OP Status Monthly Status Report

OP Monthly Status ReportOctober 2016FY17 Supply Corps RoadshowOctober kicks off a new season of the Supply Corps Roadshow. The NAVSUP OP team will visit your area, present valuable community career information, and conduct one-on-one career mentorship interviews. Dates scheduled are:05– 09 December 2016Philadelphia/Mechanicsburg areas16– 20 January 2017Norfolk/Hampton Roads areaEstablishment and Revision of Operational Tour AQDsThe 928 and 929 additional qualification designators (AQDs) have been revised to designate an officer who has completed a first (928) or second (929) operational tour regardless of platform/station. In addition, 92A has been created to identify officers who have been assigned to but have not completed their second operational tour.Once 929 is earned, the 928 and 92A AQDs are removed from your record. Records for officers that qualify for 928, 929 or 92A have been updated. If you believe you are missing an AQD from your record, please contact the Supply Corps Career Counselor.Navy Enlisted Rating ModernizationSeveral working groups have been formed to address the Navy's Rating Modernization effort. A key part of the modernization effort is Fleet input. An email address has been established that Sailors can use to offer their ideas in support of this effort. The address is NavyRatingMod.fct@navy.mil. CNP's Public Affairs Office collects and distributes the inputs to the appropriate entities.APC Calculation & PG School PreferencesPost-graduate (PG) education is a career milestone for Supply Corps officers, and all officers should have their Academic Profile Code (APC) calculated as soon as possible after commissioning. The It’s Your Education playbook (available in the eSUPPO app) provides details on how to have your score calculated and how to better your score. Once your APC score is updated, email your top three PG school preferences to the Career Counselor at supplycorpscareercounselor@navy.mil. Once updated, your preferences can be verified in block 94 of your Officer Data Card (ODC). Additionally, please check out the It’s Your Education Supplement: A Navigation Guide to Business School, available now in the eSUPPO app!Subspecialty Code AttainmentThe Supply Corps community values training, education and experience within our three primary lines of operation – Supply Chain Management, Acquisition, and Operational Logistics. As a community, we track this expertise through subspecialty codes (SUBSPECs) and SUBSPEC suffixes. SUBSPECs are attained through education (i.e. NPS, 810/811, etc.) or through experience. Significant experience is met by serving 18 or more consecutive months in a subspecialty coded billet or a billet which meets the Critical Skills Requirements (CSRs) of a related subspecialty. Individual commands, as the owner of each billet, determine billet coding based on the duties and responsibilities associated with that job. If you are in a billet that is not coded for a particular SUBSPEC, but feel that you should receive the applicable SUBSPEC, contact the Career Counselor for a record and policy review prior to formally submitting a request for a subspecialty.The Navy uses SUBSPEC suffixes to annotate each officer's proficiency within that specialty. In our community, we see SUBSPEC progression in three ways: (1) S R: an officer who holds an S coded SUBSPEC completes a subsequent tour of 18 or more consecutive months in a coded billet in the same subspecialty area (e.g., NACO internship followed by DCMA payback)(2) P Q: an officer with a Navy-funded master's level education completes a subsequent tour of 18 or more consecutive months in a coded billet in the same subspecialty area (e.g., 837 Financial Management program at NPS followed by NAVSUP N8 payback)(3) G F: an officer with a non-Navy funded master's level education completes a subsequent tour of 18 or more consecutive months in a coded billet in the same subspecialty area (e.g., self-funded MBA followed by WSS Philadelphia IWST billet)Officers who attain a non-Navy funded MBA receive a 3000P SUBSPEC upon submitting transcripts to NPC. In order to align your MBA to a Supply Corps primary line of operation, you should ensure the coursework of your degree aligns with the requirements of the requested SUBSPEC as outlined in the NPS Educational Skills Requirements found on the NPC website. Specific questions on SUBSPECs and records maintenance should be directed to the Career Counselor: supplycorpscareercounselor@navy.mil.Ruehlin SeminarThe Ruehlin Seminar is an Executive Transition Assistance Program (XTAP) which focuses strictly on the practical aspects of career transition, including the process of managing a career and finding the right job. The seminar is usually provided to those senior officers (05/06), enlisted personnel (E8/E9) and Warrant Officers who have 20-30+ years on active duty who are planning to retire in the next two years. NOTE: The Ruehlin Seminar does not replace the required Transition GPS (formerly known as Transition Assistance Program (TAP)) for officer and enlisted personnel separating/retiring from Active Duty. There are two seminars scheduled for FY17:Location: Washington, DC area (specific location: TBD)Dates: 08-12 May 2017 (please request attendance NLT 6 weeks from start date)Limited to 14 active duty participants and their partnerLocation: San Diego, CA area (specific location: TBD)Dates: 07-11 August 2017 (please request attendance NLT 6 weeks from start date)Limited to 14 active duty participants and their partnerIf you are interested in attending an upcoming seminar, please contact the Supply Corps Career Counselor at supplycorpscareercounselor@navy.mil.Records Maintenance - ODC, OSR, PSR, Officer PhotoPlease take advantage of the Supply Corps Career Counselor webpage, and utilize the tools available to assist with mentoring efforts, records maintenance, and career progression. Visit the Supply Corps Career Counselor website and pay special attention to the Officer Data Card (ODC), Officer Summary Record (OSR), Performance Summary Record (PSR), and Officer Photo presentations under "Records Maintenance" or find them under “Connect > Records” in the eSUPPO app. Remember, these records are your career resume. Proper record maintenance is essential for officers going before promotion boards, applying for special programs, and entering orders negotiation windows. NOTE: Although the Officer Photograph is not displayed during FY18 statutory boards, it continues to be required as part of an officer’s official record.Do we have your current contact information on file?We periodically send information regarding boards, graduate education opportunities, helpful reminders, the OP Monthly, etc. Additionally, we may need to reach you for a host of other reasons, to include matters pertaining to your current/future set of orders. Please encrypt and send your updated contact information to supplycorpscareercounselor@navy.mil. Sample contact update email follows: Supply Corps Career Counselor, Please update my contact information. Primary Email: Secondary Email: Office Phone: Cell Phone:V/r, LT F. M. Last Update Your Assignment PreferencesYour preferences are used to assist detailers in finding the right fit for you and the Navy in your next assignment. You may update your preferences at any time. Detailers only use your most recent update in the detailing process. Remember, officer preferences are not a substitute for collaborating with your detailer on your next assignment. Send us your preferences via the eSUPPO app, emailing your respective detailer, or by clicking here. Have You Received Orders Lately? Tell us how we are doing by taking time to fill out a short survey available through the eSUPPO app or by clicking here. eSUPPO Mobile AppThe eSUPPO app provides single-source access to Supply Corps news, billet listings, reference material, community-related NAVSUP instructions, and links to community-related social media pages and websites. Download it today on your Apple or Android device(s) via the Apple App Store or Google Play by searching for “eSUPPO.”Periodically, updates are made to the eSUPPO app. Current version is 1.0.12 (verify in “Settings”, top right corner). You can update by visiting the Apple App Store or Google Play. If you are having trouble updating the app, simply uninstall eSUPPO and re-install from your applicable app store.M. F. FIELDSCAPT, SC, USNDirector, Supply Corps PersonnelSupply Corps Officer Strength-10350536830003100 Active ComponentPaygradeAuthorizedInventoryGross Over/Under3100s in non 3100 billetsGSA/IA FillsDeltaO-6164158-650-11O-5326323-3100-13O-4502494-871-16O-362176514497128O-22873082111 19O-1242212-3000-30Totals21422260118329 77* Source: Officer Personnel Information System (OPINS) data as of 31 October 2016. Online Distribution Information System (ODIS) data query. 3100 Supply Corps Spring 2016, FY-16 Officer Program Authorization.3107 FTSPaygradeAuthorizedInventoryDeltaO-689 1O-52723-4O-43133 2O-32521-4O-214 3O-110-1Totals9390-33105 Reserve ComponentPaygradeAuthorizedInventoryDeltaO-6546511O-51751805O-4284241-43O-3155411256O-214190-51O-153126 Totals81410182043165 In TrainingPaygradeAuthorizedInventoryDeltaO-3022O-202828O-102828 Totals058586510 LDOPaygradeAuthorizedInventoryDeltaO-610-1O-566 0O-4717 10O-35030-20O-21516 1O-11822 4Totals9791-67510 Supply WarrantPaygradeAuthorizedInventoryDeltaCWO5022CWO4044CWO3033CWO2000Totals0997520 Food Service WarrantPaygradeAuthorizedInventoryDeltaCWO53 5 2CWO41114 3CWO32113-8CWO21819 1Totals5351-2BQC StatusFourth Battalion 2016Class Dates:12 Jul 16 – 9 Dec 16Students:44 students in trainingFirst Battalion 2017Class Dates:17 Oct 16 – 31 Mar 17Students:29 students in training-10350522352000Orders AnnouncementsTo view the list of Orders Announcements, please visit the Supply Corps Officer Homepage on NKO:LCDR and LT orders releasedCAPT and CDR orders announcementDue to the sensitive nature of this information, the documents are password protected. Contact the Career Counselor for the password by e-mailing supplycorpscareercounselor@navy.mil. Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) UpdateCurrently there are 88 filled Supply Corps OCO requirements:Active Component: 8 Logistics = 3, Contracting = 4, Fuels = 1 Duration: 7-month = 7, 12-month = 1Location: 4 Bahrain, 2 Naples, 1 Djibouti, 1 SOUTHCOMReserve Component: 80 Logistics = 72, Contracting = 5, Fuels =2, LNO =1Duration: 7-month = 43, 12-month = 37Location: 24 HOA, 19 Afghanistan, 14 Bahrain, 6 Kuwait, 4 CONUS, 3 Germany, 2 GTMO, 3 UAE, 2 Qatar, 2 Jordan, 1 PakistanGSA/IA/Mobilization opportunities (forecast) for the next 12 months are: Location: KUWAITOfficer: O5-310X-CDR Start: 1/23/2017 End: 8/15/17Billet: LNO TO UAEClearance: SecretLocation: KUWAITOfficer: O5-310X-CDR Start: 1/23/2017 End: 8/15/17Billet: LNO TO CFFLC-I/CJTF-OIRClearance: SecretLocation: Kuwait Officer: O6-310X-CAPT Start: 1/23/2017 End: 8/15/17Billet: DIVISION CHIEFClearance: TOP SECRETOnce assigned, GSA opportunities are updated and posted to the NPC website and the eSUPPO in-app “Billets > FTS/GSA” function.Items of Interest-1035052413000Key Ongoing ActivitiesCAPT and CDR CY17 Detailing Cycle Launched 15-Apr-16FY18 Selection BoardsBoard # Board Title Convenes 69601702452462502512652103252353003023403413293303325556360391 Olmsted Scholarship ProgramReserve O-7 Staff (CHC,SHCE,JAGC,SC,CEC)Active O-6 Staff?Reserve O-6 StaffFTS O-6 StaffReserve O-5 StaffFTS O-5 StaffActive O-5 StaffActive E-9FTS Transfer/Redesignation #2Active E-8Active O-4 StaffSupply Corps Post Graduate Education ScreenReserve O-4 StaffFTS O-4 StaffActive Chief Warrant Officer 3Active Chief Warrant Officer 4Active Chief Warrant Officer 5Supply Corps Commander Operational/Command Ashore ScreenSupply Corps Major Command Ashore ScreenActive E-7?Command-Non Command (Reserve) "APPLY" Board 16-Nov-1605-Dec-1607-Feb-1728-Feb-1728-Feb-1728-Feb-1728-Feb-1728-Mar-1703-Apr-1705-Apr-1724-Apr-1716-May-1716-May-1712-Jun-1712-Jun-1719-Jun-1719-Jun-1719-Jun-1719-Jun-1719-Jun-1726-Jun-1715-Aug-17 ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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