The Vietnam War

The Vietnam War

Video Quiz

1. The _____________ and the French occupied Vietnam for most of its history.

2. During WWII, Ho Chi Minh formed the __________________ or Vietminh.

3. After the partition of Vietnam in 1954, President _______________ sent millions of dollars in aid and military advisors to South Vietnam.

4. What began as a civil war between South Vietnamese peasants and a small ___________________________ evolved into a cold war struggle between the US and Soviet Union.

5. In August 1964 U.S. Navy destroyers reported being fired upon by North Vietnamese patrol boats in the Gulf of _______________

6. The U.S. Forces sprayed defoliants like “___________________” to lay Vietnam’s forests bare.

7. The ____________________ organized the first anti-Vietnam War march.

8. Three months after the Chicago riots ___________________ won the 1968 presidential election.

9. Cambodia and _________________ became a safe haven for the North Vietnamese.

10. The National Guard opened fire on students at Kent State University in _________ (state)

The Vietnam War

Video Quiz

1. The _____________ and the French occupied Vietnam for most of its history.

2. During WWII, Ho Chi Minh formed the __________________ or Vietminh.

3. After the partition of Vietnam in 1954, President _______________ sent millions of dollars in aid and military advisors to South Vietnam.

4. What began as a civil war between South Vietnamese peasants and a small ___________________________ evolved into a cold war struggle between the US and Soviet Union.

5. In August 1964 U.S. Navy destroyers reported being fired upon by North Vietnamese patrol boats in the Gulf of _______________

6. The U.S. Forces sprayed defoliants like “___________________” to lay Vietnam’s forests bare.

7. The ____________________ organized the first anti-Vietnam War march.

8. Three months after the Chicago riots ___________________ won the 1968 presidential election.

9. Cambodia and _________________ became a safe haven for the North Vietnamese.

10. The National Guard opened fire on students at Kent State University in _________ (state)


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