Texas Tech University

HIST 2301: Lecture Outline? Sean P. Cunningham, Ph.D.“America and World War II: Part I”IsolationismContext – 1930sglobal depressionJapan, Germany, Italy = imperialistic expansionPublic Opinionmid-1930s: 70% = “US involvement in WWI a mistake”Neutrality Acts (1935-39)1) prevents selling weapons to belligerent nations2) prevents loans to belligerent nations3) “Cash & Carry” trade1939-401941: Lend-Lease ActUS Navy “escorting” British Shipsundeclared war in North Atlantic“I am perfectly willing to mislead and tell untruths if it will help win the war.” – FDR, 19421941US-Japan economic relations deteriorateDec. 7Dec. 8Dec. 11Economic Impact1939US Armed Forces: 1.5 MUS GNP: $89 B1945US Armed Forces: 16 MUS GNP: $211 BTotal Cost = $304 B (approx.. $4.3 T in 2021 $)federal spendingfederal budgetPaying for Warwar bonds = $135 Btaxes: highest marginal rate = 94%1943: payroll, withholding taxes:Development of the WestCaliforniaStaging Ground for PTOMilitary and Industrial Expansion = $40 BUS Navy: (SD, LA, SF)USMC: Camp Pendleton (SD)aviation / shipbuilding (SF, LA):580,000 new jobs1944: LA becomes nation’s #2 industrial hub (behind Detroit)New Defense Industries, Bases = Population GrowthTexas1942: PantexAmarilloFederal Defense Contracts:Jesse “Jesus” H. Jonesaviation construction:Garland, Grand PrairieFort WorthBell HelicopterConsolidated Vultee Aircraft Corporation38,000 employeeslater: “General Dynamics”later: “Lockheed Martin”Notable TexansChester Nimitz – Chief Naval Commander, PTOAudie Murphy – most decorated soldier in US historyOveta Culp Hobby – commander, Women’s Army CorpsDwight Eisenhower – commander, SHAEFTexas A&MPOW - Camps (21):50,000 Axis POWs (mostly German)3 Japanese Internment CampsLaborWar Industriesheavy demand for workershigh paying jobsWomen as % of workforce1941: 24%1945: 36%1942: Bracero ProgramUS agreement w/ Mexicogoal = fill ag-worker shortageRace WarPopular PerceptionsPearl Harbor = “sneak attack”Japanese = “untrustworthy”“disloyal”Racialized PropagandaExecutive Order 9066118,000 (62% Nisei)Jewish AmericansAfrican AmericansSummaryDespite global unrest, most Americans hoped to avoid involvement in another major foreign war. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor changed everything.Prior to World War II, the United States did not traditionally maintain a sizeable Armed Forces. The sudden need to mobilize the largest and most powerful military in U.S. history forced the federal government to spend billions of dollars, most of it through contracts with privately owned manufacturing industries that had been dormant for much of the 1930s.In short, the massive federal spending necessary to wage and win World War II effectively ended the Great Depression, established what would later be called a “military-industrial complex.” It also reshaped states like California and Texas, putting those states on a path of growth that continues today. Finally, the war also dramatically affected women and minorities, and in many cases inspired new civil rights activism. ................

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