering an area of less dense fog and was rounding a bend when he saw two figures standing in the middle of the road. Each had outstretched arms and appeared to be completely bandaged from their heads down to their legs, somehow resembling “mummies.” His wife screamed and he swerved his vehicle to avoid them, the fog came down thick again and both figures were then lost from view.

HC addition # 770

Source: Norman Oliver, Quest UFO Magazine Vol. 11 # 6 Type: E


Location. Sesto Fiorentino Italy

Date: February 23 1978 Time: 2345

A couple sitting in their car began receiving interference in their car stereo. The man exited the vehicle and found himself engulfed in a warm, violet light. He saw four “shapes” and lights around him. He then went back to his car where he found his girlfriend crying. A 20-minute time lapse was reported.

HC addition # 135

Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe October/November 1991 Type: C or G?


Location. Ronda Spain

Date: early March 1978 Time: midnight

The witnesses were all watching television at their isolated farm one night and had their pet wolfhound with them, when the signal on the TV set began to scramble and they began hearing a loud whistling sound. The dog became disturbed and started barking running towards the front door. The witness, his son, and the dog went outside, looking for possible intruders. At the end of the path leading to their house they were able to see a very tall figure approaching in a strange sideways movement, clearly visible were two long metallic blue tubular legs like protrusions, because of the darkness no other features could be discerned. The creature stopped at the entrance to their yard, at that same moment the witness released his wolfhound, both man and animal ran towards the being, but the figure had somehow vanished without a trace and was nowhere in sight. Searching the area, strange deep tracks were found and also the mutilated body of a cat that had been neatly cut in half was found at the site.

HC addition # 640

Source: J J Benitez, La Quinta Columna Type: E


Location. Near Bulawayo Zimbabwe

Date: March 1978 Time: 1600

Several soldiers were out on a routine patrol, including one named David. While resting David was putting on his backpack when a flash of light hit him. It came from an object just above the trees. It was metallic and elliptical in shaped and was hovering 100 meters away and was completely silent. Then it shot away at an incredible speed without a sound. Years later David had started having flashbacks of what really happened. He remembers putting on his backpack when a dwarf in a cloak and hood approached him. He said he would take him into the forest where he would be given something. He was led away from the rest of the group, who did not react at all to what was going on. He was taken to a clearing in the woods where a ship had landed. His next recollection was of standing in an empty room. He then found himself facing his double (cloning?) across the room. The double was wearing a blue cloak and hood. Next he recalled walking out in the forest with the dwarf by his side wearing his double’s cloak. He then came upon his companions and took them with him back into the forest. He remembers entering what seemed to be a hospital ward, besides being long the room was also crescent shaped, with beds filled with people, including his colleagues. At the foot of very bed was a container of unknown substance, with body parts of people; bloody and horrific.

HC addendum

Source: UFO Afrinews July 1997 # 16 Type: G


Location. Near Bastia, Valle Scrivia, Italy

Date: March 1978 Time: 1730

A man returning home in his vehicle noticed two human like figures wearing silvery suits standing on a snowfield partially hidden by bushes. The witness briefly stopped the vehicle and then drove off. The next day a local security guard saw a luminous blue object hovering over Bastia, it suddenly flew away.

HC addendum

Source: CUN Genova Type: D


Location. Saint Clair Shores, Michigan

Date: March 1978 Time: 1930

The witness was traveling one evening with 2 small children in the back seat when she noticed a streak of light in the sky, which was approaching very fast below the horizon. The area around the street intersection became very dark and the traffic and streetlights went out. A dome shaped object quickly descended over the area as she pulled over to an empty parking lot. The object hovered silently and motionless over a building. The center rotated and appeared to be lit from the inside. Through a transparent area on the center the witness saw three tall man-like figures with long blond hair and wearing light blue jumpsuits that appeared to be staring at her. The witness could see inside the object and was sure that the figures knew she was looking at them. The underside of the craft was lit with bright white lights. The craft suddenly shot up and disappeared at incredible speed without emitting a sound.

HC addendum

Source: NUFORC Type: A


Location. Near Kent Ohio

Date: March 1978 Time: late night

Two men camping on the edge of a small lake watched a large round, pulsating ball of light hovering above the lake. Both men had a peculiar reaction to the light and felt that their sense of fear had been somehow altered or heightened. Later they went to the lake’s edge to fish and began hearing heavy footfalls coming from the direction of the nearby woods. They pointed their flashlights towards the woods and illuminated a huge hairy figure standing between two trees. The figure had huge dangling arms below his knee. One of the witnesses fired six shots at the creature apparently hitting it, but it crouched and hid behind a tree. The frightened men then ran into their tent. Moments later they heard loud pounding noises coming from each side of the tent. Both men then ran out fired two shots and fled in their vehicle. Both men then suffered from multiple symptoms like great thirst, depression, nausea, etc. They also had peculiar dreams of being taken onboard an object by tall hairy creatures.

HC addition # 1246

Source: Don Worley, UFO Universe Summer 1989 Type: C?


Location. Pelotas Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil

Date: March 2 1978 Time: 2000

A power failure was reported in the area as a bright spherical object hovered over the area. At the same time the witness was walking home when an object descended over him and was hit by a blue beam of light, he became confused and passed out. Under hypnosis he described a figure wearing a coverall that led him up a ladder and into the craft. There he saw a table and lights. Then a tall nude woman with large protruding eyes appeared and rubbed him down with a sponge. They then had sexual intercourse. He later awoke half a mile from his home and heard in his head a voice telling him “the task had been accomplished.”

HC addition # 474

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions the Measure of a Mystery Type: G


Location. Waimata Valley New Zealand

Date: March 11 1978 Time: 2300

The three witnesses were camping on the site of a Maori burial mound when one of them awoke suddenly and saw a being looking at them. Her memory then went blank; at 0400A all three woke up and left the area. Under hypnosis one of the witnesses recalled that she and one of her companions were drawn onboard a luminous domed disc shaped craft by a beam of light. A humanoid being of medium built and wearing silvery calf length boots met them inside. He communicated by telepathy and warned them to keep silent about the experience.

HC addition # 500

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions The

Measure of A Mystery Type: G


Location. Mesa Arizona

Date: middle of March 1978 Time: 0200A

James Minton was up late reading when he heard a loud humming sound coming from outside. Going out to investigate he was stunned to see a large hovering disc shaped craft encased in a purple haze, hovering very close to the ground. As his fear became curiosity he approached the object. Suddenly close to the object a humanoid figure began to materialize. It became a man like figure of an incredible appearance. It wore a brilliant greenish outfit, a wide belt, and a pair of tight fitting boots. It stood staring at the witness. It appeared to have some type of emblem on its chest and what appeared to be luminous tentacle-like appendages emanating from the top of its head. It carried some type of instrument in his hands. After performing several tasks around the object and completely ignoring the witness, the strange being disappeared into the strange purple haze that surrounded the object, seemingly blending into it. The object then rose up and disappeared from sight.

HC addition # 3208

Source: Jorge Martin Evidencia Ovni # 17 Type: B


Location. Risley Cheshire England

Date: March 17 1978 Time: night

An engineer driving near a local atomic energy reactor spotted a strange figure in the car headlights; the figure appeared to be climbing down an embankment, stooping with its arms stretched out. It was described as seven-foot tall and silvery with a dark head. It walked into the road and stopped. It then turned towards the witness illuminating him with two slim beams of light that came out of his eyes. After a minute the creature crossed the road and walked straight through a 10-foot high security fence topped with barbed wire. The witness then drove home extremely shaken.

HC addition # 400

Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Modern Mysteries of Britain Type: E


Location. Summerville South Carolina

Date: March 18 1978 Time: 2115

Previously William J Herman had seen strange objects over the area. On the above date he spotted a silvery disc shaped object, about 60 feet in diameter, performing triangular maneuvers overhead. He ran towards the object, cutting across marshy ground near a river. The object suddenly rushed towards him, he started to fall when a tubular beam of blue light enclosed him. The beam of light led to the craft, now hovering nearby. He became disoriented and numb, then lost consciousness. He woke up lying on a table in a hospital-like room that glowed with a red light. His shirt was open and a cold metallic box sat on his chest. Three beings were in the room and were looking at a row of flashing lights and a TV screen. One being spoke by using telepathy to the witness and led him through a curving hallway and a small airlock to a room filled with computers and other equipment, it was apparently the control room. The beings were humanoid, with large bulging and hairless heads, almost jawless, with small mouths, slit nostrils and no ears. The eyes were large and glowing and seldom blinked. The beings were 4 to 5-feet tall, seemingly frail with pale, soft skin. They wore red overalls. One of the beings appeared to be the leader and guide. The leader told the witness, among other things, that they were from Zeta Reticuli and that time was short for humanity. He was then led back to the initial room and made to lie down on the table again. He felt relaxed then passed out. Soon he found himself on the ground looking up as the object rose away from him.

HC addition # 2259

Source: Wendelle Stevens, Dr. James Harder Type: G


Location. Mt. Bernardia Udine Italy

Date: March 20 1978 Time: night

On the third of the month three witnesses had seen a large orange sphere pass over their car and land on a nearby wooded area, they became frightened and left. On the above date one of them received a telepathic message urging him to return to the scene. There he encountered a very tall humanoid wearing a one-piece suit and a helmet. The being extended his hand and when the witness took it he felt pain and had to struggle free from its grasp. The being was then transported into the craft by a conical beam of light. The witness suffered burns to his hand.

HC addition # 223

Source: Richard Hall, Mufon Journal # 153 Type: B


Location. Guaiuba Brazil

Date: March 23 1978 Time: 1800

47-year old Joao Inacio Ribeiro was walking along the oceanfront when he saw a circular object about 10 meters in diameter approach from the sea. It had brilliant blue, yellow, green, and lilac colored lights. On its upper section it had a sort of cabin or cupola with 3 circular windows. The craft approached, stopped, and hovered above the waters, causing the area directly below the object to become agitated and choppy. Ribeiro then saw two short humanoids appear on top of the craft. The figures were about 1 meter in height, and wore gray colored tight fitting outfits. The beings were baldheaded, with small noses and mouths and huge black eyes. One carried something resembling a walking cane; the other had what appeared to be a vacuum cleaner like object. Both beings then began operating the vacuum like object seemingly extracting water from the ocean. After 10 minutes they re-entered the object. Moments later the object descended to 10 meters above the waters causing them to become even more turbulent, creating large waves and foam. Afraid Ribeiro ran home.

HC addendum

Source: Revista Brasileira de Ufologia Type: A


Location. Risley Cheshire England

Date: March 23 1978 Time: midnight

The witness had returned to the site of a previous encounter, this time accompanied by a UFO investigator. At the spot he suddenly felt a strange sensation and a strong pressure in his head. He got out of the car and climbed the embankment with the investigator. On top the investigator briefly walked away and at that moment the witness saw the tall humanoid figure again on a nearby field, it was walking away from him. It wore the same silvery suit. It quickly disappeared from sight. (Two years after this encounter, the witness was diagnosed with cancer and died in 1982.)

HC addition # 869

Source: Jenny Randles, Paul Wetnall, FSR Vol. 24 # 2 Type: E


Location. Penalva Maranhao Brazil

Date: March 24 1978 Time: night

The 16-year old witness had gone out into the woods and disappeared, a search failed party failed to locate him. Eighty-one hours later an angler heard a shout for help and found the boy dazed and unable to stand up in a forested area. He was taken to a local hospital where he was found incoherent and bleeding from the head where some of the hair was missing. Four of his teeth were also missing. He was also seemingly paralyzed. Three days later he was able to say what had happened to him. He had been gathering guava fruit outside a wooded area when he heard a loud siren like sound; he looked up and saw a bright light above the trees. He then lay on the ground unable to move, then floated up into a hovering object that had three spheres on the bottom. He entered through a window and fell softly on the floor. Inside the object he saw three short beings that wore uniforms with helmets and visors and spoke with loud inhuman voices. The witness was then taken to a strange land with no trees, no lakes, no birds, and darkness above him. He could only see a field with tall grass. He was then floated onto a stone table where he was examined. He felt liquid going down his throat and passed out. His next memory was that of coming into the hospital.

HC addition # 540

Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Report 1991 Type: G


Location. Middlebrook Virginia

Date: late March 1978 Time: evening

Seven electric power employees driving across an open pasture on their way to repair a power line noticed a tall hairy Bigfoot type creature standing in the middle of the field. The creature suddenly dashed towards the edge of the nearby woods. It appeared to glide instead of run. The creature briefly stopped to look at the men and they noticed that it carried something to its chest resembling a “red flashlight” it then disappeared into the woods.

HC addition # 1076

Source: David Fideler, Saga UFO Report August 1978 Type: E


Location. Bezkudnikovo Russia

Date: April 1978 Time: 0530A

The witness looked out through the window of his second floor apartment and noticed four hovering disc shaped objects at second story level. Each object had a transparent dome and inside sat a humanoid wearing a transparent helmet. The objects emitted strange beams of blue green light towards the ground. Each beam was apparently composed of dotted particles of light, which slowly descended towards the ground. The witness apparently fainted and did not see the objects depart.

HC addition # 558

Source: Felix Y Zigel UFO landings in the USSR

And other Countries. Type: A


Location. Near Florence, Italy

Date: April 1978 Time: night

A woman living in the outskirts of this city, looked out the window of her house to see a landed cigar shaped object and a tall blond, human like figure wearing a tight fitting silvery coverall standing next to it. The figure noticed the witness and beckoned her over and then invited her onboard the object. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Chris Aubeck, Return To Magonia Type: G


Location. Texas, exact location not given

Date: April 1978 Time: late night

The 19-year old witness had fallen asleep that night when he was suddenly awakened by his mother’s dog. The dog was growling and shaking and staring at the bedroom door. The witness got out of bed and went to check and see what the dog was growling at. Going out into the hallway he heard a noise in the den area. Hoping to confront the intruder the witness put on a pair of jeans and sneaked into the den. Once inside he did not see anything, he checked his parents room and nothing either. He also checked the kitchen and headed back to the den, the dog still growling, and following him. Suddenly the hairs on the back of his neck stood up, turning around he saw a figure resembling a human. The witness decided to attack the figure. He came to the next day around noon. He had been stuffed under the kitchen counter, he was naked, his nose was bloody, and he felt sick and disoriented. The dog was hiding under the couch in the den refusing to come out. Feeling terrible and very hot the witness apparently fell asleep. He woke up suddenly at nighttime, naked again and the nose bleeding again. He looked over to the front door of the house and saw a 7 ft tall figure that looked very muscular, but incredibly, it looked like if it was on fire. It glowed as if it were a bright hot coal in a furnace. Its back was to the witness when he first saw it. It turned around as if was checking on the witness. The witness was apparently paralyzed and was unable to move. The strange being came over to him and put its hands on his chest. Strangely the witness did not feel any heat or fire. But he felt as it had been hit on the chest point blank by a shotgun blast. He also felt a great deal of some type of energy emanating from the creature. The witness felt his skin vibrating and so was the couch. The creature touched the dog and it fell over. The witness then heard a telepathic message in his head, which said, “That he had been with him since he was a kid, that he had been learning many things.” The witness attempted to get up but was told to go to sleep. The next day he woke up around 1500, feeling very tire and weak and could not eat. He fell asleep again and was sick for a few days after that. The creature had disappeared. He described it as 7 ft tall, heavyset, and radiated some type of energy. It had stripes on it. He could not remember what the face looked like.

HC addendum

Source: AAER Type: E or G?


Location. East Coast Bays Road, New Zealand

Date: April 2 1978 Time: 2030

The witness was riding his motorcycle when he saw a wedge shaped object with lights hovering about 200 meters away. There were two figures clearly visible looking at the witness. These were visible from the waist up and appeared to be wearing dark robes. Another car arrived and the object rose and left.

HC addition # 220

Source: Keith Basterfield, Mufon UFO Journal # 177 Type: A


Location. Dayborough Queensland Australia

Date: April 7 1978 Time: 1730

After bogging his car, a hunter saw two figures walking 100 meters away from him. They wore white jumpsuits, and were about 120cm tall, and human in appearance. After the figures stared at him, the hunter left the area.

HC addition # 2716

Source: Keith Basterfield Type: E


Location. South Middleton Massachusetts

Date: April 8 1978 Time: 2100

The witness was sitting on her bed listening to music when she suddenly looked up and saw a humanoid figure silhouetted behind the door. The figure was about five-feet seven inches tall and appeared to be wearing a jacket. The door began to open slightly and the witness looked up again, seeing the figure still there, she swung the door open and saw the figure moving swiftly away. A search in the nearby rooms failed to locate anybody.

HC addition # 843

Source: David F Webb, FSR Vol. 27 # 2 Type: E


Location. South Middleton Massachusetts

Date: April 9 1978 Time: morning

Two youths were riding a mini bike near a wooded area when they suddenly caught a glimpse of two white headed figures that appeared to be crouching behind the brush, their faces were light gray with large wrap around dark blue eyes. The heads were of normal size but had no hair. Later at 1400 four other youths were out sitting and talking when they suddenly felt they were being watched, two of them then saw several similar beings that quickly retreated into the brush. The other two witnesses saw a figure standing in profile 15 feet away. It was about five-foot three inches tall with a pear shaped head that appeared to be encased in clear round helmet, it had large dark oval eyes a nose slit but no mouth or ears. It wore a belt with a dark central band, vertical stripes, and a black buckle. The witness attempted to chase it but it disappeared into the woods. An odor like sulfur pervaded the area during the encounters.

HC addition # 259

Source: David Webb, Mufon Journal # 143 Type: E


Location. South Middleton Massachusetts

Date: April 19 1978 Time: night

The witness was playing with 3 cousins when she happened to glance at the window located in the basement. A foot away from the window a white face was staring back at her, it was oval shaped with vertical nose slits and a narrow mouth, the eyes were large slanted and gold in color. A transparent helmet possibly covered the head. She yelled at her companion but when she turned back the entity was gone.

HC addition # 260

Source: David Webb, Mufon Journal # 143 Type: E


Location. Cerreto Toscana Italy

Date: April 23 1978 Time: 0015A

Around 2315 several witnesses spotted a formation of luminous objects flying in a V-formation over a hill near Cerreto. Sometime later Cesarina Campioni was preparing to go to bed when she was attracted to a strange luminescence coming from her backyard. Looking out the window she noticed a strange “individual,” that walked in strange leaps and bounds over the ground. At the same time she heard a deep guttural metallic, incomprehensible voice. She described the individual as slightly over a meter in height. It wore a shiny metallic loose fitting outfit that covered his body entirely. The head was covered with a pointy helmet with a dark oval-shaped visor. It also wore a dark belt around its waist. The strange entity bounded away and disappeared into a nearby olive grove.

HC addendum

Source: Archivio SHADO Type: D


Location. Villamare Di Sapri Italy

Date: April 25 1978 Time: 1430

The witness was in her kitchen when she noticed a large luminous sphere; clear in color descend to the ground nearby. The witness went to fetch a camera with the intention of taking several photographs. At this point the sphere seemed to shrink in size and a short being wearing a bright orange overall type suit stepped out. The being walked around looking in all directions. Its face appeared brighter than the rest of the body and it had human like features. On its head he wore a cone shaped device or cap. It moved in short steps and bounds. This apparently frightened the witness who yelled for her husband. At this point the being glanced at the witness and ran behind a nearby tree stump. A thick fog then began forming in the area and at the same time the luminous sphere shrank in size and dissolved into nothing. The being apparently disappeared also.

HC addition # 1536

Source: Maurizio Verga “Itacat” Type: C?


Location. Athens Greece

Date: May 1978 Time: 0200A

The 17-year old witness suddenly woke up and was unable to move. He then saw three human like figures approaching his bed from the balcony area. The three persons came closer and one of them sat on the bed. The person that remained standing was a female with bushy hair, wearing a blouse with skirt. The second person was a tall heavy set man with short hair, he wore black gloves and a black close necked top, the third was a young blond haired girl, tall and with unnatural long fingers. She wore a black blouse and skirt. The young girl removed her blouse then engaged in sexual intercourse with the witness. Later the girl dressed and all three went out an apparently closed balcony door.

HC addition # 1115

Source: Thanassis Vembos, Strange Magazine # 2 Type: E


Location. Richfield Connecticut

Date: May 1978 Time: 0330A

A loud buzzing sound woke up the main witness and his wife, they both looked outside and saw at about 250 feet away a group of “men” that appeared to be busy at some task. These men suddenly all turned and looked at the witnesses simultaneously. The men wore silvery helmets, tight fitting suits with reflective stripes and had glowing discs of light above their eyes. Each appeared to have its own light source. The men finally moved away in a slow jerky gait disappearing from sight behind a garage.

HC addition # 928

Source: IUR Vol. 3 # 7, July 1978 Type: E


Location. San Mauro Torinese Italy

Date: May 1978 Time: evening

A young boy reported having seen a very large red-lighted object flying at a very low altitude above the roadway. Inside several moving man-like figures could be seen. No other information.

HC addition # 1537

Source: Maurizio Verga, “Itacat” Type: A


Location. Vila Cister, Sao Paolo, Brazil

Date: May 1978 Time: 2200

14-year old Liz De Albuquerque (involved in a previous encounter) was walking back home along a construction area when she noticed a small white luminous sphere quickly approaching her position. The sphere approached to within five meters from the witness. It seemed to be about 2 meters in diameter and hovered at about seven meters from the ground. Suddenly she heard a voice speak to her in perfect Portuguese. The voice asked if she wanted to come with “them”. Terrified the witness said no and ran quickly to her house. There was a period of missing time reported. During hypnotic regression the witness remembered seeing a familiar face appear within the sphere of light. It was the face of an alien she had encountered six years before. During the encounter she was allowed to ask several questions about the aliens purpose and history. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Grupo UFO Genesis, Brazil Type: F or G?


Location. Presidente Prudente, Brazil

Date: May 1978 Time: night

Three humanoids about 1.20 meters in height and wearing blue tight fitting coveralls were seen walking a long a field. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil Type: E


Location. Jarrettsville Maryland

Date: May 1 1978 Time: night

After several nights of seeing a 7 to 8-foot tall hair covered creature in the grounds of Victor Galluzo’s home, investigator Steve Stover reported seeing two huge glowing red eyes while scanning a ridge of trees in the distance. A local psychic who was there then tried to lure the creature, then several witnesses saw a brightly lit craft that began circling the property at a low altitude.

HC addition # 3073

Source: Mark Opsasnick, The Bigfoot Digest Type: D?


Location. South Middleton Massachusetts

Date: May 2 1978 Time: unknown

A witness noticed two white gray humanoid figures standing on the grounds of the property. They stood motionless and held their arms close to their bodies. No other details were noted. No other information.

HC addition # 844

Source: David F Webb, FSR Vol. 27 # 2 Type: E


Location. Escazu Costa Rica

Date: May 2 1978 Time: 1830

The witness, 10-year old Eduardo Enrique Lacayo was out playing in the front yard of his uncle’s house when he saw a cat. He decided to chase the animal as it ran towards a large empty lot across from the house. As he ran towards the field he suddenly noticed a hovering silvery disc shaped object that emitted a strong yellow light. The object resembled two soup plates placed together and was about 15 meters in diameter, and it was hovering at about 200 meters above the ground, with a slight wobbling motion. Suddenly a gray cloud like mist emerged from the object and descended towards the ground. Stunned, Enrique watched as the mist like vapor assumed the shape of a human-like figure that remained suspended above the ground. The figure wore a kind of “cape” or long tunic that did not reach its feet, since the witness was able to observe gold-colored lace less shoes on the figure’s feet. The figure was about 1 meter 70 cm in height. The cat apparently also observed the spectacle since the witness noticed that the animal’s hair stood on end and scurry terrified from the scene. The witness did not notice any facial features on the figure, except what appeared to be thin lips. The figure extended its arms at the witness as if beckoning to him and appears to open its mouth. At this point the witness, who had so far felt no fear, ran quickly away from the area. Looking back he did not see the figure and the object was seen rising up at very high speed.

HC addendum

Source: Carlos Vilchez Type: B


Location. Pelotas Rio Grande Do Sul Brazil

Date: May 10 1978 Time: 2250

The witness was walking back home alone when he observed in the sky a very bright object that began descending at high speed. The object descended low over a nearby fenced field and the witness could now see that it was a shiny circular metallic craft within a ball of fire. The craft descended projecting two bright beams of white light to the ground and extended four metallic legs to the ground. The area around the witness seemed to darken, as he felt compelled to walk forward towards the fence. Soon he was grabbed by two short humanoids wearing shiny white close fitting suits and head enclosing helmets with closed visors and on top two small antenna like protrusions. The beings spoke to the witness then took him inside the object. Once inside he experienced difficulty in breathing and noticed that the air appeared warmer and denser. The room was illuminated by a bright light and then he noticed two more beings seated at a strange console like apparatus. The beings walked over to the witness and then he was surprised to see that these were female dressed in shiny white suits, with attractive capes of the same material. These also wore helmets with antennas. They were a little taller than the other humanoids and had hair to their shoulders. One had black hair and the other was blond. The black haired female approached the witness and told him that he was going to be taken to their planet. The witness declined the invitation and begged to be released. At this point the blond woman walked over and ordered the others to let him go. He was then allowed to walk out and down a stairway to the ground. He then stood on the ground and watched the object ascend at high speed and vanish.

HC addition # 1621

Source: Casellato, Da Silva and Stevens

UFO Abduction at Botucato Type: G


Location. Oulton Marshes Lowestoft England

Date: May 14 1978 Time: 2000

Two young girls were locking up some horses they just finished riding when they saw a large dome shaped object hovering near the ground among some trees. The object was silvery in color and was encircled by orange lights. The lights changed to pink then to a dazzling white and the object began to rise. The object then descended again and the lights dimmed. The two girls then noticed four strange humanoid figures walking towards them. Two were described as seven-foot tall and the other two smaller. All moved in a jerky, zigzag fashion. The humanoids were described as having no feet, short legs and arms, short black hair, small eyes, no hands, no ears and pale colored skin. All wore orange colored robes with a silver strip down the neckline. All four beings were encased in a white hazy glow. During the incident horses were rearing, the dogs were howling and cats were running around frantic.

HC addition # 348

Source: Steve Gerrard, quoting UFO Quest Intl.

Vol. # 1, June/July 1979 Type: C


Location. Near Caujimolpa Mexico

Date: May 15 1978 Time: evening

Walking along a road after work at a restaurant, Ignacio Sanchez Munoz observed a hovering multi colored luminous cube shaped object that was emitting a buzzing sound and a yellow beam. He then received telepathic thoughts saying the cube was empty, but soon human-like beings would arrive on Earth. After conversing with the voice for an hour he was told, “Soon we shall return to chat with you.”

HC addition # 3043

Source: IUR Vol. 3 # 7 Type: F


Location. Near Emilcin Poland

Date: May 17 1978 Time: 0800A

Jan Wolski a 71-year old farmer, was passing through a forest in his horse drawn cart when he noticed two individuals ahead, walking in the same direction, but with “supple jumps” like divers on the sea bed. When one of them approached a muddy patch, his feet seemed to slide across the mud, as reported in a number of other cases. When Wolski caught up with the strangers, they walked alongside the horse and cart for a while them jumped onboard and sat down gently, one at each side, gesturing to Wolski to carry on. The added weight caused the mare to exert extra effort. Wolski drove on while the strangers exchanged some words in an incomprehensible tongue. Shortly, as the cart approached a clearing in the forest, a strange, almost “transparent white” object could be seen, hanging in the air about 70 meters away, emitting a faint humming sound. Wolski described the object as like a short bus, but with a roof like a barn, it was about 5 meters in length, three meters in width, and about 2.5 meters in height. It shone, as if nickel-plated. No windows were seen. At its four corners, and half-way up it had on the outside, barrels with black vertical rods running through them and carrying what looked like spirals rather reminiscent of corkscrews. These black rods were rotating very fast. The “corkscrews” emitted a range of colors, and the barrels seemed to have been the source of the humming. When closer to the object, Wolski said the sound was like that of bumblebees in flight. The craft’s surface was smooth, stainless, and seamless. At a height of some 50 cm from the ground was suspended a lift held by four thin cables attached above the entrance to the craft, which had descended as the trio approached. Stepping on to the platform one of the entities invited Wolski aboard, gesturing to him that he should grasp the cables. After rising rapidly the lift stopped in front of an opening and Wolski was motioned inside. Inside, Wolski stepped into a chamber with walls that were almost black and saw two more beings identical with the first two. The chamber was rectangular. There was no internal lighting other than the daylight from the open door. The walls, floor, and ceiling were a grayish black the same color as the overalls of the occupants. The floor was shining, as though polished. The walls were smooth and hard to the touch, and made of a material resembling glass. Against the four walls there were seats, each fastened by two black cables. No apparatus was seen inside the contraption, with the exception of two black tubes that ran from one gable wall to the other and two holes, about 30 cm apart, into each of which one of the entities inserted alternately a smallish black rod. From floor to ceiling, the height was about 1.8 meters. On the floor of this cabin were about ten crows or rooks, which seemed to be paralyzed, though they could move their heads and eyes. The four identical beings, of indeterminate sex, were about 1.4 to 1.5 meters tall and had delicate, slim figures. They were dressed in tight-fitting, flexible one-piece suits of a grayish black rubber like material, covering the entire body except the faces and hands. No pockets, belt, or fasteners were seen. Their legs seemed thicker than those of normal men, and form the way these curved when the beings sat in the cart with their legs hanging down, they looked like prehensile limbs. A hump was visible on the shoulders, as though something was contained under the suits. The slim, greenish colored hands had five fingers, between which were fine membranes, except for the gap between thumb and forefinger. Their heads were relatively large, with faces of an olive green or greenish brown hue, having high cheekbones that gave them an Asiatic appearance. The eyes, almond shaped, very long, were dark, and appeared to lack any whites. In the place of the nose, there was only a slight protuberance with two small vertical openings. The mouth was straight and thin. Their teeth were white. No hair was visible on the face. When the beings smiled, the mouth twisted to one side with the effect of a grimace. Their speech was rapid and delicate. They had a polite, gentle demeanor and Wolski felt no fear in their presence. The beings indicated to Wolski that he should take off his clothes, and one of them helped him undo his shirt buttons. Facing him less than two meters away, one of the beings held in each hand a gray disc shaped object that seemed to be attached to the hand by something like a suction pad. The discs were vibrating and emitting a dull humming sound. Wolski was positioned with one side facing towards the entity holding the discs, then with his back towards him, and finally with the other side. Wolski’s arms were raised alternately by the entities, whose fingers were very cold. During the process he smelled an odor similar to that of burning sulfur; a smell that lingered in his clothing for days afterwards. When ready he was shown the way out, bowed, and said goodbye. The beings bowed likewise, smiling. The same lift took him down almost to ground level, so that he was obliged to jump down a short way. Reaching his horse and car, Wolski turned around to look at the contraption. Two or three of the beings were watching him from the entrance. He did not see them leave.

HC addition # 229

Source: George Wielonski, Mufon Journal # 126, and Timothy Good

Alien Base Type: G


Location. Emilcin, Poland

Date: May 17 1978 Time: 0830A

At a farmhouse 800 meters from the scene of Wolski’s encounter, a mother was preparing a meal as her children, Adas and Agnieska, played outside. The mother heard a sound like thunder, though seeming to come from the ground. Shortly afterwards, Adas came in to say that he had seen an aircraft like “a little house” or a big box, fly low over the barn. It then vanished vertically with a sound like thunder. Adas said that the object was flying with one of its smallest walls to the front, in which was a square window with rounded corners, through which he saw a pilot. On the edges of the wall, he said, were moving black rods, like the feelers of a snail.

HC addendum

Source: Timothy Good, Alien Base Type: A


Location. Mahopac New York

Date: May 18 1978 Time: near midnight

The witness was walking with his dog near a local dam; it was raining at the time. At the moment the witness was practicing his mental powers and was apparently able to control the speed of the rain. As the rain stopped a heavy mist began rising from the ground. He suddenly noticed a humanoid figure standing a few feet away. The figure seemed to be composed of a dense fog like substance. As the figure faded away the witness noticed some bright lights behind the trees. An oblong-lighted object then rose up into the sky. It paused at a low angle and the witness signaled at it with his flashlight using dots and dashes sequence. The object blinked back in response using the same sequence then rose higher and vanished.

HC addition # 1260

Source: Harold Salkin, UFO Universe November 1988 Type: C


Location. Pelotas, Brazil

Date: May 22 1978 Time: unknown

A dome shaped lighted object landed on a field outside this town. Four short humanoids wearing silvery outfits were seen moving briefly outside the object. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil Type: C


Location. Tavarnuzze Italy

Date: May 22 1978 Time: 2145

A married couple was in their living room with their daughter when they suddenly began hearing the dogs barking wildly. They went outside to investigate and saw two or three luminous pulsating spheres descending over the area, their color changed from reddish to silvery. One of the spheres descended very close to the ground. The frightened witnesses began untying the dogs when they observed near the sphere a short dark figure and another similar figure inside. Both were very short. One of the figures stepped forward and stood near the road, while the other one stood by a bush. The witnesses then heard a shrill voice, resembling that of a child. Both figures wore dark red cloak like outfits. One of the figures suddenly vanished and as a vehicle drove by the sphere apparently dimmed. When the vehicle left the sphere was seen rising vertically away from the area.

HC addition # 1538

Source: Maurizio Verga, “Itacat” Type: A & C


Location. Cincinnati Ohio

Date: May 23 1978 Time: 0118A

The witness was driving her car through the downtown area and as she stopped at an intersection she saw a five-foot and a half tall man approaching her vehicle. The being was described as lacking a nose, hair, ears, and a mouth. He had slit like eyes, full-length gloves, and a black cape. The witness accelerated away as the traffic light changed.

HC addition # 927

Source: IUR Vol. 3 # 7, July 1978 Type: E


Location. Paramus New Jersey

Date: May 24 1978 Time: 0130A

A lone witness driving on route 4 west, saw an object described as cigar shaped flying parallel to the road. At one point the object stopped and hovered silently across the road, just above the treetops. The witness exited the car and approached the object and saw through a large lighted window on the craft two figures that did not appeared to be human in appearance. Frightened the witness entered the vehicle and drove away from the area. The witness also reported a 4-hour period of missing time. No hypnotic regression attempted.

HC addition # 3964

Source: NUFORC Type: A or G?


Location. New York State, exact location not given

Date: Summer 1978 Time: unknown

During an apparent Near Death Experience the witness became unconscious and found herself looking out a round window seeing what appeared to be black space and tiny white sparkles of light. She felt very cold and turned to her left to see a bright white light directly above her and four to seven thin figures around her. She received two telepathic messages and suddenly found herself tumbling head over heels apparently falling back to earth. She woke up in her couch vomiting. Later she realized that a lump that she had recently discovered in her breast was completely gone.

HC addition # 1935

Source: Kenneth Ring PhD, “The Omega Project” Type: G?


Location. Puebla Nuevo Mexico

Date: Summer 1978 Time: 1900

Tomas Ornelas Saldana had gone with his father to a nearby creek in order to fill some jugs with water. As he approached the creek on foot he notice three multi colored football-sized spheres hovering over a nearby tree, these suddenly blinked out. As he proceeded to fill the jugs with water he felt someone watching him, he looked back at the tree and saw, standing on one of its branches a bizarre looking little creature, staring intently at him. Stunned he stumbled backwards and fell to the ground. Meanwhile Tomas’s father was in the parked car nearby and had not seen anything strange but did see his son stumble. Without taking his eyes off the figure, Tomas began filling the jugs with water. He described the figure as about 1 meter & 50 cm in height, with greenish scaly skin, except for its hands and feet, which were black and claw-like. On the left side of its chest it had a symbol resembling an inverted triangle that appeared to be part of the skin. It did not appeared to be wearing any clothing except for a belt, which consisted of several small inverted triangle-shaped sections. It had a normal sized hairless head with two huge pointy shorthaired covered ears, huge shiny cat-like eyes, a small wide nose, and a mouth with thin lips. As Tomas watched he also noticed two shiny objects hovering over the tree. A later a search of the area for the being proved futile.

HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso Type: C?


Location. 10 miles South of Marathon Florida

Date: Summer 1978 Time: 2200

The witness was traveling on US-1 near the seven-mile bridge and had just begun to cross a small bridge when he noticed ahead some dancing firefly like lights. They appeared to be very far away. There were 3 or 4 of them. As he reached the end of the short bridge he parked his car, and saw that the lights were still there. He approached three anglers on the east side of the bridge and asked them about the lights. He was told that they had been watching them all night. As they continued to talk about the lights they suddenly noticed their voices were being echoed down to them from above and just to the east. Every sound they made was being amplified and reflected back to them from above. As the three anglers began laughing the witness noticed a black area obscuring the stars about 100 feet up and maybe 50 feet east of the bridge. He yelled at the approaching object to come down. Within seconds the black object illuminated itself, appearing as a thick oval shaped craft. It was extremely beautiful and covered with exquisite esoteric devices. Its whole surface was a multicolored array of sparkling light. It seemed to hover silently and motionless. The other three men suddenly became very quiet. The witness suddenly began to hear a high-speed noise, which seemed to come from below at his feet. Looking down he saw a spiral pattern of lights apparently encircling him; he was then surrounded in a cylindrical grid pattern all the way up to his head level. His surroundings then suddenly disappeared. He then saw several “persons” that greeted him. He remembered a woman, and he asked them who they were, she replied that they were “Watchers.” He felt completely at ease and comfortable, he then began to look around at what he assumes to be the interior of the object. His next conscious memory was waking up in his barracks in Boca Chica Island.

HC addition # 2859

Source: Internet Sightings Type: G?


Location. Near Little Rock Arkansas

Date: Summer 1978 Time: 2300

The witness was getting ready to go to sleep when suddenly everything became very quiet. He opened his eyes to look outside the window when he saw three (undescribed) creatures standing there. The next thing he remembered was a floating sensation and some sort of strange device resembling a chronometer. He then found himself back in bed and looking out the same window to see a brilliant silver sphere floating silently outside.

HC addition # 3416

Source: Themestream Type: C or G?


Location. Mindanao Island, Philippines

Date: Summer 1978 Time: night

Filipino angler Jacinto Fetalvero reported that one moonlit night he had met a beautiful mermaid, with “amiable bluish eyes, reddish cheeks, and green scales on her tail.” She helped him secure a bountiful catch. A torrent of ridicule ensued, and Fetalvero thereafter refused to discuss the subject.

HC addendum

Source: Jerome Clark, Unexplained! Type: E


Location. Mawnan Church Cornwall England

Date: June 1978 Time: unknown

A sixteen-year-old girl saw a large humanoid resembling a leathery owl with claws flying through the trees near the church. It reportedly had large round red eyes and a gaping mouth. No other information.

HC addition # 704

Source: Graham J McEwan, Mystery Animals of

Britain and Ireland Type: E


Location. Felling County Durham Ireland

Date: June 1978 Time: 0350A

The witness was awoken in her bed by a buzzing, high-pitched noise. It vibrated through her body almost like an electric shock. Her head felt like it would explode. Then an unseen figure held her wrist. The witness was paralyzed and could not move but could see that the figure had a fuzzy aura surrounding it. A bluish light was bathing the room. Apparently every time the being touched her it created a weird X-ray like effect. She could see into her arm, the bones, and blood vessels. It was as if the entity was studying her. Suddenly the creature disappeared and she was again able to move.

HC addition # 2286

Source: Jenny Randles, Star Children Type: E


Location. Middlesbrough England

Date: June 1978 Time: afternoon

The witness had been playing rugby ball when he was struck on the head by the heavy leather ball. Feeling somewhat groggy he was led to a nearby field to recover. Left alone he suddenly seemed to black out, he saw a bright flash and passed out. Later he remembered that he had been lying on his back and a figure wearing a brown monk’s cowl stood next to him. He could also see three other figures standing by his feet. The beings then seemed to be cutting and scraping the witness who felt no pain; one of the figures appeared to be handling some type of implements. He also saw flashing colored lights and four rows of lights on what appeared to be a console. A bright light shone directly on his face and moments later he found himself lying face down on the field surrounded by his playmates that had been looking for him for awhile.

HC addition # 1991

Source: Carl Nagaitis, Phillip Mantle, “Without Consent” Type: G?


Location. Anchicaya Dam Colombia

Date: June 1978 Time: night

Two men working in a jungle area watched a luminous transparent almost cloud like whitish, man like figure, that had a greenish cast around it. The vague figure floated just above the ground as it approached to within 60 feet of the two men. At this point both men ran away towards their campsite and did not see the figure depart.

HC addition # 1811

Source: Janet & Colin Bord, Unexplained Mysteries of

The 20th Century Type: E


Location. Fairview Park South Australia

Date: June 5 1978 Time: 2240

A motorist driving around in the area had to swerve his vehicle in order to avoid hitting a five-foot tall dark complexioned figure, which stood in the middle of the road. He drove away and upon looking back the figure had already vanished. No other information.

HC addition # 2090

Source: UFORSA Type: E


Location. Ashburnham Massachusetts

Date: June 8 1978 Time: 1740

Betty Andreasson observed two odd looking men dressed entirely in black standing in her driveway. They seemed to be very pale and had slick black hair. Upon being seen they hid in the bushes and later left.

HC addition # 2359

Source: Raymond Fowler Type: E


Location. Williamson West Virginia

Date: June 14 1978 Time: 2235

Two young men were fishing at a local creek when a strange craft appeared overhead at power line height. It was silvery gold in color and appeared to have a door on the bottom and some type of structure on top. Two beams of light were focused on them and they could see flashing red, green, and blue lights. They suddenly felt paralyzed and could not move. They became confused and lost all track of time and heard some strange whispering. They later became aware of their surroundings as they got home. One of the witnesses remembered sitting on a chair inside an object with a very tall dark being looking down on him. There was also a terrible smell present. Other witnesses in the area had seen an object overhead and others heard a roaring sound.

HC addition # 347

Source: Bob Gribble, Mufon Journal # 242 Type: G


Location. Near Borisoglebsk Russia

Date: June 16 1978 Time: after midnight

The witness had been hitchhiking home when he spotted a soft glowing object on a nearby field and walked towards it. As he neared it he could se that the object had a transparent dome on top and inside he could see three short humanoids. The beings had large egg like heads and very long fingers. They seemed to be working around a central console. When he got to 25 yards from the object he was stopped by a force field and blacked out. When he came to he noticed that the briefcase he had been carrying looked old and frayed. The force field was gone so he walked toward the object but was knocked down by a blast of wind. The craft began to glow and rose off the ground and suddenly shot away at high speed. He later learned that he had somehow lost 45 minutes of time. Later under hypnosis he recalled being gently led into the craft and examined.

HC addition # 420

Source: Fortean Times # 33, Quoting Felix Zigel Type: G


Location. Near Brockworth Gloucestershire England

Date: June 19 1978 Time: 2215

A family of five was driving home when they all saw a huge multicolored disc shaped object hovering over a field. The driver panicked and sped off, he soon lost control of the vehicle, which began driving by itself. The car stopped and the family seems to snap out of a “dream” state. They soon realized that they had lost 45 minutes of time. Later under hypnosis they recalled being floated into the object and into a circular room, there three men in metallic suits, which had blue eyes and pale faces, met them. They also wore helmets. Two members of the family were given medical tests and were told by a man that had a disc like insignia on his uniform that they had come from a dying planet called “Janos.” They were all given a seltzer like drink before departing the object.

HC addition # 316

Source: Robert E Bartholomew, UFO Lore

Quoting Frank Johnson Type: G


Location. California, exact location not given

Date: June 22 1978 Time: 2200

An undocumented report of an encounter with humanoids described as wearing silvery chrome suits bearing snake and dragon emblems. No other information. (I had sent an information request to Cufos about this incident, but they apparently were not able to locate it in their files.)

HC addition # 1764

Source: IUR Vol. 3 # 8 Type: G?


Location. Adrano, Catania, Italy

Date: June 25 1978 Time: late afternoon

Several local residents were returning from an expedition to the nearby volcanic Mt Etna. They stopped their car as they noticed what appeared to be two headlights following behind them. As the lights approached they noticed that they were two human-like figures that glowed in a very bright white light. Also each carried in their right hands two very luminous flashing objects. Terrified the witnesses flee the area.

HC addendum

Source: Chris Aubeck, Return to Magonia Type: E


Location. Crossett Arkansas

Date: June 26 1978 Time: night

Mike Lofton was outside feeding his puppy, when it suddenly began to tremble. Lofton then looked up and saw a huge hairy “thing” coming out of the woods and walking towards him. The 10-year old ran into the house and retrieved his father’s 22-caliber rifle. He then fired on the creature and it fled into the woods, apparently unhurt.

HC addition # 2960

Source: Ron Schaffner Type: E


Location. Cold Water Creek California

Date: July 1978 Time: 1500

The lone witness was panning for gold when he looked up to see a hovering dark object. Inside through an opening he could see two humanoid figures looking down on him. The witness waved at the figures, but there was no response, the craft then flew silently away.

HC addition # 3364

Source: NUFORC Type: A


Location. Germany, exact location not given

Date: July 1978 Time: late afternoon

The witness reported that he was walking in a wooded area near an artificial lake when he suddenly heard beautiful music coming from some nearby trees. A very tall man then appeared near him, he wore a silvery white uniform and had beautiful shiny white shoulder length hair, large bright blue eyes and a bronze complexion. The witness felt unimportant and insignificant at the man’s presence, but felt love and compassion emanating from the being. After a brief telepathic communication with the witness, the being rose up into the air and vanished. No UFO was reported in connection with this event.

HC addition # 234

Source: Ulrich Magin Type: E


Location. Corsico Italy

Date: July 1978 Time: night

A night security guard was conducting his rounds in his vehicle at a housing development when he came upon a dark form in the middle of a clearing. Thinking of possible thieves he armed himself with a gun and went to investigate. The form was the size of a large truck. Approaching, the witness could now see it was an object shaped like an upturned cup. It rested on several leg like protrusions and had a small dome on top. Two medium size men of normal appearance were moving around the object. They both wore tight fitting skin divers outfits. The men bend down as if collecting something from the ground. Finally as the witness watched the men disappeared from sight. Moments later the object rose one meter from the ground, then lifted up vertically and left at high speed.

HC addition # 1539

Source: Maurizio Verga, “Itacat” Type: C


Location Oreland Pennsylvania

Date: July 1 1978 Time: 0200A

The main witness and some friends had been camping out in his backyard, which is adjacent to a golf course. As he lay in the tent he noticed a bright blue light coming from the golf course area. Opening the tent, he noticed an object resembling a half dome with a small protrusion coming from the top of the dome. The craft was oriented like a half moon in a vertical position rather than flat. There also appeared to be a base to the dome, cylindrical in shape, attached to the flat side of the dome. The object moved from east to west over the fairway, and the witness lost sight of it at the far end of the fairway. A few minutes later his friends joined him but they had not seen the object. They all went to sleep. Around 0200A the witness woke up in order to relieve himself. As he climbed out of the tent he noticed a faint blue glow from the west. Then the beam of his flashlight illuminated something about 20 feet away. He could see that it was a human shaped figure about 5-feet tall that stood motionless on the other side of a small hedge. The figure’s skin appeared grayish in color and the eyes were a burnt yellow color. It seemed to be wearing a skintight gray body suit. Stunned the witness stared at the being for about 5 seconds, it then seemed to dive on the ground and disappear. The next morning the witness and his friends found in an area by a nearby quarry an area of flattened grass. Also on the spot where the being had disappeared they found a rough outline of a person in the grass, browned grass when the surrounding grass was green.

HC addendum

Source: NUFORC Type: D?


Location. Mt. Etna Catania Italy

Date: July 4 1978 Time: evening

Four military personnel from the local Navy Air base felt a strange compulsion to ascend the slopes of the volcano; there they saw three red pulsating objects overhead, one landed. It was a domed disc shaped craft with red and yellow lights. The group then encountered two tall golden haired white robed beings accompanied by three shorter large headed beings wearing helmets and silvery suits. The humanoids made several hand gestures towards the witnesses. The witnesses then quickly drove away from the area.

HC addition # 224

Source: Richard Hall, Mufon Journal # 153 Type: C


Location. Bagley Minnesota

Date: July 4 1978 Time: night

It was late at night and the witness had been asleep. He remembers as if he were sleepwalking. Walking towards the back door of the house with two or three entities. In addition there were two to three more with his son, plus possible additional entities in the house. When he noticed the entities with his son he became angry and more awake. The entities were facing away from him. But when he yelled for his son, several entities turned around to face him. The entities were described as short, about 4-feet tall, with no discernible clothing. They had no hair, and their skin was gray and wrinkled. There was no discernible nose, ears, or mouth, and he could not see their eye color. He could not tell anything about their hands and fingers. He noticed no apparent genitalia. He also could not remember sensing any odor. The entities movement was stiff legged, not very fluid. They were very close to him, but did not touch him. He could sense a subtle form of control over him, but no actual communication. He got the impression they were not intelligent, but just drones or minions. He felt a sense of purpose of some other entity, which controlled them. His son (4 years of age) then hit an entity on the face. The entity did not appear to react, respond or even to understand this reaction. At this point he shut his eyes and remembers nothing more of the encounter.

HC addition # 2738

Source: Craig R Lang Mufon Type: G?


Location. South of Mendoza, Argentina

Date: July 6 1978 Time: 2100

Francisco Nunez, and his son of the same name, about 23, was driving toward Lujan. Suddenly, as if by magic, a pickup truck ahead of them vanished. Then their car was levitated and they experienced motion at great speed along an unfamiliar, illuminated 5-lane highway surrounded by buildings so tall that they could not see the tops, and the sky was red. Up until the strange experience started the sky had been clear and starry. Their car engine stopped and they felt very cold. Their next memory was of being at a new location at a railroad crossing about 9 km away from where the experience began, and their car was facing in the opposite direction. Hypnosis was later attempted but elicited only some color patterns on the tall buildings.

HC addendum

Source: Richard Hall, Uninvited Guests Type: G or F?


Location. Lempdes Puy De Dome France

Date: July 8 1978 Time: midnight

The witness was driving home when a bright white light appeared over he road, it had a round shape on top and appeared to be transparent. Inside several humanoid figures could be seen apparently wearing helmets. The witness became frightened and drove away from the location. Ground traces were found the next day.

HC addition # 1721

Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine Type: A


Location. Butler Ohio

Date: July 9 1978 Time: 2300

Two young men walking along the railroad tracks at the outskirts of town suddenly heard a noise from the brush ahead. The youths looked and saw a huge seven-foot tall figure with large red glowing eyes. One of the witnesses panicked and ran home, the second remained transfixed by the apparition and was unable to move. The being was apparently beckoning to the young man to approach. The entity was described as having a huge round head, large red eyes and was making an unusual growling noise. The witness was finally able to flee the area.

HC addition # 1829

Source: Ron Schaffner, UFO Ohio Yearbook 1979 Type: E


Location. Near Bellville Ohio

Date: July 10 1978 Time: 2200

A carload of area residents were parked at the local railroad crossing when they noticed a huge dark figure with red glowing eyes that appeared to be in a slumped position standing over the tracks. The frightened witnesses fled the area and later notified the police.

HC addition # 1830

Source: Ron Schaffner, UFO Ohio Yearbook 1979 Type: E


Location. Mooca, Sao Paolo, Brazil

Date: July 11 1978 Time: night

A witness was paralyzed in her house by humanoids wearing silvery helmets, emitting a blue beam of light from their heads, large round eyes, without irises or eyelids, yellowish skin, flat noses and large heads. They were about 1.25 meters in height, and wore light gray coveralls. They seemed to levitate just above the ground. They arrived in a large round object that landed near the house. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Revista Brasileira Ovni Type: C


Location. Butler Ohio

Date: July 12 1978 Time: night

A man and his daughter were pitching hay from their half built barn when a slow freight train approached on the nearby tracks. The train began to sound its horn at different intervals. The man walked back into the house while his daughter decided to investigate why the train was making so much noise. She then came upon a huge bigheaded figure with glowing red orange eyes that began to emit a very foul odor and a high pitch scream. The girl dropped her flashlight and ran from the area terrified.

HC addition # 1831

Source: Ron Schaffner, UFO Ohio Yearbook 1979 Type: E


Location. Iracauba, Brazil

Date: July 16 1978 Time: night

JRB and his family observed a dome shaped metallic object land on a field and a short humanoid with greenish skin and large oval shaped eyes briefly come out. It re-entered the object, which then took off.

HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil Type: C


Location. Orebro Sweden

Date: July 17 1978 Time: 0300A

The witness was sleeping with his family when he suddenly woke up feeling a presence in the room; he lifted his head and spotted a four-foot tall creature at the foot of the bed. The creature was grayish green in color and transparent, with club like hands and no discernible facial features. Somehow the humanoid pulled the blanket off the witness and put both its hands on the witness foot. The witness felt a terrible pain shoot through him and jumped up screaming form his bed, the creature turned around and floated out the open balcony and up into the air. Strange half moon shaped marks was found on the witness foot. Severe physical aftereffects were reported.

HC addition # 77

Source: J O Sundverg, UFO Universe Spring 1993 Type: E


Location. South London England

Date: July 17 1978 Time: 1945

A woman had gone out to the park with her two daughters and was resting on the grass while her daughters played ahead, when suddenly an orange sphere of light descended from the sky and landed a few yards from the witness. Two five-foot tall men approached the witness from the direction of the object; they seemed to be wearing brown uniforms with peaked caps, with buttons on their chest. The beings stood in front of the witness talking in an unknown language. The witness then glanced to her side and saw the image of her father that had been dead for six years (!). At this point the witness collapsed feeling cold and drained of energy. She later had to be hospitalized.

HC addition # 569

Source: Jenny Randles, UFO Reality Type: C?


Location. Cayey Puerto Rico

Date: July 17 1978 Time: 2205

The witness and her family were preparing to go to bed when a strong light shone through the bedroom window. The witness tells her husband to go and check and he goes over to the children’s rooms to check on them. Suddenly a bright light enters the bedroom and two short figures appear at the bedroom door. These are described as four-foot tall, with a large head, huge dark slanted eyes, two small holes for a nose and a slit like mouth. They had long thin arms and fingers and wore tight fitting silvery outfits and gloves. One of the beings approached the witness and touched her, apparently causing her to calm down and relax. She then was taken by her hand and led outside and floated into a hovering object. Inside she found herself in a large stainless steel room where two short humanoids operated several devices. She was then led out of the room through a curved metallic hallway brightly lit by an unknown source. She was made to lie down on a cot and saw a terminal like instrument descend form the ceiling and hover over her. On the screen the witness was able to see numerous internal organs, apparently hers. The short humanoids gesticulated among themselves and pointed at the screen several times. Moments later one of the beings placed a small box with multicolored lights on the witness head. At this point she began receiving messages in her head. Soon a tall human like being entered the room; he wore a silvery uniform, with a large wide belt and thin gloves. He was well built, with short black hair, dark almond shaped eyes and with a somewhat pale complexion. The witness was then given a complete medical exam in which various samples were taken from her. The tall human like being communicated extensively with the witness. She was apparently cured of a kidney disease she had and was given dire warning about the future of humanity as a whole.

HC addition # 1222

Source: Jorge Martin, Enigma # 20 Type: G


Location. Near Xalostoc, Jalisco, Mexico

Date: July 18 1978 Time: night

A couple named Goytortua were traveling on the Jalisco Road when they encountered a huge red light hovering over the road. Three bizarre “amorphous” entities exited the object. These were described as almost globular in nature. The creatures stood in front of the vehicle emitting an extremely foul and nauseating odor. The driver attempted to put the car in reverse as his wife screamed in terror next to him but the vehicle would not respond. As the creatures approached the vehicle the temperature fell to almost below zero level. The creatures apparently wanted the witnesses to exit the car but these stayed inside. They finally re-entered the craft, which shot away at high speed. Both witnesses suffered from a classic case of radiation poisoning and also suffered from nightmares and found strange red marks on their bodies.

HC addendum

Source: Ruben Manrique Type: B


Location. Near Green River Wyoming

Date: July 22 1978 Time: afternoon

Two women, Mickie Eckert and Kathy Echard were driving on Interstate 80 and reported encountering different type of phenomena including mysterious lights and objects that followed their car and hovered over the area. At one point they saw numerous large trucks that turned into domed disc shaped objects that flew off. On another occasion they saw a bizarre black dog like creature with blazing red eyes next to their car. Next, one of the women saw a short child like figure in their back seat. Finally their vehicle seemed to have been transported to another dimension, the sun turned a strange gray color and became abnormally large. Then several figures wearing white spacesuit-like outfits and carrying tubes and pipe like objects were seen standing on the middle of the roadway walking back and forth. Then bright blue lights appeared and everything seemed to disappear. There is a possibility of missing time in this case.

HC addition # 2160

Source: Sean Devaney, Unsolved UFO Sightings Fall 1994 Type: G?


Location. Barnehurst Kent England

Date: July 26 1978 Time: afternoon

A female witness watched a brown black helicopter like object hovering above her garden. She was able to clearly see two men sitting inside. The witness heard no sound and felt no down draft from the object. No other information.

HC addition # 696

Source: David Clarke, Nigel Watson

Phantom Helicopters over Britain Type: A


Location. Tortoreto, Italy

Date: August 1978 Time: 0100A

Four women were returning home in a car and while two slept in the back seat the two in the front watched a brilliant white globe shaped object land on a nearby hill. Awakening the other two women, the witnesses stopped the vehicle. Stepping out of the car they observed three figures moving inside the object. The figures wore white coveralls and helmets and seemed to move in small jumps. The area around the object was illuminated in a revolving light that changed from white to red then green. Later the object took off emitting a bright flash.

HC addition # 1540

Source: Maurizio Verga “Itacat” Type: A


Location. Sao Pedro Fazenda Sao Paulo Brazil

Date: August 1978 Time: 0100A

A tractor driver at a local plantation had gone to the tractor yard area and had connected a trailer with a tractor when he noticed a human like figure sitting on top of the trailer. The figure carried a bright flashlight type object. The figure was described as tall, wearing a loose fitting shiny overall and an opaque helmet. The figure shone the light at the witness who suddenly felt confused and lost his will power. The figure motioned to him to start the tractor, which he did. He drove on to the feed yard and loaded several bags into the trailer closely watched by the figure with the bright flashlight. After awhile the figure shone the light at the witness again dazzling him and apparently causing him to loose consciousness. He later woke up and found himself at a different location in the plantation. Near him floated a metallic object. The object had a door in the front and a ladder protruding down to the ground, it also had bright round lights around its lower periphery that changed colors in sequence. Behind a nearby barbwire on a field stood three similar individuals, all carrying bright flashlight like objects, these then walked through the wire as if it had not been there. They were talking among themselves in a chirping type sound. The witness was later rendered unconscious again by the bright light. Later the beings apparently entered the object, which rose up and vanished in a puff of smoke. The witness had also observed one of the men shoot up into the sky carrying the bright flashlight and disappear from sight.

HC addition # 848

Source: Dr. W Buhler MD, FSR Vol. 28 # 2 Type: B


Location. Fuzeta Algarve Portugal

Date: August 1978 Time: 2330

At a place called “The Fisherman’s Quarter” several children that were playing outside saw a bright metallic object land nearby. Several tall human like figures wearing gray coveralls emerged and walked briefly around the object. Around the same time there were many other sightings by locals of objects approaching the ground, usually coming in from the ocean.

HC addition # 109

Source: Ballester Olmos, Fernandez Peri

Enciclopedia De Los Encuentros Cercanos Con Ovnis Type: B


Location. San Antonio Abad, Ibiza Island Spain

Date: August 1978 Time: night

Some local peasant children reported seeing two strange figures and glowing lights in some woods. One of the figures was described as robot-like, complete with antennae. The other more human like, apparently bearded and with long dark hair. No other information.

HC addition # 2153

Source: Jenny Randles, UFO Universe January 1990 Type: C?


Location. Peixinhas em Olinda, Brazil

Date: August 1978 Time: night

Local peasants reported encountering a bizarre creature described as resembling a bipedal “wolfman.” It reportedly attacked several women. Three women were walking by an area called “Cabo Gato” when they heard a loud growling sound coming from some nearby bushes. Suddenly a tall hairy figure appeared and chased the three for several meters before it disappeared into the woods as some men approached.

HC addendum

Source: Recife Assombrado Brazil Type: E


Location. Ottosen Iowa

Date: early August 1978 Time: night

Numerous witnesses reported seeing a hairy, foul smelling five-foot tall, ape like creature that made growling noises and grunts. It had large red glowing eyes the size of golf balls. There were also reports of mutilated dogs and rabbits, and cats disappearing. Strange tracks have also been found on the mud. A girl riding her bike saw a five-foot tall figure in the light of a streetlight, standing next to a garage less than a block away. The creature was broad and covered with hair. The girl’s scream brought her mother and two other people to the scene. Riding bikes to where the creature had been seen, the trio stopped when they heard a man’s voice say “does anyone know what time it is?” They had no idea where the voice came from, but looked down toward the garage and saw a “head” looking at them. The head was large, covered with hair and with huge dazzling eyes. The witnesses quickly left the area.

HC addition # 3089

Source: Frank Santiago, Omaha World Herald Type: E


Location. Near Lewiston California

Date: August 1 1978 Time: unknown

This is an undocumented report of a 12-year old, son of a prominent local doctor encountering an unusual humanoid creature not far from a mine in an isolated area. No other information.

HC addition # 917

Source: Jacques Vallee, Confrontations, A scientist’s

Search for Alien Contact Type: E?


Location. Clarksville Tennessee

Date: August 1 1978 Time: 2200

The six months pregnant witness had been taking a nap when she suddenly woke up to see a large craft hovering outside the upstairs window over a nearby wood shack. Her husband saw the object too. The main witness fainted but then heard a voice in a thick Middle Eastern accent telling her to open her eyes. When she opened her eyes she was confronted by a tall creature resembling an insect, it was thin and white in color wearing a dark outfit. It apparently spoke to the witness by using telepathy, there were several other similar creatures wearing jumpsuits standing around. The witness conducted a mental conversation with the creature asking it several questions as to its origin. The witness suddenly panicked and screamed and began to pass out, some of the creatures then began backing away. Moments later a long needle was painfully inserted into her belly. She then passed out, and then woke up later to see the taller creature talking to the others. Their heads were large and rounded. At one point the witness claimed she saw several helicopters flying around the hovering craft.

HC addition # 3201

Source: NUFORC Type: G?


Location. Mawnan Church Cornwall England

Date: August 2 1978 Time: night

Three young French tourists watched a large leathery furry owl-like creature flying over the woods, it had large claws, red round eyes, and a large gaping mouth. No other information.

HC addition # 705

Source: Graham MacEwan, Mystery Animals

Of Britain & Ireland Type: E


Location. Between Agia Marva & Lefkohori, Greece

Date: August 6 1978 Time: night

Antonis Coulouris was driving his car on country road when he suddenly saw several “giant humanoids” caught by the lights of his truck. Terrified, he put the car in reverse to get away and drove about 60 meters when the engine stopped functioning. The lights went out and he felt like something was “shaking” his truck. For 15 seconds he tried to turn on the engine but to no avail. After that, the shaking stopped and the engine functioned normally.

HC addendum

Source: Makis Nodaros Type: E


Location. Near Minerva Ohio

Date: August 21 1978 Time: 2230

Evelyn Clayton’s family and friends were out on the front porch when they heard noises coming from the direction of an old chicken coop just to the right of the house. They then saw two pairs of yellow that seemed to be reflecting a porch light. Scott Patterson went to his car and turned the headlights on in hopes of getting a better look. Now they could see that the eyes were on what appeared to be two “cougar type” felines. Then the group saw what looked like a large bipedal hairy creature step in front of the large cats as if to protect them. This creature then proceeded to lurch towards the Patterson’s car. The witnesses fled to the house and called the sheriff’s office. While waiting for the deputies, the bipedal creature appeared at the kitchen window. Patterson then pointed a 22-caliber pistol at it, while Evelyn Clayton loaded a .22 caliber rifle. The creature stood outside the window for close to ten minutes. They decided they would not shoot it unless the creature made any advances toward them. It suddenly left without harming anyone. A strong stench resembling ‘ammonia sulfur” remained in the area long after the creature was gone.

HC addition # 3061

Source: Ron Schaffner Type: E


Location. Southampton Bermuda

Date: August 22 1978 Time: night

Several guests at the local resort “The Reefs” were having dinner at an outdoors area on top of a cliff when they saw what appeared to be a helicopter approaching. The object approached and shone a blood red spotlight at the witnesses. The witnesses now realized that the helicopter was really a 30-foot disc shaped object. The craft had brightly lit rectangular windows around its perimeter. The main witness and several of the other guests could now see several gray figures that appeared to be waving at them; one stared directly at one of the witnesses. After about a minute the silent craft flew over the ocean and disappeared. At this point several military jets now appeared and apparently chased the object. Later that night, around 0500A, the wife of the main witness woke up startled to see a short figure standing in their room. The figure raised one hand, waved it then leaped right out the balcony, about 10 feet, never touching the rail.

HC addition # 3618

Source: NUFORC Type: A & E


Location. Near Santiago Chile

Date: August 23 1978 Time: unknown

A young motorist reportedly suffered a nervous breakdown as he encountered several tall humanoids with human features and wearing helmets standing on the roadway. Two other motorists also reported seeing similar beings. No other information.

HC addition # 1017

Source: Marcen Journal Vol. II # 2 Type: E?


Location. Longcross Bristol England

Date: August 23 1978 Time: 0130A

Three young witnesses saw a small black figure gliding quickly across a field. It was described as 2 to 3-foot tall apparently without any limbs. It appeared to have an upright stance and glided just above the grass. Later at 0230A the same witnesses saw a van with a driver dressed in black and wearing sunglasses. In the passenger seat sat a huge humanoid figure about eight-foot tall with massive shoulders and no head just a stump like protrusion.

HC addition # 1611

Source: Steve Gerrard, quoting British Flying Saucer Bureau

News Bulletin 2/3 80, Vol. 2 # 2 Type: E


Location. Penalva, Maranhao, Brazil

Date: August 23 1978 Time: night

In a field a witness saw three medium-sized humanoid figures wearing silvery loose-fitting coveralls and round translucent helmets with what appeared to be face coverings or “plates”. The humanoids were encased in an eerie glow.

HC addendum

Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil Type: E


Location. Hamburg Germany

Date: August 24 1978 Time: afternoon

Six children from a local school saw a round silvery object slowly descend and land on an open field. The object had two round black dots on its side. A ladder descended and two human like figures emerged, they wore white helmets and dark uniforms. The witnesses ran to get some help, but upon returning both the object and figures were gone.

HC addition # 205

Source: Ulrich Magin Type: B


Location. Hyannis-Barnstable Massachusetts

Date: August 26 1978 Time: 2200

Two witnesses in a car watched an oval shaped craft hovering low over the US6 road. Behind several rectangular windows several figures could be seen moving back and forth. No other information.

HC addition # 2358

Source: Raymond Fowler Type: A


Location. Las Salinas Tucuman Argentina

Date: August 27 1978 Time: afternoon

Nuño Gomez reported encountering two short men like humanoids, wearing gloves, black boots, and shiny metallic outfits in his house. They appeared to have severe “acne” on their faces. They then apparently disappeared. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso Type: E


Location. Near Chieti Italy

Date: August 28 1978 Time: 0230A

Amerigo Rocci, a baker, was on his way to work when he experienced total engine failure in his vehicle. While checking under the hood, a powerful bright light illuminated the area around him. Approaching the light he noticed five strange figures, the height of an eight-year-old child. The figures moved in unison in “synchronized” movements and appear to float 25 cm above the road. The figures wore a dark gray tight fitting diver’s suits that covered them from head to toe. They had thick necks and from the top of their heads protruded an “antenna” like device resembling a funnel. The beings were about 500 meters away and Rocci was not able to see any facial features. The beings glided away in single file from the witness, who noticed that the last figure was carrying something resembling a “shovel” like apparatus.

HC addendum

Source: Archivio S.U.F Type: C?


Location. Gobernador Dupuy San Luis Province Argentina

Date: August 30 1978 Time: 1630

A 23-year old woodcutter was taking a break from work when he saw a strange craft approach to within 2 meters. A humanoid figure surrounded in bluish light emerged from the object and approached the witness with its hand extended forward. No facial features or lower limbs could be detected. The being suddenly pushed a button on its chest and the witness was paralyzed. He was then taken into the object and inside a grayish substance was smeared on his mouth and needles were stuck in his arm. The witness was finally set free in remote spot miles from where he was picked up. It was reported that he was able to keep several items from the object.

HC addition # 251

Source: Jane Thomas, Mufon Journal # 130 Type: G


Location. London England

Date: August 31 1978 Time: 1900

The witness was sitting in her office on the tenth floor of an office building on the south bank of the river Thames when she glanced out a window and noticed an object moving at rooftop height. It was silvery bright in color and was shaped like an elongated parachute; at the bottom it had a man shaped figure apparently protruding from its tip. The object moved horizontally then stopped briefly above a building. It finally disappeared behind the National Theater and was not seen again. (?)

HC addition # 999

Source: P Hardman, Bufora Journal Vol. 8 # 4 Type: A?


Location. Jackson Mississippi

Date: late August 1978 Time: unknown

The 28-year old witness encountered a hovering disc shaped object. Under hypnosis he recalled being invited inside by several men wearing shiny clothing, with almost human appearing faces and raspy voice. Later he began to hear voices in his head and had to undergo prolonged psychiatric treatment.

HC addition # 332

Source: Article by Ramona Cortez, and Don Worley Type: G


Location. Venado Tuerto Argentina

Date: early September 1978 Time: unknown

A young carpenter encountered seven disc shaped objects on the ground in an isolated field. Two undescribed humanoids stood near the objects. No other information.

HC addition # 918

Source: Jacques Vallee, Confrontations a scientist

Search for Alien Contact Type: C


Location. Jindabyne New South Wales, Australia

Date: September 1978 Time: night

Two young men out hunting near the village reported seeing a bright spherical light on the ground, some distance away, they saw it again the next night. There was an apparent two-hour time lapse and one of the witnesses later recalled both being floated into a room where they were placed on a table and examined by tall white colored beings.

HC addition # 153

Source: Keith Basterfield, Vladimir Godic & Pony Godic

IUR Vol. 14 # 4 Type: G


Location. Cacapava, Brazil

Date: September 1978 Time: night

The witness, Benedito Cristovao Da Silva encountered two humanoids about 1.70 meters in height. He watched the humanoids as he fed the cattle in a field. They seemed to walk right through a barbwire fence, as it was not there. The humanoids then entered a luminous disc shaped object, which shot away at high speed.

HC addendum

Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil Type: B


Location. Near Lake Constance, Germany

Date: September 1978 Time: 2100

The witness of a previous UFO/humanoid encounter in 1977 was walking home along an empty street when he saw a bicyclist approach. He drew even with the witness and threatened him, saying he should never talk about his experience or something will happen to him. The man was described as humanoid in appearance wearing a long black coat and a black broad brimmed hat. He drove on for ten meters and suddenly vanished in plain sight.

HC addition # 886

Source: Illobrand Von Ludwiger, Mufon 1993

Symposium Proceedings Type: E


Location. Hughenden, England

Date: September 1978 Time: 2130

Phil Mullett was driving on Four Ashes Road and on turning the car lights on saw a green figure appear from the right hand side of the road. It drifted out to the center of the road and turned towards him. It waved its arms, apparently not to frighten the witness but warning him back. It drifted into the hedge on the other side of the road but as the witness got closer it came out again to the center, turned and lifted its arms. It seemed to shout out something. Phil braked and although he must have hit the figure when he got out to look there was nothing there. He described the figure as bright green but appeared to have no legs or hands. The body was solid and it stood about seven-foot tall. Instead of a face there was just a misty gray round shape.

HC addendum

Source: Strange Buckinghamshire Type: E


Location. Colares Brazil

Date: September 1978 Time: 2300

C. Rodrigues was sleeping in a hammock in the house of a friend, when she suddenly woke up to see a bright light outside and noticed the temperature around her become warmer. A beam of green light then entered through the window, touching her head and face. The color then changed to red. She then noticed the figure of a man wearing a diving suit standing outside. He had human features, but had very small eyes. In his hand he held an instrument resembling a pistol, which he pointed it at the witness three times, hitting her with a beam of light in her chest area. It felt very hot to the witness. The beams left burn like scars arranged in a triangle in her upper chest area. Every time the beams of light hit her she felt very thirsty and became paralyzed. She screamed waking her cousin. The man and the light then disappeared.

HC addition # 2587

Source: Bob Pratt, UFO Danger Zone Type: E


Location. Anglesey Wales

Date: September 1 1978 Time: evening

Independent witnesses including one man hunting rabbits near the village watched a bright white light slowly descend behind a new housing estate. Others saw a large silvery sphere above a field. One witness along with her young daughter happened to look out the window and saw three very tall men walking across a field, these men wore silvery gray outfits with a sort of cap on their heads which was attached to their suits. The witness ran to the village to find other witnesses.

HC addition # 357

Source: Robert Gribble, Mufon Journal # 245 Type: D


Location. Venado Tuerto Argentina

Date: September 6 1978 Time: 0645A

The young witness had gone to gather a herd of horses and as he rode on his horse through the morning fog he felt something fly overhead, several objects then appeared and began maneuvering overhead emitting powerful beams of color changing light. His horse panicked and the witness barely managed to ride back home. The boy’s father reprimanded him and ordered him to go back to get the horses. Back on the field the witness found a large round object on the ground, it had a dome on top with several round windows. A door opened and a seven-foot tall being wearing gloves and a cylindrical helmet appeared. The being seemed to be attached to the object by some type of breathing apparatus. He invited the witness inside. They boy then tied his horse to a ladder and climbed in. Inside he was able to see a panel with buttons, tables and a small robot like being that was apparently busy at cutting into pieces, large bones of some animals resembling cows or horses, afraid the boy jumped out of the object to the ground. The tall being followed him outside. The witness then requested one of the giant’s gloves as proof of the experience, he then saw that the being had green claw like hands with blue metallic nails. The being then pricked the witness right arm apparently extracting blood in the process. As the witness rode back home carrying the glove, two flying objects caught up with him emitting a small slab and sphere that descended and brushed by the horse pulling off the glove like a magnet. (Six days prior to the incident the witness father had found a mutilated cow in a pasture.)

HC addition # 919

Source: Jacques Vallee, Confrontations, A scientist

Search for Alien Contact Type: G


Location. Sassello Italy

Date: September 6 1978 Time: late evening

A local laborer was going to bed at in area rooming house when he heard noises outside. Opening the bedroom curtains he saw two round black “figures” outside, they were close together and appeared to emit a strange dialogue like sound that sounded like a radio. Both figures departed with a great wind leaving circular imprints on the ground. (Robot like beings?)

HC addition # 158

Source: Roberto Pinotti, IUR Vol. 4 # 3 Type: E?


Location. La Dulce, Necochea Argentina

Date: September 9 1978 Time: night

Manuel Arias and his wife, Beatriz Turiella were attracted to a bright light originating from a nearby field where high tension wires crossed. Going to investigate they saw a huge luminous silo-shaped craft hovering about 800 meters away. The glowing object pulsated slightly. Two small lights left the object and flew towards a nearby yard where cars and construction equipment was kept. The small lights disappeared but then two strange figures appeared. These seem to float in mid air and moved slowly over barbed wire fences and other obstacles. Strangely, the witnesses noticed that throughout the incident their dogs, normally raucous dogs remained very quiet.

HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso Type: C


Location. Las Salinas San Miguel de Tucuman Argentina

Date: September 10 1978 Time: 1640

Two men were sitting in their home when they began to experience TV interference, they attempted to use a stereo player, and a radio, but these did not function properly also. They then heard some noises coming from an adjoining shop that was connected to their house. They went to investigate and found some broken bottles on the floor and some other damage. Moments later they became aware of two short beings standing nearby. These were dressed in bright blue one-piece suits, dark blue helmets, and high boots bright blue in color and on their arms shiny black gauntlets that went up above the elbow. Their faces were brown and their complexion was pockmarked, their eyes normal and their noses flat. One of the figures was holding an object resembling a “hair dryer” and was pointing it at the witnesses. Both men then heard a telepathic message warning them not to scream. At this point one of the witnesses ran to the door and both figures were seen putting their fingers up their noses vanishing instantly and appearing at a different location in the shop, this they did several times as the witnesses, one armed with a knife ran around trying to exit the premises. Some empty crates were thrown at the witnesses during the process. The witnesses finally managed to get out and summoned the police who searched the premises but found nothing. Neighbors had seen strange lights in the area.

HC addition # 825

Source: Jorge Eduardo Catoja, FSR Vol. 28 # 4 Type: E or D?


Location. Near Belden Nebraska

Date: September 14 1978 Time: night

A prominent executive driving on highway 20 watched a bright object land on the road ahead. He stopped his car near the object, which somehow resembled a “tank.” As the witness stepped out of the car, a door opened on the object and a man stepped out. He seemed normal, was dark haired, of normal height and wore white pants and a white shirt. He spoke to the witness in perfect English then re-entered the object which rose up in a brilliant column of light emitting a high pitched whine as it left.

HC addition # 317

Source: Robert E Bartholomew UFO Lore, quoting Apro Type: B


Location. Delano Tennessee

Date: September 15 1978 Time: 0230A

A 31-year old woman was lying in bed awake when she suddenly felt compelled to look outside, over a nearby field she could see a vaguely outlined long shape red and pink in color. It was completely silent. She also saw two normal men of average height dressed in white suits standing about 100 yards from the window. They walked towards the house but then turned back.

HC addition # 227

Source: IUR Vol. 4 # 3 Type: C


Location. Carpentersville Illinois

Date: September 15 1978 Time: 0400A

The 26-year old witness was awakened by a whirring sound and went to look out the window. The noise stopped but then she saw the figure of a six-foot tall man, he was dressed in a silvery suit. Several feet away she saw a small silver domed disc sitting on the edge of the grass, it was opaque and smooth and was emitting a soft whir. The witness then woke her husband up screaming and her dog started barking furiously. They tried to phone the police but the phone was out of order. When the police eventually arrived both the figure and the object were gone.

HC addition # 228

Source: IUR Vol. 4 # 2 Type: C


Location. Edmunston, New Brunswick Canada

Date: September 15 1978 Time: late night

The main witness and her family had seen a shiny disc shaped object hovering near their farmhouse. The witness could only recall vague memories after this, but remembers the police was called. Years later her mother told her that she had seen the disc land and saw figures coming out of it. The next night the main witness woke up thirsty and told her father to bring her a glass of water, as she followed her dad to the kitchen, she noticed an odd smell, at the same time smoky and sweet. She then noticed walking behind her a small figure, about 4-feet tall, grayish green in color, with no visible eyes, ears, mouth, or nose. It had some sort of bag, which threw over the witness. Her last memory was of seeing her father standing still as if frozen in time. The witness could not remember anything else.

HC addition # 3559

Source: NUFORC Type: B & G?


Location. South Middleton Massachusetts

Date: September 17 1978 Time: 0200A

The witness looked out the front window of his house and noticed a group of six humanoid figures standing besides the road. Five of the figures wore white suits and one that appeared to be pointing to the ground was wearing black. Their clothing appeared to be reflective. After a few minutes the figures walked into the woods and disappeared.

HC addition # 845

Source: David F Webb, FSR Vol. # 2 Type: E


Location. Torrita Di Sienna Italy

Date: September 17 1978 Time: 2015

Two witnesses watched a bright sphere descend over the area and at the same time a black out occurred. Shortly a motorist was driving home when his engine and lights went out, a bright object descended over the road just ahead and hovered, it was a domed orange red object, hat like in shape. A panel opened and two humanoids emerged and floated towards the vehicle, they were five-foot tall, wearing green coveralls and helmets with aerials. They circled the car and appeared to inspect it. Their skin also appeared greenish. They then re-entered the object, which took off with a flash of light and an explosive sound.

HC addition # 225

Source: Richard Hall, Mufon Journal # 153 Type: B


Location. Melaria Porto Nogaro Italy

Date: September 18 1978 Time: 1530

The witness had gone fishing at the river Corno when he suddenly heard a sharp whistling found followed by some spiral movement of air behind him causing ripples on the water and sending the surrounding brush rustling. The wind became stronger so the witness decided to climb up a nearby embankment and take a look around. As he reached the top of the embankment he caught sight of a metallic disc shaped object sitting on a nearby dry mud flat. The object rested on three thick legs that terminated on flat plates on the ground. The object was totally smooth and the metal appeared to be brass like in appearance. A figure then appeared walking on the rim of the disc. I was described as short and oriental in appearance wearing a silvery tight fitting overall which sparkled in the sunlight. He also wore dark boots. His face was dark bronze in complexion and he had large almond shaped eyes. The humanoid appeared surprised upon seeing the witness then walked briskly around the rim, briefly bending down and touching something on the dome then disappeared behind the dome. Moments later the witness heard a loud rumbling sound and saw the object rise slowly straight up, emitting a bluish flame from the bottom, it then turned on edge and shot away at great speed. Ground marks were found at the scene.

HC addition # 810

Source: Antonio Chiumento, FSR Vol. 28 # 5 Type: C


Location. Monte Bondone Italy

Date: September 18 1978 Time: 1940

The witness, “Giorgio” was on his way from a funeral when he noticed a bright glow coming from a nearby forest. Curios and fearing a fire, he parked his vehicle and went off on foot to check on the source. He took a camera with him. About 5 minutes into the woods he heard a strange sound resembling a sort of metallic “clatter.” He kept on walking while a feeling of “being watched,” crept over him. Suddenly, looking to his left he noticed a strange luminous human like figure leaning against the trunk of a tree. At this point the witness apparently attempted to take 2 photos but was unsuccessful. He observed the figure for about 30 seconds. Frightened, he described the figure as about 1 meter 60 cm in height, squat, and heavy set, with large donkey like ears. A dark spiral tube like device emerged from its mouth; he had large deep-set almond shaped eyes, which emitted a strange glow, and a small nose. It wore a loose fitting tunic and white gloves. During the encounter the witness noticed camphor like odor in the area. The humanoid became aware that the witness was approaching and suddenly turned around and quickly disappeared into the forest using great agility and speed. The witness briefly attempted to chase him but the humanoid moved to fast.

HC addendum

Source: CISU Type: E


Location. Near Tampa Florida

Date: September 20 1978 Time: 1800

The two witnesses were driving on the outskirts of town near some orange groves, when they spotted a huge object, dark blue with an orange glow coming from some large windows. The object was gliding silently overhead. In the windows the witnesses were able to see several figures, which seemed to be excitedly talking to each other, some of them waved down at the witnesses. The driver attempted to follow the object, which came down at one point to 50 feet above the ground. The witness memory becomes a little sketchy at this point, and there is a time loss reported. There are some vague memories of walking through an orange grove without talking to each other.

HC addition # 3573

Source: NUFORC Type: A?


Location. Cosenza Italy

Date: September 21 1978 Time: 2000

A young man walking near a field suddenly saw the area illuminated by a bright light and could no longer see his surroundings. Up on a nearby hill he saw an oval shaped object resting on the ground. A human like figure with two antennae like protrusions on his head, stood by the object. Frightened he ran away but fell as four humanoids approached apparently in bizarre bounding like movements. The witness fainted and when he woke up he saw four five-foot tall entities wearing buttoned jackets, a backpack and helmets with antennae. Their hands appeared pincer-like. He fainted again, woke up later and everything had vanished.

HC addition # 136

Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe, October/November 1991 Type: G


Location. Torrita Di Siena, Italy

Date: September 22 1978 Time: unknown

Two motorists observed a disc shaped object on the road ahead, blocking their path. Two humanoids (undescribed) exited the object and walked around the witness’s vehicle and then back into the object. When the object left it apparently scorched the ground below it. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Marco Bianchini, Roberto Cappelli, UFO in Visita a Siena Type: B


Location. Near Biela Lake Carpathia Rumania

Date: September 23 1978 Time: midnight

Two locksmiths watched a mysterious light pulsating and hovering silently above the ground. It suddenly disappeared in plain sight. Around the same time an army private at a nearby barracks was walking around some buildings when a two-meter tall dark man like figure confronted him. The soldier ran into the barracks in order to obtain additional witnesses, but came back out again when he was unable to locate anybody. He saw the being again standing against a window.

HC addition # 1783

Source: Boczor Iosif, Fate # 534, Sept. 1994 Type: D


Location. Near Biela Lake Carpathia Rumania

Date: September 24 1978 Time: night

Again at the army barracks the witness of a previous encounter was out with a friend examining an animal trap when they ran into another soldier that suddenly cried out, pointing at a tall dark figure on a nearby hill. The being was standing next to an oil tank. The three men briefly retreated to their barracks then came back out, noticing that the being was still there. One of the soldiers walked towards the figure holding a club in his hand. He then attempted to strike at the being but somehow was unable to hit it. Suddenly the soldier fell backwards. The being then bent down and examined him for a few moments. The other two soldiers heard a strange sound coming form the being and saw something flash in its hand. They attempted to assist their friend but were unable to move. When the being finally disappeared they were able to move and went to assist their friend. He was unconscious and half of his body appeared softer than the other half. His face and hands were red in color. Other soldiers saw weird dancing egg shaped lights on top of the hill. Strange marks were found on the barrack window blinds the next day.

HC addition # 1784

Source: Boczor Iosif, Fate # 534, Sept 1994 Type: D


Location. Near Santiago Chile

Date: September 26 1978 Time: night

Alejandro Hernandez and his 13-year old son had gone for a drive in an area southeast of the capital. Suddenly Hernandez felt a strange sensation that seemed to slow the car down. Looking out the window he saw a hovering object. A hatch opened on the object and the vehicle and its two occupants rose up into the craft. Inside they saw five short figures surrounded by an incredibly bright light that approached their vehicle. One of them spoke in a metallic voice and ordered them to exit the vehicle. Once outside the car the witnesses saw numerous apparatuses with red and orange lights. Upon asking the humanoids where they were from, these remained silent but all pointed upwards. After 10 minutes both witnesses were deposited back to the ground. There were apparently other witnesses to this incident.

HC addition # 3394

Source: “El mundo de las Enigmas” Type: G


Location. Magnusy Poland

Date: September 27 1978 Time: 0800A

In the same area of other humanoid encounters a group of school children spotted a short green skin creature standing at the edge of the forest. The being raised its hand and it appeared green also. The creature was described as having large slanted eyes and webbing between its hands. There were also UFO sightings in the area.

HC addition # 1658

Source: Buhler, Pereira, and Matiel Pires

UFO Abduction at Mirassol Type: D


Location. Prcirovnik Poland

Date: September 27 1978 Time: 2000

Two witnesses watched an object with pulsating red lights flying low above some pine trees. The object was oval shaped and seemed to descend into the woods. In the woods a mushroom picker encountered three short beings dressed in black one-piece suits with flippers on their feet. On the chest area they had a yellow emblem with a red dot, and they wore tight fitting black helmets. The beings were apparently green in color and had pointed ears; red slanted eyes and pronounced cheekbones. They gave off strong chlorine like odor.

HC addition # 563

Source: Felix Y Zigel, UFO landings in

The USSR and other Countries Type: C


Location. Near Ceballos Mexico

Date: October 1978 Time: night

Driving through a desert area known as ‘La Zona Del Silencio”, Ruben Lopez began experiencing engine trouble. He stopped his van and became aware that five small figures were standing along the roadside about 100 feet ahead. At first he thought they were lost children, until he noticed that they wore unusual silver one-piece suits. Helmets resembling those used by football players covered the little beings heads. Through the helmets open fronts, Lopez could tell the beings had adult man-like faces. The little men approached the stalled van with curiosity. Scared, Lopez raced the van’s engine in neutral, and the little men scattered into the desert darkness. The van then functioned normally again after the beings had vanished.

HC addition # 3036

Source: Scott Corrales, Fate April 1998 Time: E


Location. Mendoza Argentina

Date: October 1978 Time: night

Two guards at a local factory encountered a strange three-foot tall dwarf that seemed to hop in one leg. Using some type of machinery or apparatus the being suspended the two witnesses above the ground. After some jumping and hoping about the dwarf flew off into the sky and disappeared. No other information.

HC addition # 423

Source: Fortean Times # 31. Quoting V Corradi Type: E


Location. Newport, Essex, England

Date: October 1978 Time: 2100

Three women had decided to take a shortcut down a darkened alley to Church Street as the neared a bend in the alley they became aware of someone walking toward them dressed as a “cavalier”, the figure “drifted” toward them. They could not see its features as he was silhouetted against the light in a nearby church entrance, but he wore a large hat with a plume, and a cape (full attire for a cavalier.) As the figured neared them they had an overwhelming need to press themselves against the wall until it had passed. When they reached the end of the alley the witnesses looked back but the figure had vanished.

HC addendum

Source: Paul Deveraux, Haunted Land Type: E


Location. Groendal Reserve South Africa

Date: October 2 1978 Time: 1115A

Four young boys had been out hiking in an isolated area and were now waiting to be picked up by their parents when suddenly their attention was drawn to a glistening object in the distance, they then saw two men just west of the object. The men wore shiny silvery outfits. These men appeared to move across the terrain in a gliding motion, on top of the hill they were joined by a third man that appeared to be carrying a small suitcase. The men then glided towards a dividing fence and glided over it, one stopped to look at the boys. The silver suit covered his forehead, leaving only his face clear, he had gray skin. The men then glided up a hill and seemed to disappear upon reaching the summit. During the incident the witnesses noticed a strange silence in the area and a couple of them felt disoriented. Possible ground traces were found on the site.

HC addition # 904

Source: Cynthia Hind, Phenomenon, 40 years of Flying Saucers Type: C


Location. Sayama City Japan

Date: October 3 1978 Time: late evening

The witness, a CB radio operator had driven to the top of a mountain in order to obtain better reception, he had taken his two-year-old daughter with him. Suddenly the interior of the car began to glow, looking out he sees nothing, and then looking back at his daughter he sees her lying on the seat with an orange beam of light shining on her stomach. He then feels a metal object pressing against his right temple. He looks up and comes face to face with a strange being under five-foot tall with no nose. He then hears high-pitched noises and his heads is filled with images and pictures. He is totally paralyzed. An unknown amount of time passes and the glow fades and the being disappears. The witness feels that something has been implanted into him and goes to bed that night with a pounding headache.

HC addition # 529

Source: Jenny Randles, Abduction Type: E


Location. Buckfastleigh England

Date: October 3 1978 Time: 2055

Three 14-year old boys, following a UFO sighting, saw a very muscular figure, seven-foot tall, dressed in a diving suit, some 50 yards away. Later on a second glowing figure about six-foot tall was seen darting behind a concrete motorway support post.

HC addition # 1612

Source: Steve Gerrard, quoting British Flying Saucer Bureau

UFO News Bulletin 11/12 1979 Type: D


Location. Palpala Jujuy Argentina

Date: October 4 1978 Time: evening

Two young girls were playing in front of the house when one of them went to the kitchen to get an apple, there she was confronted by a strange being with claw like hands that was ripping the mosquito netting as he attempted to enter through the window. She ran to get her friend who entered the kitchen and saw the being in the yard surrounded by a strong light. She wanted to approach the window but could not for some unknown reason. The being was described as silver clad with a red neck and pockmarked face, he had black short hair. Other witnesses saw an unusual light ascending near the house.

HC addition # 245

Source: Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 8 Type; C?


Location. South West London England

Date: October 6 1978 Time: 2000

The witness had a sudden very strong mental impression of an entity with pale gray skin, large slit eyes and dressed in a blue top with a white bird emblem on the chest area. The being wore a belt with a green stone that appeared to be emitting some sort of energy. The background where the entity stood was a dark gray paneled wall with dozens of very small red and yellow flashing lights. She sensed other people around but could not see any details. The being communicated by using telepathy and mentioned that our form of space travel was very primitive.

HC addition # 1001

Source: Bufora Journal Vol. 8 # 4 Type: F


Location. San Cataldo Italy

Date: October 7 1978 Time: unknown

A student traveling by vehicle had to stop to fix a flat tire. As he attempted to drive away the vehicle would not start, then he noticed a bright silvery object similar to a disc shaped craft, hovering nearby. The object emitted a strong light from its bottom. It had a transparent viewing window and three to four human like figures were seen moving back and forth inside. Moments later the object departed at high speed emitting a roaring sound.

HC addition # 1541

Source: Maurizio Verga, “Itacat” Type: A


Location. Lowton Manchester England

Date: October 8 1978 Time: 2330

A man was driving with his sleeping wife when suddenly his headlights caught sight of a figure standing in the middle of the grassy area in the center of the road. The figure was human like over six-foot tall and was wearing a shiny silvery garment. The figure was encased in an orange glow. The witness drove on and could still see the orange glow on the roadway as he looked back. Earlier in the same area other witnesses had seen a large lighted object with a silvery dome and three bumps underneath descend slowly towards the road.

HC addition # 763

Source: Peter Hough, Stephen Balon in Northern UFO News # 55 Type: D


Location. Near Ord Nebraska

Date: October 9 1978 Time: morning

In a farm area a witness watched a gray metallic disc hovering 200 feet off the ground, a beam of light shone down to the ground from the disc and two creatures floated down in it. The beings were five-foot tall, were black brown in color with blob like heads and what appeared to be tentacles on their sides. The beings took some shrub and soil samples and then ascended back into the object via the beam of light. The disc then shot up into the sky and disappeared.

HC addition # 350

Source: Bob Gribble, Mufon Journal # 246 Type: B


Location. Bouxies aux Dames France

Date: October 12 1978 Time: 2310

Three adolescents were traveling in a small motor scooter near the village when they noticed a white phosphorescent human like figure floating by the side of the road. It wore a transparent tunic like outfit; it then floated towards the witnesses without touching the ground. Before leaving the area at high speed, one of the witnesses shone a flashlight at the figure.

HC addition # 1959

Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine Type: E


Location. Near Los Altares Argentina

Date: October 13 1978 Time: 2300

Two truck drivers encountered a bright star like light that descended at high speed over the area. Later a metallic object with bright white and red lights began pacing their trucks. At one point one of the drivers saw four white clad figures wearing square helmets and visor inside the truck, they seemed to be searching for something. The same or similar beings were also seen briefly standing on the roadway. One of the truckers suffered a severe headache during the encounter.

HC addition # 1077

Source: Fabio Zerpa, Los Hombres De Negro

Y Los Ovnis Type: C?


Location. Denver Colorado

Date: October 14 1978 Time: 2220

The witness was traveling by car with her young daughter when she saw a massive dome shaped object descend overhead emitting sparks from underneath. The adult witness jumped out of the car and now was able to see a figure moving within the object. She received a telepathic message telling her not to be afraid and not to forget. The craft then flew out of sight emitting a humming sound. Later under hypnosis the witness was able to recall what the figure inside the dome looked like. The humanoid was described as having a white head, no ears, large slanted eyes and only four-foot tall. It appeared to be holding something resembling a steering wheel.

HC addition # 1406

Source: Ruth Montgomery, Aliens Among us Type: A & F


Location. Jaraba Zaragoza Spain

Date: October 15 1978 Time: 0730A

The witness was alone in a wooded area attempting to photograph eagle nests when suddenly all sounds in the area ceased. The witness then began walking and heard a weak whistling sound; he then began to feel nauseated with a metallic taste in his mouth. His wristwatch felt hot to the touch. He turned around and saw in clearing a metallic dome shaped craft whose perimeter was surrounded by antennae like protrusions. Next to the object stood two very tall men wearing blue gray outfits and wide tight belts. Both had blond hair. One was leaning over a metallic tube apparently stuck on the ground. The other carried a box with a small sphere on top. The one holding the tube motioned to the witness to approach. The witness felt a heat wave as he approached the two men, frightened he stopped and yelled at them, and strangely he heard his voice in a weird distorted manner. The two men then walked over to the object and boarded it. The whistling sound now became stronger and the witness felt and electric shock on the back of his neck and strange vibrations on the ground. The craft lifted up and flew out of sight as the whistling sound increased. The witness managed to take a photograph of the objects as it departed. A hole was found on the ground at the scene.

HC addition # 101

Source: Ballester Olmos & Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia de

Los Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis Type: B


Location. Famailla, Tucuman Argentina

Date: mid October 1978 Time: 2200

A man named Bustos and another one named Torres were outside in their yard operating a barbecue when they suddenly noticed standing only a few meters away two short figures that were standing in the shadows. One of the witnesses, thinking the figures were neighbors approached them to see them suddenly disappear and appear at another location nearby, the figures then disappear again and appear some distance away. The frightened witnesses ran inside the house, and looked out to see a red circular object rise up from a nearby field. Scorched brush was found at the site.

HC addendum

Source: Fabio Picasso Type: C


Location. Fuzeta Algarve Portugal

Date: October 15 1978 Time: 2200

An elderly farm couple was sitting in their country home, when an intense red light shone through their windows. They both went out and saw a hovering metallic gray round object with a door like opening on the front section. The red light came out from this opening. The object hovered making a constant up and down motion and was totally silent. The wife walked towards the object and inside she was able to see two brown seats and in front of those sat two apparently very tall human like figures, heavy set and wearing gray colored outfits. Their head were totally covered with a helmet and a round black eye visor. When the woman got to within 2 meters of the object it rose up and flew away in a straight line barely avoiding two pecan bushes, it then disappeared at high speed towards the Atlantic Ocean.

HC addition # 110

Source: Ballester Olmos and Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia de Los

Encuentros Cercanos con Ovnis Type: A


Location. Tucuman, Argentina

Date: October 19 1978 Time: 2015

Mr. Humberto Gonzalez, 28, had just arrived at his home and had gone to the backyard patio area in order to chop down some shrubbery. As he was cutting some of the dried up shrubs he suddenly heard a very loud noise. He described the sound as resembling the sound of bees buzzing but at a very loud scale. Turning around he was confronted by a strange entity at least 3 meters in height. The figure had a perfect human shape, but in huge proportions. It wore a tight fitting black outfit, resembling that of a diver’s suit. It stood slightly hunched forward; its hands appeared to be covered with gloves. Its face was described as “ugly” with unpleasant features. The eyes were about 8 to 10 cm apart, and round and seemed to emit a radiant light orange-yellow in color. Terrified the witness attempted to leave, but felt unable to move. He then noticed that the being’s ears were large and pointed. The bizarre figure seemed to float just above the ground. The terrified witness then was finally able to move and ran panic stricken towards the front of the house where he was assisted by the other residents and given some medication to calm his nerves. He suffered from eye problems for years to come after the incident.

HC addendum

Source: Luis Emilio Dumeyneux, ONIFE Type: E


Location. Tagliocozzo Italy

Date: October 25 1978 Time: 0500A

A 51-year old farmer was searching for a stray cow in a hilly area near his home when he came to an open field and spotted a large light brown object shaped like a shoe shine box on the ground. Lighted windows surrounded the craft. He approached to within 3 feet of the object and was able to see six to seven beings inside. These were described as small human like, both male and female. The women were blonde and had beautiful pink skin and smiled at him. The men were uglier, dark skinned and appeared elderly, and they ignored him. All wore green outfits and conical hats. The witness became frightened and left the area.

HC addition # 159

Source: Roberto Pinotti, IUR Vol. 4 # 3 Type: A


Location. Carmo Da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Date: October 30 1978 Time: 2130

Sebastiana Francelina de Jesus an older brother and a younger cousin were traveling by Jeep on their way to a local farm when suddenly an unknown force seemed to halt the vehicle in its tracks pulling it backwards and into the mud on the side of the road. All this while a torrential rain was falling. The Jeep was hopelessly stuck in the mud on the side of the road. As the three witnesses attempted to dislodge it a very large object emitting an intense rotating light suddenly appeared. The object flew over them at very low altitude and then descended to hover a few meters away from the witnesses. The light from the object was so bright that it temporarily blinded the three young people. The older witness almost fainted of fright. Two bright rotating beams of light constantly illuminated the area around the witnesses and the interior of the Jeep. They could also hear a steady droning noise coming from the object. After awhile the witnesses began hearing what seemed to be human voices coming from the object, the voices spoke in an unknown language. The terrified witnesses began yelling for help as they began to feel a bizarre effect apparently as a result to the proximity of the object. All three felt as if they were “floating” apparently related to the loss of gravity. They also described it as feeling like “they were growing in size.” Finally the object began to move away throwing up into the air numerous rocks and debris, as it disappeared from view, a small spherical orange-yellow light seemed to follow the craft as it left the area at high speed. The witnesses then returned to normal.

HC addendum

Source: Ubirajara Franco Rodrigues Type: F


Location. North of Santiago Chile

Date: Winter 1978 Time: unknown

The witness was driving on a remote road when his vehicle suddenly stalled as a huge brightly lit object descended over the car. Several short man like beings emerged from the object and communicated via telepathy with the witness, taking him onboard the craft. He was made to lie down on a form fitting bed and skin samples were taken from him. Then a short rosy white skin woman with large blue eyes and blond hair appeared. She forced herself on the witness and had sexual intercourse with him. The witness later was released and suffered a burn on his scalp as the object shot away at high speed.

(Note the similar entity descriptions with case # 155!)

HC addition # 299

Source: Richard Heiden Type: G


Location. Mendoza Argentina

Date: Winter 1978 Time: night

In the farms surrounding this city a short hairy humanoid with a human-like face was reported seen by numerous witnesses. It reportedly attacked livestock, goats and fowl and a hunt for it by the locals prove fruitless. Around the same time a bizarre and very agile individual that wore a cape, carried a silvery cane and had phosphorescent eyes frightened several travelers near the city. A police patrol was astonished to see a tall lanky individual with a cape and a brilliant yellow light on his chest area execute a tremendous leap and fly over them disappearing into the night.

HC addendum

Source: Gustavo Fernandez Type: E


Location. California, exact location not given

Date: Winter 1978 Time: night

The six-year old witness was in his bedroom getting ready to go to sleep, when three dark, almost black beings walked past the doorway. The witness pretended to be asleep and noticed that the beings had dark blue skin, almond shaped black eyes and very small noses. They also had a sliver for a mouth and small lips. One of the beings came over and looked directly into the witness eyes, he then jerked his head out the witness view and this one now could see a grotesque being standing behind the door, this being begun to talk to the witness. The grotesque being had appendages protruding from his cheeks, chin, and forehead, the appendages moved like facial gestures. He spoke in English to the witness. The beings were about 5-feet tall, with a lumpy face and reddish orange skin. All the beings were thin and appeared to have thick skin. When the grotesque being stopped talking to the witness the other dark blue humanoids rushed towards him, he panicked and grabbed a fishing pole and began striking the beings who quickly ran outside and dispersed among the bushes. Suddenly a metallic disc shaped craft appeared and hovered over the bushes for a few seconds it then vanished, so did the humanoids.

HC addition # 2191

Source: Unsolved UFO Sightings # 2 Type: C


Location. Lakeside California

Date: November 1978 Time: 0200A

The witness awoke to get a glass of water. As he came out of the bedroom she saw an entity in the hall a few feet away from her. Also the living room behind the entity was brightly lit. Surprised she began moving towards the direction of the entity. As she did the entity moved away from her, toward the living room. The witness felt as she was looking at the back of the entity. It was about 4 ½ feet tall and floated about one foot off the floor. It had a skinny, light gray colored body, and long skinny arms. It had no visible hair or clothing except around its head, where it wore a dull grayish white band about 1 ½ inch wide, which had a white glow at the edges. The entity also appeared to be backlit with a luminescent glow similar to the headband. As the entity moved away from her, it appeared to move its arms up and down in a motion described as a slow motion imitation of flapping wings. The entity turned its head to the left, and the witness was able to see that it had large eyes. It then bowed its left arm at approximately the elbow level and touched the left wall. When it did this the elbow passed into the wall. At the site where it entered, red then blue light or sparks appeared. The entity continued to lean further into the wall and in this same manner its entire body followed the left arm, passing into the wall. The witness could not recall anything else following the entity’s disappearance.

HC addition # 2736

Source: Minnesota Mufon Type: E


Location. Near Phoenix Arizona

Date: November 1978 Time: afternoon

Two women traveling back home on a lonely stretch of highway in the desert noticed a tall hitchhiker standing on the side of the road. They stopped to pick him up. He was described as clean-shaven with long blond hair and brilliant blue eyes and dressed casually. The man greeted them warmly and told them that “they” had been waiting. The witnesses next recalled the vehicle being floated up into an object that was hovering over the desert. Inside both women were separated and the main witness was suddenly surrounded by several short large headed humanoids with huge staring eyes and slit like mouths. They spoke to her by using telepathy and told her to lie on a table where she was examined and several samples were taken from her. She was then taken into a large room where there was a large window. Then an elderly bearded man wearing a robe entered the room. She conducted a short conversation with the man and next recalled waking up in her car on a lonely desert road with her friend.

HC addition # 1088

Source: Brad Steiger, The UFO Abductors Type: G


Location. Near Ceballos, Durango Mexico

Date: November 1978 Time: afternoon

In a desolate area known as “La Zona Del Silencio” where various strange phenomena has been reported, a journalist and his driver had become totally lost in the desert while looking for a research laboratory. As they reached an intersection of an unpaved road, the journalist saw three figures suddenly appear out of nowhere; these seemed human enough and resembled local peasants. The driver however drove by the trio apparently not able to see them. As they drove further along, the three figures suddenly appeared again. This time the journalist ordered his driver to stop and he did. After a brief conversation with the trio the witness was given exact directions on how to find the laboratory. Apparently during the encounter the driver was never able to see the three figures.

HC addition # 1940

Source: Scott Corrales, Samizdat Vol. 2 # 2 Type: E


Location. Yokosuka Japan

Date: November 1978 Time: evening

Near the US Navy base two construction workers were fishing off a rock seawall when suddenly a figure came out of the water nearby and stood still staring at them. The figure was described as huge about 3 meters in height and covered with thick scaly skin like a reptile. It had two large yellow eyes that seem to focus on the witnesses. No other information.

HC addition # 241

Source: Fabio Picasso, Strange Magazine # 8 Type: E


Location. East Sussex England

Date: November 1978 Time: late night

The witness saw a strange humanoid figure, apparently wearing all black clothing, peering through a window, while her normally aggressive dog cowered in a corner of the room. No other information.

HC addition # 2217

Source: Patricia B Grant, FSR Vol. 25 # 2 Type: E


Location. Risdon Vale Tasmania Australia

Date: November 9 1978 Time: 0315A

During a spate of encounters in the area, including a car pace, a taxi driver spotted a bizarre humanoid shape crossing Sugarloaf Road in front of him. The shape was described as green in color about one and a half meters tall and ¾ meters wide at the base, it tapered to a narrow top. The shape drifted out into the road and at the same time the taxi radio emitted a high-pitched squeal as the driver broke hard stopping only 5 meters from the shape. The figure then just vanished into thin air.

HC addition # 988

Source: Tufoic UFO Tasmania 1980 Type: D


Location. Savigny Le Sec, Cote D’Or France

Date: November 11 1978 Time: 0015A

The witness was driving along a wooded area when she saw a long light gray object on the ground nearby. About ten short figures were walking around the object. The beings had large bright eyes, large noses, no necks and wore light gray coveralls. The witness became frightened and drove away from the area.

HC addition # 1722

Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine Type: C


Location. Near Bragg Creek Alberta Canada

Date: November 11 1978 Time: late evening

Four witnesses traveling by car in a snowy night noticed a bright white light approaching their vehicle. As it got closer they could see that it was a huge lighted object resembling a hovercraft. Numerous lighted square windows could be seen on the object. One of the witnesses was able to see several human like figures standing behind the windows. At one point the witnesses became disoriented and there appears to have been some time loss. One of the witnesses heard what appeared to be music coming from inside the craft. No other sound was detected.

HC addition # 860

Source: W K Allan, FSR Vol. # 4 Type: A or G?


Location. Donato Di Tagliacozzo Italy

Date: November 14 1978 Time: 0530A

Laborer, Giuseppe Di Giovanni was out in the morning working in the fields when he noticed behind some bushes a large cylinder shaped object apparently sitting on the ground. It had several lighted square windows. Surprised he approached the object and looked inside one of the windows. Inside he saw two human like figures, one resembling a woman, no more than 80 cm in height. The woman resembled a beautiful fine feature doll. She looked at him and smiled. The other figure was a man with dark brown hair that stood still and expressionless like a statue. The witness then looked inside the other windows and saw the same scene; the doll like woman and the brown haired man. To the witness it felt like watching a television screen. The witness walked away then heard an explosion behind him, looking back he saw the object rise up and leave the area in absolute silence.

HC addendum

Source: Archivio S.U.F. Type: A


Location. East Islip Long Island New York

Date: November 15 1978 Time: 1800

The witness was driving when a flash of light apparently rendered him unconscious, later that night he remembered five short gray skinned beings with large black eyes that approached the car then pushed down the window, he was then examined and walked through an unusual environment apparently to determine his endurance or stamina. The witness later found himself on the side of the road far from his car.

HC addition # 483

Source: Thomas E Bullard, UFO Abductions the Measure

Of A mystery Type: G


Location. Piranhas, Brazil

Date: November 16 1978 Time: unknown

Witnesses saw three short humanoids wearing tight fitting yellow-gold outfits in a wooded area. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil Type: E


Location. Los Rios Arroyo Hondo Dominican Republic

Date: November 20 1978 Time: 2100

The two original witnesses watched in the sky a luminous object descending towards an empty field across from their location; it was bright yellow in color and emitted different beams of light in several directions. Two luminous spheres one blue and the other yellow emerged from the object at the same time there was a total power failure in the area. The witnesses ran back into the house and alerted three other persons. From a second story balcony the witnesses now see at the location where the object had descended, two large faintly luminous twelve-foot tall conical figures. At this point they see a vehicle approach the scene and stop, then two dark human like figures ran towards the car and the two large luminous cones seem to glide and also approach the vehicle. Now loud metallic banging noises are heard coming from the location. After a few moments the noise stops and the conical figures have disappeared, they now see two luminous spheres leaving the area silently and very low to the ground.

HC addition # 265

Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovni en Puerto Rico

Santo Domingo Y Cuba. Type: C?


Location. Church Stowe England

Date: November 22 1978 Time: 1730

The witness was driving on the A5 motorway two miles from her home when she became aware of a strange object hovering about 100 feet above the road surface. The object was described as being dumbbell shaped gray and plastic looking with a bright red light on the left sphere and a green light on the right sphere. The witness drove directly under the floating object and as she drove away she noticed that the object was still floating over the roadway. Her car suddenly seemed to slow down and as she reached a line of trees by the entrance of a farm the engine completely stalled. The witness suddenly found herself sitting in complete darkness and silence. As the witness sat in her vehicle a brilliant circle of pure white light illuminated the road by the passenger side of the car. It went out and seconds later further circles of light began appearing in different places around the vehicle, seemingly dancing around her car as if searching for something. Suddenly the witness found herself down the road with the engine running. She eventually reached her home and realized that the routine drive had taken longer than usual. Later under hypnosis the witness recalled sitting in her vehicle very frightened with a white light shining on her face. The radiating circles of light seemed to shrink in size. Suddenly out of the haze two shapes appeared. One is long and thin, the other more rectangular, they both then disappear then appear together again. Both shine through the haze, appearing to be silvery gray in color smooth and rounded. She also recalled feeling hot and her arms shaking. No other details were clearly recalled.

HC addition # 1979

Source: Carl Nagaitis and Philip Mantle

“Without Consent” Type: G


Location. Reze France

Date: November 22 1978 Time: 1900

The witness was in her home and was about to close some window blinds when she noticed a row of lights approaching over a nearby parking lot. The lights approached to within 10 meters and became multicolored. A slight haze comes from the bottom of the lights and descends to the ground; it tilts suddenly and moves back up leaving a yellow trace of light behind. The witness feels attracted to the light and steps outside. A tall man like figure with large round eyes, a normal nose, and lipless mouth then confronts her. The being speaks to her telling her to remain quiet. At this point a neighbor comes by and greets the witness but apparently does not see the hovering light or the figure. As the neighbor leaves, the humanoid climbs back into the hovering light and bids farewell to the witness who runs inside in order to obtain additional witnesses, when she comes out both the humanoid and the light are gone.

HC addition # 1723

Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine Type: B


Location. Gerena Sevilla Spain

Date: November 24 1978 Time: 0330A

Four men were out hunting in a wooded hilly area near the River Guadiamar, when they all saw a red light on the ground within a nearby eucalyptus grove. They all carried bright lanterns and continued looking for game, crossing the river as they did, forgetting about the red light for a few moments. They then noticed that the light was now at a nearby clearing in the woods. Two of the witnesses approached the area, the others remained behind. The two men saw, partially hidden by some trees a large bowl shaped craft with a red light on top and with numerous multicolored lights on the front, it rested on two shiny silvery legs. Next to the object stood a tall, heavy set human like figure, it seem to be wearing a large round black helmet and it had a glass like visor on the face area. His clothing was silvery and he was wearing large boots. The being walked slowly back and forth in front of the object, at one point it approached the witnesses briefly. It emitted a low hum like sound. The men became frightened and left the area. Large footprints were found at the site.

HC addition # 102

Source: Ballester Olmos and Fernandez Peri, Enciclopedia

De Los Encuentros Cercanos Con Ovnis Type: C


Location. Near Gastagh Vicenza Italy

Date: November 24 1978 Time: 1145A

The witness had gone to a nearby copse to gather some firewood and had sat down on a branch to rest. He was suddenly horrified to see two strange beings looking at him. The beings were hovering very close to the ground. They were described as very short and thin, one shorter than the other. They had yellowish skin, large elongated heads, smooth and bald, long pointed noses and large mouths with two long pointed fangs. They were clad in dark tight fitting coveralls that started below the knee and up to their necks. They also had huge hands and feet with extremely long fingers and nails. The shorter of the beings approached the witness and began making sudden “sliding” moves around him, never touching the ground. The witness screamed for help and ask who they were but they only answered with mumbling sounds. The taller creature now approached and attempted to take the witness chopping ax from him. After a brief struggle the creatures fled into the woods. The witness chased after them but lost sight of them. He then came upon a clearing where a solid metallic disc shaped craft with a dome on top rested on four legs like protrusions. He saw a pair of long hands close a small trap door on the dome, then the disc took off silently and at high speed emitting a burst of red flame from its bottom. During the same time other independent witnesses had watched a similar object maneuvering over the area.

HC addition # 800

Source: Antonio Chiumento, FSR Vol. 28 # 6 Type: B


Location. Near Trier Germany

Date: November 25 1978 Time: 2215

A family of three was driving home when they saw a rotating oval shaped object, with a red flashing light below, hovering above the car. They arrived home later than usual noticing a 20-minute missing time period. Later under hypnosis the wife recalled being lifted up into the object. She recalled lying on a table, paralyzed, only being able to move her eyes. There were two beings examining her, they were eight-foot tall with huge baldheads, huge deep-set eyes and greenish skin that seemed very rough in texture. The witness recalled the beings inserting a long needle just above the navel area. She was pregnant at the time. Her next memory was sitting in the car watching the object leave.

HC addition # 318

Source: Robert E Bartholomew, UFO Lore Type: G


Location. Channel Tasmania Australia

Date: November 28 1978 Time: 0200A

A witness in a caravan is disturbed by noises outside, he goes out to investigate and sees two short squat figures nearby. The upper half of the figures is white, with some type of head cover; they seem to be moving their arms. The witness becomes frightened and goes back inside. No other information.

HC addition # 47

Source: Keith Roberts, Tufoic Tasmania Type: E


Location. Naples, Italy

Date: November 29 1978 Time: 0045A

A woman heard someone banging on the window of her terrace, going to investigate she saw two humanoid figures about 1 meter in height, wearing round luminous helmets and wearing a dark loose fitting garment. The figures moved about in quick graceful movements. She yelled for her son but the figure suddenly vanished in plain sight.

HC addendum

Source: Chris Aubeck, Return to Magonia Type: E


Location. Martins Bay New Zealand

Date: December 1978 Time: early morning

The witness woke up to an unusual buzzing noise, looking out she saw what appeared to be a large object linking up with two smaller craft over the sea. The objects were rectangular in shape and she was able to see three men wearing dark wetsuit like garments perform what appeared to be repairs. The men would climb down hanging ladders and enter the other objects; they also flashed silver, gold, and orange colored beams of light into the different objects. As the men finished the objects quickly disappeared in the direction of Rangitoto Island.

HC addition # 992

Source: UFO Tasmania 1979, quoting Xenolog Type: B


Location. Near San Angelo, Texas

Date: December 1978 Time: night

Two service personnel on their way to a transfer location had fallen asleep in an isolated spot on the side of the road and ran off the road. Breaking the axle of the vehicle. They had no success hitching a ride and soon noticed a group of about 30 dark figures walking towards them over the desert; at first they yelled at them for help. The group turned in their direction, had flashlights, but made no sound at all as they approached. Concerned about the eerie nature of the silence they stopped a vehicle, which the driver told them reluctantly to get in. As they boarded the vehicle they noticed that the group of people broke into a run at him. They never said a word. The drive of the vehicle managed to get away before the figures reached the area.

HC addendum

Source: Fortean Times Type: E


Location. Rios dos Indios, Brazil

Date: December 1978 Time: night

Three girls, Mercedes, Fatima & Neusa were returning from school along an isolated path when they observed an intriguing creature about 1 meter in height, huge pointed ears, wearing a red & black outfit and with what appeared to be two small antennas on the top of its head. It was walking silently down a wooded path. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Revista Brasileira Ovni Type: E


Location. Vacri, Chieti, Italy

Date: early December 1978 Time: early morning

Several locals reported seeing in the outskirts of this town two figures wearing luminous coveralls and oval shaped helmets. They seemed to be gliding over the fields. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Chris Aubeck, Return to Magonia Type: E


Location. Leme, Brazil

Date: December 3 1978 Time: night

A brightly lit globular shaped object was seen flying at a low altitude over the area. Several moving figures could be seen moving inside through a large opening. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: GEPUC Brazil Type: A


Location. Mendoza Argentina

Date: December 4 1978 Time: unknown

A woman walking home encountered a blue green object with two undescribed beings. She felt intense cold, but at the same time it was like she was in an intense energetic state. When she recovered she found her left eye bruised and violet rectangular marks behind her left ear and on her waist. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: John Schuessler, UFO Related Human Physiological

Effects. Type: G?


Location. Marimbonda near Fronteira Brazil

Date: December 6 1978 Time: 2030

A security guard at the local hydroelectric plant was at his guardhouse on top of the dam when he noticed some lights shining down on the water surface, he went out to investigate and noticed a luminous circular object approaching him from across the river. The object approached the witness and began hovering close to the ground near the power station. The witness could see a door and a small window on the object. The small window opened and a very human face looked out the witness. The craft’s door opened and three very tall men came out. These men wore shiny metallic blue overalls and all had very long smooth black hair. The beings approached the witness and spoke to him in an unknown language. The witness panicked and attempted to fire a warning shot into the air with his revolver but it jammed. One of the men then went inside the object and came back out holding a black box and handed it to one of the others. After that the witness was able to understand the beings and was told they were here on a “research and study mission.” At one point one of the men started collecting stones from the ground and the witness protested. The men then put away the box and calmly walked back into their craft, which left silently and at high speed.

HC addition # 853

Source: Dr. Walter Buhler, FSR 25 Vol. # 3 Type: B


Location. Marzano Di Torriglia Genova Italy

Date: December 6 1978 Time: 2300

A 26-year old night watchman, Fortunato Zanfretta, was patrolling a housing development when he noticed some moving “torch lights” at a nearby courtyard. He tried to radio his headquarters but the radio would not work. Armed with a pistol and a flashlight he entered the courtyard to search the area, he was then suddenly pushed from behind and fell. He got up and was confronted by a huge 3-meter tall “creature.” The witness by now frightened dropped his flashlight and ran towards the car. He then saw a bright yellow triangular shaped craft taking off from behind a house. He called for help and was later found unconscious at the site by other guards. Later under hypnosis he recalled being taken into a very bright room by giant beings that put a painful helmet on his head. The beings were described as green skinned with yellow triangular eyes, red veins on their heads and pointed ears.

HC addition # 139

Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe 10/11 1991 Type: G


Location. Milanere Torino Italy

Date: December 8 1978 Time: 2300

Two young men walking along a mountain slope sighted a blue white light among the trees. One of the men approached the light and he suddenly disappeared, then a bright light took off into the sky. The other man went for help and a group searched for the missing man. He was found unconscious, cold, and weak and any light bothered him. A scar was found on his leg. All that he could remember was seeing three to four figures with large pumpkin like heads standing in front of the light. He was paralyzed and vaguely remembered odd lights and sounds and a feeling of being touched.

HC addition # 137

Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe 10/11 1991 Type: G


Location. Arembepe, Brazil

Date: December 11 1978 Time: night

In a field, a tall human like figure with dark hair, light skin and wearing a tight fitting silvery suit and boots was seen coming out of a metallic basin shaped object about 12 meters in diameter that had landed on a field. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Antonio Faleiro, Brazil Type: B


Location. Burghausen, Bavaria, Germany

Date: December 12 1978 Time: 0800A

Adele Holzer was in her car traveling to work when she saw a hemispherical white disc. More puzzled than afraid she pulled off the side of the road, and saw a “row of shining green ports along its periphery.” Then, she allegedly thought to herself, “If I could only see its bottom”, when it suddenly turned. She reported that there were three spheres on its bottom surface, the middle one being larger. It possessed a bright orange spot at its center. As the UFO hovered over some nearby trees, six beams of green light shot from it; she felt “slightly paralyzed” by one of them. She lost track of time as the object hovered over her. When the light beams went out, the object rose up silently into the sky. Her watch had stopped at 0801A and the car’s ignition key in her hand the entire time, was found to be bent. Later she told investigators that she felt “somebody was trying to get into telepathic contact with her.” She claimed to have been given a message saying that they had friendly intentions…and wanted to stop us from destroying the earth.

HC addendum

Source: M Hessemann Type: F


Location. Navelli Abruzzi Italy

Date: December 12 1978 Time: 2345

Alfonso Marinelli was traveling in his new Mercedez near Navelli when his engine suddenly quit. The witness then noted two bright lights approaching slowly in his direction. As the light approached the witness was able to make out two short human like figures. The figures wore silvery suits, resembling that of astronauts. The suits were fluorescent, and both figures wore huge oval shaped helmets. The front of the helmets had black rectangular shaped visors. In the chest area the figures had what appeared to be straps with a bright round light on the center. The figures then rose to about 90 cm in a vertical movement and in a few minutes flew over the witness vehicle, quickly disappearing from sight. Soon Marinelli was able to start his engine and drove away from the area.

HC addendum

Source: Archivio S.U.F. Type: E


Location. Brindisi Air Force Base Italy

Date: December 13 1978 Time: 1830

Soon after two motorway watchers saw a luminous mass descend close to the ground and take off at high speed towards Puglia, two soldiers on watch at the Air Force Base saw an object with pulsating lights maneuvering and hovering near them. As the object left, a strange undescribed being shot up from the ground skywards quickly disappearing from sight.

HC addition # 2351

Source: Edoardo Russo Type: C


Location. Torrebruna, Chieti, Italy

Date: December 14 1978 Time: midnight

A man traveling in his car saw an object that emitted lights hovering just above the roadway. The witness turns on his headlights and the object descends and lands on the road ahead of him. The car’s radio stops working. The witness then approaches the object and a door opens up. The witness then enters the object and finds himself in a circular room completely illuminated and fill with what appeared to be electronic equipment. He did not see any occupants. After a few minutes the witness exits the object and sees it depart at high speed. (Still technically a type G event).

HC addendum

Source: Chris Aubeck, Return to Magonia Type: G


Location. Jarabacoa Dominican Republic

Date: Middle of December 1978 Time: 1800

A night watchman reported seeing a very tall man wearing a silvery outfit and with very luminous eyes standing in front of a nearby pine tree. The humanoid suddenly vanished in plain sight as the witness approached. The next day at about 2330 several other persons watched a large bright object with a cupola hovering above the same pine tree.

HC addition # 266

Source: Robiou Lamarche, Manifesto Ovnis en Puerto Rico

Santo Domingo Y Cuba Type: D


Location. Casale, Italy

Date: middle of December 1978 Time: night

A man driving his car saw a very tall and luminous human-like figure standing on the roadway. As the witness approached the figure suddenly vanished in plain sight. It apparently caused damaged to nearby trees and a field as it left the area. No other information.

HC addendum

Source: Chris Aubeck, Return to Magonia Type: E


Location. Catania Italy

Date: December 15 1978 Time: 0015A

Two young boys were playing in a yard near a large TV antenna when suddenly the whole area around them darkened, they then noticed a hovering disc shaped craft just above the antenna. The object emitted multicolored rays of light and had an open hatch in its center section. A bright beam of light shot out of the opening and a strange medium sized being descended within the beam. The being was described as “ugly” with two large eyes and two antennas like protrusions on its head. A second similar being reportedly descended carrying a “laser” type gun and shot at a rock causing it to burn and explode. He was seen to bend down, touch the ground, and then spill a black liquid on it. Moments later a beam of light transported the beings back into the craft. The craft then shot away at high speed. Ground traces were reportedly found.

HC addition # 1553

Source: Maurizio Verga, “Itacat” Type: B


Location. Collegno, Torino, Italy

Date: December 15 1978 Time: 1830

Several witnesses spotted a bizarre human like figure about 1.60 meters in height, wearing a rose-colored coverall and without apparent facial features. It moved around in a field at very high speed and then remained immobile leaning against a wall for more than 30 minutes. The witnesses were afraid to approach the figure and some thought it was a prank and summoned the authorities. As the police arrived the strange figure suddenly ran through an opening in the wall at incredibly speed and quickly disappeared from sight.

HC addendum

Source: Chris Aubeck, Return to Magonia Type: E


Location. Ragusa Italy

Date: December 15 1978 Time: 2350

A truck driver suddenly experienced radio interference and stopped to repair it, he then saw five meters away two very tall humanoids dressed in tight fitting coveralls and helmets. Two bright beams of light were emitted from their helmets illuminating the truck cabin. The beings came closer and uttered unintelligible sounds then turned and left. Seconds later the witness saw a dome shaped craft take off with a bright flash. A strong smell of sulfur was noticed in the vicinity.

HC addition # 226

Source: Richard Hall, Mufon Journal # 153 Type: C


Location. Francavilla Italy

Date: December 16 1978 Time: 0230A

A university student was standing in her living room by a balcony overlooking the sea when she noticed to the right of the balcony a gaseous form, white in color with two pulsating lights, one at each end, one red the other green. It descended onto the surface of the water and became a very bright large neon like white light, that reflected on the surface of the water. The witness attempted to wake her parents but they continued to sleep. Then she noticed two short figures standing in the garden at the adjacent apartment. Both were wearing dark gray tight fitting outfits, were very thin with large squarish heads. They turned a corner moving as if in slow motion and in a limping manner, disappearing down an alleyway. Moments later the bright white light that by now was very near the breakwater, vanished.

HC addition # 1556

Source: Maurizio Verga, “Itacat” Type: C?


Location. Francavilla, Italy

Date: December 16 1978 Time: late afternoon

Alfredo D’Aviero was cycling home on a deserted and isolated dirt road riddled with holes when as he rounded a bend he spotted two strange figures standing on the road ahead. Ashe approached he noted that the two figures were two thin humanoids with human like features and pointed chins wearing white silvery uniforms, with loose fitting pants and jackets. Both wore large black helmets with what appeared to be a small white “feather” on top. From the knee down the legs were like two black “batons”, no feet were visible. The witness stopped and approached the two strangers offering them a cigarette, he was either refused or ignored, and he then decided to turn back to town, possibly to obtain additional witnesses. Then there was a sudden flash that made him stop, turning around he noticed that the two strange figures were now gone.

HC addendum

Source: Archivio S.U.F. Type: E


Location. Richmond Indiana

Date: December 16 1978 Time: 1940

Five witnesses reported seeing an object resembling a missile nose hovering in front of their vehicle. An abduction ensued in which strange creatures (not described) were reported. One of the female witnesses reported a missing fetus afterward. No other information.

HC addition # 1969

Source: UFO Intelligence Newsletter, January 1995

Quoting Don Worley Type: G


Location. Arles Boucher Du Rhone France

Date: December 16 1978 Time: 2245

At a local petroleum depot, a worker had gone outside to put out some trash and saw a white sphere of light approaching in a quick zigzagging motion. The light hovered and the witness saw multicolored lights and a rectangular shaped metallic object descended from the light. At this point he saw two men like figures inside the rectangular object, one at each end. One of the figures apparently signaled the other and the object then left. The witness car battery was apparently damaged as a result of the incident. Soon after the encounter the witness disappeared under mysterious circumstances. (No details on that)

HC addition # 1724

Source: Denys Breysse, Project Becassine Type: A


Location. San Vito Chietino Italy

Date: December 23 1978 Time: 2030

The Bucco family was returning from visiting relatives when a dazzling light began following their vehicle. The light overtook the vehicle and the vehicle suddenly stopped without the driver applying the brakes. Then at the same time a strange little man crossed road in front of the vehicle in strange bounding jumps. Mr. Bucco thought he had struck the figure with the car. The figure then quickly bounded away and disappeared into a nearby pine grove. Francesco and Fiorentina Bucco reported seeing one humanoid, but the other two passengers in the vehicle reported seeing two. The figure or figures wore brown “astronaut” like suits, large helmets with black square visors, and 5-digit white gloves. The beings were about 1 meter in height, and moved over the road in a strange unison-robot like manner, floating 20-35 cm above the road as if bouncing on an invisible cushion. Mr. Bucco noticed a green flashlight like object wrapped over the humanoid’s shoulder.

HC addendum

Source: Archivio S.U.F. Type: C?


Location. Basiliano Udine Italy

Date: December 25 1978 Time: 2215

During the celebration of a Christmas party, a local family noticed outside a window of their house a strange face, looking into the room. The face was human like, with large eyes, a large square jaw, a tight “stretched” mouth, and a small nose. The neck appeared to be tightly packed into the trunk-shoulders area. On the head it appear to have a tight fitting white helmet or white matted hair. Upon closer inspection the witnesses noticed that the figure was wearing a tight-fitting silvery outfit and its eyes appeared to glow, they also noted that the humanoid’s ears were pointy and had long white sideburns. Upon noticing the witnesses the figure moved quickly away into the darkness, covering a distance of 100 meters in two seconds.

HC addendum

Source: Archivio S.U.F. Type: E


Location. Near Ceballos, Mexico

Date: December 27 1978 Time: 0200A

Several witnesses were camping out in an isolated area known as “La Zona del Silencio.” One of the men had stayed up keeping a watch in the area when he decided to go relieve himself behind the car. Suddenly out of nowhere a little man about 1 meter in height appeared and took him by the hand, telling the witness to follow him. Thinking that it was a lost child the witness shone his flashlight on the figure and realized that it was a man like figure wearing a tight fitting silvery outfit and with Oriental features. As proof of the incident the witness was given a small shiny metallic cube, which he kept. Whereabouts of the object is unknown.

HC addendum

Source: Contacto Ovni Type: E


Location. Marzano Di Torriglia Italy

Date: December 28 1978 Time: 2348

Fortunato Zanfretta was out patrolling a housing complex when he suddenly yelled over his radio that he had lost control of his vehicle, it was apparently speeding down a mountain road on its own accord. The car finally stopped and the witness got out to investigate a nearby strange light. He was later found incoherent next to his car, his pistol had been fired 6 times, and giant footprints were found at the site. Under hypnosis he again recalled being taken onboard an object by giant humanoids and examined with strange devices. He was asked several questions and was told that they would soon be back.

HC addition # 140

Source: Paolo Fiorino, UFO Universe 10/11 1991 Type: G


Location. Viareggio Italy

Date: December 30 1978 Time: unknown

A man walking through the Plaza Garibaldi when suddenly he heard a whistling sound and saw an object land close by. The craft seemed metallic and was shaped like a missile. A being described as metallic or robot like in appearance briefly stepped out, its body gave off an intense heat. Moments later he re-entered the object, which disappeared at high speed towards the sea.

HC addition # 1554

Source: Maurizio Verga, “Itacat” Type: B


Location. Mirassol Brazil

Date: December 31 1978 Time: 2300

A man was walking back home alone when as he was crossing a street he heard a noise and noticed a light approaching from behind. He stepped aside thinking that it was a car but then realized that it was a huge yellowish light that was attached to the bottom of a large object. He was suddenly struck by a beam of light and apparently lost consciousness. Later he found himself inside the object in a corridor with some type of balcony. He then noticed three short humanoids that spoke among themselves in a strange language. The beings wore overalls, helmets, and face covers light green in color. The eyes resembled two simple holes lacking eyelids or eyebrows. The witness then apparently blacked out again and arrived home at 0330A with no further recollection of what happened.

HC addition # 1656

Source: Dr. Walter K Buhler, Guilheme Pereira &

Prof. Ney Matiel Pires, UFO Abduction At Mirassol Type: G


Location. Near Arroyito Argentina

Date: late December 1978 Time: 0430A

Three men, employees of a power company, were driving a company truck toward a bridge when they suddenly found themselves 15 km. Away, with their cigarettes the same length as when they neared the bridge. At some point, the men spotted a domed UFO and one of them apparently signaled the occupants (not described) of the craft. No other information.

HC addition # 2269

Source: Mufon UFO Journal # 133 Type: A or G?

Addendums to be inserted as they become available.

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said, “one can’t

Believe impossible things.”

I daresay you haven’t had much practice.” Said the Queen.

“When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day.

Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible

Things before breakfast.”

Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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